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Friday, August 31, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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0:04 AM BBT FEEDS back up. Haleigh on stairs with Scottie waiting to shower.  

Waiting to take hot showers. Need approval for have nots from production. 


Tyler and Angela hugging, celebrating



0:10 AM BBT Not sure why Brett is showering first. Hogging it big time. 


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12:04 AM BBT Haleigh is sitting on the steps and Brett is in the shower. Tyler hugs Angela and says he did that for her. Tyler says his arms were about to give out and Haleigh says she knew as soon as it were her and Ty he would beat her. Tyler says it was only going to take one hit to knock them out. Haleigh is hoping she can take a hot shower and Sam says they will let her. They have fair type food like popcorn and licorice and Sam says that answers what they are going to have for dinner. FotH.


12:10 AM BBT Tyler is going to take his shower next. Sam says everyone is going to want to talk to him. FotH. Kaycee and Haleigh are running their arms under water in the KT sink.


12:15 AM BBT Tyler has to go into the DR. Haleigh is shivering and she goes to the PBR to get some clothes. Haleigh asks if anyone else wants to shower first and Kaycee says she’ll go after Haleigh and Scottie tells her to go ahead. Sam is talking about the tree comp. Sam is asked to put on her microphone. Sam has never heard of elephant ears and Scottie explains what they are. Kaycee is asked to put on her microphone. Scottie asks how many people sat out of last week’s veto competition. JC tells him Brett and Tyler did not play.


12:20 AM BBT Tyler is out of the DR. Sam offers Tyler some cotton candy. Angela is in the BBR with Kaycee and she says that was epic. Sam is saying she loves the carnival. Angela thinks Haleigh would have put up Tyler and her because Scottie would have told her to. Brett still isn’t feeling well. Kaycee and Brett are told to put on their microphones. Tyler comes in and they do a mini celebration and say another one. Brett says he’s always naked for the celebration. Tyler thought Brett was going to win. Brett says he was sick at first, but then he got in a mind over matter thing and he wasn’t tired at all. Tyler says he didn’t see him fall, he heard it. Haleigh tells Kaycee she took some hard hits and her neck hurts so bad. Brett says the goo guy must have hated him.


12:25 AM BBT Brett says every square inch of him was gooed. Tyler says at one point he was dangling and his feet were hanging off and he couldn’t get his footing. Tyler says he ruined his shirt. Brett says his shoes are ruined. Kaycee is told to put on her microphone again very sternly. JC is told to put on his microphone. Haleigh tells Kaycee she wanted that. Kaycee says she was the only one to throw up. Haleigh says she wanted to. Angela says she has to work out tomorrow because she ate so much crap while she was sitting there. Kaycee says they are going to sleep good tonight. Scottie says he got nauseous at the start but then he was ok. Haleigh is out of the shower and Kaycee is getting ready to get in.

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3:01AM BBT Brett and JC are in the PBR. Angela and Tyler are in the HoH. Tyler calls the speech Fess did at eviction shitty and ponders why he thought he had to do it.  Angela suddenly bolts out of bed and heads to the HoH bath - it's soon obvious that it was because Sam was about to walk into the HoH.  Sam hands Tyler some stuff, Tyler hugs her, thanks her and sends her on her way.


3:03AM BBT Tyler and Angela return to the HoH bed and hold hands, snuggling. Tyler asks Angela "what do you want me to do since I'm wrapped around your finger?" Angela laughs a bit and says "Stay there."


Tyler says he's sore as fuck. His biceps are killing him - he really thought they were gonna rip off. Angela wonders how Haleigh held on. Tyler says he doesn't know - she's so solid...SO solid, like, not moving at all. Angela agrees.


3:04AM BBT Tyler asks if Angela noticed how weak Fess' applause was when he came out. He says he's been paying attention and Fess had the weakest applause. Angela says she hopes people hate him and hate him more after his speech.  Tyler says it's karma for the way Fess sent Scottie out and it's good Karma for Scottie to come back.


3:07AM BBT JC was trying to stir up drama between Sam and Angela earlier. Angela calmed her titties right down with some logic when Sam came to her all upset because of JC.


3:09AM BBT Angela says "so we replaced Fess with Scottie...it's annoying. And now there'll probably be some dumb double eviction"  [Ding Ding Ding - BBLurkerPlus]


3:10AM BBT Tyler says Angela carried herself really well when they tried to blast her earlier.  She said she didn't feel like she did and Tyler resassures her that she made it seem like it didn't bother her.


