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Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme Contest

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The Morty’s TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme Contest!

Morty’s TV knows you can’t get enough of the Big Brother Season 26 Live Feeds – you watch them, you read about them, you follow our real-time updates on Facebook and Twitter, take screencaps, and you discuss them on the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and the Morty’s TV Facebook group. And you definitely let us know what you think about Big Brother, the Houseguests, and the season.


This summer, Morty’s TV is giving you the opportunity to merge your love of Live Feed screencaps and your highly creative comments in the Morty’s TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme Contest. We want you to capture live feed screen images and turn them into memes. We collect and post them to the TV Fan Forums, and then Morty will pick his favorite meme each Eviction Night and post it to the Live Feed Coverage Page at http://mortystv.com/bb as the Morty’s TV Big Brother Season 26 Meme of the Week.


What’s A Meme?

A meme is an image with a few witty words written on it. Remember the old “Hang On, Friday’s Coming” cat poster?  That was a pre-internet meme. Today’s memes are digital images and are often used to express humorous thoughts, social commentary, and biting satire.


How Do I Enter?

Take your live feed screenshots (how you get them is up to you but please make sure they are your own. or images we post to the TV Fan Forums, MortysTV.com, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter) and turn them into memes. No “borrowing” images from others. Be creative but be clean. No nudity. No politics. No racist, vulgar, or offensive language. No insulting, intimidating, or bullying. Inappropriate memes will not be considered.


Once you have your meme, post it to the Morty’s TV Facebook wall at http://facebook.com/mortystv, to the Morty’s TV Group at http://facebook.com/groups/mortystv, or tag @mortystv on X. Please use the #BB26MEMES hashtag to ensure our attention is flagged. You can also email your memes to mortystv.memes@gmail.com or post your memes directly to the Morty’s TV Fan Forums & Chat at:




Morty’s TV now has Instagram and Threads accounts where you can follow MortysTV and share your meme entries:


https://instagram.com/mortystv/                 https://threads.net/mortystv/


On each Eviction Day, Morty will select his favorite meme from the past week to feature as the Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme of the Week on our famous Big Brother Live Feed Coverage Page at:



At the end of the season, one of these featured memes will win the Grand Prize of a T-Shirt from Morty’s TV as the Meme of the Season!

Remember, posting a meme to our Facebook wall or group, sharing with MortysTV on Instagram, tagging the @mortystv Twitter stream, sending by email or by posting to the Morty’s TV Fan Forums implicitly grants Morty’s TV free and unrestricted license to use your meme in any way allowed by applicable law.


You must be identifiable and accessible through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email or a member of the Morty’s TV Fan Forums & Chat to be selected as the Morty’s TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme of the Week or to receive the grand prize at the end of the season.


When posting a meme directly to the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme Contest thread on the Morty’s TV Fan Forums & Chat, please use a link to a publicly accessible online photo cloud storage location. Visit the Morty’s TV Fan Forums & Chat often to check out the latest memes and post your comments. But remember, all posts are subject to the “good conduct” rules of the forums.  


Creating Memes

If you need help in creating your meme, here are a couple of online free-to-use meme-making tools you can use:

·         http://www.mememaker.net

·         http://www.quickmeme.com/caption

·         https://imgflip.com/memegenerator             

·         http://memegenerator.net

·         http://www.memecreator.org/


If you need a way to host your meme image in the cloud, you can use the free site:  http://postimage.org  


Or feel free to use your own method. Please resize images to 640x480 (Message Board) to make the memes easier to handle.


Please to not use AI tools to create memes.


Note: Morty’s TV has not reviewed and does not endorse these website tools. All meme images will be watermarked with the Morty’s TV logo.


What makes A Good Meme?

A good meme tells a story. Try to limit your meme to 3 or 4 words per line and 2-3 lines per image. Use a white font at a reasonable size to make sure your meme is easy to read but the image remains visible. The best memes use images that focus on a single or a couple of subjects. Here is an example:




So, what are you waiting for? Enter the Morty’s TV Big Brother Season 26 Live Feed Meme Contest today and as often as you like during the Big Brother Season 26 season. Your meme might just catch Morty’s eye and be featured as the Meme of the Week!

Please email mortystv.memes@gmail.com if you have any questions.


Note: Morty’s TV Volunteers and anyone associated with or partnering with Morty’s TV may enter the contest but are not eligible to win the Meme of the Week or Meme of the Season.

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