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I have kept my feelings for Janelle under wraps cause so many like her on here..and I didn't want to hurt antone's feelings,.I cannot stand her...I do not know what it is about her that I don't like since I always like everybody, you know when you get that feeling that you just cannot like someone no matter what they do...it's like that...it's like a sixth sense.lol

many of you have that feeling about jase.. :P I am just being honest here... hope I don't get hammered for saying that...and I am not jealous of her, she is beautiful.I just can't stand her. <_<

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bbfan100 you are safe in this threads. many folks dont like janelle. she just rub folks the wrong way. eric was one of those folks allison is another and so on.

btw dont be afraid to speak how you feel

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bbfan100.. that is fine. we all cant like the same people. the fact that you can say that without saying nasty things about her is why you shouldnt get hammered. ya know. i think that is when people get defensive about someone they like. but everyone has a right not to like someone and for you its janelle.. its ok.

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Guest jordansmom

Nolimit i always understand what ur trying to say. James is a fool he is playing a team sport when he should be thinking about himself. The BB6ers this year remind me of the NH. I hope like hell someone other than them wins HOH next week ( macry and erika included)

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janelle is the little maggie of the bunch.

jordansmom you one of the better poster around here imho we need more like you. watch the rest get :angry:

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I am also not a fan of Janelle. And it is not jealousy, I hate when people assume that it is just because someone doesn't like her.

She is a beautiful girl, I'll give her that. But, its just something about her that bugs me.I even went into this year thinking I'd try to give her another chance......but its not working for me :unsure:

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Quote: "many of you have that feeling about jase.. I am just being honest here... hope I don't get hammered for saying that...and I am not jealous of her, she is beautiful.I just can't stand her."

Speak your mind....I do and all the other posters do too!

She had a certain look on her face in the HOH bedroom tonight when they were talking about who should be put up when George vetoed himself off. It was a look I never saw before from Janelle. I think Janelle wants that money real bad.....they should think about nominating her real soon.

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I would like to see someone from the other side win also. I am a BB6 fan but I am drowning in them right now and am in need of some real competition. This game is too one-sided right now. I would not mind seeing one of them up on the block and working for the win, to stay in. That's the game.

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diane is the only non sov who i think who will do the right thing

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Guest StarBaby

Could someone explain to me what the title of this thread MEANS?????

And to answer a comment above, Janelle tried to influence James, YES. But ultimately HE and he alone made the decision.

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okok enough of this mushy stuff.. the right thing to happen would be for the bb6ers to win another hoh and nominate will and boogie. :D:D:D and then vote will out and then boogie start throwing a fit and then walk out the front door thinking it was one of the bedrooms. :o:lol:

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Guest jordansmom

He was not alone. The group decided. And there is the fault in his game play. The BB6sers play as a group.

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the thread title is deep some may get others may not :lol: . no fault to those who doesnt get. we all still friends right

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Guest StarBaby

All this talk of "dump" and floaters, it strangely reminds me of something (and yeah, it's getting deep). Glad I am not the only one that couldn't decipher this thread.

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it is kinda funny how if the group does something only one gets blamed and its not the one that is in power. :huh: and then in the middle of a title there is maggie's name.

uvp has been smoking some funny stuff?

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fizzle you my girl still thou. we just on difrent side of the track thou. i cant wait till this season end so i can have all my friends on here back

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I also don't like janelle, but like many others, didn't say it very often b/c she has a lot of fans on this site. Like one of the other posters said, there is just something about her. Even though at times she can be somewhat likeable, I don't want to see her win this at all. And I agree, someone else needs to win HOH outside of BB6. I would love to see Will win just to see what would happen. Chaos delight!

James is stupid. He knows that if it gets down to the final 4 and he's there with Janie, Howie and Kaysar, they will vote him out faster than he can say Sarah. But for now, yes it's the best decision for him to nominate Jase, b/c Jase is a powerhouse and he will go after them if he's still there. I was liking Jase for a minute, but he's starting to annoy me now...can't wait till he's gone.

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I just saw the video. It was very funny, and It looks like to me,..Will was flirting with Janie. Although he said 'Im not attracted to you", I could see chemistry. Whether it was because Janie was drunk, who knows,..all in the name of fun. lol.

I found it very odd how when Erika and Janellle were pushing Will to go through the door inside the house, that Booger get following them. They werent even talking to him,..lol. Hes just the cute guys friend,

And Erika,...she seemed so happy to be with Janelle. Like she was copying her her every move.

And if Will really wanted to leave, he would have done so quickly when him and Booger were having there private meeting. (though it was only for a few seconds that they were along b4 janie came out) lol

And i never heard Will mention he had a girlfriend. lol

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