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Sunday, August 26, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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0:01 AM BBT Haleigh and Kaycee(?) revealed Bayleigh was Miss Missouri 2017 then Angela says she was 1st runner-up for Miss San Diego, then Kaycee says she was forced to be in Miss Phillipines(?)  - Haleigh said she watched the Miss America pagent Bayleigh was in and didnt realize it was her.  She remembered the girl with white flowers in her hair and it was Bayleigh.  Then she said it was so long ago,... [she really thinks 1 year is sooo long ago, wow,... just wait! - rms]

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0:18 AM BBT - Fessy and Sam are in the bedrooms, Sam is making everyone's beds and Fessy is closing the divider.  Sam asks if he is ok, and he says yes, she then says, but you dont want to socialize, he says no,... just mad he didnt win,... then finishes closing the dividers blocking her out as he is in the PBR and she is in the BBR

Everyone else is in the KT eating now that the HN can eat too.  McGriddles by Brett and chicken burritos

Angela is cutting up the frozen cheesecake [yes, you can eat those frozen,...  we did a lot - rms]

0:23 AM BBT - everyone but Fessy  and sam are at the new small table eating. Fessy is reading in bed.  I am guessing Sam is finishing making beds.

[tip, Fessy, isolating yourself wont help you, not that you know how to play at all.  I am out for tonight - wasted way too much time today checking for feeds, thanks BB  - gonna listen but no updates - rms]

0:33 AM BBT - couldnt help myself, JC now in PBR with Fessy and Fessy still pouting.  He said he's ready to go home.  JC is trying to cheer him up, saying he cant be sure he's going home, can win battle back,...  Fessy says he doesnt want to be here at all.  [pouting like a typical sore loser - rms] 

He says he will be sent home this week and then Haleigh next week.

JC starts making excuses for Fessy, not eating well, not training,...  etc...  


Wow, now Fessy is going back to "If Rockstar wouldn't have shown Tyler the name,... " [then he creates his fictional alternate universe BB20 - rms]   

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2:45 a.m. BBT Tyler goes up to HOH bedroom is laying around in bed with Angela they are talking about how it feels weird when they try to avoid each other when they're in the kitchen or around other people. And Angela saying she doesn't know how to act when Tyler's in the same room. Tyler were saying he was mad when he became a Have Nots and got his cuddle buddy taken away from him and that he's so happy it's over now.. They look awful cozy together he was saying didn't want people to think they were in a showmance.



3 a.m. BBT Tyler and Angela still cuddling in bed with the lights on in the HOH bedroom they're talking and going over which people or getting suspicious that they are in a showmance. Tyler said what's wrong with two people just cuddling up together because it's lonely in the house but not to make it into a showmance and don't label it he was complaining about that too Angela


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3:15 a.m. BBT Brett Angela JC and Tyler sitting around in HOH bedroom talking about how Sam seems to not eat anything that anyone else makes and she will only eat things that she makes and how they think that's so strange. Tyler abruptly jumps up out of laying in bed with Angela and says he's going to bed and going downstairs.( he probably doesn't want JC and Brett to get suspicious about him and Angela laying around cuddling too much) pokerlady...

Brett seems really puzzled and keeps talking about how Sam won't ever eat any food that he makes and she makes it a point to let others know she's not eating any. Brett wonders if she just does this cuz she'll only eat food that she makes or is she doing it as part of her game.


3:40 a.m. BBT Angela Brett and JC sitting around still talking in HOH bedroom. They were complaining for a while that it was way too hot and they need to turn the air conditioning up they said it quite a few times already. Now they're just sitting around talking about in the beginning and about different houseguests that have already been evicted. They were talking about Rachel for a while and then Winston just kind of General chit-chat about past houseguests. JC was then saying that bread kind of ignored him for the first couple of weeks but Brett said that was not true. They're just kind of joking and kidding around about in the beginning few weeks.



