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Angela Murray

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Angela Murray

  • Age: 50

  • Hometown: Long Beach, California

  • Current city: Syracuse, Utah

  • Occupation: Real estate agent

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I thought she and Kenny both wanted to be the mamma/poppa bear in the house. Apparently, she didn't want to share the bed. 

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It's a game.  It's a game. It's a game.  People lie all the time in this game. Angela should know this fact.  Every player in every season has lied to someone in the game.  Why does she feels that everyone needs to tell her the truth.?

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I think Matt did show his true character and it was that of a Southern gentleman raised by his mamma to respect women, to not pick fights, but also to not be picked on.

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49 minutes ago, Fuskie said:

I think Matt did show his true character and it was that of a Southern gentleman raised by his mamma to respect women, to not pick fights, but also to not be picked on.


I think Angela sealed her fate.  

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Angela has no power.  Angela's targets are Kenny, Lisa and MJ.  There is no need to put her on the block unless she agrees to be a pawn.   Always keep the weaker players in the game as long as possible.  It's the same reason why Jag kept Cirie and Felicia in the game to the end.

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And that is the argument that allows controversial BB players remain in the game.  

I think there's another consideration. Chelsie flew mostly under the radar in the first week after the House agreed to not target the two downgraded Houseguests (Chelsie and Cedric) while they had no opportunity to play for Veto. Nevermind that they still could have won the BB Arena battle as original nominees get two chances to save themselves and replacement nominees get a chance for the first time. But their situation allowed them to relax a bit and focus on building social connections. Now in the HoH hot seat, Chelsie could decide to take the easy path and nominate Angela simply to not draw further attention to herself now that she has a comp win under her belt.

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Just remember that the Big Brother house is a unique environment that cannot be replicated in the real world. How they behave in the game is not always indicative of how they live their lives. I make it a point to not judge a person outside the game by how they come across in the game.

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9 hours ago, Fuskie said:

Just remember that the Big Brother house is a unique environment that cannot be replicated in the real world. How they behave in the game is not always indicative of how they live their lives. I make it a point to not judge a person outside the game by how they come across in the game.


I watch BB because human behavior is fascinating to me.  Comparing and contrasting how one behaves in various situations is part of that *for me*.   I've gotta say, your post sounds a bit condescending.  I'll watch BB my way.  You do you. 

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True, Rosie, and I apologize if I sounded condescending since I was only describing my approach, but I would just note that when comparing various situations, we do not know what they were like at home before coming into the game. Our only frame of reference is in the game, from the live feeds, and the edit in the episodes. Often our views of a Houseguest in the game get projected into what their character must be like outside of the game. That is what I try to resist.


I'm more interested in how a HG behaves in different situations in the BB House. If they criticize another HG's reaction to slop or being nominated, how do they behave when they endure it themselves? How do they handle going from no power (nominated) to winning HoH, or from power to being at risk again? Will those who admonish others that it is just a game feel (and act) the same way when the game happens to them? This is what fascinates me.

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I have never seen a player jump into the "Victim" role as quickly as this sad woman.  As a fellow Gen Xer, I was embarrassed for her watching that display Wednesday night. 
Those poor kids just rolled their eyes.

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If her outbursts were game play I could respect that. Sadly I think there is a meanness that lies just below the surface. CBS just loves the buzz = ratings. I wonder if the roles were reversed would they have tolerated Matt saying the same things to Angela. Frankly the bullying of Lisa was worse imho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to watch the episode again when Angela was bullying Lisa.  I did not see anything that Lisa did to deserve that treatment. If it were someone else flagrantly treating Lisa that way, I would think that the other houseguests would have had an issue. Angela gets away with far too much. She calls people names, she mocks people, she bullies. She is definitely not a nice person.    

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This is not a game for nice people. Still, Angela has found a groove in the last week or so, and I predict she'll make Final 5 because nobody is focused on her anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She real life example of Martha from Baby Reindeer


There is a good chance she makes it to the end because she extremely unlikely to get the votes to win BB26 against any of the remaining HGs. Besides, anyone who has allied with her, she blows up their game and is voted out of the game. I can't recall any HG from past seasons who plays such a bad game while destroying the game of other HGs.

If she were to make it to the final two, I can only imagine how self-destructive her speech would be, accusing each HGs of doing horrible things to her that only exist in her paranoid imagination.

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Maybe, but I don't think that's what her speech would be about. More likely it would be that she made so many mistakes in the game and managed to persevere and make it to the end. It is also possible that she wins a few more comps and builds a resume, earning the respect of the Jury.

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On 9/5/2024 at 11:12 PM, Fuskie said:

earning the respect of the Jury.

Nahhhh. I don't think anyone in the cast has any respect for any part of her game. She's radioactive, pure and simple.


If she gets dragged anywhere close to the final 4, it'll be tempting to take her to final 2 as a sure win. But even then, I can see how some of them will still be disgusted that she made it that far.

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What if she wins Veto or another HoH? While she has used a sad-sack strategy to get the Veto used on her, the fact is, it has worked 3 times. I can certainly see how her game might earn votes for surviving rather than being carried. Especially if she wins Part I, Part II or Part III of the Final HoH comp. You also have to take into account how the Jurors may feel about who she would be sitting against; if they feel betrayed or bitter, they may not want to vote for them. Remember, Jurors do not think like viewers. 

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