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Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  ( )
Theme bedroom [it has black and white graphics, with Byzantium accents] ( )
Theme bedroom [it's a fun comic book style]( )


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

I was walking past a construction site the other and some guy called me a paranoid little freak, in Morse code, with a hammer.
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[It was hinted to me last year that the Live Feeds would change for Season 26, and, indeed, they have definitely changed for the worst when it comes to live feed updates. In years past, I have been able to capture all 24 hours of the day via the fantastic Live Feed features. Now that rewind, highlight, pause and archive features are no longer available on the Live Feeds, I am limited to updating when I watch live, only.  I will still post when I can, but we will clearly not have succinct story lines without being able to rewind. Now, when this happened to BB Canada (removal of live feed features) the show was inevitably cancelled. Maybe this is a sign of things to come for BB U.S., or maybe not. Who knows. Nevertheless, due to these changes, the enjoyment level of watching the Live Feeds has been significantly diminished for me which also results in diminished interest for the show, overall. -MamaLong]

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8:12AM BBT

Still just sleepers in the BB26 House

8:39AM BBT

T'kor is the first one vertical today. She is in the kitchen straightening things up and filling the Brita pitcher with fresh water for the day..

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T'kor stumbles back to the bedroom but has difficulty seeing in the dark. She gives up and heads back out where Rubina is out of bed heading to the loo.  She joins Rubina in the bathroom for ADLs. They discuss how cold the house is and T'kor says sleeping next to Cam (maybe she said "him" given Cam is in HNR) is rough because he snores. image.jpeg.bc701a061a1b081a44f7318a245f5d26.jpeg


8:48AM BBT

Rubina and T'kor head outside to thaw out. T'kor comments that Brooklyn is amazing at billiards. Rubina pouts a bit then gets affirmation from T'kor, "you're pretty good, too"

Rubina: You don't have to gas me up.

9:06AM BBT

Kenney is now awake and tending to ADLs

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9:56AM BBT

Leah and Angela are in the SR putting on their mics. Leah has joined the froggy voice club, so Angela suggested she get some hot tea.

Kimo and MJ join Leah in the SR. Kimo says he really wants his own bed. MJ says her bed is not made for tall people. Leah offers to set Kimo up with a homemade bed in the HNR. 


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30 minutes ago, CathywithaC said:

Thank you, MamaLong! I noticed a difference right away when you weren’t posting as usual. I appreciate your updates! ☺️

You bet! I'll do my best to post, but I would honestly suggest you follow the RHAP Live Feed Updates and episode recaps for thorough coverage. Morty has been adding them to his BB page, too. 🙂


Lisa is leading a yoga session in the backyard. Only Cam is participating.



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11:14AM BBT

Once the yoga session ends, Cam tells Lisa that it was really great.

They move on to meditation. Lisa prefers meditating while laying down, but Cam prefers sitting up with a straight spine.

Cam leads the meditation session. Once finished they feel sweat dripping down, but it actually ends up that they have ants on them trying to join the Zen. Once finished, they decide to work out later.




11:43AM BBT

There really is no game talk going on, just general chatter in the BB26 house.

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12:34PM BBT

T'kor and Kimo are whispering in the SR. Joseph walks in and tells Kimo he believes in him and knows he will win it (AI Arena)

They join the others in the kitchen where Leah tells Kimo he looks sexy.

Kimo: Stooooop!image.jpeg.bc83643a353850447eb6062510987adb.jpeg



Leah shares her stories of getting hit on in the airport, the gas station and a restaurant. The guys listen, intently. (She isn't bragging, just explaining how bad pick up lines and approaches are just not going to work.)



In the backyard, Lisa is delivering her spiritual journey to Matt and Kenney. Sitting behind the hammock, Angela has Chelsie's ear while she states she has screwed up in the game and doesn't know how to fix it. "I have apologized over and over in every way I can." Angela says she wants to call everyone out, but it won't help.

Angela: It's hard for me, Chelsie, because in my everyday life, everyone loves me.

Chelsie says she feels like everyone in the house feels the same way.




They begin discussing how Lisa thinks she has everyone wrapped around her finger. Their conversation has them settled on Lisa having the power up.



Angela: I feel like he has the whole house, and I just feel very alone right now. That's everything. I just feel very alone. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna cry right now.

Chelsie: I can take it. Do whatever you want.

Angela says she told Matt to find a pawn, and he offered up T'kor or Tucker. "What an asshole."

Angela: I didn't even out him to Kenney. I don't want to be a liar in this game. I really thought about it, Chelsie, but I can't do it. I can only do it to people I don't like, like Matt or MJ.

Chelsie: Play your game. Don't try to force yourself to be someone you're not.

