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Saturday, August 27, 2022 - Big Brother 24 Live Feed Updates

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7:13PM BBT

The feeds are back on the house, and the HGs feel like this veto competition is never going to happen.


7:17PM BBT

Kyle: So if Terrance is getting his costume on, it's not ZIngbot...What if it's Terrance as Zingbot. Oh my God. (he is joking)

Monte says he has been napping all day. Turner says he felt lokie dog shit earlier because he ate Pop Tarts and drank a bunch of coffee. Turner says he will self evict if there is a spinning comp because he can't spin.


7:20PM BBT

I am out for the night. -MamaLong

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6:40pm BBT In the SBR, Britt says the real Britt outside is fun and enjoys little things. Alyss comes in to hang out. Britt would like that. She's afraid her husband will think this is the real her. She's a leader in the real world, she doesn't feel herself in here.

6:48pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa she feels like she's being thrown to the wolves for how she played the game. Alyssa tells her she forgives her for anything she did. Britt tells her Kyle really fought for her. If Michael doesn't win Veto, she says, I need a friend.

#BB24 S 6:50pm BBT We screwed up, Britt tells Alyssa. It was me, Michael, Kyle, Turner, Joe, Taylor. I should have fought for you sooner. I didn't take sides when Kyle didn't want to use the Veto. She cries that she regrets that now. Alyssa says there's nothing to regret.

6:53pm BBT Alyssa tells Britt that Turner told her in the BY he had been working against her. It made her cry at first. Britt says it was info Alyssa had given Kyle (about the Girls' Girls/Po's Pack) that led Kyle to make the alliance. I never told him that, Alyssa says.

6:55pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa she was called to HoH that night and just told she's part of The LO. They had numbers and won every HoH. She'll tell Alyssa everything. Alyssa asks her to tell her about Kyle and the Veto. Kyle didn't know what to do, Britt says.

BB24 Sa 7:00pm BBT In the KT, Michael describes to Kyle how Jasmine tried to use her Bday Week to get out of noms. Wild, Kyle says. She tried, Michael laughs. Kyle's never heard of a birthday "week". Kyle wanted to make a comment about leaving her the trip when he took the Veto.

7:05pm BBT Michael quizzes Kyle about how BB pulled off the Dyre Fest meetings and comps. It was hot, Kyle says, they sat around a table and just talked. Was it a real Veto, he wonders? Yes, Kyle syas. 

7:15pm BBT Terrance is called to the DR (he's hosting the Veto comp). Kyle/Turner think the heard costumes. If Terrance is putting on a costume, Kyle says, that means no Zingbot. Unless Terrance is Zingbot.


7:20pm BBT Michael/Britt talk with Alyssa in the SBR, who says she was confused when she came back into the house (after DF) and was being lumped in with Indy/Jasmine. Jasmine lied about things. I never lied but it was my game on the line. 

7:22pm BBT Michael says they wanted to work with Alyssa after Jasmine was gone. Jasmine was funny and made the house fun, Alyssa says, but she didn't like her calling out her showmance and questioning her choices. 

7:24pm BBT FotH for the Veto Comp!

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11:03PM BBT

WA - Brittany and Michael talking as he showers.   Brittany says, "This goes without saying but don't pick me for the movie ...  Who do you want not talking?"  [Planning her game talk blocking while he is gone.  - rmichaelsm]

[ .....  FYI feeders, ...  I  am just trying to hit when Michael and Brittany talk quickly not all convos - rmichaelsm]    


11:09PM BBT

WA - Michael and Brittany speculating it took about an hour.  [I believe Turner got second based on other convos. - rmichaelsm] 

Brittany said Turner didn't make good turns.  He went too fast then he really slowed down.  She said there were times he was doing laps around her but then sometimes she was going faster than him.  He clearly could go faster but at times he wasn't.  Michael said, "Get the Pride Veto". He said his heart dropped when he saw what it was.  He thought Monte would get it because of how fast he was when they did wind sprints in the BY.

Brittany says she thought this would be Michael's comp because he ran cross-country and played hockey.   He emphasizes he hadn't run CC since he was about 21-22.  Then he did say it his college coach told him it was about running on your forefeet.  


They had a choice about which sized cup to use to fill, apparently.   Monte was going for the big one, Turner the small one.  Michael thought he if he could power through it would be better using the smaller cup.  He thought about the bigger cup, as it would give him some time to rest as it filled.


11:12PM BBT

WA. Brittany says to Michael, "This is precisely why... This is precisely why it didn't make sense to do."  [Turner putting up the LO showing he is against them - rmichaelsm]

Brittany said, "You are gonna use this on me, right?"  He said yes but he needs to talk to Monte and Taylor.  

Brittany, "Turner is against us anyways"... "Now he's got you and me pissed and he didn't need to...  You didn't have to do that.  That's why you don't do that."  (Michael agrees with uh-huhs ... etc in between those


Michael says, "Thank you for pulling my trip". Brittany says it was the last one and she was so glad she got to pull it, too.

Michael is gonna save his ping pong ball.


Brittany says she wishes she could have at least filled up hers but she was in last, barely, she claims.


They calk about it being some oil based and Brittany offers to go get some dish soap, Turner comes in, briefly but talking stops...


11:23PM BBT

SBR - Michael gets Brittany to come with him as he goes in.  They start to talk strategy instead of recapping the comp.  He wants to talk to Monte and Taylor first.  It won't make sense to go around saying this if they are not gonna be cool with it,...   and FEEDS CHANGE TO SAME AS OTHER 2!  [Thanks a lot BB, not like we paid to see this and you deny us! - rmichaelsm]


11:31PM BBT 

SBR - the feeds all flip to Michael and Brittany in the SBR. 

Michael debates who to take to the movie.  He listed some people but we only hear "...so then do I either take Terrance or Monte, oh, no, I only get to pick 3. So I am picking those 3."  Brittany agrees and says 2 are Dyer fest, so that's good.  And I think that is good with Taylor if you aren't going to use the Veto at least on me.  [Either I misheard, did she mean not using Veto on Taylor but on me, or?  Looks like we missed a big part of the plan in the feed switch.  At one point they did debate after noms possibly using Veto on Taylor thinking Brittany would be safe versus the replacement. Hard to believe they would risk that and would ensure one of them would go home, so Taylor wouldn't be ok with that. Has to be plan to use on Brittany and Taylor ok with Michael taking the 3 to movie and trying to talk to them. - rmichaelsm]


they then start talking about what Michael may say to them during the movie.


Brittany says, "Oh, my god, this is turning into your HoH week". they laugh.

11:36PM BBT

SBR - someone knocks, they say come in, ... Turner comes in letting them know there is Pizza and some vegetable nest(?)  which he has not heard of.  Then he leaves.

Michael says he could use a snack.  

Brittany says, oh my gosh you...    then they start to whisper, Oh, my god, Michael.. they go in for the hug, She says we did it, you did it.  Michael agrees, every time we get backed into a corner,...  We come up with a plan and we come through.

Michael is wondering when they may do the double. They debate discussing when they did it in past BBs.  

They leave the SBR.  Brittany does some make-up...   Michael heads to the KT


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