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Sunday, August 25, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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12:34 am


Holly leaves the DR and hears about the pie fight from Jackson and Nicole.


Holly says she is struggling to be funny in a response to Zingbot. She says she will work it on it tomorrow. She tells Jackson she curled up in a ball and snored to describe Jess's game.


Bob: you are not allowed to talk about the DR....he says it twice, then yells “Holly!”


She laughs and says she apologized.


Jackson tells Holly about Nick's pitch.


Holly tells Jackson she doesn't want anyone else up, Jackson wonders about Jessica.


Holly says Jessica is less apt in comps, they need her out, but not now. She says the person she wants out (after Nick) is Christie.

Holly says that during the entire game they have said Christie, Nick and they have agreed to work with people they respect, and on a strictly moral level she wants to move forward with other people.


Jackson tells her to expect him to pitch aggressively using “fair chance”


They agree that being the prankster is a fair chance on it's own merit. Holly says she wants Nick out because he is a big threat.

Holly says Nick has been her target since the vine competition. She says she is not missing another shot.


After a few minutes talk move to personal expressions from Jackson. He tells Holly that she is beautiful inside and out, and that he has grown to care for her more over time. He says he is not biased, a showmance was the last thing he wanted.


Holly gets a little embarrassed, she giggles, falls on the bed, and spoils the mood.


Jackson takes it well, he laughs and jokes with her.


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12:48 AM BBT

Holly tells Michie that she will not let this other opportunity go. He calls her a "boss ass bitch" by just whispering the words. 

Holly- you can call me that

Michie- I'm not calling you that (worried about feeds misinterpreting)

Holly- I'm a Boss Ass Babe

No comment from Michie

Holly- what? you don't think I'm a babe?....okay, I'm a Boss Ass Buzzard

Michie- the sexiest buzzard I've ever seen


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1:33 AM BBT

Nicole in the backyard alone talking aloud to the feedsters. She talks about how she feels Cliff fears that she talks to Nick too much, but she wants to make sure they get together and do what is best for the both of them moving forward. "At this point in the game, it's hard not to hope to stay longer and make a mark. I'm one of the top 4 girls. But, I'm the only one left that has not won an HoH and granted that could play into my favor...I would absolutely love if this week...not, love that's mean...I would prefer that Christie went home....it's a double...let's say like  Tommy or Nick win and they put up Michie or Holly...get out a huge threat...then it's an endurance comp and I win....and then from there I would make my nominees. That would be phenomenal. But it's interesting to me this week is called prank week and the HoH name is called 'Prank Shot' so it sounds like the HoH is being pranked  at taking a shot at someone and nobody goes home this week and....if nobody goes home and we are back to where we are at on Thursday. And if that's the case and nobody goes home, we might get a double...it wouldn't be like a double, it's a redo. I don't know. Why do I speculate? I don't know."



Nicole goes on to apologize to her family if they wrote a nice letter for her and she didn't get to read it. She tells us she is waiting for her laundry to finish and then she'll go to bed.

Nicole got called to the DR

Jess then got up to finish her laundry and the towels from the pie fight cleanup. 


3:04 AM BBT

Everyone back in bed with lights out

3:21 AM BBT

The creepy prankster voice comes on over the house, "Cliff, Nicole, and Jessica. It's time to make some pies and smash them in each other's faces" creepy laughing

Christie gets up to watch

Nicole- I feel like Mrs. Doubtfire

They clean up then head back to bed

Everyone appears to be asleep by 3:40 AM


8:38 AM BBT

All of the houseguests appear to be sleeping. Cliff can be heard snoring loudly.

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1:25 PM BBT

Holly and Michie talking in the HoH Room.

Michie- Nick's got to go. There's too many uncertainties

Holly- yeah, I just hope there's not a battle back and then have him come back 

Holly tells Michie that she told Nick others are going after the minnows but she is going after the sharks, "he is a beast" and how he appreciated hearing that and said he can respect that play.


1:30 PM BBT

Nicole joins them in the HoH to get some Lucky Charms (was in Holly's HoH basket). Michie tells her that Nick made his pitch and he's America's Prankster.

Nicole- oh, really....okay

Michie- he was like, you didn't have to win that, after the comp...he said I could have done some shady shit but I didn't (implying that if he was against Michie he would have put him up as the prankster's nomination). He said, "I didn't know how to tell you" and I was like it's too late. Long story short, he came up and was like 'by keeping me in this game I am going to be a target and I will throw comps, whatever it takes....he said if you can use it (veto) on Christie, I will put up whoever you want.'

