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Friday, July 26, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  ( )
Theme bedroom [it has black and white graphics, with Byzantium accents] ( )
Theme bedroom [it's a fun comic book style]( )


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

If you're not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?
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Leah has said that her job keeps her up until 5AM on the daily, so she is usually the last one in bed this season.


Quinn starts by giving Leah a hard time about her eviction vote. He claims he was trying to get her attention to vote Matt, but she would not look at him. She asks if the whole house was in on it, and he confirms (minus Lisa which no one considers being with the house). Quinn says he tried really hard to win HoH because he wanted to get closer to Leah, "I thought maybe then I could talk to you more and then make you fall in love with me." He apologizes to Leah for his terrible flirt game and asks if he should stop flirting with her. She says it's fun, but she thought they were already just working together. Quinn claims that Leah is working some massive alliance in the house "and you are gaming me." She denies saying the only thing she had ended today (MJ/MATT), and he will see when he watches back that she plays a slow game. Leah tells Quinn he is Jedi minding her when he tells her that everyone likes her. Quinn says he thought Leah was working with him but then he noticed she was talking with everyone else, so he knew she had something else.

Leah: I talk with everyone so I can sus everyone out, and now I know enough about people to make decisions. I can't help that I'm a connector. (She really is, y'all!)

Quinn continues to press Leah for her alliances. She continues to deny but does admit that she and Lisa have agreed to protect each other. Quinn says he can't work with that because no one wants to work with Lisa. 


They go through all of the HGs to see where they stand with each.

Leah says the next target is an easy Angela. They love and want to work with T'kor and Kimo. Leah says she and Brooklyn have said they will look out for each other. Quinn says Cam is a threat, but they both like Cam a lot. They are cautious with Cedric. Quinn told Leah to be careful with what she says around Cedric. Kenney asked Leah for a final 2, but she did not respond. They did, however, agree to not go after each other this week. They both like Chelsie, but Leah claims Chelsie rarely talks to her. They both love Tucker. Quinn says Tucker is his competition because he wants to date Leah. They really like Joseph and Rubina. Quinn asks her about MJ, and Leah replies, "Well, she made her bed." They agree Angela is the main target.


Leah promises to begin talking game today after Quinn points out that everyone claims Leah is great to talk with but never talks game.  They solidify they will form an alliance including Quinn, Leah, T'kor and Kimo with Brooklyn on the outer edge. Quinn says they should form an alliance of 3 with Brook. After a lot of flirting and testing each other, Leah and Quinn "lock in"  a final 2  (even though Leah is adamant she can not win against Quinn) which they name "Snoots." Leah asks why he is so snooty. Quinn responds that he harbors resentment that Leah said curly headed players win Big Brother. Quinn goes through all past winners and says none are curly headed. 

Leah: You are getting snooty

[They are having a lot of fun with this Final 2 name. -ML]


6:05AM BBT

Leah friend-zoned Quinn, but he warned her that she will, inevitably, fall in love with him. They finally go to bed knowing they will probably be back up in a few hours.








6:17AM BBT

The BB26 house is dark with sounds of snoring HGs

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7:21AM BBT

The HGs are still sleeping



7:44AM BBT

Joseph is out of bed in the Futuristic bedroom. He puts on a hoody then crawls back in bed. (must be really cold in the house)

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8:20AM BBT: We still have snoring sleepers in the BB House.


8:42AM BBT

Kenney is up for the loo then heads to make coffee. 


8:47AM BBT

Kenney has actually gone back to bed nixing the coffee idea.


Cam is up and doing a morning workout.

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9:00AM BBT

Kenney is back out of bed.


9:03AM BBT

WBRB for "Wakey, Wakey, Houseguests"


9:18AM BBT

The feeds return to the HGs moving about the house.

