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Matt Hardeman (evicted 7/25)

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Matt Hardeman

  • Age: 25

  • Hometown: Loganville, Georgia

  • Current city: Roswell, Georgia

  • Occupation: Tech sales rep

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10 hours ago, RosieJun said:

I was sorry to see him go, but it really doesn't have anything to do with his looks.  He just seems like a genuinely nice person.  

I agree he seems like a very nice young man.  Angela, on the other hand, seems like a bully and I hope she is out next.

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  • Dade changed the title to Matt Hardeman (evicted 7/25)

Matt did not understand how to play the game.  He did not even watch all the other seasons.  If he would have spent more time on his social game than flirting with MJ, he would be still in the game.  Big Brother 101 tell you not to get into a showmance and he did it after three days. 

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I think the possibility of a showmance was in the making but in some ways, they were pushed together by Angela who insinuated from the start that it was there. For me, it's not a showmance if no lips are touching. Other than some silly pillow talk, there really wasn't anything there. Certainly no indication that they would vote as a team, which is the threat that showmances mostly imply. And his friendship with Makensy certainly did not limit his ability to connect with the other Houseguests.


I don't think you can blame Matt's eviction on anything he did or did not do. I think it lands squarely on the shoulders of Angela, whose paranoid HoH fantasies saw threats and "crazy eyes" in the shadows. With Angela being perceived as out-of-control, associating with Matt would just further risk chaos and discomfort in the house, which made it even harder for Matt to establish connections. One week is just not much time, especially when you are put on your heals right at the start and forced to play a defensive game.

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I kind of disagree, Fuskie.  Angela was apologizing, but Matt couldn't hear it. He was so sure she wanted to put him on the block. Julie quoted the weak threat he made which was unnecessary, especially before the nomination.  Had he just accepted her apology, and later thanked her for not putting him on the block, he may have not been evicted.

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Maybe. Or maybe he did accept her apology but was trying to convey that each HG's position in the game is precarious and such comments, even if not meant maliciously, could have consequences. In that framing, he was trying to help her by explaining that someone who was not as forgiving as he was could take such a comment and turn it against her. In this telling, it was Angela who mistook his constructive criticism as a threat. 


Given that Angela seemed to be seeing threats around every corner, it could be argued she was predisposed to see Matt's comments as threatening, regardless of his intention.

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