Holly- he is not even pitching to use the veto on him, but use it on someone else. I wanted to know who. He said 'there was 6 people that wanted to make a deal to target you guys'. That's just him putting that thought in our head. None of it matters because I am very set

Michie- but very sketchy. Like, who would he put up? If he is backed in a corner, it wouldn't surprise me (implying it would be Cliff). I wanted to let you know because Nick is saying to me, 'Dog, this next HoH, what are you going to do/ If I'm gone, who has your back?'What I'm saying is he doesn't know. (that Michie/Holly/Nicole/Cliff are working together)

Michie- we want to go to final four

Holly- when we shook hands we meant it (they secured a deal with Cliff, and Cliff said they would be able to get Nicole, especially after Nick is gone)

Nicole- I will shake hands when I'm not as emotional (she's likely waiting to see if Nick is definitely evicted). I'm not sure if I can articulate...but I'll try. I respect y'all so much for being such strong people. But, I struggle every week no matter who it is, a friend, an ally, whatever. Jess told me I can't play like that. (Nicole is worried that talking with Nick makes her a target) I don't know how to change myself. I can't help but talk with the target. Damnit! [Nicole begins crying]

Holly- don't fault yourself for having a  heart. You're allowed to have a heart.

Nicole- obviously I'm going to cast the game vote, but I am going to feel bad for the person regardless.

Michie- hey, especially this week, you do whatever you want on a social level and a game level. You are your own person, and I trust you. Just because you have sympathy and compassion doesn't make me lose faith in you. I love you and I trust you.

Holly- same

Michie- you're a heart of gold. 

Nicole- I hate that I am always emotional in this game. It kills me.

Michie and Holly assure Nicole that they have both made moves that really ate at them. Holly says that it kills her that Kat went home basically because she was associated with them. Michie says that he then put Sis on the block and they had another emotional week because they love them both so much.

Michie- we want to work with you going forward. On a personal level, be as close to anyone you want to. It's not going to change the way I feel  (game wise)

Michie tells Nicole how much fun their pie fight was last night and how it's something he will always look back on and smile. He tells Nicole they love her.

Nicole- and I love you so much, I love everyone so much and that's the problem

Michie- why is that the problem? Tell me why that is a problem.

Nicole reiterates that her care and concern for others could be used against her.

holly- I am not worried about that.

Michie- it's not going to change anything

Nicole- at the end of the week when I walk in the DR and I make my decision, that's it. But, you never know what people are going to think when they see me talking to someone. 

Holly- please do not fault yourself for playing with your heart and your mind. It's a balancing act every day.

Michie- if I were watching this show....you're an angel...you are making everyone so proud of you. You have a heart and soul bigger than anyone else's.

Nicole- I know how things are perceived and I don't want to be the girl that is here and did nothing

Michie- NICOLE, have you looked at that wall....how many faces are in black and white. You are still here.

Nicole- I know

Holly- top 4 is pretty damn good

Michie- I can see us four sitting at a celebration dinner

Nicole- my gut knows it, but my heart feels bad for the people along the way

Holly- I love Tommy so much and I can't even let my brain go there yet because I know ...I am struggling with the internal conflict a lot. I am one to shut in my internal emotions

Nicole- I am too.....well, I thought I was

Holly- this house does things to us




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1:57 PM BBT

Cliff and Jess join then in the HoH Room. Cliff is wearing a stuffed bra (one of Jessica's) to poke fun at himself (Zingbot zinged Cliff for being "busty")

Cliff calls it a Bro Bra

Michie calls it a Brossiere

Michie- I would hate having those

Cliff- what?

Michie- boobs.... but then again we have things that would be obnoxious to y'all

Jess- well I kind of have some penis envy

Michie- oh, I'm not talking about the shaft, I'm talking about the balls...those hurt.

Jess- Oh, that is true.....Steve is always like "WATCH IT!" and I'm like what did I do

Michie-  It's not the penis that is annoying, it's the two guys that go with 'em...you move your legs they get squished and pulled up and get lopsided... it's annoying. It hurts.

Cliff- yeah

Nicole- wow! I'm sorry about that struggle guys

Cliff- fighting the fight on a daily basis

Jess- I know....Wouldn't it be worse if you bled through them, too?

Michie- or had to bear child

Nicole- yeah, that 9 month thing


2:36 PM BBT

Nick, Tommy, and Nicole are in the backyard

Nick- everyone always says they hate  that we don't have the backyard and when we do they don't come out.


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2:38 PM BBT

Christie is in the HoH Room talking with Holly and Michie. They start talking about this week's plan and how Jess will eventual find out.