Leah is talking with Lisa, MJ, and Rubina in the HNR about how she "will be clocking the fuck in today" because she was totally blindsided last night when somebody told her that she sold out her game by siding with Matt. "Nobody told me anything because they assumed I was working with Matt. Two people came up to me, who I trust, and told me 'Matt'.....I won week one walking into this house. I am not out."


The girls are confused.

Leah says it was a 'Watch your back' kind of talk and she had been waiting to side with anyone until she got to know people. "I'm not afraid to say, if you are threatened by me, I am going fucking hard. I have not given up!"

9:25AM BBT

In the HoHR, Chelsie is talking with Brooklyn, T'kor, Cam, Quinn and Cedric. They are discussing the power.

Brooklyn: I don't think Lisa has it. If she said she would use it this week, she lied. 

Chelsie: She definitely voted for Matt, unless Rubina

They all answer that in no way was it Rubina.

Now they are discussing nominations.


Chelsie is having a hard time deciding who the third nom should be after Angela and Lisa. She is asking for help deciding.

Cam says he would like to keep Kenney around "just because."

Quinn suggests she hold one-on-ones and then just say 'these are three names I heard the most.'

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They all settle on Angela, Lisa and Kenney. They also agree that Lisa has no self awareness that she gets under people's skin. Cam asks, "Who should be the replacement nom?"

Brooklyn: This is what gets the least blood on our hands. 

They decide MJ will be the replacement.

Chelsie: I think she has the Power Up

They all feel strongly that Kenney would go over MJ.

They discuss Leah and how they want to get her on their side.

Brooklyn: She is the only one that could have the Power Up.

Chelsie: She has an alliance with Matt, MJ and Lisa, but now that is broken up.

Cam agrees to talk with Leah and see if she has the Power Up.

Cedric says the only issue he sees arising is that MJ is a good player, so people may want to work with her (in the future). "Same thing with Leah. She is really sociable."

They discuss how important it is to make sure throughout the game they avoid having 3 of them (their alliance) on the block together. Discussion turns back to Lisa being "snakey."

Chelsie: I am trying to make a decision that is best for us.

Cedric says the need to snag a person like the Cookout did (that was Tiffany's strategy for each of the alliance members to pair up with an outsider).

They decide to slowly begin leaving HoHR and re"collect" after veto. MJ comes in to get the HoH's coffee order.

MJ: Mad respect for Have-Nots.

She has  a new respect.

Cam: How did you sleep?

MJ: It was tough, but at least I still get my coffee. (Does she get coffee as a Have Not?)


9:46AM BBT

MJ leaves to get Chelsie's coffee. 

The HOHR doorbell is ringing non-stop. Now it's Angela saying she doesn't know when she has to make her decision, "I'm not gonna beg for my life. I am the easy one to put up there, but if I didn't come up and say 'I'd love to stay" I wouldn't be playing, so I'd love to stay. I don't envy you. I really do want to stay, and I really do want to work with the people in this room. I can't promise I will be on my best behavior because sometimes my emotions are crazy, but I won't freak out on people I care about. Okay, do your thing." Angela leaves.

Chelsie: What did that mean?

Cedric says that he feels she was saying if Lisa trips out, she will trip out, too.

Cedric: She has to kinda play the villain archetype. She realizes out of her two blow-ups, that's the role she has to play.

Chelsie: She said MJ has the power.


9:55AM BBT

Chelsie says she hasn't talked with Leah or Lisa yet.

Cam warns that Leah can finesse.

Chelsie: For my personal game, she scares me.

Cam: She scares me, too, Bro. She is scary for sure. Leah was trying to figure out who had the power, hard. Was that a cover?

Chelsie: It's either her or Lisa.

They have been talking about who has the power. They all agree that it would make no sense for it to be anyone in the Collective unless they want to keep it close to their chest. Quinn says the comp was so hard, so between Leah and Lisa, he feels Lisa was stronger. (He is really good at this!)

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10:01AM BBT

Lisa is talking with Leah in the Unicorn room. Lisa wants to add Tucker or Kimo to their alliance.

