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Saturday, August 31, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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8:37 PM BBT 

Feeds are still on critters at Rancho Coastal Humane Society

8:38 PM BBT

Feeds popped back to Michie in HoH and then right back to critters


Now back again....seems that Michie and Holly are bickering. Jackson is upset about something.

They had a lockdown in the HoH. Maybe BB was fixing the broken door.

8:42 PM BBT

Nicole notices the kitchen rug is wet

Christie- yeah, they shampooed it

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11:38pm  Camera 3


Just as feeds come back:


Jackson tells Holly to get her stuff out of the room.


She pauses in the dorrway.


Jackson: "Good talk." then walks down the hall

2 minutes ago, grannysue1154 said:

11:38pm  Camera 3


Just as feeds come back:


Jackson tells Holly to get her stuff out of the room.


She pauses in the dorrway.


Jackson: "Good talk." then walks down the hall

8:38pm BB time  --sorry

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8:58 PM BBT 

Michie got called to the DR

Tommy, Cliff, and Christie are talking about the veto comp. Cliff hid his in the bottom dresser drawer in the bathroom, and he actually told Michie about that hiding spot before the competition today.

Michie found 3 hidden veto cards: Jess, Nicole, and Cliff's (this is why Nicole is worried that Michie is trying to play her and Cliff.

Christie mentions that BB told them they were not allowed to spill liquids...only dry food (for safety reasons)

Cliff- yeah, when they did that it was stupid (he meant past seasons)

Nicole says she was surprised by the size of the veto, "this thing's huge"


 [I'm out for the night  -MamaLong]

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8:51pm BB Time


Jackson is called to the Diary Room


Jessica is sitting in the bathroom lounge area. She looks forlorn.


Cliff and Holly are at the kitchen table while Tommy is cooking.


Christie is also in the kitchen, they are talking about veto hiding places.


Jackson comes back from the Diary Room at 9pm and Christie is called to go in as soon as he leaves.


All the house guests with the exception of Christie are in the kitchen area. General talk.


9:10pm Back yard opens


Holly goes to the hammock. (sniffling, arms crossed)


Cliff's and Jackson are on the outside sofa.


Jackson tells Cliff he will try to keep Tommy from using the veto. Cliff tells him that he trusts him.


Cliff wonders if Tommy, Christie or Jessica have any idea that they (Cliff, Holly, Jackson and Nicole) are working together.


Jackson says he is sure they don't.


Cliff walks over to speak to Holly, asks if she is okay. Holly tells him she is fine. After checking on her Cliff goes inside.


Holly is in the hammock, Jackson still on the sofa. Neither speaks and camera moves inside.


9:32pm BB Time


Cliff and Nicole are in the rv talking about the new development with Tommy's veto win.


Cliff says Jackson is insisting that the final four deal stands. He says they have to just trust this is going to work out.


Nicole says she is worried that Holly will say that she did not agree and vote Cliff out.


Nicole says Jessica is upset with her and had confronted her earlier about issues with Nick and trust.


Cliff tells Nicole that if he leaves she should work with whomever she needs to work with to get to the final three. He says they have been a team the whole time and he wants her to go on.


Nicole is wondering why Jackson found Cliff's veto, but Cliff says it could have been from frustration.


Cliff tells her they just need to have faith in the final four agreement with Jackson and Holly.

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Tommy and Cliff are alone in the kitchen. Tommy tells Cliff he would like to talk to him about “things”. Cliff tells him whenever he has time will be fine.


Tommy continues to work on his stuffed peppers while Holly (who has come in from the hammock) filches croutons.


Tommy asks Holly how she is feeling, is she feeling better. She tells him she is okay.


Holly mumbles softly, I can hear “indirectly”, “taking it personal”, “whatever”, and “This is not what I signed up for.”

Tommy continues to commiserate with her, giving her the “it will all work out” pep talk.


He tells Holly that Jackson is young and maybe scared. He says he can understand how dealing with someone who shuts down like that can be hard to deal with.