3:14AM BBT Angela says to Tyler JC has been weird to her.  Tyler says he thinks Brett has a crush on Angela and JC has a crush on Tyler and they can't do anything about it so they just want to fuck Tyler and Angela's game over.


3:15AM BBT Angela and Tyler continue talking about JC and how openly sketchy he's getting with his storytelling meant to influence the house. They're not falling for any of it. Angela calls JC a rat and Tyler calls his a slinky snake.  Tyler then says "I'll get 'im."


3:18AM BBT A little more chit chat and Tyler tells Angela "what's mine is yours," to which Angela says, sleepily, "thank you."


A little more snuggle time and Angela heads off to the HoH shower.


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415am BBT           Angela took a shower up in the HOH about 45 minutes ago and she's been sitting in this position on the edge of the bed for at least 45 minutes now


423am bbt       . Angela still laying in just towel been almost an hour since  she  took a shower


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12:30 AM BBT Kaycee is telling Haleigh she did so good and Haleigh says her whole body is shaking. Brett is laying down in bed in the PBR and he’s talking to Angela. Brett says Haleigh and Scottie should go up and then Scottie goes. It’s the least amount of blood. Angela says what if Scottie wins veto and Brett says JC. Tyler comes in and still hasn’t gotten in the shower. Haleigh comes in and says everything hurts and Angela says she crushed it. Brett asks JC how he fell and he says something about the DR and we get FotH. Scottie is in the WA and he’s talking to Kaycee while she’s in the shower. Kaycee is talking about how Asians sit. Tyler tells Kaycee he’s after her for the shower and she says she just got in and Tyler tells her to take her time. Tyler is back talking to Brett and Tyler is jumping because he’s cold. Brett asks why he’s not in the shower and Tyler says Kaycee is in there. Brett tells him he should take the shirt off and at least wrap up. Haleigh asks if they have rope burn and they all do. Tyler says he’s going to be bruised and Haleigh says she already has some showing up and shows them to Tyler. Haleigh says she didn’t care that she was spinning, but the hits hurt and they were jarring her neck. Tyler says yeah, one of them smacked him so hard it hurt his head.


12:35 AM BBT Haleigh says she had another 5 or 10 minutes left in her and Tyler says his arms were going out or he was afraid he was going to slip. Brett says he thought he was going to throw up his protein shake the entire time. Brett says he was burping up and he was very, very close. Scottie is cleaning up a little bit in the sink. Haleigh is complaining about her neck. Kaycee asks Scottie if he was getting nauseous and he says he was ok.


12:40 AM BBT Scottie, Tyler, and Kaycee still in the WA. Scottie thought the jury battle back would be with the HOH. Haleigh is complaining to Brett about Sam rooting for Tyler. Haleigh is telling JC, Brett, and Angela about Sam telling her that she didn’t want Haleigh to go, but then she heard Faysal’s speech and she was hurt and she voted with emotion. Scottie is explaining the jury battle back to Tyler in the WA. Haleigh says she knows Sam doesn’t like her. JC says yeah she should have just kept her mouth shut because it was just rude. JC says she doesn’t want to talk about her anymore. JC says the lesbians are all rooting for Kaycee and the others are rooting for him and he can’t win anything.


12:45 AM BBT Sam says this is the second double HOH. Scottie says Kaycee was confident up there and she says she’s always like that. Kaycee says she wasn’t expecting her fall and Tyler asks how she fell. Scottie says she slipped when she got hit by the pie. Scottie says he ended up sitting on the disc too. JC and Angela are talking about Scottie and JC thinks they are going to have backdoor him. JC says if Haleigh draws HG choice she’ll pick Scottie. Angela is confident Tyler can beat Scottie in the veto. JC says after Tyler gets his room they’ll see where his head is at. JC says Brett needs to play, like strong competitors who can win. JC says he could control Faysal, but he can’t Scottie so he needs to go this week. JC says you can’t risk putting Haleigh and Scottie up like Faysal did because the next veto can be a crap shoot and Scottie could win. Tyler says he couldn’t sit down anymore because his feet were covered in goo. Tyler thought he was going to fall before Kaycee because he lost his footing. Sam asks Scottie how it’s back to be in the big bathroom and she welcomes him home. JC says Scottie really, really wants Sam out. Sam can’t wait to put on dry, clean clothes.


