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Monday, August 27, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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9:00am BBT: we have FOTH but the Fish are stil in the dark.

9:11am BBT: Sam is straining coffee grounds out of the coffee that they make iced coffee from. Bb tells the Hg to change batteries But all HG are sleeping except sam.

 9:22am BBT:Haleigh in the WA doing ADL's Kaycee now up and changing batteries. Sam in the KT heating cinnamon rolls.

9:28am BBT: sam and kaycee in the KT drinking coffee and talking general talk, sam is heating the cinnamon rolls and cooking slop for the have not's. Haleigh in the WA flat ironing her hair.

9:40am BBT: kaycee doing ADL's while Sam cleans the mirror over the WA sinks. Haleigh has gone back to bed in the HNR.

9:56am BBT: Feeds are on Faysal and Haleigh sleeping in the HNR and in the WA with kaycee and sam doing ADL's. kaycee goes to the STR and gets things to restock the bathroom.

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10:36am BBT: 2 cameras on Sam in the bathroom and 2 cameras on Kaycee in the kitchen [lots of excitement!]

10:39am BBT Backyard lockdown again. the big door closed. Kaycee told Sam they are closing it again.

10:42am BBT: Sam brushing her hair and Kaycee made her bracelet!

Still working on details, but looks like she is relieved she got it.

10:43am BBT: Angela is now stirring in the HoH room, doing her hair.

10:45am BBT: Angela grabs there headphones and is cleaning up the HoH room. Sam and Kaycee are talking about jewelry and bracelets.

10:46am BBT: Brett slides the pink wall and yells at JC "Wakey Wakey" and throws a pillow at him. He walks out to the Kitchen and noticed the door is closed. Has to get his laundry.

10:48am BBT: Brett goes up to HoH room, knocks on door, Angela opens the door, Brett says "Wakey Wakey". Jumps on the bed with Angela and asks if shes sore. She is super sore.

Fessy is awake and walks to the Kitchen. Brett and Angela general talk.

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10:42 am BBT  Kaycee goes into the WA to show her bracelet to Sam.  Sam really likes it.  Fessy is still asleep in his saucer in the HNR.   Angela is doing ADLs in the HOH bathroom. 

Sam and Kaycee still talking about the bracelet.  Kaycee's roommate made it for her, looks like she had to fix it.  Sam said she loves to make jewelry, but doesn't do it very often.  Sam said she made hemp jewelry, and it stinks when it gets wet.  Kaycee said she doesn't like anything to girlie, so she might make her own.

Brett tries to scare JC, who is still in bed.  He says Wakey Wakey, and throws a pillow at him.  Then he remembers he has laundry in the washer, and runs through the house to put it in the dryer.  The backyard is closed, Kaycee said possibly they are fixing something.  He then goes upstairs to talk with Angela.  Fessy gets called to DR.  He gets out of bed and goes to the WA.

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10:50am BBT: Kaycee comes into the HoH Room, "Hi Family" Angela says you are going to use the Veto on Fess? they all laugh. Brett and Fess had a chat about using it and taking care of Healeigh.  Brett says if they aren't in a showmance he will feel stupid, the girls say they total are.


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10:49 am BBT  Kaycee goes upstairs to talk with Brett and Angela.  Angela says she hears Kaycee is going to use the veto (joking).  She says she isn't gay, propose to me.  They also joke that Kaycee will take good care of Haleigh.  Now they are talking about Fessy, and how strange is is acting.  They can't tell if he is trying to be sneaky or not.  He kept looking out the sliding door.   The other night Haleigh was playing with Brett's hair, and Fessy was staring at him.  JC even said something about it.  Kaycee said it is probably eating at him, since Brett is his target, and Fessy will be leaving first, and Haleigh will be in the house with Brett.  Brett said he doesn't do anything, he isn't approaching her.  Brett wants them to admit to a showmance. (Fessy is, not so sure about Haleigh). 

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10:06am BBT: sam in the WA clipping her nails as kaycee sits quietly in the KT drinking her coffee.

10:12am BBT: Sam in the shower. Tyler now up in the Wa doing ADL's JC gets up and goes to the WC. BB calls Brett to the DR and tells Angela there are fresh batteries in the STR.

10:20am BBt: Angela comes down the stairs to go change her batteries and complains her legs hurt so bad. Brett is in the WA doing ADL's while sam is still in the shower. kaycee is sitting in the KT fixing her bracelet.