Holly says it is hard when Jackson pretends she doesn't exist, that her ex-boyfriend did that and they worked together (RED FLAG, RED FLAG—Grannysue)


Cliff interrupts to tell them he has fixed the sink stopper, calls it his dad thing for the day.


Holly continues to fuss about how she is being portrayed. Tommy and Cliff both agree that they all worry about that because it can be one thing or quirk. Cliff says as long as his family is proud of him he is good.


Holly says she is worried about her family and friends, not so much strangers. She qualifies that with lost job opportunities.


Cliff says if their worst fears are true they need to meet them head on and go on. He says it may not be as bad as they might think.


Tommy says all the stuff with Nick has him worried about his family's reactions.


Cliff says his profession is very conservative and there will be people who will appreciate “quirky me” and others that do not. He mentions dancing and fooling around with clothing.


Holly says she is known for “one thing, and that is not playing”. She says the most notable thing is not about her, but about her association with someone else in the game. She says she has played in 11 competitions.


Cliff tells her that her record is still okay, Holly starts comparing her performance to that of everyone else in the house.


Holly just seemed to indicate that part of her “story” was “pre-written for her” 9:56pm camera 3


Tommy says it is possible that Jackson might very well leave before her, but Holly holds onto her frustration.


Tommy tells her again that she could win,


Holly mentions that Jackson's behavior is putting her off center. (Holly bought into this as much, if not more than Jackson did—depending on what has been seen an heard then taken to the court of opinion)


Holly continues her self deprecation and Cliff offers to help her any way he can, up to and including finding her the tequila she says she wants. Holly tells him (in a joking way) that there is tequila at her house just up the street.


Christie comes to the table and talk about Holly's worries ends.


Christie (with a mouthful of food she is chomping on) asks Tommy if he knew he was a good cook, and does he cook for his boyfriends?


Tommy takes exception with the inference of “boyfriends” as opposed to “boyfriend”, and Christie backs up and says she meant whatever boyfriends he may have ever had. Tommy grunts and walks away while Christie continues to chomp.


Jackson has come inside, general chatter....


Tommy asks if anyone wants some of the peppers, Christie says (with her mouth full of other food, and while chewing) that she was not going to have one, but they smell so good she will. Holly says she definitely wants one. (and let me tell you kids, those stuffed peppers look absolutely wonderful--Grannysue)


[Tommy cleaned and halved the peppers. He roasted them in olive oil, salt and pepper. While those were in the oven he cooked ground beef and seasonings, cooled it a little then added rice and croutons as well as shredded cheese. He filled the peppers with the meat mixture and topped them with more shredded cheese. He baked them again until the cheese was just starting to brown.--Grannysue]

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11:15 PM BBT

The backyard opened around 11, and the houseguests are enjoying some time outside.

Tommy got called to the DR. You can hear him go in to the DR and there is a bit of an audio leak:

Tommy- yo

Henry- hello

Tommy- I won a veto

Henry- your second veto

Tommy- wait..who is this?

Henry- I'm Henry. We haven't talked yet

Tommy- woah...we've never spoken


11:20 PM BBT

Christie and Nicole are trying to wash all the sheets so they can get to bed.

Christie- I cannot fold a fitted sheet. I'm bad at it. I literally can't fold a fitted sheet to save my life.

Holly- why fold it, though. You're just going to go in and put it on the bed. 

Holly determines it must have rained because some things are wet

Michie- I may make a steak

Jess- we don't have to wake up until 10 tomorrow

Michie- tomorrow it's Labor Day

Jess- Yeah

Michie- I'm about to pop. I was eating that watermelon. I'm gonna go put it up so the flies don't get to it. I'm surprised there haven't been more flies.

There has been a bit of awkward tension between Holly and Michie since Thursday night.

Michie comes out of the bathroom and heads to the HoH room. Holly follows.


11:25 PM BBT

Holly-can we...can we please talk

Michie- sure. What do you want to talk about?

Holly- well first of all, you're going to get some date-night wine?

