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Welcome back Hon... I don't know what has happened between you and Neb... It's none of my business... All I can say on that is what I am saying after this isn't directed to Neb...

You just have to come to terms with the haters Hon... Know that they are jealous of you... You have done something either they can't get the nerve to do, or they don't have the personality to get on the show... I for one admit that I would never go on the show, because I couldn't put up with the stuff you all have to day in and day out... It's sad really... People need to stop and think that no matter if they like you or don't like you, if it weren't for the people that go on Big Brother, there wouldn't be a Big Brother to watch... Now mind you that I love to complain about the people I don't like as much as the next person, but I try very hard to let it go after the show is off... I don't hold anything against any of the past houseguests... No not even the nerd herd... Being in that house 24/7 with no contact from the people you know and love has to make you act different than you would outside that house... I try hard to remember this LOL... Since I have been doing interviews and have contact with some of the people that I didn't like in the house, I have found them to be very nice and friendly... That has made it easier for me to understand and remember the fact that the house changes people...

On a OT subject... How surpised were you to find out Maggie just got married... I was shocked....

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Nebartist you got no balls. Hate on me all you want. Every time you write my name and diss me I say consider the source. What you put out in the World comes back to you. I look myself in the eye everyday and my conscience is clean. Turn that spotlight on your sorry self and write about what you see.

And for the record I'm a member here @ Morty's. I come and I lurk when I can which sadly isn't often because I have a life. I came here today to answer some very nice messages and look around. Only to find you grinding some imaginary axe. You don't know me. So stop using my name and obsessing about me here and at other sites.

Oh get the hell over it whiny boy Answer me this Why did you reply to only my post I am not the only one on this board who can't stand your sorry ass. And I am not the only one to voice it. Who has the axe to grind here?

Yes you lurk here you lurk here and search every thread that has your name in it you saw that this thread was dieing so you came in here so you could garner some sympathy to feed that big fat head of yours.

Speaking about other sites LOL There are plently of people on BBQ to pick up my slack.

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Why don't you try learning to spell before you speak ignorance and hate? If Will is up for House Calls he will do a great job. I wish him luck. It's just unfortunate he'll have to deal with this kind of behavior.

Several points you need to know, Marcellas.

1. Typographical errors are not the same as spelling errors

2. The poster did not speak of hate or ignorance. He gave an opinion. His opinion is that you're a monster, and that replacing you with Will is no better. He did not, at any point in his post, say anything derrogatory towards homosexuals. He did not post anything ignorant. You, on the other hand, reacted in an ignorant, unintelligent, and hateful manner towards the poster

3. In spite of how much you love yourself, everyone else in the world doesn't love you. You got on my nerves when you were on Big Brother and it's been difficult for me to tolerate you on House Calls, but I have because I've enjoyed hearing what evicted houseguests have had to say. If it weren't for Gretchen, the show would be nothing but crap. You're an annoying, loud, obnoxious person and it has absolutely nothing to do with your sexual orientation. Why don't you give the public credit for being able to decide whether or not they like your personality, instead of automatically assuming that just because someone doesn't like you, it's because you're gay. Your militant immaturity disgusts me.

Personally, I hope the public doesn't vote you back into the house. You ain't all that, girlfriend.

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Post after post of homophobia and ignorance. House Calls is a funny and irreverent look @ a reality show. Nothing said there is meant to be anything but funny. I don't hate the House Guests. People constantly overlook how many times I said the HGs deserved respect and kindness for being brave enough to go on the show in the first place. And putting themselves in the position to have to listen to and see this kind of mean-spirited garbage written about them. I'm also the one that was criticized when I told people the show has ended and it's time to move on.

The biggest difference between my show and the haters on the Internet is me. I'm not hiding. I'm talking about people I met and will see again. I'm not some nameless, faceless coward trashing people I don't know, hiding behind a keyboard. We (the HGs) are the people giving you something to watch and write about.

Nebartist you got no balls. Hate on me all you want. Every time you write my name and diss me I say consider the source. What you put out in the World comes back to you. I look myself in the eye everyday and my conscience is clean. Turn that spotlight on your sorry self and write about what you see.

And for the record I'm a member here @ Morty's. I come and I lurk when I can which sadly isn't often because I have a life. I came here today to answer some very nice messages and look around. Only to find you grinding some imaginary axe. You don't know me. So stop using my name and obsessing about me here and at other sites.

Glad you used spell check this time.