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3:45 AM BBT In the HoH are Brett, JC and Angela. Brett jokes with JC that he is now JC's side ho. JC "Hmm Kind of. Almost there." Brett "Wow. I was your main squeeze the other day." 


3:48 AM BBT Sam is finishing up in the shower. Kaycee has left the DR and come into the WA to change her shirt. Sam tells her congratulations and that she loves her. Kaycee says that she loves her too. Sam "I would hug you but I am naked." Kaycee laughs "I know". 


3:52 AM BBT In the HoH, Brett is telling Angela, Kaycee and JC about Kaitlyn around day 3. She has said that she could see who everyone should be paired with based on her readings. She tried really hard to fix Bayleigh up with Faysal at first. And Bayleigh was all about it. Kaitlyn tried to corner Brett into a showmance. It mad him made to even be put in that position on day 3. 


3:56 AM BBT Angela, Brett, JC and Kaycee are laughing up in the HoH. They are trying to decide if Bayleigh and Swaggy actually "Banged" or if they just made out a lot. They joke that all Kaitlyn wanted to do what match people up.


4:00 AM BBT Brett is talking to Angela, Kaycee and JC in the HoH. He is talking about Kaitlyn. She would make some really insensitive jokes that weren't funny. Kaitlyn told JC that he had 6 spirit guides the day before she was evicted. He had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from saying "Are they telling you that you are going home?"


4:10 PM BBT JC, Brett and Kaycee have left the HoH room. Everyone is splitting up and heading to bed. 

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4:16 AM BBT Sam is the only one shown up. She has refilled her water glass and is just looking around the KT. She says "I am delirious. I am going to bed." The camera follows her. She looks up at the camera, says goodnight, and blows a kiss. Sam crawls in bed. 


4:45 AM BBT Everyone is in bed. Snoring can be heard coming from one of the BR's.


5:19 AM BBT It appears that not everyone was in bed. JC must have been in the DR. He comes out of the DR and heads to the WC. 


5:28 AM BBT JC has exited the WC and washed his hands. He grabs his microphone off the stand and goes to the SR, probably to replace the battery. JC goes from room to room to find a place to sleep but sees that everyone is pretty much sleeping smack dab in the middle of all the beds. He raises his arms up in a "where am I supposed to sleep" fashion before squeezing in next to Haleigh. 


5:30 PM BBT Everyone is in bed.

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9:00 AM BBT Everyone is still in bed. Which should be no surprise to anyone since half the house was still awake at 4 AM. 


9:18 AM BBT Fessy gets up to use the WC. 


9:24 AM BBT Fessy exits the WC, grabs his mic pack, and heads back to bed. 


9:55 AM BBT Tyler gets up to use the WC. We expect BB to wake them up any moment since they frequently reminds the HGs that they are not allowed to nap during the day between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm. 

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10:00 AM BBT Highlight Reels. Most likely wake up call. 


10:17 AM BBT The feeds return. The only one shown up and about is Sam. She takes her coffee into the DR. 


10:20 AM BBT Tyler has gotten out of bed downstairs only to go upstairs and crawl right back in bed with Angela. They snuggle close, almost completely under the covers. 

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10:37 AM BBT JC gets up to use the WC and goes back to bed.. I believe Sam is out in the yard but the cameras are not showing her. All 4 feeds remain on HGs still in bed. 


10:42 AM BBT Sam goes up to the loft to feed the fish. Sam says she drops the big feed for the big fish to go and drag off. Then she can wait a minute and concentrate on the little ones. Tyler, from the HoH bed, looks at the monitor and sees Sam heading back downstairs. Not realizing she was only taking care of the fish, they speculate what she was doing because she never opened their door. Tyler "Secret mission." 


10:50 AM BBT Tyler offers to go downstairs and get Angela some coffee. She wants it with 1 Splenda and milk. He heads to the KT where Sam is. She explains to Tyler how she feeds the fish, distracting the bigger fish so the little ones get food too.


