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Monday, February 7, 2022 - Celebrity Big Brother 3 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Celebrity Big Brother 3 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/305-celebrity-big-brother-3-discussion-forum/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Standard Time(See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

As you know, there are two Houseguests named "Chris," both with last names beginning with "K." For the sake of clarity, we will call Chris Kattan, "Kattan" and Chris Kirkpatric, Kirk." This could change with the HG's interactions.


To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB23-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Cuckoo Clock Bedroom (CBR)
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Pink Tile Bedroom (PTBR)
Ski Lodge Bedroom (SBR)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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5:34AM BBT

Lamar gets out of bed and has a fall (off camera). He screams "Aw, Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fucking Shit! Mother Fucker" over and over. He tells Kattan he slipped.

Mirai: What just happened? Oh my God!

Kattan follows Lamar to the bathroom, very concerned.

Lamar is very loud and basically waking everyone up.


5:36AM BBT

Lamar is in the bathroom looking at his injuries (knee and back) Cynthia gets out of bed and heads to him to see what happened. 

Cynthia: What happened. You hurt your knee?

Lamar: Yeah, and my back. I'll be okay.


Lamar continues walking through the house screaming Shit! Fuck!


5:38AM BBT

The feeds cut to Glitter




The CHGs had a 9:00AM BBT wakeup. When the feeds returned, Carson and Cynthia were whispering in their beds about Carson being the main target for Miesha and Todrick, and they will need to stick together. They solidified a Final Two with each other, but they know the odds are against them. Cynthia says that Mirai was with Kirkpatrick for two hours last night, and she is surprised that Miesha wasn’t involved. They talk about Lamar having something with Miesha but think that Lamar will work with them if given the opportunity.


9:15AM BBT

Kirkpatrick and Shanna are talking in the HoHR about the Athletes Alliance. Lamar told Shanna about the alliance. Kirkpatrick asked who was in the alliance. Shanna named Miesha, Lamar, Todrick and Mirai. (He doesn't bother to let her know that he is also in that alliance.)


9:22AM BBT

Mirai entered the Chocolate BR to leave a gift for Shanna, asking Carson and Cynthia to tell her, privately, that it is a gift from her. Carson took a peek at the git and discovered Mirai is giving Shanna her manicure set.


9:27AM BBT

In the kitchen, Todd is getting mad at Kattan for mentioning sleep apnea

Kattan: All I said was that you should get it checked out. I didn’t attack you.

Lamar: Can’t we all just get along?

Todd: I have already been tested for sleep apnea. I don’t have that. 


*Feeds cut to Glitter


9:29AM BBT

Back in the kitchen, Shanna asks Kattan how he is doing. He says he didn’t get much sleep last night, “Well, once I said something to Todd, he jumped on me. I didn’t say anything to him for weeks.”

Shanna: Well, I love you.


The CHGs are getting ready for lockdown.


BB: Lamar, please go to the Diary Room downstairs

Kattan: Oh good. Be honest about your injury. Tell them that it really hurts.


9:30AM BBT

Mirai walks in the kitchen and begins chatting with Kattan. They discuss Todd getting mad.

Kattan: He is not a tulip to tiptoe around.

Mirai: Yeah, but he gets so defensive.

Kattan: I think we all need a walk in the park. But, that isn’t possible, unfortunately.


9:33AM BBT

Kattan enters the bathroom and begins chatting with Carson who is showering. They begin joking about Lamar’s injury (he fell earlier this morning) and how BB responds, “Please stop bleeding” “Houseguests, make sure you have your microphone when you cut off your finger.” “Please stop dying.” This goes on and on. Carson says that he had a hard time sleeping because Lamar was on the elliptical which is right over their room, “All we heard was thump, thump, thump. And then we heard the great crash of 2022 and we had to go check on Lamar and his injuries.”


*Feeds all move to Shanna in the Chocolate BR. She says to herself, “That was terrifying.”


Back in the bathroom, Carson comments to Todd that he heard it was a rough night. 

Todd: Well, my thing is, don’t complain about me keeping you up when you sleep all day.” (talking about Kattan)


9:38AM BBT

In the Ski Patrol BR, Mirai is teary with Kirkpatrick over Kattan. She says it is hard for her to watch how attan is being treated because he wants to talk with everyone, but he feels he gets attacked all the time, “and it’s very difficul for me to watch” 

Kirkpatrick: We had a really great talk last night, and I want you to know that I am going to look out for you. I’ve got him. I’ve had him from  *Glitter 

Kirkpatrick tells her that a lot of people make fun of people. Mirai agrees.

Kirkpatrick: The thing is, a lot of people make fun of people behind their backs

Mirai: I know. I learned.


Back in the Chocolate BR, Shanna is in her bed, alone in the room. She seems to be going over the days and details of the game thus far.


9:43AM BBT

In the SR, Kirkpatrick tells Cynthia that he is not going to play their game and put Carson up because they will vote him out. She asks who he puts up as a replacement nom.

Kirkpatrick: Well, let’s see what happens. But, if I win the veto today, GET READY. I’m not going into details because I don’t want to blow up anything. If I win veto today, I’m going to have to trust you completely. If I win the veto, it’s going to really help your game. If I don’t, it’s business as usual.

Cynthia: Okay

Kirkpatrick leaves the SR and runs into Kattan, ‘Hey, I heard you had a rough night.” Kattan whispers that it was just Todd. They go to the kitchen and Kirkpatrick tells Kattan that if he wins the veto today, he is taking Kattan off the block.

Kattan: Why would you do that?

Kirkpatrick: Because I want you to trust me

Kattan: I think Mirai deserves to stay here. That’s my opinion.


Lamar walks in and interrupts the conversation. Lamar asks what is going on today.

Kirkpatrick: We have to pick players for veto and have the veto competition and the veto ceremony, and then live show.


9:50AM BBT

Todd is talking with Carson and Shanna in the Chocloate BR about rats and how bold they are. Shanna mentions that Juicy Couture had to shut completely down because they were infested with bed bugs. They can hear Miesha working out on the elliptical above them, and Carson says, “That is what we heard at 2 in the morning.”

Shanna: We were like, what the hell is that?

Todd: I can’t believe you went up there

Carson: He was very nice about it

Shanna: He even apologized to me for keeping us up


9:53AM BBT

*Feeds cut to Glitter

10:27AM BBT
The feeds move Glitter then quickly to RCHS for today's events.

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So, What is Kirkpatrick's plan today?

He hopes Mirai is out tonight, but if she wins veto and pulls herself off, he will nominate Lamar as the replacement nomination and then Kattan will likely be evicted. If Kirkpatrick wins veto, he is promising a big move. He claims he would take Kattan down, and he will put up Todrick.


We will have to wait and see what happens.

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