Christie- she will be like I KNOW NOTHING

Holly- we tell her on day 99

Holly then tells CHristie that she made a cute comment about Jess' zing saying "snoozefest sounds great. I'll get my jammies. Where is my invite?" (in DR post Zingbot bashing). She said she thought it was great, but they didn't think it was funny enough. 

Christie- I know, that's annoying

Production- you are not allowed to talk about your DIary Room sessions with other houseguests, Holly

Holly to Production- well, if you would let me say what I want to say in there, I wouldn't say it out here

Christie says she is going to go outside and get some sun "I'm glad we shared info and I'm glad we are good."

Holly's groin is hurting really bad, "I'm so confused. What did I do. I can't even walk. I really am an old buzzard."

Holly- I really do feel good with everybody, even Jess

Michie- you do (implying he does NOT feel good with Jess)

Holly- check in with her, but at the same time I don't want to say too much because if you win you would have to put her up. But, the last time I spoke with her, she felt great about us.


Michie-We can do this thing. That's what's crazy

Holly- we can....if there is a battle back, I really want Kat to come back

Michie- she has a good chance

They talk about Sis and how she said she didn't know what she would do with the money (if she won)

Holly- like, really....make something up....respect that others...

Michie- well, she doesn't have that mindset


3:06 PM BBT

Nick has been crying in the backyard for a while, but no one is saying anything to him. Tommy is on a chaise near him and both Nicole and Jess have walked right past him. They may not notice given he has his face hidden from the sun. Yet, it's obvious he is crying through his microphone and through his body movements.


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4:10 PM BBT

Nick is talking with Nicole in the kitchen, "I may have to sell my soul to the devil." He tells her that he thinks he can get the votes to stay.

Nick- I think America has respect for me. I don't know how much more I can show. If they get me out this week, one of them is gonna go next week.

4:13 PM BBT

The houseguests get called for an indoor lockdown. "Please go inside and lock the sliding glass door."

Nick and Nicole ask if it's production trying to keep them from seeing or hearing something, but the others respond that there aren't any buzzers or anything.

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7:15 PM BBT

Nick and Cliff are enjoying a game of backgammon....Well, Nick not so much because he is losing. Cliff is munching on some Stacy's organic pita chips [I'm a fan of those, too  -MamaLong]


Holly and Tommy have started cooking dinner. It looks like Jess is helping.



7:33 PM BBT

Nicole and Christie are making a salad

Michie made some steaks and says they will be tough because they are super lean. Tommy grabs one to eat. Nick is just reading the Bible in the backyard, and CLiff is doing laundry.


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Followed by putting food up and cleanup.


9:27PM BBT Michie telling Jess he doesn't want the stuff he is doing in there, his decisions, etc to negatively affect Holly's life.



Nicole feeds fish.


9:45PM BBT Nick talking to Nicole in KT about if he is just unlucky.  Why is he people's targets?

9:50 Christie, Michie, Jess, Cliff talking in BY with Michie about traveling to LA.  Whether or not Jess would move to LA.  She said No, Chicago is more central.  She works in NY, LA and Dallas.  Christie talks some about her business.


10:00PM BBT Tommy talking game strategies with Nick and Nicole.  Tommy thinks people in the house, through all the seasons, tend to want to be with the strong people instead of targeting them.  They talk about a few seasons.


10:08PM BBT Holly asks Nick if he would be a backup dancer with Tommy for a song she made up about people in the house.  She has to do the DR first.  She is gonna get her snapchat glasses for it.

Nick and Tommy play backgammon while they wait.  [BoB should get companies like Hasbro to donate games especially Risk!  We NEVER completed a game and they have forever! - rms]


[PoPTV code: OTEV - rms]

10:16PM BBT More watermelon talk.  [Have they ever catered to one person's food request as much as Michie? - rms]


10:22PM BBT BoB tells HG to check the SR.  They have a note from PoPTV saying, "If you thought you were getting desert, this is nacho night.  No, seriously, this is Nacho night. What can we say, chip happens.  Dig in."  Chips, guac, beans, cheese, sour cream, salsa, peppers, onions are in the basket.



Christie says AND MARGARITAS!  Nick yells, NO WAY!  They all laugh.

They say thank you to pop.  Then Jess says, I feel like Pops doesn't even know us. [Ingrate! - rms]


Holly, Tommy and Nick are upstairs getting ready for her song.


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BoB says, Cliff, Nicole, and Jessica, PIE TIME! (Clown Laughs!).  He said he didn't care how many pies you make.  He just wants to see pies in faces.  Nicole says she is gonna make one for everyone!  Jackson grabs a can and asks Cliff to grab him a crust.