 10:43am BBT: kaycee finishes her bracelet and goes to show sam who is now out of the shower combing her hair. kaycee wishes there was elastic for it but she has none. Sam tells her to go get elastic from her bikini she has been getting it from and kaycee says its ok it will work this way. She then tells sam her roommate made it for her. Angela is in the HOHR doing ADL's. Brett in the BBR opens the door to the PBR and yells in an evil laugh wakey wakey and throws a pillow at JC then goes to the KT.

10:49am BBT: Brett in the HOHR with Angela and they call Kaycee up there and angel laughs and says i hear your using the Veto on him and kaycee laughs and says yeah. They laugh about Faysal not getting off the block and how Brett wants to say i will take care of Haleigh.

10:52am BBT: Brett telling Angela and Kaycee if Faysal and Haleigh would just admit they was in a relationship  he would hush and be fine with it but then he will feel stupid if they are in a relationship. Angela and kaycee says this is a game who cares if they are. They then talk about how Faysal will act with Haleigh outside if the house and being jealous all the time if she talks to other guys.

10:58am BBT: Brett, Angela and kaycee talk about Faysal coming to kaycee yesterday saying the numbers are getting low and to do what is best for her game now anyone else.

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10:55 am BBT  Angela, Kaycee and Brett are laughing about Fessy and Haleigh.  Brett says neither one has pitched to him to say.  They think he might after the veto ceremony.  They say he always states the obvious.  Kaycee is talking about his pitch to her yesterday in the WA.  He kept repeating himself, do what is best for her, only 6 people playing for HOH, etc.  Brett said he went outside last night because he saw Haleigh crying in the corner.  He told her Fessy will probably go.  They feel bad for her, she will be alone.  Brett said he and Fessy were sitting in the hot tub, and Fessy didn't say a word to him.  Brett said it was the perfect time to talk.  Brett said he pitched to everyone when he was on the block.  Brett says if they don't try, he doesn't feel bad about voting them out.  They aren't even pitching for Kaycee to use the veto.  Kaycee said Fessy did yesterday, but Haleigh hasn't.

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11:00 am BBT.  Brett, Kaycee and Angela in the HOHR.  Brett says Haleigh hasn’t even tried to campaign.  Kaycee says maybe after the veto.  Kaycee says Faysal kept repeating himself telling me that I won it and I should use it.  They all say it sucks that u have to swallow your pride and talk to people.  


Sam and JC in the WA.  Sam appears to be putting on a new nicotine patch.  

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11:00 am BBT  Brett is talking about when Bayleigh put him on the block, she and her Hive were celebrating in the SR.  He was in the DR and heard it all.  He said he ws nice to them, and that was a sh*tty thing to do.  He didn't feel bad about voting them out.  They are talking about how weird Bayleigh was, and random things that she did.  He mentions when she put her nose in his burrito.  He said she complained that he spent time with everyone but her.  He said she was in a secret showmance with Swaggy, he wasn't going to do anything.  Rockstar complained that he didn't spend time with her, either.  He said it was uncomfortable, as she is married.  Angela said she isn't, but Brett said she is living with the guy and they have kids, so it is to him. 


Kaycee gets called to the DR.  They think it is veto ceremony time.  Kaycee said she has to change her pants.  Kaycee goes to the WC, and talks with Sam.  She thinks she should change into black pants and a bandana.  Sam is agreeing with her.   Brett is still talking with Angela.  Tyler is in the BBR, putting his underwear on.

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11:03 am BBT.  In the HOHR, Brett talks about Bayleigh sticking her nose in his burrito.  They’re talking about weird things Bayleigh did.  Kaycee says maybe she likes u.  Brett says I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.  He says she made the comment multiple times that he spent more time with every other girl here.   Angela says she heard Bayleigh liked Faysal first.  Kaycee gets called to the DR. They think it’s time for the veto cermeony.  


11:09 am BBT.  In the HOHR, Brett asks Angela if she thinks Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance?  She says yeah.  He says he has thought that the whole game.  Brett says he tried to get Haleigh to tell him last night and she wouldn’t.  Brett says he is starting to think they aren’t but Faysal really likes her.  Brett says the comment Faysal made about being with someone like that made him think he was claiming her.  