Thank you to all my friends who defended me in this forum. It takes a lot more strength and courage to be nice than to try to be snarky. One of the biggest reason I don't come here often and one of the reasons I lurk is because of this behavior.

Hey Marcellas, just ignore those that don't get it. I don't know you, but I thought you were great on the show and you entertained me. What more can I ask for?

BTW, how's BOO! I loved all that gnomey goodness!

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shut the hell up. isnt carvin white?. you are acting like a little 6 year old. and since when i am insulting the homosexual community I am just stating facts that all the male host has been gay.Is GAY a bad word. keep on crying cause i aint changing bro. so calling jannel a whore by others on here not once by me not raise a issue but when i state facts it is a issue. so calling allson a fat girl not by me once not raise a issue with you. when others on here were calling maggie's team every name in the book where were you? you are a straight clown. i been a member here for about a year and none of the moderators ever had issues with none of my post. so do me a big favor a shut the hell up if you trying to be a forum police get everybody not just me cause you probably one of the biggest name callers on here.

Ha Ha Ha!

I am not racist.

I am not homophobic.

I am not the forum police but you may be - didn't you call someone a forum stalker oh yeah the same person you called "white boy." You didn't like his comment? His opinion. We all have them.

Danielle was voted off because of her diary room confessions - not because she was african american.

People have opinions like you do - so let others post what they want. If you can say things so can others - you should try taking your own advice - stop acting like a child.

Post after post of homophobia and ignorance. House Calls is a funny and irreverent look @ a reality show. Nothing said there is meant to be anything but funny. I don't hate the House Guests. People constantly overlook how many times I said the HGs deserved respect and kindness for being brave enough to go on the show in the first place. And putting themselves in the position to have to listen to and see this kind of mean-spirited garbage written about them. I'm also the one that was criticized when I told people the show has ended and it's time to move on.

The biggest difference between my show and the haters on the Internet is me. I'm not hiding. I'm talking about people I met and will see again. I'm not some nameless, faceless coward trashing people I don't know, hiding behind a keyboard. We (the HGs) are the people giving you something to watch and write about.

Nebartist you got no balls. Hate on me all you want. Every time you write my name and diss me I say consider the source. What you put out in the World comes back to you. I look myself in the eye everyday and my conscience is clean. Turn that spotlight on your sorry self and write about what you see.

And for the record I'm a member here @ Morty's. I come and I lurk when I can which sadly isn't often because I have a life. I came here today to answer some very nice messages and look around. Only to find you grinding some imaginary axe. You don't know me. So stop using my name and obsessing about me here and at other sites.

Glad you used spell check this time.

Thank you to all my friends who defended me in this forum. It takes a lot more strength and courage to be nice than to try to be snarky. One of the biggest reason I don't come here often and one of the reasons I lurk is because of this behavior.

Go Marcellas. Thanks for all your intelligent posts. There are those that will be bitter - some things never change.

After reading posts I was wondering when did it become a crime to be a trusting person. Okay, you may have been naive about the veto but wasn't Howie also naive when it came to believing all the lies Maggie told him - but still, people love Howie even though he might have been the biggest fool to get played in BB history. Eh, to each his own. :)

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WOW I guess I missed a lot of yah yahing scared0012.gif

I like Marcellas on Housecalls. The Evil Dr. Will would be a good host too. I have not been able to get any of the repeat episodes to load on Innertube. All I get is a loop of the commercial. Hopefully I won't have this problem when the new episodes begin :unsure: cause I just have to watch every day at my lunch :D

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I knew I should have stuck around last night. I miss all the excitement.

Personally, I like Marcellas on Housecalls. I also like Will. I think he'd make a great host. And only God knows why Neb hates Marcellas so much. But then again, Neb doesn't like anyone so why worry?

You can't take everything you read on these boards to heart. There are some cruel people out there behind the keyboards and will say anything to get attention. Take it with a grain of salt. After all, Marcellas, you're the one with the CBS contract. ;)

(And I am ignoring commenting on that cute little bunny).

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It appears to me that there are many who like Marcellas and the same predictable ones who don't. I say Go Marcellas, Go Marcellas, Go Marcellas!!!!!!!!!

As for the bunny - I'll comment: it's a change of pace from the numerous ice cream cone pics floating around here.

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I knew I should have stuck around last night. I miss all the excitement.

Personally, I like Marcellas on Housecalls. I also like Will. I think he'd make a great host. And only God knows why Neb hates Marcellas so much. But then again, Neb doesn't like anyone so why worry?