Angela: I've tried to do it. Tried to lie. I fumbled it. I can't lie to people I like. I can't do it. I don't know where your heart is, or if you would believe me, but I think I could lie really good to someone I don't like, and I did that with Matt...I can lie, especially, to someone who is being a schemer.

Chelsie: Yeah

Angela: Right now I feel frickin' gullible. I just don't know how much I can take of her fairy dust around the house (she means Lisa). All I want is him out and then I want her.

Chelsie: Well, I think more people in this house feel the same way. If that means anything. Anybody attached to them is a target. (Matt and Makensy)

Chelsie: Everybody is saying Matt has a crew. Maybe I'm blind, but who is his crew? Maybe Leah.

Angela says Leah is a smart woman and sees through all of it.

Chelsie: If anybody in this house exposes they are coming after Matt and then he takes himself down in AI Arena, he is coming after them, so everyone is being careful with their timing. I think the votes will be surprising and he'll be shocked. You are the first person who said Matt has numbers. I don't think so.


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1:33PM BBT

WBRB fishies have been on the screen for a while now.


1:37PM BBT

The feeds return to the backyard where Angela, Kimo, Rubina, Brooklyn and Chelsie are talking about general things. They all agree they should get laundry done today.image.jpeg.f70d47f8b48a2828fbc11f70dcdfc7de.jpeg


1:40PM BBT

Leah, Quinn and Rubina are in the bedroom talking about staying young by wearing pigtails and skipping for efficiency. [LOL! Maybe I should try that? NOT! -ML]   Leah begins putting pigtails in Quinn's hair. He tells her she is so gentle.image.jpeg.86a5add99f33e4470f3023cab11dff10.jpeg



1:43PM BBT

More WBRB, for what? Who knows, but this is getting old already!


Leah gives Quinn an upside down Y part, and Quinn shouts out his hairstylist, John, saying he may have a new stylist.image.jpeg.dc4220e91bc348c4c05d51a3fa9b8037.jpeg


1:49PM BBT

Chelsie shares with MJ in the kitchen that she gave Angela a pep talk. MJ says Angela has, seemingly, checked out of the game. Matt comes through and begins doing pull ups on the kitchen counter. image.jpeg.c2bc67c111df4c0515d35f1518964ec2.jpeg



1:52PM BBT

More WBRB [and I'll add that another annoyance this season is that there is a camera operator who must have worked stage lights for a dance or ice skating production in a past assignment because the camera is often treated like a spotlight going left then right then up and then down, back to the left and then the right....you get the idea. -ML]

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2:07PM BBT

The WBRB screen fest continues


2:14PM BBT

The feeds return to the guys in the backyard talking about their favorite shows. Last night, Tucker said his dream is to be on SNL. Cam likes Netflix and Hulu. Tucker says he likes HBO. Cam then begins gassing up Paramount +.



Cam adds that YouTube is a favorite for him, "I didn't even know I liked interior design until YouTube suggested it."

Tucker: Yeah, YouTube is the dope.

Tucker tells the guys that Kevin Costner got so pissed with Yellowstone writers that they parted ways and now he is doing his own thing. He shows the guys a tat on his rump and says it's his family's ranch brand. He claims you can see their Angus on Yellowstone with red tags in their ears. Tucker says they sold the ranch and then begins talking about how the new owners threw all the belongings they left in a hole and buried it then built a deck on the top. "Fuck those guys, man"

At this we get a switch of camera views to Joseph and Kimo playing bumper pool in the loft. Angela is sitting up there watching and holding her microphone pack like a cell phone, "I have to pretend I'm holding my phone."


2:24PM BBT

Rubina hears Leah talking in the next room and says she really has a gift since she can talk so much and still not lose her voice. Brooklyn and Angela agree then mock Leah a bit, in a loving way, with speed talk.


2:33PM BBT

WBRB, again 

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2:40PM BBT

The feeds return to Angela, Rubina and Brooklyn chatting in the loft and hoping the women continue winning things.




2:44PM BBT

In the backyard, Lisa is talking about how she met Schmidt from New Girl. She then talks to Winston, "I'm sorry I was so crazy...I was that girl."

Matt and Kenney add that they love Gilmore Girls and Friday Night Lights.

Television chatter continues in the backyard then Quinn asks BB to please give them paint ball guns, "We'll be careful."image.jpeg.ace2e63bc04704617625e777910dcb33.jpeg


2:52PM BBT

Cedric heads up to the loft and Chelsie intentionally bumps into him.

Cedric: Yo! Abuse! Somebody clip that.

He then notices Angela is sitting there looking sad.

Cedric: Mama, you okay?