Leah: I'm going to talk to people.

Lisa leaves.

Leah: Oh, man oh man oh man. They are trying to get me. (It's true that everyone wants to work with Leah.)

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10:30AM BBT

Joseph, Rubina and Brooklyn comment that the house is so much quieter now with Matt gone. Joseph comments that Matt talked all the time but needed to listen more. He also adds that they all have things they could work on. They laugh about how Leah would tell him to shut the fuck up. 


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10:57 BBT:  Cedric and Angela are talking in the bathroom.  Angela says that if she gets put up then she is going to do what she needs to do to stay in the house.  She says that if people knew her outside of the house they would see a different person.  Talk continues about who could make it to the end.  Angela continues to talk to Cedric about how you have to watch and can already tell who they are (people that will make it to the end).  

11:00 BBT:  Cedric tells Angela that if he had to bet…he bets she wouldn’t go home this week.  Angela shares that she looks in the mirrors at people’s faces as they walk away and reassures Cedric that nobody makes a face after he walks away.  He appreciates her letting him know that and wants to keep their conversation between them.  Angela assures him this will happen. 

11:02 BBT: Feeds cut to WBRB and Kenny and Cam come back on all four cameras talking about how they couldn’t bring clothes with logos on them.  Meanwhile, Cedric exits the bathroom while Angela applies product to her face.  All four cameras are now on Angela as she closes her eyes, takes some deep breaths, and puts away her toiletries.



11:05 BBT:  Angela takes a seat over at the mirrors on the side of the bathroom and darkens up her eyebrows.  Production makes sure to leave two cameras on her.  One as a closeup and one further away.  Angela dots some foundation over her face with her pointer finger and grabs a smaller circular mirror to magnify the details reflected back to her.  The foundation dots get rubbed in before she grabs what looks like makeup remover towelettes.  She wipes it over her eyes…likely to remove previous day eyeliner or perhaps an over application of foundation.  To be continued…cameras have moved again.


11:09 BBT: Makensy and T’Kor are chatting in the kitchen while Kenny, Cam, and Tucker are working out outside.  Leah walks through the kitchen area letting the girls talk together.  Makensy talks about how she’s a team player..she’s fine…she’s gonna be okay…neck hurts, but other than that she’s going to talk to people one on one to see where they’re at.  As a side note it looks like she’s frothing something for her morning coffee.  Angela walks to through the kitchen without engaging in conversation.


11:13 BBT:  Lisa walks down the stairs and joins the girls to grab her overnight oats from the fridge.  Meanwhile, the guys are still working out and talking about lemonade tea…the brown one…it’s really not bad.  Tucker said he thought it was going to taste like trash.

11:15 BBT: Makensy and T’Kor are debating what to wear outside.  They mention how one of the guys (didn’t pick up who) has shorts that are shorter than any of the shorts she brought to the house.  Angela has taken a seat on the couch in the living room (likely still listening to the girls talk) and is putting on her earrings as Cedric walks by.  The ladies go into the kitchen and tell Angela that she looks good in orange and that orange is her color.  Angela’s facial expression doesn’t change.


11:18 BBT: The cameras turn up the mic on Tucker and Kenney outside.  They are shouting out to Chelsea’s family.  Makensy asks T’Kor if she can take a coffee that she made up to Chelsea.  She does.  Makensy brings her coffee into the bathroom and sets it on the sink while she talks to Cedric.  Kennedy and Tucker are talking about Brooklyn and how she could be good at comps.  Tucker says that he is super dyslexic and him and Kenney talk about being there for each other in the future.  They seem to be forming a bond.


11:21 BBT:  Angela and Quinn are talking in the hallway downstairs between the living room and the bedroom area and so a silent cheer.  She tells Quinn that he has some really essentric clothing and wonders where he gets them.  They then talk about how the turf gets really hot.  Angela has turf at home and the dogs stay off of it.  