11:11 am BBT.  Kaycee gets called to the DR again (she was changing her pants).  In the HOHR, they think Faysal is way more into Haleigh than she is into him.  They both say they feel bad for JC, saying he is upset he made a final 2 deal and didn’t take time to get to know them.  Angela wonders if he really is upset or if he just knows he’s on the bottom of the totem pole.   Kaycee is called to the DR again.  


11:14 am BBT.  BB calls for a LD and to go outside and close the sliding glass door.  HGs start to get ready to make their way outside.   


11:19 am BBT.  BB calls again for the LD and to go outside.  Haleigh and Angela are outside.  Haleigh asks if they were locked inside earlier.   Angela says yes.  Haleigh asks if everything is the same.  Angela says yes, she’s not using it.  Haleigh says she doesn’t know what she’s going to say for her speech.  We now have reruns.  Time for veto ceremony.  



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11:08 am BBT  Brett is talking about asking Haleigh if she is in a showmance with Fessy.  She would not confirm or deny.  He and Angela decide Fessy really likes her, but don't think she likes him the same way.  They both say they don't really care.  Angela keeps calling them boyfriend and girlfriend.  She says she hasn't been corrected.

Tyler is in the WA, so is Sam.  Kaycee is in there, getting ready.  BB calls her again to the DR.  JC is in the KT eating, and Tyler goes in there.  BB calls Kaycee again to the DR. 


BB calls for an outdoor lockdown.  Everyone is scrambling to finish getting ready.  Haleigh asks if they were on an IDLD earlier.  Brett says they were.  He doesn't know if there were people out there, or a drone, but it is open now.  Brett is brushing his teeth, Haleigh changes into a red shorts and top. JC is washing his hands, Sam is getting ready.  Angela is downstairs talking with Tyler. Haleigh uses the flat iron, and says she will leave it on for Sam.  JC keeps singing.  BB calls 2 more times for people to go outside.  They are slowly drifting out.  All feeds on Haleigh and Angela on the outside couches.  Angela took some snacks with her and is eating them.

11:20 am BBT  Feeds switch to reruns of old shows.  Should be the Veto ceremony.

11:45 am BBT  Still on reruns.

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12:04 pm BBT  Feeds are back.  Sam is in the HOH room putting in eye drops.  Haleigh is in the KT eating. JC. Brett and Kaycee are also in the KT, Angela is in the HOH room.  JC is kidding Kaycee about telling everyone it is time for the veto meeting.  Kaycee said she was really nervous.  Haleigh asked if Kaycee is going to make coffee.  JC is talking about making brown rice.  In the WA, Sam is telling Fessy, who is in the shower, that she will give him a hair cut on Thursday. 

Haleigh wanted to know what time Kaycee went to bed.  Kaycee said she was already in bed when she Haleigh came in, and Fessy was even later.  They are all have-nots. Haleigh said she wanted to go to bed the same time as Kaycee. 

Fessy is out of the shower.  Sam is drying her hair.  People in the KY are trying to decide what to fix to eat. Haleigh takes her food/slop outside and sits on the couch.  Brett is talking with her.  He is complimenting her on how she looks.  She said she got up and took a shower and did her hair.  Haleigh said she was looking for him last night, and he ws upstairs.  She said Sam said he was upstairs, she better hurry up and get up there with him. 

Brett tells Haleigh that Fessy hasn't even spoken to him.  She said she thinks he is mad at her, because she is friendly with everyone.  Brett and Haleigh discuss how it is just a game, there is only one winner.  Haleigh goes over her speech for Thursday, saying she loves being there, wants to keep playing.  Brett asks why she put certain people up, who has been in her ear, etc.  She says she throw anyone under the bus.  He says no, but maybe explain why you put people up.  Tyler comes out to run, Brett is going to run with him.  Haleigh mentions she has never seen him run.  Tyler said he does sometimes.  It is day 69 and Tyler is running with Brett (Brett says this).  Haleigh sits on the outside couch and watches them run.

12:16 pm BBT  JC, Kaycee and Angela are joking around in the KT.  Sam is in and out.  Fessy is drinking something, but not talking.  Sam asks Fessy how he is feeling, he mumbles something and walks out. Haleigh is in the KT at the counter now.  Sam is making some coffee.    Feeds go to reruns, not sure why.

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12:04PM BBT Feeds are back. HG in the KT preping food. Hayleigh says she assumes they can't have cinnamon rolls today. Brett jokingly tells her she can.


