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Big Brother Season 26 - Episode 2 - Premier Night #2

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Eight new Houseguests were ready to join the game, facing the same decision as the first group on night #1, with the introduction of the AI "Houseguest" Ainsley, who asked the loaded question of whether she should be allowed to join the game.


New Houseguests were introduced: Quinn, Brooklyn, Matt, Leah, Cedric, T'kor, Kenney, and Lisa. They were split into two groups and entered the house. Just like the previous night, Ainsley made a plea to the Houseguests, asking them to vote on whether she should join the game. This time, Matt expressed suspicion about her "surf shop" job considering her futuristic attire. The votes revealed more No votes than the night before, denying her plea 6-2.


As was the case on night one, the two HG who voted to let Ainsley in competed in an Upgrade competition, while the remaining HG competed in a Downgrade competition. The winner of the Upgrade competition would receive a significant advantage, while the loser of the Downgrade competition would receive a severe disadvantage.


The Upgrade competition involved moving large plugs from one side of a rotating box to the other, and each plug had a different type of connector. The Downgrade competition required moving discs along a curvy track on a glass wall into 4 slots using only their face. If they dropped the disc into the wrong slot or touched the disc or wall with their hands or arms, they would have to start over. After 3 drops, they were out.


The winners of the two Upgrade competitions were Makensy and Quinn, but their names were not revealed to the rest of the house. One of them will become the Deepfake HoH, and the other will receive America's Veto. More will be revealed about these advantages on Sunday.


The losers of the Downgrade competitions were Chelsie and Cedric. They are unable to compete for HoH or Veto, but can still be nominated and evicted.


Finally, the Houseguests from both nights were brought together and the BBAI House was full.

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