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Monday, July 22, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  ( )
Theme bedroom [it has black and white graphics, with Byzantium accents] ( )
Theme bedroom [it's a fun comic book style]( )


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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink, it turns out it was the refrigerator.
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1:52PM BBT


Lisa is talking with Matt in the backyard.

Lisa: She made her bed

Matt begins talking about Live Feeds and we get WBRB




BB Season 26 WBRB Screen









Lisa tells Matt that regardless of the narrative "me working with her" that she is playing her OWN game. "My game is my game." She wants that narrative to stop.

Matt asks Lisa how he could help her. She bounces the question back to him.

Lisa: Given you are on the block. Drink your electrolytes. You have to play your game. If we can shut down whatever narrative...that needs to be shut down. (She = Angela)"

Lisa reminds Matt that Angela was messing with his game too.

Matt tells her that he will just send people her way if they ask him about her.



2:08PM BBT

Lisa says people are planting seeds in his mind "because none of this happened. They are planting seeds because they see me as a strong player. They want to manipulate you. This rumor is crazy. Don't mess up my game.

Matt: What would be best for you?

Lisa: Drop it! Drop it!

Matt: Okay, we will drop it. Someone said that but I don't know.

Lisa: Think of who thinks I have the power of veto

Matt: People didn't know if you voted yes or no 

Lisa: Keep my name out of your mouth, Matt. You asked how you can help me....just be transparent. Come talk to me. Think about it, I am doing well. Someone is trying to plant seeds in your head. I have been nothing but transparent. I have been nothing but real. I have played my own game. I have fought to be here. I have handled my own things honestly, respectfully and passionately. I do not have the upgrade! Who is saying that. Those seeds eventually are going to fuck with your game. Angela played dirty with you. Whoever talked to you who you think you can trust is playing dirty with you.

Matt: Would you give me your vote this week?

Lisa: I have no idea.

Matt: What would it take?

Lisa: Drop this fucking narrative. Who do you want to work with? What's your idea?

Matt says he is trying to have as many conversations as possible to figure out everyone's character.

Lisa: I hope you are not trying to work me and mess with my mind. I don't think either of you have numbers. She set a tone in the house of like Angela's side and your side. That didn't even exist.

"Who is playing that messy game right now? You remember.

Matt: I swear I don't 

(Matt is trying to remember who it was that told him Lisa had the power.)

Lisa: I want to state the truth of what I want and then I don't want that circulating around the house.

Matt: If you hear it around the house, you'll know it was coming from me. You can play the game. You can just be honest. If it got around that you want Kenney to go home, then...

Lisa: I don't want to say who I would vote for. You are not on my mind as someone to single out.

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2:26PM BBT

Lisa tells Matt straight up to keep her name out of his mouth and play a clean game. "DId you really have someone tell you this, or is this your narrative?"

Matt assures her he heard it from someone and says he felt weird about it and wanted to know why she didn't allow him to play in the veto.

Lisa: For me, it had nothing to do with Angela. I made all my decisions based on what I want.

Matt: You not picking me to play showed everyone that...

Lisa: Matt, no. I wanted a girl up there. It had no premeditative anything. Nothing. If you had wanted to go up I would have needed a conversation ahead of time. We were in the storage room the first night and you told me you are gonna vote the way Angela votes.

Matt: Yeah, I did say that.

Lisa: So from that...

Matt: But in my mind it was the vibe that... I hear you. I hear you.


Lisa: Don't fucking blindside me again this week. It's been a fucking hard week.

Matt: I was like, whatever Lisa does is gonna show where she is aligned. You didn't pick me. I feel like and everybody knew that I needed to go fight for the veto

Lisa: Nobody talked to me about this

Matt: If I didn't win the veto I would go on the block, and look what happened.

Lisa: And you think I didn't want the veto? This is crazy. Don't you think I wanted to protect myself. I literally wanted another girl and to stay out your shit.

Matt: I wasn't going to automatically win I would have just had the opportunity.

Lisa: That's not how I make decisions. You needed to have a conversation.


Matt and Lisa continue to bicker over why she didn't pick him to play veto and that a narrative is going around the house that someone told Matt Lisa has a power and is not aligned with him. [Matt is digging a pretty big grave here. -ML]


2:38PM BBT



2:40PM BBT

Matt tells Lisa he is moving forward this week thinking he does not have her vote. Lisa tells him she is not trying to vote him out.

Lisa: Here is the thing. We can't change what happened. I didn't know that me picking power of veto would change things in the house, but do not even think of what you just told me. None of that happened. I was thinking of my own game. I wasn't thinking there are sides. I am trying to stay neutral. My intention was to stay out of it, it was not my intention to sabotage your game. It is not even a thought that would cross my mind. I was thinking I need to protect myself so I picked Brooklyn. She had made a joke that she would play and I hadn't even thought of my decision. I wanted to stay out of it. If there is something you need or you want I need you to communicate directly.

Matt: I see it.

Lisa: I did not know your intention.

Matt: That's fair.

Lisa: I was not trying to be on anyone's side.




Lisa: If you want to work with me, that's what I need.

Matt: That's fair.




2:51PM BBT

Leah is telling Kimo his costume will probably be a gladiator or something. Kimo laughs about possibly wearing a toga. Leah says he will have to do the limbo in his toga. image.jpeg.6fb75453d8789f83b4dca18ca0015ad3.jpeg


T'kor and Kimo decide to go do a light workout on the bikes.

