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Big Brother 8


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hear are a list of rooms i would like to see (kinda like the desert room, stone room, and cloud room, ect.)

A flamingo room

A iceburg room (along with decorations, also have it freezing in there, have it set on 60 year round)

A vocano room (make it like 98* the entire summer)


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It looks like it might just be something that someone who has a BB proboards forum made and put on YouTube. It might not mean anything at all. Seeing pink flamingos throughout the house would be tacky, but who knows.

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Flamingos. - Lord What's next? Pink at that. I enjoyed the flamingo toss challenge in Season 5 though. At least it was physical and not boring like Q & A competitions.

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I did a Google on Pink Flamingos:

Pink Flamingos is a 1972 film directed by John Waters. It made an underground star of the flamboyant and obese female impersonator, Divine. ... hmmmm...would this be indicative that there will be cross dressers in the BB8 house?

The Pink flamingo's are an entertainment act. The look like cross dressers to me, but I have been known to be wrong

Pink Flamingo's are cheap plastic lawn ornaments. Wonder if they will surprise us with a bunch of redneck trailer trash this year....hmmmmmm


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Wonder if they will surprise us with a bunch of redneck trailer trash this year

Hey now I didn't even apply... I can't be on... :animated_rotfl:

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I just want some everyday people this year. Not any gimmicks or cross dressers or people that know each other. Just people like the ones from Morty's that applied.

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Oh Yana, you are not trailer trash....silly woman.

I am....hahahaha. I didn't try out either.

That would be a great show. A bunch of redneck, beer drinkin', foul mouthed idiots.....oh, didn't we have that last year.... :animated_scratchchin:

Or have the crossdressers in there and see how long it takes the rest of the hg to figure out that it is not a man/woman that they are really the opposite. Omgosh, that would be a hoot.

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That would be funny... Just think if someone was hitting on someone and they didn't know that they were the same sex... somewhat like Jerry Springer, but if they found out they might have to remain in the house with this person for a long time... hhhmmm

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Yana....I wasn't even thinking about the Jerry Springer aspect, but WOW....that would put some turmoil in the air. CBS needs more turmoil...no more pathetic wall flowers.

I have myself all in a twitter....I wish it was July....sigh :animated_wave:

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See that's why they producers need to troll these boards... I think some of the things the fans come up with are much better than the twist's that have been done so far...

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