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I would love to know if other agree with my assessment of this season so far...which is that it is extremely dull and predictable.  After watching Big Brother from the start, it amazes me that almost every year, the "cool kids" rule from the beginning.  You would think that the underdogs would realize immediately that there are certain strong houseguests that need to be eliminated as soon as possible.  But no...for some reason they let any opportunity pass until they are eliminated one by one.  Anyway, this year is filled with (IMO) unlikeable houseguests.  And, from this guy's point of view, the woman are not as good looking as in past years....gives me less incentive to watch.  The producers need to find a way to shake up this core alliance immediately or the show will end up being as dead as a doornail.

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I think the producers always want to fill the house with young, "beautiful" people, so we always seem to end up with the same "I'm gonna be a star mentality." I have thought for years that the game would be so much better if the house was more even, more older people and minorities. The average HG has little life experience and it shows.

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Why do you need to have "young beautiful women/people" to make this show interesting?  I don't need to see women with triple D boobs and thongs romping around or jocks displaying their muscles.  I don't care if they're ugly and fat or old.  I just want to see strategic play.  This is a big prize to win and looks shouldn't have anything to do with it.

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I would like a group of super fans to play the game.  People that understands the game and really know how the game works.   Why would you keep in the smarter, stronger players when you can't beat them in the end?  


I think the only super fan in this game is Nicole.  Most of the other players were recruited by BB production.  Christie did not even watch the show until a few weeks before the start of the game.

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The bad part is a number of these houseguests KNEW EACH OTHER outside the house. More than just Christie/Tommy.  Jackson and Beth know each other, and Beth and Kat know each other (Beth was talking about them having mutual friends so they couldn't take each other out or it would be bad in the real world).  It's totally lame and super lazy, boring casting as a result.  They need to fire the production design house for that fugly house, and @Kassting for not doing her job.

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4 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

The bad part is a number of these houseguests KNEW EACH OTHER outside the house. More than just Christie/Tommy.  Jackson and Beth know each other, and Beth and Kat know each other (Beth was talking about them having mutual friends so they couldn't take each other out or it would be bad in the real world).  It's totally lame and super lazy, boring casting as a result.  They need to fire the production design house for that fugly house, and @Kassting for not doing her job.


Who is "Beth" ?

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1 hour ago, omahaguy said:



Who is "Beth" ?

David forgot Holly's name when he came back into the house and called her Beth by mistake. She got angry about it (for no good reason) and so most people are calling her Beth now online.  I don't have the original mistake, but I have a little later when they're all talking in the boat lounge and it's brought up again.  Check it out (and look at the series of annoyed and bitchy faces on Beth when the name is being discussed):



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12 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

David forgot Holly's name when he came back into the house and called her Beth by mistake. She got angry about it (for no good reason) and so most people are calling her Beth now online.  I don't have the original mistake, but I have a little later when they're all talking in the boat lounge and it's brought up again.  Check it out (and look at the series of annoyed and bitchy faces on Beth when the name is being discussed):



I must have missed that. Thanks for the info BBLurker !

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