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BB Commercials

Guest Shockalot

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No telling. It could all be a ploy to keep everyone guessing. I doubt if CBS is that clever though.

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I think its jase in the top right. I remembe during BB6 when they had "What are the couples doing from BB5 now?" And jase had his hair brown like that but he also had a indian tattoo on his left shoulder so I dont know

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Sorry man, it is definetly Dr. Will. The "Thank you America" is Will's Enthusiastic thanking to america after he gets his trampoline through America's Choice. See the linked video at about 1:09 into it.


(PS - If the link doesnt work, just refresh it in your browse).

Yeah its Dr. Will with his whack out hair.

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Are you guys sure that's Jase in the top right? It kinda looks like Robert from season 4.

yes its jase he just has a different color hair now thats all!!!

WOW!!! i dont even remember that part from BB!!! hahaha must have missed that show or something!!!!!!! i was laughing will just jumps around in a circle and everybody else jumps in the middle!! hahahah

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Is this it? Saw this at Survivor Sucks . . . think they got it off Reality BBQ (?)


Can anybody tell who's in the 'Greg Brady' spot, top left? Robert Roman?

Also, isn't that backdrop new? It's got that hot/cold red/blue house 'o extremes look to it . . . perhaps a good sign that these are 9 of the 20 (?)

Funny though, the 4 most seemingly popular houseguests weren't featured - Dr. Will, Kaysar, Janelle, and Marcellas! Also no Diane or James . . .

PS What's with all the retro stuff? lol

Nice to see some things in life are constant...like Cowboy for example, he still looks like a big frickin' doofus!

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Sorry man, it is definetly Dr. Will. The "Thank you America" is Will's Enthusiastic thanking to america after he gets his trampoline through America's Choice. See the linked video at about 1:09 into it.


OMG--Thanks for sharing that video svirfnebli!!!

I had totally forgotten the trampoline :)

I love seeing the old BB clips!

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lol :)

Nice to see some things in life are constant...like Cowboy for example, he still looks like a big frickin' doofus!

omg - okay I laughed at Cowboy as much as everybody else but have to admit I kind of enjoyed him on the show . . . you know he had some interesting relationships going on the show with the Skipper/Gilligan Scott thing, and his half-sister thing, and then he was engaged to a single mom and was basically dad to that cute kid. Plus he would do interesting stuff like try and lasso and bbq, but not quite succeed in living up to his namesake . . .

So okay my shameful secret is out - I vote vote voted for Cowboy to get that phonecall from Chasen that made everybody cry. BUT as much as I enjoyed him first time around bless his heart, wow he is just so not All-star material imo. True he made final 2, but sometimes that seems to just mean people have pegged you as an easy person to beat. I don't know, maybe he's got lots of fans out there but it sure doesn't seem like it - hopefully he isn't getting his hopes up about re-entering the house :blink:

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