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Day 1 - Live Feed Recap

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This is an incomplete recap of the last 24 hours (through 9pm BBT). What did you observe that I missed?

Alliances & Strategy:

  • Angela regrets trying to form a massive 9-person alliance.
  • Matt is suspected of building a strong alliance with Joseph (and possibly others).
  • Lisa campaigned for votes, potentially using something to sway Matt to her side.
  • Matt dislikes "floaters" and wants a more active game.


Nominations & Veto:

  • Lisa, Kenny, and Kimo were nominated
  • Lisa is scrambling to secure votes and stay safe.
  • Angela is hesitant to use the veto due to potential fallout.


Side Notes:

  • Kimo, Cam, Quinn, and Tucker are Have Nots
  • Lisa cooks dinner for the houseguests.
  • Kimo feels there's a large alliance but is unsure who's in it.
  • Lisa and Kimo plan to vote for each other (needing 7 more votes).
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