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Rigged Vote Reveal!


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Last night's episode proved something wasn't right with the "Camp Director" voting reveal. My wife Candie, noticed as they eliminated those with the least amount of votes, they were blasted with paint. The paint went everywhere, and all over their clothes. Many of them blasted with paint, were then in the diary room, wearing the same clothes that were blasted with paint, yet they were totally clean! So, one of two things happened. 1) They reveal was made, and they laundered their clothes immediately following the reveal, and they redressed themselves in the same, exact outfits (unlikely); 2) They revealed the outcome of the Camp Director Voting, and filmed fake reactions!
Hmmm!!! Something wasn't right! 


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I noticed this too. I don't know that it means it was rigged as much as it was scripted. Personally, I think it was a crappy deal. Yeah, the camp director will be safe the first vote, but he'll have three people left in the house with a vendetta. He'll probably pick who he thinks is the weakest players. Maybe he can win HOH and put two of the returning players up and eliminate another.

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I noticed the clean clothes too. From watching feeds for many years, I do know they sometimes make them put on an outfit from a previous day to do follow up questions. They've been in the house for a week or so, so there would have been time for the clothes to have been cleaned and the follow ups done a day or two later. Not sure if that's what happened, but it's certainly a possibility. 

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They re-dressed on the clothes later. It was mentioned on the live feed leak last friday by Christine.  DR was asking someone to get dressed on the comp clothes to do some fill-in DR video.  It's pretty common in BB for this to happen hours or a day after a comp.

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