12:50 AM BBT Brett is still saying he was so close to throwing up. He says he was dry heaving. Haleigh has rejoined JC and Angela and talk has returned to Sam. JC is talking about Sam’s crazy face. Haleigh says Sam’s been complaining about Tyler and she doesn’t like her and she’s such an F’ing B. JC says he’s going to try to shower. Kaycee says everyone did amazing on that comp. Brett says he thinks they were targeting him with the goo because he didn’t get any squid in the face.


12:55 AM BBT Still general chatter about the comp and Scottie’s return and Tyler is still in the shower. JC says his feelings are hurt because he hasn’t done well in comps. Brett said that was JC’s comp. JC says he doesn’t think he’d have won, but he could have done better. Haleigh says she didn’t even realize she fell off until she hit the ground and Brett says he was the same. He didn’t know anything until he was on the ground. Sam asks Scottie if she can shower first and he says go for it.

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1:00 AM BBT JC didn’t know what a wetnap was so Brett and Angela explain what it is. JC says Scottie looks extra tan. Brett is eating rice hoping it will settle his stomach. Tyler asks if he made it with taco seasoning and Brett says yes. Talk in the KT has turned to Faysal’s eviction speech again. JC says they can keep it game but taking it personal isn’t acceptable. Haleigh says he made himself look like a dumb A. JC screams who’s in the shower and Brett says Sam. Angela says she and JC can shower together. JC says Scottie’s nipples are small they look like a mosquito bite.


1:05 AM BBT JC is asking Scottie questions about the jury house and they get a warning about not talking about production. Haleigh runs by and JC says what was that? I felt a breeze. Kaycee has gone to brush her hair. Sam says her hair is so beautiful. JC still asking Scottie questions and they get another warning. JC says they aren’t talking about production, they are asking questions. Tyler has gotten something to eat.


1:10 AM BBT Kaycee and Angela in the WA. Kaycee is talking about the comp and she says she threw up a few times. She thinks she might have been ok if she had eaten something. Sam says she’s going to sleep like a baby. Sam can’t wait to see Charlene. Sam asks Haleigh if she’s ok. Haleigh is bent over by the sink. She says the protein shake was a bad idea. Brett says he has medicine if Haleigh wants it and she says she already threw up. Haleigh is called to the DR. Scottie says rumor has it we get to sleep in tomorrow and Tyler says yeah. Scottie says what a good first day back. Haleigh rinses her mouth out and Kaycee asks if she’s ok. Angela says she’s mad at Faysal. Kaycee says that makes him look like an A. Scottie and Tyler are talking about their strategy during the comp.


1:15 AM BBT Sam is still in the shower and she asks if someone is cooking and Angela says Brett is. Tyler is talking to Scottie about his HOH basket and what might be in it. JC went to get hot dogs and Tyler says we just had those outside. JC says those were inedible. Angela and Brett are both back in their respective beds and Tyler is in there. Angela is talking about the Faysal speech again. Brett is advising Haleigh to eat rice and chicken broth. Haleigh says she can’t. Brett says she’s probably dehydrated too. Haleigh says she probably just drank milk too fast. Brett says that was a bad idea. Brett forgot she was a have not.


1:20 AM BBT Haleigh says she really didn’t have any food to throw up. Tyler, JC, and Scottie are in the KT. Kaycee, Angela, and Brett are all laying down and Haleigh is in there with them. Scottie starts singing and we get FotH. Scottie says he hasn’t heard that all week. Scottie leaves and Tyler tells JC he said he wasn’t losing an endurance comp. JC says he was just worried Scottie would win because he was afraid he’d go up. JC says Sam is literally out of control. JC and Tyler laughing about Sam during the comp. JC asks if Tyler wants to know if he knows what he’s going to do and he says he thinks so. JC says he thinks they should backdoor Scottie. He doesn’t want Tyler to get blood on his hands. Tyler is grooming himself in the KT in the windows.


1:25 AM BBT Scottie is getting ready to take his shower. Tyler has moved to the WA to groom himself. Haleigh goes to grab a bucket to take with her to the HNR. All is quiet throughout the house.

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9:05 am BBT  HG's are all sleeping.  It was a very late night for some (5 am), but there is a nomination ceremony today.  Not sure when BB will wake them up.