12:08PM BBT Fessy s showing on the non-HN side of the shower.


12:11PM BBT Hayleigh and Brett are in the BY. Brett is telling her she looks good. She says she got up and showered. Brett tells her that her hair is looking good and her skin is flawless. They are flirting.


12:12PM BB Hayleigh and Brett talking about Fessy. Brett asks her if he thought he had a deal with Kaycee to use it. Hayleigh says she has no idea. She says that Fessy is upset at her for hanging out with everyone. Brett is talking about the game aspect and it's a once in a lifetime chance.


12:20PM BBT Feeds are back. Hayleigh has crawled onto Fessy's bed where he is lying with a bandana and doesn't say a word. She removes the bandana. She says they need to hang out with everyone. They say they will not campaign against each other. She leans over and gives him a quick kiss. She wants to know why he is mad. He says they are on the block together and Hayleigh is hanging out with the person who put them on the block.

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12:20 pm BBT  Tyler and Brett are running laps in the BY.  Haleigh goes into the PBR and gets in bed.  Fessy is in there.  She tells him she isn't going to hang out in the HOH room and campaign against him.  She asks him if he is going to be like this the rest of the week.  He said it sucks both of them being on the block together.  He is laying in the bed in the pink room, not saying much.  Haleigh is trying to get Fessy to talk, he is sulking.  He said it is just a game, but when she isn't in the HNR or outside, he figures she is upstairs, playing the game.  He said it is fine, it is just a game.  She said that isn't true.  She explains her thoughts to him.  He starts to talk, then stops. She wants to know what...he doesn't answer.  He is just staring and sulking.

12:30 pm BBT  Fessy said there is either a double eviction or battle back this week.  Haleigh wants to know why they would close the BY so early, on Tuesday this week.  We get reruns.  Back with the BY people, then back to Fessy not talking, just staring.  Outside Tyler and Brett are still running, Angela is laying out and going over days with Kaycee.  Studying and laying out. Fessy is laying in the bed, not talking, with Haleigh in the next bed, also not talking.  They are in the PBR, not the Have-not room.  (Since Fessy took a hot shower and is in the wrong bed, will he get a penalty nom or is BB even watching?)

In the BY, Brett is studying out loud as he runs.  Kaycee and Anglea laugh at him.  Tyler is quiet as he runs.

Haleigh tells fussy Fessy that he can lay in there and have a pity party if he wants to, she will let him pout for a couple of more hours, but she is going outside, as that is the last day of the yard.  She gets up, goes and gets her shoes from the HN room,   Haleigh goes to the DR.

12:40 pm BBT  JC is alone in the KT  He talks out loud, that Tyler and Brett are still running.  He said Tyler doesn't need to run, he is so small already.  JC starts to sing in spanish, and we get reruns for a moment.   In the BY, Angela and Kaycee are talking.  Angela says "he" knows that Angela, Kaycee and Tyler have each others backs, and Brett has his foot in the door.  She says he doesn't know they are solid.   They are trying to decide why the yard is closing early.  Brett says a battle back tomorrow.  Feeds go to JC, he starts to sing, then to the BY, Kaycee says she has it figured out, the battle back will be a long endurance, maybe with everyone competing (HGs and jury).  They go back to the KT, JC talking about fall in LA with Sam.  Back to the BY, Kaycee trying to figure out when a DE will happen with a battle back.  Kaycee is going over days and weeks left. 



(gotta go if someone can take over.)

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12:27PM BBT Fessy tells Haleigh that it is more then a game. He says that her hanging out with Angela makes him feel like she only is thinking about the game. She says he may think that but it is not true. She says her liking him is not beneficial to her game. He says he just feels like.. he trails off. She tells him to use his words.


 12:32PM BBT The BY will be closing Fessy says that it is either for a DE or a battle back. Hayleigh says why so early. It's only Tuesday.In the BY Brett and Tyler running laps and running dates.


12:44PM BBT Kaycee asks if they are closing the BY tomorrow it must be a crazy HOH. One of the guys says unless they are doing the battle back tomorrow. Angela says they need at least 4 to do the battle back.


12:48PM BBT Kaycee is explaining to Angela is how a battle back would work. Kaycee is counting days and explains that if there is a battle back then they would need a DE.


 12:58PM BBT Sam curing her hair in the WCA. Tyler comes in an d mentions a shower. Angela still lying out in the sun.