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11:24 BBT:  Quinn and Angela both talk about how they are food motivated.  When Angela closes a real estate deal she gets steak and potatoes.  They walk into the kitchen area where Quinn complains that he doesn’t smell good.  Angela assures him that he smells fine and then starts tidying up the kitchen counter before looking out the sliding door into the backyard.  She stands there and ponders for a second before going out and talking about how hot it is before taking a whiff of the air.  Everyone compliments her too where she replies “thank you” each time.


11:28 BBT:  Joseph and Chelsea are talking in the HOH room.  Chelsea says, “Kenny is the easy one…he asked me to put him up.  Angela…but she said with multiple of us in the room that whatever you do you do, but I can’t promise that I won’t be mad.”  Wait…isn’t that kind of a different way of saying what Matt said to her?  Chelsea says that Kenny, Lisa, and Leah haven’t talked to her.  Chelsea says that Angela isn’t her target.  Cedric comes out of the bathroom and they double-check that he sprayed.

11:31 BBT: Joseph suggests to keep Angela around because he doesn’t think that she would put any of them up (Chelsea, him, or Cedric), at least not initially.  Chelsea says that Leah scares her because she has refused to talk to her.  Joseph says that it should make it easy then to put up Leah and that Makensy is going for Angela’s neck.  He trusts Cam as well, but reassures Chelsea that he has her back with whatever decision she makes and then leaves the room.  

11:35 BBT:  Cedric shares with Chelsea that Angela told him earlier that she would do his dirty work since she’s already the villain.  Chelsea is worried about the repercussions of putting up Angela and wants to talk to her in the HOH room.  She is going to go and find Angela, but Cedric stops her to rehearse what she should say to her when she sees her.

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11:40 BBT:  The doorbell rings and in walks Joseph.  He forgot his bowl of cereal and is going back downstairs to get it.  Chelsea and Cedric keep talking about Angela.  Chelsea thinks that she’s a wildcard.  

11:43 BBT:  Brooklyn and Rubina are whispering in the unicorn room and then do a dance for the camera.  They think that they might regret doing that.  Conversation turns to T’kor’s British accent and Kiki’s “yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah”.  Chelsea still hasn’t left the HOH room and is still going over with Cedric the best way to approach Angela.



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11:47 BBT:  Kiki, Lisa, Angela, T’Kor, and Quinn (via shower) are all talking in the bathroom area about everything that has happened over the course of the week.  Not a lot of game talk happening.



11:56 BBT:  Rubina rings the doorbell to the HOH room.  Meanwhile, Makensy and Brooklyn are talking in the unicorn room about Chelsea.  Brooklyn wanted to win HOH, but said that there are two powers left and she thinks that Lisa has one.  Lisa walks into the room (as one would on BB when talking about them).  They comment on Lisa’s outfit.  It’s cute.  She walks out and back in again.  

11:59 BBT:  In the HOH room Rubina and Chelsea are talking.  Talking about Angela…. Chelsea shares that Angela said that if she gets put up she can’t promise that she won’t be bad.  DING DONG!  In walks Lisa.

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12:01 BBT:  Lisa asks if Chelsea has 10 minutes.  She says yes and that people are starting to make their rounds up to her.  She tells Chelsea that she is really proud of her for winning.  Chelsea looks up at the tv while Lisa talks and tells her that it was an accident.  DING DONG!  Cedric walks in and Chelsea asks for 10 minutes.  Lisa says that people are talking that she has the power app and wants to assure her that this is not true.


12:04 BBT:  All cameras cut to the backyard where Makensy and Kenney are talking about whether they think they are safe.  Makensy thinks she is safe with Chelsea this week.

12:06 BBT: In the HOH room Lisa is still talking about how she doesn’t have the power app.  She tells Chelsea that she voted yes to Ainsley because she liked her top and thought that they would get along.  Feeds cut in and out.  Lisa asks Chelsea where her head is at.  Chelsea says she wants to work with people who are level-headed and tell the truth.