Michie- date night for what?

He begins to uncork a bottle of wine

Holly- can we please talk?

Michie- yes, what do you want to talk about?

Holly- Jackson, you're being so mean to me.

Michie- I am not being mean to you




Michie- I'm not about to get talked to like that in real life

Holly- Jackson

Michie- or on fucking television

Holly- Jackson

Michie- you just called me a fucking asshole in front of 4 people in the house and national tv

Holly- Jackson (whining voice) do you not realize

Michie- do you not realize that my mom, my dad, my family, my friends are going to hear that when I have been nothing but supportive of you

Holly can't get a word in as Michie scolds her for her behavior toward him

Holly- do you not...do you not see everything leading up to that. I'm sorry....

Michie- hey, you're going to watch back and see that I thanked you for the coffee

Holly- Jackson, can we not sit down and

Michie- sure..

They sit down facing each other

Holly- I did not mean to say that...and I am apologizing I am sorry...for that....I am frustrated

Michie- okay

Holly- I didn't....I tried so hard to express myself last night, and I

Michie- yeah, you did

Holly- it's so hard to express myself and last night

Holly begins crying




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11:30 PM BBT

Michie- do you want to hear where I'm going from? For the past 74 days I've given all of my energy and time trying in to making sure you're...trying to make you as happy as possible...on a daily basis, supporting you and telling you how proud I am of you....trying to uplift you and be the exact opposite of everything you tell me that people in your life have been to you.  I am not perfect.  I'm not expecting you to be either. But for the past 74 days I have also heard you on numerous occasions  going back and forth, internally conflicted,  on whether or not you are  making the right decisions....whether or not what you are doing is best for you.  What your image is going to be because of me. Whether or not I could potentially be jeopardizing your future and your life outside of here.once we get out of her. We have talked about this on numerous occasions. And last night you were talking about how unhappy you are....how you don't feel certain things....and how you feel (he takes a deep breath) I don't know. I want to  make you happy and clearly I can't make you happy.  But, I want your last three weeks to be the best they can be. I woke up this morning knowing that I had to pick players for the veto so I showered but I was trying to let you sleep. We were getting carded so I turned the lights on. That's fine. And I love you.... I jokingly say that you're not going to have any more hair after this because you are constantly picking your split ends and you freak out about that (Holly tries to interject)

Michie- will you let me talk? Do you want to talk or not? You come over to me in front of Cliff, Christie and Tommy and you start going off on me (Holly tries to interject, again) and I tell you I'm not doing this here, if you want to talk we can go upstairs

Holly- do you think I have not been kicking myself

Michie- I'm not going to get walked all over and disrespected

Holly- that's how I felt

Michie I am not about to be embarrassed on national television when everything I do is for you...I called out your family in my eviction speech

Holly- I was extremely open and honest with you last night and then =this morning

Michie interrupts

Michie- I'm trying to give you space so you can find happiness in yourself...everything I am doing is to allow you to has been to try and make you happy. But I can't make you happy. That has to come from within. Come on now.

Holly- It didn't seem like that....it seemed like you were just done

Michie- I am now. I'm not about to get talked to like that on television. That's what was done by all of my exes. I've done that and I got a tshirt and I'm not doing it again...not on CBS

Michie continues opening the wine

Holly- will you please save that

Michie- it's my wine and I won it. I won it fair and square. Hey, we're going to the final 6 and can't split up on a game level

Holly is crying harder now

Michie leaves the room as Holly is begging him "Jackson...Jackson"

Michie- I'm coming back...I'm coming back

He heads to the kitchen

Michie- mumbles

Christie- I know...it sucks

Michie- I'm not...it's already been done in every relationship before this. I'm done

Christie- I'm sorry nothing is sacred, nothing is private

He heads back to the HoH





11:35 PM BBT

Michie sees Holly in the treehouse sobbing. He gathers her up in his arms (it's sweet)

Michie- please don't cry

Cliff comes out of the HoH room where he had been showering this whole time

Cliff to Michie- I'm sorry

Michie- no, you're good

Cliff heads downstairs.

