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Big Brother Australia - News - Week Six

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Just to say the 90% accuracy thing is complete bull**** - it's actually less than 50% accurate!

This weekend has seen the show lose alot of respect from it's fans.

The hyping up last week of a "massive twist" turned out to be a poorly thought out lie detector test - the results of which have been deemed by experts to be less than conclusive.

Secondly, the attitude of host Gretel towards Michael in the eviction interview and nominations show has been slammed by many as unprofessional and unfare - and when Michael pulled her up on the editing of some footage, she became incredibly defensive and ordered producers to get the footage to be screened again to prove her point. The new footage shown (of the supposed gay kiss) wasn't the footage shown in the earlier daily show.

Finally, three things upset viewers in the nominations show.

Firstly, Gretel telling the HMs that it was Michael who hid the toothbrushes - there is absolutely no justification for her doing that.

Secondly, BB ordering that the HMs can't nominate for strategic reasons - something they are allowed to do every other week.

And finally, the whole "Under the Radar" thing - with producers choosing a selection of non-nominated HMs to face the vote (and using the lie-detector test to justify it), rather than putting all HMs up to the public vote. They did exactly the same thing with the Insider!

Full coverage of it on http://www.behindbigbrother.com

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hanklee - I was able to watch the formal dinner last night but then had to turn in. Your report really fills in the gaps of what I missed. Thank You... Thank You... Thank You... :)

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