12:12 BBT:  Lisa asks Chelsea where she is at.  Chelsea says that she hasn’t talked game much with her so she is a thought, but not the target.  She said that when people don’t talk game with her it makes her a bit nervous and scared. The only thing Chelsea knows for sure is that Makensy is going after Angela.  Lisa is working to clear up misconceptions that she feels Angela set in the house about her.

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12:21 BBT:  Chelsea and Lisa continue talking about this last week and Chelsea seems to agree with and connect with what Lisa is saying.  Lisa assures her that if she is here next week that she will not be on the block.  Chelsea has never been in her head as someone she is going against.  She asks Lisa who she would put up if she were HOH.  Lisa says Angela.


12:22 BBT:  Cameras cut to Quinn and T’Kor in the back kitchen area.  Quinn says he could probably be friends with Lisa outside of the house.  T’Kor is sharing how she thinks Angela is annoying and how she makes everyone uncomfortable.  Quinn says night one everyone was so hype and everyone wanted to work with her.  Then, when he “hitched his wagon” onto her she wasn’t the person from the first night.  Quinn tells T’Kor that he feels like he is connecting more with Cedric and that he needs to relax this week.  They both agree that everything will be okay.

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12:26 BBT:  Kimo and Cedric are talking in the bumper pool area about stuntmen in movies.  Angela is nearby at the chess table chiming in here and there.  Instead of playing chess, she is building a tower with the pieces (maybe practicing for the miniature tweezer challenge? lol). Her tower of glass pieces fall in the glass table and she apologizes to Big Brother.


12:29 BBT:  Lisa and Chelsea are still talking in the HOH room.  Chelsea said she will fill Lisa in with the “common goal” (unclear what it is since WBRB came on), but Lisa appreciates it.  She says she will honor what Chelsea wants to do this week and also in the future if she picks her to play in a comp.  She will then take whoever Chelsea wants on the block, or keep it the same…whatever she wants to do in order to keep blood off of Chelsea’s hand.  DING DONG!!


12:32 BBT:  In walks Kimo.  He asks how Chelsea’s doing and she says it could be better…she doesn’t know what to do.

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12:34 BBT:  Leah and Joseph are talking in the unicorn room.  Leah assures she wasn’t in a showmance and that she’s an independent contractor to herself only.  She also is clarifying that she didn’t make any promises to anyone.  She shares that Kenny told her that if it was him or Matt on the block…to vote for him.

12:37 BBT:  Chelsea tells Kimo in the HOH room that he’s not the target.  He assures her that he has her back in the future.  In walks Angela, but Chelsea needs to pee first.  Angela yawns on the couch.  Chelsea asks from the bathroom who it is and she says, “It’s Angela”. Her response?  Ohhhhhh!!!! Angela!!!


12:39 BBT:  Angela tells Chelsea that Lisa probably just gave her a good story.  She mentions that Cedric sent her up.  She asks Chelsea to put her up first for both games.  She wants to be put up in the beginning so that she has two chances to save herself.  Angela says that she trusts both her (Chelsea) and Rubina and shares that she thinks Lisa has a power.  Chelsea shares with Angela that Lisa said she didn’t have the power.  Angela replies that eeevveerryoonnee knows that she has the power and suggests putting Leah up as a replacement.

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12:52PM BBT

Chelsie's Confessions Day 11: Winning HoH was accident. She says she feels Lisa is straight up lying to her face, and she predicts she will put up Angela, Kenney and Lisa.





MJ rings the bell and enters the HoHR. Chelsie tells her she hasn't told anyone that MJ has the power, but people are speculating it is her or Lisa.

Chelsie tells MJ she does not want her on the block. MJ tells her that if she still has the power after next week, she will use thee power to save one of them.



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