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I thought about what you posted and breathed a sigh of relief. I realized you're right - most people won't change their minds, most people see her for the reality show whore she is, so most people won't vote for her and I won't have to watch her skanky ass parade around for another summer! Sweet - thanks! :lol:

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yeah.. your right.... i would say piss off in my first post on a message board too. that way i really would make friends.

and of course we all make typos.... or type a webpage address wrong... and there is always someone here to point it out to us. come here after 11pm and i make all type of typos and i out myself the next morning. lighten up people...its a message board not the PTA.

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crappy...can you speak for most people? have you asked most of the people personally?...didnt think so. And a reality show whore? are you kidding me?! you would try and be on all stars too if you were on an original season, i know i would jump at a 1 in 20 chance of half a million bucks

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what reality show has she been on beside bb & amazing race?

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crappy...can you speak for most people? have you asked most of the people personally?...didnt think so. And a reality show whore? are you kidding me?! you would try and be on all stars too if you were on an original season, i know i would jump at a 1 in 20 chance of half a million bucks - gill332211

Well, when it appears that a majority of people don't like her, post here and other places to that effect, didn't watch the finale of her season in many cases because they didn't like her, AND were rooting against her in TAR because she was ignorant I figure I'm pretty secure in my statement.

The reality show whore comment referred to her trying to extend her ten minutes of fame with TAR, and now All Stars.

I'll make the prediction now - the only way she gets in is if the producers put her there. And she won't get far because the other HG's are well aware of her sophmoric tactics. Enjoy her, and her 'pissy' posts while you can, because this ship is sailing.

That's my girl. Luv ya babe. - Carvin

Sorry Carvin, guess you're blinded by the hootchie! You can't help yourself, I know, I understand.... ;)

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Well I think in some cases they may be confusing people's complete dislike for 'love to hate - high ratings.' Well, they did get that category right with all the nerd herd except Ivette, I guess we can allow them to misjudge on a few others. :lol:

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Alison's transcript...

BB4 Alison."I'm gonna kick your a$$!"

BB4..Alison "Fear me now."

NDR Alison."I'm probably best known for being a hooker in the house, manipulating the men was definitely part of my strategy!"

BB4 Nathan " You've hooked up with almost every guy in the house."

BB4 Alison.:I did not!"

BB4 Alison.:Let's hide from those guys."

NDR.Alison."A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do."

BB4 Nathan.." Take it off."

BB4 Alison." I could just fall in love with you could you just stand there all night?"

NDR Alison." When I saw Nathan in the house he was obviously very naive and gullible. "

BB4.Nathan."Golly.Golly, Golly"

ODR Alison."Nathan doesn't even smell appealing, he smells like ahh drives me crazy aghh"

BB4 Nathan."Come to daddy."

NDR Alison." I knew I could just, (imitates a whip)

BB4 Justin."You looked me right in the eye and you lied to my face."

BB4 Alison." Actually, that's a bunch of bullsh**"

BB4 jun " Put up Ali and get her out of here."

BB4 Jack."Put Alison in there we vote her a$$ out of here."

NDR Alison."It got to the point where everybody hated me and everybody wanted me out so I told them what they wanted to hear."

BB4 Alison.to Erika." You're the only one I have an alliance too"

BB4.Alison to Robert." If I win the final HOH I'm taking you."

NDR Alison."And that's how I made it to first runner up.I got one vote from the jury"

BB4 Nathan "I vote for Ali."

Julie."Congratulations Jun you are the winner of Big Brother 4."

NDR Alison." The first runner up, first loser crap is not good enough for me, so I'm coming back with a vengenance!"

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You got my vote alison!!!

Where is all the outrage from the Marci fans for someone bashing a HG? :huh:

yes it does crap It shows that the jury was made up of a bunch of bitter people. Who voted based on their personal feelings rather than game play.

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allison should have won bb4. but it seem like her ex justin had control of how the jury voted. jun was on better terms with jee even thou she screwed him in the end she still got his vote.

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I was not pointing out the typo to rip on Ali. I LIKE Ali, I just pointed it out so that people would go to the correct website. TO SUPPORT HER.

And if people don't like her, she has a right to tell 'em to piss off. It's no different then most people would tell someone else who was giving 'em a hard time.

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I do have to agree with Neb on this one... Guys if you want to bash someone's game play that's fine, but personal attacks are wrong... IMO...

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some people are taking the bashing too far. i attack kaysar gameplay cause it is a fact he is a two time loser.

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Diet I wasn't saying anything to you about putting up her correct website address... I was addressing the one's that were being mean to Ali... :)

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Yep, I have said much the same Yana, in several other people's threads .. no one is listening. And I know that YOU weren't .. but some other people were commenting on my post like it was bashing, and I just wanted to be clear that I wasn't bashing her, I was just posting the right site so people can go look at her site.

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See I think Jun played a great game too she just pissed off the jury less than Alison. I guess Alison maybe could have done a better job of not pissing them off and won. or at least more than one vote. I guess it all depends on the Jury.

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No matter what Alison did on the show years ago, and no matter whether you like her or hate her the truth is she was one of the best players in the game..she's a smart woman! She will give Will a run for his title.

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I think it's www.aliirwin.com

Crappy what you said about allison is very vulgar and out of line! If you can'r say anything nice about her then don't say anything at all....after all she comes here and will read what you said and she does have feelings you know! I don't understand why some people have to be so rude about HG's they don't like,in fact rude people turn me off!

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Alright, I'll stick to her game play then. She did not have any. She used her body to get what she wanted, she admitted it herself. Quite frankly, if I where a woman I'd be insulted by her game play, I know my wife was.

I did not like Jun either that season. I just don't see the SCARY talent all - what - four of you, seem to think she has. She opened the door to the comments by the way she played - then she kicked it wide with her 'a girls got to do what a girls got to do' comment. In fact, I will give Alison one point - at least she is not a hypocrite. She knows the type of game she played and she owns it. So I will not apologize for any comment - and if she is offended by my comments she certainly will have a hard time 'dealing' in the house then - but if you ask me she seems to have a thicker skin then all that.

Why don't you download that season and re-watch it, since some of you seem to have amnesia. :lol:

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I know what she did, how she used her body and how she almost won the game doing it, but I would never go on record and call her a hore..so crappy what do you think the men in the bb house do to the women...they manipulate them just like alison did, remember how drew used Diane to get to the finals...it goes with the game..and a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do too.

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