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Cindy -- Will is just older and heavier. It happens to the best (worst) of us. That said with his ego (which hasn't withered a bit) it would be hilarious watching him play against the younger, prettier boys.

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For some reason I don't get it? He lied, so have they all. He, schemed, so have they all. What did he do that was better than everyone else? James did the same thing but because he didn't win the money. Will is crowned BB all time best player? I think that since he has been on there more key factors have come into play. Sure he was good, but the best? Not sure. I would just like to see a house with him, James, Kaysar. Now that would determine who is the best. Just my opinion. Not Will bashing, just expressing my thoughts.

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what sets him aside from everyone is that he went into the house telling them that he would lie and cheat his way to the top... and he did that. nobody else admits to lieing until the game is done and over.. will said it at the beginning and they still trusted him! lmao

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Actually, what really set Will apart from others is that he was perceived as a non-threat. He threw all the competitions so that he was never HOH. He figured that way no one would get mad at him, nor would they see him as threatening. Another thing that sets Will apart -- that is often overlooked -- is that he took A LOT of crap from everyone, especially Nicole and Hardy. Will became a kind of punching bag for them. Nicole would berate him and tell him he was stupid, and he would just sit there and take it. Will became convenient because he was always the one that was being nominated. I feel they got good use out of Will and always intended to get rid of him -- but they just never got around to it.

Does Will deserve his reputation of being the best? I would argue yes because he overcame a lot of odds against him, and he did it in a way that most people are not capable of doing. Keeping your mouth shut, taking all that crap from Nicole especially, and throwing the competitions.

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Okay Carmen I see your point but what about James. They knew he was lying. He still came back and saved himself in veto comps every time. He played both sides of the fence. I am no fan of his but I can see where he belongs right up there with Will, the only exception being.... he did not win the money.

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I think there is a HUGE difference between Will and James. Will's overall strategy is to be non-threatening. I'm not sure what James's strategy is but he was definitely perceived as a major threat far too early in the game, and that was his un-doing. I mean, that's how Maggie was able to manipulate Howie -- by convincing Howie that James was too big a threat (Howie went dumb and fell for it, but that's another story).

James can't keep his mouth shut and is way too obvious in everything he does. Will keeps his mouth shut (except when he's in the diary room, to all of our entertainment -- LOVE Will in the diary room!) and he goes out of his way to not be obvious. To me, that's a very crucial distinction between the two.

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Funny how you look at the two from a different stand point. Though I do not knock anyones opinion, thats why we are here, I still do not think he's THE BEST. Good, granted, but I think every top player is good for their own reason. He to me is not the total package. Maybe it's his arrogance. I do not know. I like him but not as much as most of you. I am not trying to sing James' song, not in the least. I am just using him as an example.

Yes, lying back is good. Lisa did the same thing and won. No threat there. As far as I can remember didn't lie either. Just sat back and let everyone tear eachother apart. So why is she not Queen?

Just a thought........

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Another difference between Will and James:

James denied that he was lying throughout his season.

Will happily admitted it because that was his game plan.

The reason James was targetted so early was because of his lies and him being called out on it, James kept denying everything and ultimately lost trust in everybody.

I don't think this AllStars will crown the TRUE king of BigBrother because everyone knows everyone elses gameplay already. Will is probably going to be a target immedieatly because nobody wants him to slither his way through like he did in season2. If nobody knew his gameplan then he wouldnt be a immidiate target.

Edited to add:

Lisa is not the queen because Danielle did all the work in season 3. Lisa played a "fly under the radar" game and never crashed heads with anyone. It's a boring way to play the game and she wouldnt have won if season 3's jury was sequestered. I rank Danielle, Diane and Allison FAR above Lisa.

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Yeah but Will threw HOH and rode tails also.... Just because he was upfront about lying, nah... It takes more than that. That does not make him good that makes them stupid! They knew the deal, they accepted it. Just as in every other season. People did what they wanted not exactly what they believed.

Let me say that I do see what you are saying about him and James. I am just trying to look at the whole picture.

You are right though. The true King/Queen probably will not be crowned for reasons you expressed.

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Well, I admit I'm probably biased towards season 2 because that was my first season to watch. I'm not saying Will is the whole package, I'm just saying he's a completely different type of player. Besides being hugely entertaining, and admitting that he did fall into some amount of luck, I would still argue that Will actually earned his prize at the end. It was a very satisfying finish for that season, and I think most of the houseguests were happy to give it to Will.

I haven't seen a season since Big Brother 2 where there was satisfaction among the majority of the houseguests with the winner. Maybe Lisa in season 3. But definitely not Jun in season 4, or Drew in season 5. And I don't think the majority of them were happy with Maggie's winning position either. (I can't speak to season 1 since I haven't seen that one). Season 2 people seemed willing to acknowledge that Will deserved it.

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No doubt you are right about that. I agree. I was just trying to see different aspects of the whole series. I know that I sound negative twords Will, that's not it. I just like to express my opinion and see others views as well. There are some things I have not even thought of until others replied to my remarks. I just don't want others to think I am trying to cause a rift. Just checking out every corner of the square, so to speak.

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both egos to big for alliance to last long. i give it 6 hours

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Here is Will's transcript from the show..

BB2.WIll."Half man half amazing!"

BB2 Will.Trampoline!"

NDR,,Will." Do you think it's easy being this good looking? It is easy!"

BB2..Nicole."You think you're ever gonna be human?"

BB2 WIll. "I look like a human on the outside, but it's just circuitry and wires."

NDR..Will." Well I'm best known in big brother for being ruthless."

BB2,,Nicole." Well at least we're fuckin honest!"

BB2 Will.."You are but I'm not!"

NDR.Will "Well, I was very honest with everyone I told them I was gonna lie!"

Bb2 Will "Listen I am the evil person in the house. I said I was gonna lie from day 1, and I said I was evil from day 1!"

NDR Will.."My strategy was to make alliances with everyone I offered them my hand and told them hey don't worry about it!"

BB2 Hardy..You shook on that one.."

BB2 Will.."Sucker"

NDR Will.."I kinda look over the stage and play the marionette. You have to backstab to win.That's what it takes!'

BB2."Krista."You be trayed me."

NDR Will."People were really trying to evict me and I was in the hot seat very often."

BB2 Hardy.."Will I nominate you."

BB2 Hardy.."Will I nominate you."

BB2 Hardy : Not nominating you would be like christmas without presents."

BB2 Will.."I was nominated?"laughs

NDR Will."How did I survive it?"

BB2 Will to kent.." It makes sense keeping me around because I'm so hated anytime I could go out."

NDR Will." I absolutely pioneered the strategy of being evil and hoping to make it to the end"

BB2 Julie."Congratulations Will You are the winner of big brother 2."

NDR WIll."I wanna get back in there because I have a big ego and I wanna mix things up and make people realize that there's no-one safe"

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I've missed him. I remember when it was during season 2 and everyone hated him. I was the only one who loved him and was wishing he'd win. I can't wait to see him back. It's just a shame it's not with Nicole! Frig those two were hilarious together. I can't wait to see who he argues with this year. It's going to be an amazing season!

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My favorite "Will" moment of all time (and he is my all-time BB fav) was one evening all the house guests were arguing, fighting, screaming amongst themselves while seated around a table. The camera keeps flashing back to Evil Dr. Will, just sitting in the background, listening to every word while laughing to himself and picking his toes. It may not sound funny, but to me (I laughed so hard I almost peed) and anyone else who caught this - HYSTERICAL!

GO DR. WILL! Won't be the same without you!!!!!


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