You can't take everything you read on these boards to heart. There are some cruel people out there behind the keyboards and will say anything to get attention. Take it with a grain of salt. After all, Marcellas, you're the one with the CBS contract. ;)

(And I am ignoring commenting on that cute little bunny).

Cruel? :lol: you never spoke a negative word about someone who you didn't like on BB?

Very well put Murf! They turned my stomach every time I watched them.

You are not the spotless virgin at this prom

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well....i read a few pages back on this thread, we all get to say our own opinions on who we do or dont like..... i dont see why nebartist or anyone else would have to ONLY post positive smarmy crap...if that's all im going to get to read here because everyone is holier than thou then.....i'll, ummm.......be bored reading it i guess

and look, it gave everyone something to do.......if some of you get offended by the line 'they cut the head off the monster and another one grew back' then word of warning: dont start reading the BBSucks threads

and i'll say it myself: yes i am bitchy today

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Cruel? :lol: you never spoke a negative word about someone who you didn't like on BB?

You are not the spotless virgin at this prom

My post was misleading. I never meant that you were cruel, Neb; just some people in general. And your opinion about Marcellas is yours, not mine. And hell no, I'm not a virgin and have voiced my dislike for the sheep many times since the beginning of the game. I still don't like them.

Relax, Neb, I wasn't chastising you. I'm trying to be a kinder, gentler soul these days. Now leave me be or I'll have to kick you in the balls (joking). B):P

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Hi everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster. :)

I was wondering if anyone knows who will take Marcellas' place on Housecalls since he will most likely be voted into the BB7 house.

Will it just be Gretchen, or will someone take his place?

If anyone knows please let me know cause I am VERY curious.


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Unfortunately, that would be a horrible idea. If M is in the house, then he shouldn't be part of Housecalls.

HC is about discussing everything thats happening on the show. If M was any part of it, he would be getting info that he may not have been privvy to and that would give him an unfair advantage.

I am pretty sure that if M makes it into the house, he will not be part of HC.

But what is this whole intertube crap? Is CBS not going to have HC on it's site this season? I am so confused. (nothing new) :blink:


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Seriously though, there's probably a ton of former houseguests who would LOVE to have a shot at Marcellas' gig . . . why not let them have a chance to gain some experience because it's a better show when there's somebody with houseguest experience to add insight to Gretchen's expertise. I don't think Marcellas should be allowed to have his cake and eat it too - and I'll bet the houseguests won't think so either :lol:

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Ok.. after reading all this.. I probably should log off now and not stir the pot.. hell no, that ain't going to happen. And if Marcellas questions my spelling "ain't" is a word in the Texas dictionary.

Honestly, I always kinda liked Marcy( specially when he was teamed up with Amy). I also really enjoy House calls. When I joined this forum a few months ago , I seen some of Marcellas's post and was a little surprised how defensive and bitter he was. After reading this tonite.. I really can't stand the guy. I can see why the point was made he only searches out post with his name in them then reacts.

I am to lazy to go back and find the quotes, word for word.. but basically he said he has a life and can't post here all the time.. so I am assuming you think the regulars here have no life?

That he acts like its all fun and games during house calls, but if you recall.. he bashes the crap out of the house guest he can't stand. Examples: just from last year alone.. Maggie , Cappy,Ivette, and especially Beau. Which, to be honest, is why I liked house calls last year.. loved the Nerd Herd bashing.. , but then I got pissed last year because he would talk all kinds of crap about them, but when push came to shove , once they were actually on the show, Marcellas either kissed there butt. or in Beau's case, filed his nails the whole time, instead of calling him out like he said he would do for weeks.

So Marcellas , you can say what you want.. but you talked alot of crap but never followed thru. I can understand why, in a way, when it came to House calls, why maybe you couldn't actually follow thru.., but to come here, where it's a fan based forum and point fingers, well, you are so wrong and out of line. Not very smart if your wanting our votes to get in All Stars.

As for Will W. hosting House Calls I personally would love it ! He is one of my all time favorites, I would rather see him back in the house than Marcellas, but if that isn't going to happen,I would love to see him do house calls.

Personally, I think him and Gretchen would have way better chemistry than Marcellas, and I wouldn't be surprised if ratings for the show went way up!

Hahaha..,the perfect scenario.. Will does House calls, Marcellas does All Stars , He is the first booted out, and no longer has a job on house calls because of the over whelming response to Will! :lol:

Ok after posting this I went back and read again what Marcellas posted..I am posting in bold print my thoughts about his B.S ramblings.... read it or dont read it .. I just have to respond to his bullshit.