10:56 AM BBT Sam helps Tyler put together a tray for Angela this morning. She tells him that Angela will want a fresh ice water too. Tyler goes to take the tray up and promises Sam he will tell Angela good morning for her. 


10:59 AM BBT Tyler and Angela are in the HoH. Tyler "See, I told you. You are perfect." 


11:00 AM BBT Tyler and Angela are discussing working out today and laying out. Tyler jokes with her "Are you going to wear sunscreen today or olive oil?" She says she may put sunscreen on her face. Tyler "That's a start." 

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11:15 AM BBT Tyler and Sam are in the KT. General chit chat. Tyler is making some breakfast and puts some bacon in the oven. Sam tells him that she went outside this morning and knew that normally, she would be smoking right then. Instead, she decided to state to herself 20 things that she is thankful for. 


11:22 AM BBT In the KT, Tyler is telling Sam about his most memorable Christmas. He got his first snow board and he was only about 9 or 10. He ended up crashing on it and hid that from his mom so she wouldn't be mad at him. Haleigh joins them for a moment. She thought she heard whispering from under her bed last night. She woke herself up saying "Who's whispering?" No one was there. 


11:30 AM BBT Sam tells Tyler about her most memorable Christmas. She was in 2nd grade. She was incredibly sick. She went to Granny and Granddad's. She wore her new silk Christmas jammies. She laid down in the BR and watched Christmas cartoons. Her granddad brought her a present to the bedroom. It was an American Girl doll. So, even sick as a dog, it was a great Christmas.


11:42 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Haleigh sitting out on the patio alone. Feeds 3 and 4 show HGs sleeping in the PBR. We can hear doors opening and closing and moving around but the feeds don't follow. 


11:47 AM BBT Tyler has joined Haleigh at the patio.  She tells him that Faysal feels responsible for their situation. If he had won the veto and Sam went up as the replacement, he feels like maybe Haleigh could be saved. Haleigh says that she scored 13. She knew she wasn't going to beat anyone in that comp. She had picked Sam because she thought she had a better chance of beating her. Tyler says that he is jealous. He would have loved to play that veto. 



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12:08PM BBT Sam in the shower, Hayleigh and Tyler in the KT and JC and Kaycee are napping in the BR.


12:12PM BBT Sam and Tyler talk in the WCA. Tyler tells her that Kaycee is going to keep the noms the same.


12:23PM BBT Sam and Tyler whispering in the WCA. She says the comp yesterday was a wake up call to her on what she has to offer their team. She isn't sue what she could ever do to repay the loyalty. She says that she does what she can to help them. Tyler tells her she does a lot and she doesn't have to worry about it. She just wants to tell him thank you.



12:36PM BBT Tyler joins Angela and Hayleigh outside on the lounges. Tyler tells them that there is no sign of life inside (they are all napping except Sam).


 12:50PM BBT BB has called the HG inside for an IDLD.

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 1:00PM BBT Sam has made a razor holder for the shower so it drains and doesn't rust. Tyler and Angela are making food. The rest of the HG are sleeping.


1:04PM BBT BB announces the LD is over. Tyler mentions it was a camera.



 1:19PM BBT Sam was getting a "stop that" from BB. She was cleaning Fessy's footprints in the DR hallway and BB wanted her to stop.


1:28PM BBT JC is cleaning up some dishes. Fessy has arrived in the KT and making something to eat. He spills tea on the counter and some food as well. He leaves it be and starts to nibble on the puppy chow Sam made. He is waiting for his food to be finished in the microwave.


1:40PM BBT JC and Fessy getting called out for no mics. JC puts his on. Still no mic for Fessy. In the BY Tyler and Angela still sunbathing and chatting.

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1:45PM BBT JC and Fessy discuss the veto comp. Fessy tells JC that he can't believe he lost. He hates to lose.