Angela: Yeah, I'm just tired.

Cedric: You sure? I'm here if you want to talk.

Angela: I know that about you. That's so sweet. Thank you for that.

Cedric: I mean it. Let me know.

Cedric heads back downstairs

Angela: He is so cute!



2:55PM BBT

Leah is cooking up lunch in the kitchen.image.jpeg.647d29174071c0ca21c10e0d80242c62.jpegimage.jpeg.16a2eb77e3cd5b5d445ff4b0e1835f20.jpeg


3:00PM BBT

Quinn shares with the backyard crew that he wasn't able to bring his checkered Vans into the house because production said they are too recognizable. "I wear those every day!"image.jpeg.f9ffdde74acebc2b1077af4f94025a12.jpeg



3:07PM BBT

Leah explains her dish as bits of cooked tuna placed on top of crispy rice. She says it is a Miami staple. Angela says she has never eaten anything like it and can't wait to try it. Cam tells Leah he is heading to Miami soon and wants a great Mexican spot recommendation. "And I want ambiance."

Leah: Mexican? Give me a second....You know, I could give you a better LA recommendation.

Angela: Me, too.

Cam: What?

Angela: El Floridita 

[It's actually really great Cuban food! -ML]


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3:27PM BBT

There is a lot of talk in the kitchen between Kimo, Angela and Cam about Game of Thrones and the bad ending. Cam is craving a true ending to that story, preferably with John on the throne.image.jpeg.ae598a375dfdddebc4d5e3adbc377f63.jpeg

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3:55PM BBT

Tucker and Brooklyn are chatting in the loft about Kenney and how Tucker told him he wants to keep him here as long as he can. Brooklyn agrees.image.jpeg.65b2715ed1e6c5696b1d31f218464957.jpeg


3:56PM BBT

WBRB still popping in and out a lot today


4:04PM BBT

Ah! I just realized through conversations that Have-Nots ended last night.


4:05PM BBT

Back to WBRB

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4:29PM BBT

In the bathroom, Rubina, Matt and Cam are talking about the AI Arena and what the comp could be. They decide it must be a mental comp since it has to be fast. (They have been told it will be live on Thursday.)



4:54PM BBT

Rubina and Tucker are building a fort in the backyard using comforters. 

BB tells Tucker, No!


Tucker is trying to organize another game of hide and go seek.

Tucker: We could play Mafia, too.

Cam: Bets


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6:30PM BBT

Angela has been talking with Kenney in the backyard


Kenney feels like Angela prevented a big alliance from forming, "but I could be wrong. 7 days is a long time."

Angela: I would love nothing more than for you to win it, come back in that house and put my ass on the block. I would much rather it be you.

Kenney: Time will tell

Angela: Good talk! Thanks for talking!


WBRB, again


6:44PM BBT

Kimo is campaigning to Joseph in the bathroom. Joseph tells him he does not want to see him go home.  image.jpeg.048186591374c5782e0fc58006a08b00.jpeg




6:46PM BBT

A lot of the HGs are gathering in the kitchen for general chatter. Cedric is telling stories about him ordering virgin margaritas "Everyone said it was a froofy fruit loop drink. I don't ever go to the bar. I don't know what to drink. I don't even know what a fruit loop drink is."image.jpeg.7ef3d88e4a8d5e6a04581e7988ec6a00.jpeg

MJ tells a story of being at the bar and drinking College Station style (involving school rings dropped in the beer glass) and chugging beers, "I chugged 4 beers."


6:51PM BBT

Angela is talking with Lisa in the backyard. It sounds somewhat like an interrogation. 

Lisa: I am not with anyone, Angela.

Angela: Okay, well you were putting your head on MJ and....but anyway, I want to thank you for the talk in the bathroom because I really needed it. I was in a bad space, so thank you. I thought you were my person but then I realized I was not yours. (because she doesn't talk with her anymore)

Lisa: Well, I am not with anyone right now. I have just been having conversations with everyone.

Angela: Matt thinks he has you wrapped around his finger.

Lisa: No one has me wrapped around their finger. I am a big girl. I can think for myself and make my own decisions.

Angela: I mean it just looks like that. (Angela is getting paranoid, again, by implying that people were talking to Lisa about her and tarnishing her reputation, but Lisa is avoiding that topic) You talked to everyone but me.

Lisa: I didn't talk to you yesterday because I was drained.


Angela asks Lisa, again, if people have been talking about her (Angela) and tarnishing things between them. Lisa says no one is tarnishing anything between them but it is no longer good for her game to be a part of that.

Angela: By that, you mean me?

Lisa: Yes. I'm sorry.


WBRB, of course

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