9:08 am BBT  We get Foth/WBRB


9:19 am BBT  Feeds are back.  Lights are on in the BBR, but still out in the HOH room.  Sam is up and in the KT.

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1:30am-2:00am BBT:haleigh laying in her bed in the HNR complaining her neck and head hurts andf she is not feeling well. Scottie comes in and she ask him to stay with her. She tells him that she told Fasayl all week that she told him so. 
  JC is in the shower, sam is doing ADL's in the WA.

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9:21 am BBT  Sam is called to the DR.  BB announces the bedroom lights must remain on during the day.

Sam is out of the DR, and goes to the SR for peanut butter.  She looks for something else, but leaves.  BB calls out Tyler by name to turn on the light, but he doesn't move.

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 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Haleigh still saying her head and neck hurts and she is going on the block this week. Tyler is called to the DR. Brett goes to the HNR where Haleigh and Scottie are and he tells them he only sleeps with JC cause all the comforter  are in the HNR. You can hear Tyler in the DR as Bb ask him if he knows who he will nominate this week and Tyler says probably Scottie and Haleigh. Tyler comes from the DR and ask if anyone wants to see his HOHR. Tyler gets his room and gets a letter from his mom. 

2018-08-31-10.01.03-Cam 3.png

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9:24 am BBT  BB says sternly that the bedroom lights must remain on during the day.

9:25 am BBT  BB just yells out the name Tyler.  He rolls over, doesn't turn on the lights.  (He has only had about 4 hours of sleep)

Sam is still puttering around the KT

9:26 am BBT  Sam has made a tray for Tyler.  She walks into the darkened HOH room.  Tyler says he loves Sam.  She said this is her princess tray, and leaves it on the counter.  BB yelss Tyler.  It again yells Tyler.  He says what is it dude?  BB says the bedroom lights must remain on during the day.  He doesn't get up.

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3:00am-4:00am BBT: Tyler and Angela in the HOHR sitting on the bed holding hands as Sam comes up to bring Tyler some of his stuff, Angela hides in the BA while she is there. Tyler gives Sam a big hug and tells her to come hang out with him a lot this week. Angela takes a shower in the HOH shower then wraps a towel around her and lays on Tyler s bed with him for awhile as they talk about the intercom not working anymore. Angela thinks the other Hg are waiting to go to bed until she goes down stairs. Tyler said yeah they did that to me last week too.

4:00am-5:00am BBT: HG getting ready for bed and going to bed to sleep as they say they are tired. All HG in bed going to sleep as BB turns the lights out.

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9:44 am BBT  BB yells at Tyler yet again to turn on the bedroom lights (what happened to 10 AM-10PM?)

Sam is in the KT, eating out of a bowl by herself.

9:48 am BBT  BB yells again at Tyler saying Tyler, you've got to be kidding me!  Tyler moans and grumbles back,  but doesn't turn on the light.


9:50 am BBt  Tyler gets up and turns on the lights.  He then goes back to bed and says you've got to be kidding me.  He puts the covers over his head and mumbles.  BB says "thank you"!

9:52 am BBt  Sam is still sitting at the kitchen counter, finishing up her bowl of food.  She starts humming, we get brief FoTH.  Feeds come back, and she gets up and makes another cup of coffee.  Feeds 3 & 4 are on HOHR and Tyler completely covered by the covers. 

BB announces every HGs name except for Sam and tells them to Rise and Shine. 

9:56 am BBT  Sam goes into the WA and lays down on the couch.  She is talking to the camera, says she doesn't know what to do.   She does some stretching.  She starts singing for over a minute, and BB tells her to stop singing.  She says then wake the others up so I will have someone to talk to .  BB calls out all of the other HGs again, and syas what do you not understand about please.  Wake Up!  Sam says it must be a demonstration, then changes it to striking.  Sam is still talking to herself quietly as she goes to the BBR and makes her bed.

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9:00am-9:30am BBT: BB is waking the HG and telling them to get up for the day and telling Tyler to turn his light on as it must remain on during the day. Sam takes Tyler breakfast to his room and then leaves and goes back to the KT to drink her coffee and all is silent.

9:40am BBT: JC goes to the WC after changing his batteries then heads back to bed. Sam makes herself a bowl of cereal. BB tells some of the HG it is time to change batteries.

 9:54am BBT: BB calls all sleeping HG by name telling them it is time to rise and shine for the day, Sam walks around the KT drinking coffee and smiling.