"Post after post of homophobia and ignorance. House Calls is a funny and irreverent look @ a reality show. Nothing said there is meant to be anything but funny. I don't hate the House Guests. People constantly overlook how many times I said the HGs deserved respect and kindness for being brave enough to go on the show in the first place. And putting themselves in the position to have to listen to and see this kind of mean-spirited garbage written about them. I'm also the one that was criticized when I told people the show has ended and it's time to move on. lmao what bullsh#t you hated on Beau because he was your mini me..and honestly some thought he did a better job than you..

The biggest difference between my show and the haters on the Internet is me. I'm not hiding. I'm talking about people I met and will see again. I'm not some nameless, faceless coward trashing people I don't know, hiding behind a keyboard. We (the HGs) are the people giving you something to watch and write about. Well... before you insert your foot so far into your mouth.. you choke to death.. you should relize its the nameless, faceless, people behind the keyboards that will vote your ass back in.. and and while it might be the house guest who give us something to watch.. just remember it is us " cowards" who keep the show on the air( along with HouseCalls)

Nebartist you got no balls. Hate on me all you want. Every time you write my name and diss me I say consider the source. What you put out in the World comes back to you. I look myself in the eye everyday and my conscience is clean. Turn that spotlight on your sorry self and write about what you see.TFF... ok here it comes.. soooo calling the Kettle black..all your job is to do on Housecalls is diss the guest.. but thats ok because you are "you" ??lmao

And for the record I'm a member here @ Morty's. I come and I lurk when I can which sadly isn't often because I have a life. I came here today to answer some very nice messages and look around. Only to find you grinding some imaginary axe. You don't know me. So stop using my name and obsessing about me here and at other sites.

Glad you used spell check this time.

Thank you to all my friends who defended me in this forum. It takes a lot more strength and courage to be nice than to try to be snarky. One of the biggest reason I don't come here often and one of the reasons I lurk is because of this behavior. Gee maybe thats why you lost last time ..spent to much time being nice.. nahhh ..was just a stupid arragont move..and well isnt it your job to be " snarky" on house calls Marcy? Make up your mind.. like someone else said..you can't have your cake and eat it to.. :unsure:

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that was a long post... and interestingly, i read it all! (pats self on back)

i even went back a few pages because i somehow havent seen this thread in a long time. i must say, i was "shocked" to see Neb post something longer than a short sentence... that alone will take me the day to get over :lol:

and Surfgirl, you made some very interesting points. well done. I have to admit that i like marcellas more back in the beginning, and as time when on we saw a different side to him and at time it made my head spin. and as a few have pointed out... i would have to agree, the only time marcellas posts here is when he is replying to something about him. maybe i should start doing that and we wont see much of me either.... hahahaha :lol:

I think what we have here is a big bag of mixed nuts.. and like always not everyone is going to like the same person or hate the same person.

i am kinda shocked that there arent more Morty Members insulted by what marcellas had to say about us.. but that is just me. :mellow:

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Why?! Why do I come here and see the same people posting the same rehashed BS about me over some imaginary (on their part) beef? Some use my name just to bring attention to their games or make sure their idiotic posts get read. It guarantees a look. And replies. Love me or hate me, just watch what I do. House Calls, Big Brother All Stars, Bold & the Beautiful, How Do I Look, Remixed; the list grows. Hubris? Arrogance? Truth? It's in the eye of the beholder. I can't make anyone see my truth and if their's doesn't match I can't care. Haters are gonna hate. Players are gonna play. I'd rather be a player. Or a color commentator...

The worst thing that could happen is that it stops. That no one mentions my name. That all the bickering and nonsense and even sometimes fun, stops. I'm here. I'm not hiding. I'm doing my thing. I wish everyone else happiness, health and good luck. Most importantly my detractors, because you know you must feel sorry for crazy people... And for those that love me? I love you right back because you get it. You have no idea how much. You see what others don't or won't or can't. So when I'm on BB AS I'll give you shout outs everyday. And I'll play the game and be funny and give you something to watch. I'll try my hardest. And if by some fluke, if the planets mis-align and the stars say no BB AS for me, I got a few other things lined up too.

Now go and vote for me. Please! I want back in. Vote because you like me and think I'm funny. Vote because you hate me and wanna see me fail. Just vote for me.


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