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1:00pm BBT: Haleigh in the shower talking to Sam while she curls her hair, sam says her hair isn't as curly as it used to be that it could be because she fried it with colors. In the BY Brett and Angela talking while Brett is in the pool.

1:11pm BBT:Tyler is in the KT cooking while JC watches him, kaycee goes out to the BY and checks on the laundry. Brett in the pool talking to Angela  as she sits in the sun.

1:18pm BBT: Faysal in the KT washing his dishes, sam has put on her bikini and is fixing to go out to the BY. JC sitting in the KT while Tyler eats. Kaycee and Brett floating in the pool and Angela sitting on the side of the pool with her feet in the water, Just general talk going on.

1:24pm BBT: JC in the KT talking to Faysal as he gets slop about sam making the coffee to weak. Faysal laughs at him. In the BY Brett jumps in the pool and splashes Angela and kaycee. Tyler comes out to lay in the sun as sam is fixing her spot to lay in the sun.

1:35pm BBT: Angela, Brett, Tyler, Kaycee and Haleigh are all in the pool floating and splashing around, sam is laying by the pool in the sun. JC in the KT making iced coffee while Faysal watches him and making a bowl of slop. Just general talk going on with everyone.

1:55pm BBT: most Hg in the BY laying in the sun no talking going on, Brett, JC and Faysal in the KT and Faysal tells them that the BY is closing early tonight.

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2:05pm BBT: All feeds on HG laying out in the sun in the BY . No talking going on.

2:24pm BBT: Angela in the KT making herself something to eat, Tyler watching her as Brett sprays himself with tan spray and Angela tells him it smells like Malibu. Haleigh in the By laying out telling Kaycee, sam and JC about her acne.

 2:43pm BBT: Tyler, Brett and Angela cleaning the KT. Sam, Haleigh,JC and kaycee in the BY laying out and talking general talk about bugs.

 2:49pm BBT: Sam ask JC if he wants to learn to swim he says no because she is not a certified lifeguard. 

 2:52pm BBT: Brett in the KT making fish, Haleigh comes in and ask if she can help he tells her if she wants to chop veggies and  the pineapple that would be helpful so she gets the cutting board out and starts cutting the pineapple.

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7:02 pm BBT Haleigh, KC and Angela are in the HOHR bed.  Haleigh isn't feeling well and Ang tells her to take a lot of vitamin C.  They're going to be on lock down, so need to get laundry done. 


7:05 pm BBT Haleigh said her ex was sickly and would throw up throughout the day, and his nose would bleed a lot.  In the BY, Fessy and Brett are lifting weights.


7:08 pm BBT Angela shares with the girls that she usually runs between 3-5 miles every other day.  When she goes out drinking, she will run one mile per drink the following day.  She just goes to the gym so she can eat.


7:10 pm BBT Haleigh leaves the HOHR to go find a doctor in production about her swollen lymph nodes.


7:20 pm BBT KC and Angela are chilling in the HOHR talking about random non-game stuff. Brett and Fessy are in the BY discussing old BB seasons and who won America's Player.  Fessy talks like an expert, but doesn't quite grasp how it works.


7:23 pm BBT Angela and KC laugh a bit about Fessy's speeches and individual talks, and how he states the obvious. They start talking out their potential goodbye messages for him.


7:26 pm BBT Tyler and JC are talking in the KT about how they would like Sam out next after Fessy and that the others in the house agree.


7:29 pm BBT Sam comes into the KT to put a bug in her jar.  Haleigh comes out of the SR and heads back upstairs.



7:32 pm BBT Tyler works to convince JC that he is not at the bottom of the totem pole and that he has his back, and not to make any crazy moves next week.


7:36 pm BBT Tyler tells JC that he can control his emotions in the house and that JC should trust him, and everything he does is for them to get to the end.


7:37 pm BBT Haleigh tells the girls the story of her dad having stage 4 lung cancer, but that it's in remission now.


7:43 pm BBT Tyler goes up to the HOHR looking for the hair straightener because Sam wants to do it.  Angela says not to do it because the curl might not come back.  Back downstairs, Sam promises him that it won't happen.




7:54 pm BBT Haleigh and Angela are in the hammock talking to Brett while he works out.  Sam fussed at them to leave the WA and they didn't want to p*ss her off any more than she already is.  