9:56am BBT: Sam now laying in the WA mumbling to herself.

9:58am BBT: Sam is singing in the WA and BB yells please stop singing. Sam jumps and laughs and says then wake everyone else up so i have someone to talk to, BB calls everyone else by name and says what part of wake up do you not understand WAKE UP. Sam starts laughing.

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10:05am BBT: Lights are on, Tyler still in bed with the covers over his head. Scottie is laying in bed in the Blue bedroom, arms crossed staring at the ceiling. Thinking.

10:08am BBT: Big Brother names all Houseguests except Sam, that they must be awake from 10am-10pm

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10:11am BBT: Sam is in the Bathroom getting dressed for the day. Big Brother says Tyler your microphone needs new batteries. No movement at all. Camera 4 zooms in on 2 pairs of shoes in the HoH room. Can't see if Angela is in bed with him [hope not!]


10:13am BBT: WBRB, Houseguests getting yelled at to GET UP!!!!! Hopefully we will see movement soon.

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10:15am BBT: more of Tyler's head has emerged from the covers in the HoH bed. Sam in the bathroom at the sink. WBRB

10:16am BBT: We see Tyler's Eyes! Scottie is up with cloths on talking with Angela

Hay comes out of the Have Not Room, Scottie goes back to sit on his bed. General talk.

Complaining about being sore.

10:18am BBT: Hay and Sam in the Bathroom, talking about being sore and needing Advil. WBRB


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10:16 am BBT  Scottie is up in the BBR and talking with Angela who is still in bed.  Angela is talking about the HOH room, and nobody wants to leave.  Scottie said Tyler had that for 2 weeks the beginning of the game.  Scottie says good morning to Haleigh as she walks through on her way to the WA. Scottie and Anglea are chatting, brief Foth. Feeds are back, Scottie is yawning and asking Angela questions, then Scottie gets called to the DR.  Angela sits up and moans, then puts her shorts on under the covers.  She is up!

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10:19am BBT: Scottie called to the DR.

10:20am BBT: Angela enters the Bathroom and says good morning to Hay and Sam. Hay says I don't know how they keep us up till 3 and make us get up at 9

Angela went to bed at 5

BB says Hello in Spanish, time to rise and shine! [LoL]

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10:20 am BBT  Angela is up and putting on her mic as she walks into the WA.  Haleigh and Sam are in there.  Angela and Haleigh talk, Sam didn't talk to Haleigh when they were in there alone.  Haleigh doesn't know why they got them up when they (BB) knew they were up until 3 AM.    BB announces Buenos dias house guests, rise and shine.  Have you changed your batteries? 

Angela and Haleigh are doing ADLs, Sam is puttering around her locker in the WA.  Feeds 1 & 2 show Tyler, still in bed.

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10:25 am BBT  Sam says today will just be a chill day then.  Angela says like ysterday and the day before?  Angela says out loud for people to get there asses out of bed.  (noms are today, not so chill).

10:30 am BBT  Angela tells Sam that she slept ok, but the sheets smell bad, like Crisco. (from slip and slide comp)  Sam tells her the gray sheets are in the chair, they just need swapped over.    Not much talking, just daily getting ready for the girls.  HOHR, Tyler still in bed.  Haven't seen Brett or JC yet.  Scottie is in DR.

10:34 am BBT  BB again says Buenos Dias house guests.  Then asks if they have changed their batteries.  Tyler groans and sits up.  BB says sternly change your batteries today.  Tyler gets up ang goes to the HOH WA/WC.  Cameras can be heard following him and zooming in on him.


Downstairs Sam is asking Angela about the DR.    Tyler goes downstairs to the SR to exchange his battery.  He puts on his mic and goes back upstairs and is back in bed, though partially sitting up.

10:44 am BBT  BB says Wakey, Wakey house guests.  Feeds are on WA with Angela brushing her teeth and Sam still getting ready.  Other feds are on HOHR and Tyler in bed.

10:48 am BBT  Angela goes to the HOH room and tells Tyler to get up.  She said she sees Sam made him a princess tray.  He mumbles.  She climbs in the bed with him, and tells him everyone is getting up, there are DR sessions this morning.  She said it is hard to get up there, Sam is watching everything. They are both completely under the covers.

10:52 am BBT  BB again announces "Wakey, wakey house guests" 

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