 1:57PM BBT Tyler and Angela discuss that maybe because the HG expected something to happen that maybe BB wont do it. He says if there is no DE or battle back then they are perfectly timed out. He says if there is a DE then there will be a battle back. He says they will know in the next couple of weeks.

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3:35 PM BBT Tyler working out in BY, Brett, Angela, Kaycee running in BY, Sam was out there drying things or crafting on pool table. Fessy pouring in bed in PBR, Haleigh sleeping in PBR [A bit surprised BB seems to be wimping our enforcing rules today. Most slept in and sure looks like Haleigh sleeping now - rms]. No sign of JC and Sam is not in BY now but a big pile of clothes on pool table now

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5:30PM BBT Brett and JC talk to Sam about HN and it should happen today. So far it hasn't happened.


 5:39PM BBT Hayleigh is in the KT with Brett and JC. She asks them if she yelled at them to stop whispering last night. They tell her no. She says she woke up yelling that. JC maybe it was production. Hayleigh says she needs to wash her sheets because they smell like Scottie.


5:52PM BBT Fessy joins Hayleigh on the hammock. She asks him if he spoke with Kaycee. She says she is going to speak to Kaycee. She is going to ask her what she is thinking. Fessy says he is over it. He says their group messed up so many times. Hayleigh says he can't be over it. She says maybe the veto can be used or maybe there will be a battle back. .


6:02PM BBT Hayleigh says maybe Kaycee will use the Veto. Fessy says why would she do that. Hayleigh says maybe Kaycee knows she is the bottom of the totem pole. Fessy tells her not to come after him. She says you know I will be coming after you. She is next she says. He laughs.

6:07PM BBT Angela comes out to the BY and tells the HG to gather in the LR. They groan and make their way inside. Angela says she really hates this.


6:09PM BBT We actually see the HN pick. She tells them she needs volunteers. Sam is volunteering. Angela says that the people on the block are due. She says whoever just did it are not dong it. Fessy and Hayleigh are not volunteering. Kaycee says she will do it. Sam insists that she do it. Angela tells Fessy and Hayleigh she is sorry but they are due. She tells Brett and Kaycee to rock paper scissors. Kaycee says she has it.


6:15PM BBT Angela says she is sorry. HNs are Kaycee, Hayleigh and Fessy

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6:29PM BBT Hayleigh is lying down in the HN room. She has a bad headache (she complained before becoming a HN). In the BY, Tyler is playing corn hole.


6:44PM BBT All 4 feeds on Hayleigh sleeping because Fessy was telling a story in the BY about not knowing what the word butch meant and a girl he met.

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6:56 pm BBT Tyler and Fessy are playing pool in the BY while KC lifts weights.  JC says he is going to go out back and do squats.


6:58 pm BBT Brett and JC go into the HN room to check on Haleigh, who is laying in a saucer with a headache.  Angela has the HOH snapchat glasses.








7:12 pm BBT Sam is doing yoga in the BY while Angela and KC are cycling on the bikes.  Fessy goes into the HN room and asks Haleigh if she wants to go in the hot tub.




7:21 pm BBT JC and Tyler play pool while KC and Brett work out and Angela rocks on the hammock.


7:30 pm BBT Haleigh didn't take Fessy up on the hot tub, so he floated in the pool by himself while the others worked out.




7:40 pm BBT In the WA, Fessy campaigns with KC to work with the person on the block that stays.  He tells her to do what's best for her game with the veto, not to do what Angela says.




7:50 pm BBT Fessy returns to the BY and gets into the hot tub. Brett is spotting JC on the weights.  Tyler and KC are in the KT where Angela joins them.


7:56 pm BBT JC talks to Fessy in the BY about being in a showmance with Haleigh, and why he asked her about it yesterday.  He tells him there's no need to be public with their relationship and Fessy says they're not in one.


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8:01 pm BBT Tyler, KC and Angela head up to the HOHR.  KC wants to fill them in on her conversation with Fess in the bathroom earlier.