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8:00 pm BBT KC, Ang, and Haleigh are discussing how rude Sam just got with them running them out of the bathroom, and that she'll probably pretend like it never happened.  Sam continues to work on Tyler's hair.



8:07 pm BBT Brett goes into the WA, reporting back to the KT that Tyler's starting to look like Kid Rock.


8:15 pm BBT Angela walks KC through how to make a pitcher of green tea, and that she needs to use hot water to steep the teabags.  Angela is making slookies for the have nots.




8:20 pm BBT In the KT, Haleigh tells Angela and KC that she's gonna lose it and can't live with Sam anymore, as she rolls her eyes.


8:29 pm BBT Haleigh and Angela are in the hammock discussing why they were the only ones not allowed in the WA.  Haleigh says she just doesn't think Sam likes women.

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BB Time 8:45pm


The back yard shows Haleigh and Angela in the hammock, neither are talking


Meanwhile in the bathroom on camera 3


Sam, JC, Tyler, and Kaycee are hanging out, Sam is braiding Tyler's hair. It looks as though someone has straightened Tyler's hair and Sam is braiding it.


Sam is brushing Tyler's hair, he is amazed at how good it feels. He is telling Sam where to brush it, says it feels so good (he tells them he never brushes his hair).


Kaycee: I am shocked at how long it is, dude.

JC: put a line in the middle

Sam: no he does not need a line


Sam is putting oils on his hair that she says she shared with Rachel before she left.


Sam: I do good work or I don't do it all.

Brett is teasing Tyler and the others.


JC: goodbye Brett, I am smelling jealousy right now

Brett: I am so out of here. He laughs, I am so over you JC


They call him back so he can see Tyler's reaction. They are all telling Tyler all kinds of things Sam might be putting in his hair.

Sam: do you think for two seconds I would...

Brett: well, he did for two seconds.


Everyone is laughing, waiting to see what Tyler thinks of his hair. JC asks if she is using horse oil...


Tyler: I don't even want to look at this point

Brett: after this, you don't want to look

Tyler: I am running straight to the shower.


This is fun to watch, they are all having a great time. Very light hearted banter. (camera 3, I turned it on at 8:45


Tyler: I am doing it for America, I am doing it for the fans.

Brett: am so growing my hair after this

Tyler: it is touching the middle of my back

JC: in the front it is touching your titties

Tyler: no way

JC: yes

Brett tells him he looks like Will Farrell in Eastbound and Down....


JC is telling Tyler his hair looks blue, he is pushing Sam to hurry up, she is telling him to have patience. Brett tells him he should wear it like this on Thursday, Tyler says it is a real process. JC wants to know if Sam can do it to her hair, she tells him yes, she did it partially like that today.


Here is the reveal: 8:59


Tyler yells “What the F**K!!!!!!” he keeps repeating it.

The others love it.

Tyler: I can't f***ng look at it. I look like a female. What the f***k!!!!

Mayhem ensues, encouragement, telling him it is awesome, amazing...

Tyler: What the F**K!! I look like a f***ng female!! I look like a f***ng woman. What the F**K!

More mayhem and laughter.


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9:12 PM BBT TYler didn’t know if he likes his hair straight and didn’t want people to see him with it, ....  Well, BB called him to DR!  He’s all Fabio now! [His buddies are gonna give him hell when he gets home. I can see them posting pictures up like this wherever he goes back home for a while! - rms ]

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8:39 pm BBT Sam tells Tyler that he looks so good that he should be careful about sleeping upstairs.  Then corrects herself and says forget about the HOHR, not to sleep next to her.  He said he may have to sleep in the hammock.  


8:45 pm BBT Tyler's hair is almost completely straight.  The guys compare him to Brad Pitt's hair when it was long. KC, JC and Brett are watching and making jokes/laughing. 


8:50 pm BBT Talk has turned to Haleigh finished up Tyler's hair with a double braid.


8:53 pm BBT Tyler said that he's going to run straight for the shower after she's done.  She says if he does that, she swears she won't talk to him for three days.  They all laugh saying "that's all we had to do for that???"  


8:55 pm BBT Haleigh and Angela reminisce in the BY hammock about the season and how things went down week after week.  They feel like they should've talked more, but Ang tells her she still doesn't believe Haleigh was the hacker.


8:58 pm BBT Sam is applying finishing oil to Tyler's hair.  He seems anxious to see the final work.  Sam tells them to have patience. They want Tyler to have his hair straight for Thursday's live show.

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