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 4:16PM BBT

Lisa is whispering with Kimo in the loft. She tells him she wants him to stay "My ideal would be you or Matt against Kenney and you stay." Angela is listening around the corner in front of the HoHR.




In the HNR, Quinn directly addresses the Live Feeders saying that everyone is at war in the house, and he can't believe that such public fights are breaking out already, equating it to underground fight clubs. He says the fights give him heartburn and he can't believe Kenney is just laying down to die for Matt claiming, "That's my boy." He heads outside to "get burned so my skin matches my heart."



4:24PM BBT

In the backyard, the Texas gals (Makensy and Brooklyn) are chatting about donuts. Makensy, also called "MJ" tells Brooklyn the best donuts are Round Rock Donuts in Austin [They originated in Round Rock which is just north of Austin]   "they are world famous" [MJ is right. Those orange donuts are the best I have ever had. -ML] They also discuss kolaches and how so many people have no clue what they are and it always blows them away when people call them pig in a blanket (totally different thing).




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5:37PM BBT

Matt campaigns to T'kor in the backyard to keep him. She says she will go wherever the house is leaning, "The most ideal situation is, potentially, you winning."

Matt: Yeah. Like if they throw it. I don't know. The worst case scenario is that I don't win. Did you play Yes?

T'kor: I said no

Matt: You said no

T'kor: Yeah and I have no clue either. Obviously Cedric doesn't have it.

Matt: Lisa says she doesn't have it. That leaves Quinn.

T'kor: I said no because in my mind we didn't need another young one in the house. Like I don't think that would help me.

Matt laughs and agrees with her.


5:44PM BBT

In the backyard, Kenney and Cedric are talking about a previous houseguest that told all of the HGs he hated all of them and he still got to stay. They can't remember his name [I think they are talking about Zach Rance?  -ML]  



5:55PM BBT

Kimo and Brooklyn are playing bumper pool in th loft. Brooklyn asks Kimo about his dating situation. He explains that the queer dating pool is small. He was closeted for a long time and a lot of people he has had "entanglements with" have been, too. She asks if his family supports him. He says he loves his family and they love him, but they agree to disagree.


5:58PM BBT

In the HNR, Quinn is showing Cedric is "Sunnies" (sunglasses) collection and offers up any of them he may want to wear other than the white rimmed ones which Quinn wants to wear






6:06PM BBT

Brooklyn shares with Kimo that she could not ever imagine not supporting her children if they were to come-out to her and her husband.

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6:07PM BBT

In the bathroom, Rubina and Cam do a quick check in.

Rubina: Best case scenario?

Cam: Kimo wins.

Rubina: Yeah

They quickly exit the bathroom and join the others in the kitchen.


In the backyard, MJ tells Leah that she just got a great nap. Leah jumps up and gives Makensy a big hug. MJ swings her around and Kenney teases them that they are an item.

MJ: I know. She claims she is into a chubby hubby but really she like a tall lanky 22 year old.

Leah tells MJ that she comes off as much older.

MJ: I feel I am like a solid 24.

Leah claims, "I'm a cougar"


6:18PM BBT

Leah and Kenney are talking about family in the backyard.image.jpeg.b7d4ed5358445532251dc614e2a68280.jpeg


6:20PM BBT

In the kitchen, Lisa is telling Joseph, Quinn and Tucker a story about a time when she had just been broken up with and hiding away in her apartment for a while but needed to get out of the depression so she went to a gym to stir up some dopamine. She grabbed a medicine ball and started slamming it to the ground but it hit her in the mouth on the way back up and she ended up in an ambulance after severely biting her tongue. Lisa gets called to the SR to change her microphone, so she tells the boys to watch her medicine ball. MJ walks through and pretends to steal it. The boys successfully defend the medicine ball on Lisa's behalf.image.jpeg.551ffd32614ef6a6e3d8c6dd6b315342.jpegimage.jpeg.3436d1f6f7c0adcfbdadccce262b9424.jpeg

6:28PM BBT

Rubina and Angela are talking in the loft about general life stuff.





6:30 PM BBT

In the kitchen, Quinn and Tucker discuss the vibe in the house and how everyone is annoyed and ill tempered, "even the Gods" (aka production)



They begin making fun of Lisa and how she told Brooklyn she shouldn't eat butter, "but you fucking eat glitter. She has 4 kids and looks like THAT. She is so fit." Quinn says he is pretty sure there is a glitter shortage. "Will someone Google that and get back to me?"


6:35PM BBT

Back in the loft, T'kor, Rubina, Angela, Brooklyn, Joseph and Kimo discuss their "extreme" types (celebrity crushes). T'kor likes athletes. Angela says she likes football players like Travis Kelsey and lives vicariously through him and Taylor Swift. Rubina says Tom Holland. Brooklyn says Anthony Cooper. Kimo says Hugh Jackman. Joseph says Anna Kendrick



6:40PM BBT

Paramount+ just crashed for me, so I am out for the night. -MamaLong

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around 9PM BBT

Tucker was in the kitchen talking openly with one of the guys (out of view for me, but I think it was Kimo) telling him that Brooklyn wants Matt out followed by Lisa.  Tucker makes it seem to be the overall consensus that Matt is target number one.  

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