10:30PM BBT Cliff makes a pie.  He warns Nicole.  Jess has a pie now.  They are all calling out people to come down.  Nicole calls them all cowards.


Cliff calls out to Tommy, "Come on, attention whore, it's time for your performance."

Christie is downstairs asking if she is the only one who isn't a pussy.

Cliff calls out to BB telling them they are locking the door.

A pie is on the floor.  I think Michie threw one down.

Nicole gets Christie.  She had wrapped up in a towel.

Nick is heading down.

Holly asks if they will get her after he Vlog.


10:34PM BBT Holly is giving Nick the snapchat glasses.  He is heading to SR get Nicole.  She gets the back of his head as Cliff gets him directly in the face and finally Nicole blocks Tommy's but it got on the back of her head.  [This was pretty good. - rms]

Tommy calls them out.  Why are 2 of the 3 people with punishments not pied right now.

Cliff calls him out, you and me, right now.


[Tommy gets cornered and gang attacked. - rms]

Tommy runs from Nick.  Nick traps him in the KT and jams the pie up on his chest and lower face.  He fights with Cliff who then gets him and finally, Nicole gets his back.

Nick Says, Tommy, there's Mayo in that.  He says, I know I tase it.  He starts WRENCHING!  He's gonna throw up.

Michie is standing there now.  Nicole is MAKING MORE!  People scatter.

Michie is reusing a pie.  Nick and Nicole are running out from the SR and they are heading into the WA to get Tommy in the shower.

(in the background you hear Michie say ...  shower, bro, it's a f'n joke.)  Cliff laughs.

Holly has Cliff, Nicole and Jess pose for snapchat in the KT by a mess.


Now the HG are trying to figure out how they are gonna clean all of this up.


They trashed from the SR to DT, KT and WA.


10:50PM BBT They talk about removing the carpet to outside to clean it.  BoB says stop that, Cliff and Christie keep going.  Cliff says they have to give use some latitude.  They say that's much better.

They haven't considered that they are just spraying that into the artificial turf.  Ant parade, incoming!


Michie made one and is adding chocolate sauce on top.  He said he is saving this one for Christie.  [Bob, tip, you could've just given them cheap paper plates instead of wasting graham cracker crusts and aluminum pie plates.  Just sayin' - rms]

Michie is waiting outside of the SR door for Nicole or Cliff.

Jessica is being called to the DR downstairs.


11:00PM BBT Holly, Tommy, Nick in HOHR practicing dancing for her song.

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Cliff, Michie, Christie try to move the KT couch.  BoB yells, STOP THAT.  They complain, we are just trying to clean to avoid ants.  BoB tells them to not move the furniture.

They all complain  Cliff is gonna go into the DR and talk to them.  They were trying to get part of the carpet up to clean it.  Christie says if they could at least get a vacuum.  Cliff is pushing a mop and bucket around to SR.


11:10PM BBT Watermelon break for Michie and Christie.  Michie says, "Watermelon is the best food ever MADE!"  [MADE?  Do you mean GROWN? - rms]

HoHR, dance practice continues.

11:16PM BBT Nicole is asking Jess if Tommy is really mad.  Nicole is worried.  Christie pokes her head in to check on what product is being used to mop.  They ask her.  They all say Nicole is fine.  People are ok.  She is mad they can't take carpet outside, ...  Cliff said as soon as PopTV is over, they will put a vacuum in there.

Nick called everyone into LR.  Then said Holly wants them there.  They all start working their way in.

Nicole makes a statement to offer up a pie truce.  They will also do it over a trash can softly.  Jackson says, this is fun.  Cliff says, OK, Michie is open target.  He says, they only get to do this once, let's have fun with it.  Christie says she wants control over it.  Tommy want's Christie's option.  They don't want it over the carpet.


Tommy asks for no mayo.


11:22PM BBT Cliff says, not that we care so much about you guys' feelings.   We are tired of cleaning up.

Dance/song performance.


11:33PM BBT Nick and Tommy slamming watermelon pieces down.


11:34PM BBT They all line up for a snapchat pic.


11:35PM BBT Nick and Tommy again hammering down watermelon.  


11:41PM BBT Nick is taking frozen cookie dough, tearing it apart with his teeth and dropping it from his mouth into the ice cream in his cup.

Tommy says that is disgusting.

Bob calls Nick to DR.


They wrap up the hour with Tommy, Christie, Michie, Cliff in BY talking about past comps and powers.


[gn Orwell - rms]

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