Michie leads Holly into the HoH room

Holly- I'm sorry, I'm sorry (she is crying really hard) this is so much harder than I thought it would be

Michie is holding her close as she cries into his chest


11:37 PM BBT

Holly- I'm sorry I said that...I'm sorry I said that. I want to make this whole thing better.

Michie- it's alright

Holly- I was so stupid this morning. That's why I was so angry and I hate this house. i want to get out of here

Michie- come here

Holly- I don't want to be in here

Michie- come here

Holly- I want to get out of here

Michie- it's okay


11:41 PM BBT

Holly- go away fucking cameras...I didn't mean to....I said that because I thought you were dismissing me

Michie- when have I ever dismissed you..the 74 days have been revolving around you

Holly- I felt stupid because I was just opening up and I felt stupid because I thought you were dismissing me

Michie- I was trying to let you sleep....and after what you said I was trying to give you the space

Michie repeats all of his earlier list of issues he delivered earlier

Michie- Do you know how it feels to hear you say, "I know how young you are?"

Holly- I'm sorry

Michie- do you know how shitty that feels? to feel like I am a regret to someone. Like I am an embarrassment? But still I have constantly tried to support you, to lift you up. I always go to you for everything. I listen to you......[this goes on and on....it's exhausting]

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6:02PM BBT: Christie and Holly are congratulating Tommy on his iconic BB wins. BB cuts the feeds for a few minutes and when it's back Jessica and Nicole are hugging in the CBR, Nicole is crying. Meanwhile, Jackson, Holly, and Christie are chatting in the WA. 


6:05PM BBT: In the CBR, Jessica tells Nicole she doesn't want her to feel "guilty" or a "particular way." Cliff joins Jackson, Christie, and Holly in the WA, they talk about the veto comp. 


6:07PM BBT: Jessica tells Nicole to vote however they tell her to, she says if the house all wants to vote for someone, Nicole needs to do that also. Tommy walks in and tells them "pizza is ready," they leave the CBR.


6:15PM BBT: All of the HGs are chatting and eating, Holly, Nicole, and Cliff are in the WA eating while Jackson, Tommy, and Christie are in the KT eating. Jessica walks into the KT. General conversation continues. 


6:16PM BBT: Holly, Cliff, and Nicole start to whisper, Nicole asks if Holly thinks Tommy will use the VETO on Christie. Holly says she "thinks so" and then says, "well, maybe not." Cliff asks if "we're still good" if Tommy pulls Christie off the block. Holly assures them they are "still good." They agree to talk later.


6:20PM BBT: The HGs keep getting in trouble with BB for singing. They continue to talk about music. Jessica is in the WA with Holly and Nicole, she thanks them for not throwing her make-up on the floor. 


6:25PM BBT: Nicole is in the CBR, she says she's very discouraged. She's talking to the camera, she keeps saying "that doesn't make sense" and then follows it up with "it DOES make sense." The rest of the HGs are in the KT chatting and eating. 


6:34PM BBT: Jackson is alone in the HOHR, he's listening to music and reading his letter. The rest of the HGs are cleaning up after dinner and snacking. Cliff walks into the TBR and starts to put clothes away.  


6:44PM BBT: Cliff is still putting clothes away in the TBR, Tommy, Jessica, and Holly are talking in the KT. Tommy says he's "really tired."


6:51PM BBT: The HGs, minus Jackson, are all downstairs talking about the comp and straightening up things. Jackson watches them on the monitors from the HOHR. 


6:55PM BBT: Jackson leaves the HOHR and walks to the KT to make coffee. Holly walks around the LR, saying what she would have done during the veto comp if she were allowed to play. Jackson joins them in the LR, BB tells them to stop talking about production. Jackson is upset about his placement and how BB changed it, BB tells them to stop talking about production. 


6:58PM BBT: Tommy leaves the group in the LR to shower upstairs. Jackson starts to complain about something to do with the music and BB cuts the feeds. 

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