8:10 pm BBT Fessy is back floating in the pool by himself.




8:11 pm BBT Angela is called to the DR to return the Snapchat glasses.  Tyler is in the HOH shower while KC lays on the HOH bed.


8:16 pm BBT In the HOHR, Angela and KC talk about the letter she received from home.  In the BY, Brett Jc and Fess ponder what would've happened if they had tied instead of him losing by one point. They agree that the last phase of the comp was the worst.


8:20 pm BBT KC says it'll be weird being in the HN room with them.  Ang hopes there's no battle back because so many people hate her in that house.  She thinks that's an unfair advantage because you get a chance to chill for a while and then come back.



8:32 pm BBT In the HOHR bed, Angela tells KC that Fessy has not spoken or even looked at her, which is ok with her. "no hard feelings, Fess - right?"  Haleigh has joined Brett and JC working out in the BY.  Fessy is still floating in the pool.


8:39 pm BBT Angela says she's with 4 agents that submit her for jobs, which leads to casting calls.  Some jobs will hire based on pics, some want to meet you first.  She created an email address called "angela's mom" as a contact for her while she's in the house.


8:42 pm BBT They got a booze delivery of 3 beers and a bottle of white.  (1 Coors/2 Heineken)  In the BY, Fessy fills Haleigh in on his convo with Kaycee.  She runs sprints while he talks, and he tells her that he thinks she'll still keep noms the same.


8:45 pm BBT Angela, KC, Sam, Haleigh, Brett and Tyler are in the KT drinking what they can. JC is playing with the cork to see if he can drop it straight up and down.


8:48 pm BBT Tyler said that production told them that if they ask for alcohol, they won't get it.  They haven't asked lately, so they get it.  Brett said that when Rachel was there, she asked for it every day.


8:50 pm BBT With the group talking about Rachel, Sam asked what day she left.  Within seconds, Brett answers "August 2nd".  He then backtracks a bit because it is obvious that he has been studying, so he pretends to second guess himself. 


8:57 pm BBT Haleigh tells the others that she recommended a cry room in the house.  A pitch black room where you can be alone and cry. JC said that once he went into the shower at 4am and sat in the corner and cried because he didn't want to do it on camera.


8:59 pm BBT The HG are bored tonight.  JC and Angela went up to the HOHR, followed by Tyler.  The others are downstairs, with Fessy still in the pool.


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BB Time 5:43pm

camera 1

back yard


Faysal is in the hot tub, Haleigh just left to go shower. Right before she left we hear Faysal say, “We just should have won the veto.”

Haleigh: yeah, we'll figure it out. She contnues walking as if not concerned at all about the situation. When Faysal asks if she is coming back she asks if he will be in there (the hot tub), he says “Yes,the water is good.'


camera 3

in the kitchen


Kaycee, Brett, JC and Angela are snacking on what looks like trail mix. We hear BB tell JC to stop singing, then Sam tell him (from the back ground) that the least he could do is stop.


Haleigh is also talking in the background, sounds like they are talking about snapchat accounts.


Brett: In the rule book it says if we ask for alcohol we won't get it.

He adds that Rachel asked for it every day. They are talking about when Rachel's birthday, (July), Sam asks when she left in relation to her eviction, Brett tells her Rachel left on the 2nd.


Brett is going over eviction dates out loud while JC is talking to Angela. We have mixed conversations, none have anything to do with game play.

BB has given them alcohol, Tyler is drinking a can of beer, and JC and Angela are reading the warning label on the wine bottle.



JC What is a general woman”

Angela: what?

JC What is a general woman?

Angela: It's Surgeon General


JC: I only play with ?? because it makes people uncomfortable. If something is not harmful or will not hurt you, I am okay with that.


Tyler and JC are arguing about JC throwing a shaving cream can at Tyler. JC demonstrates while Tyler laughs


JC: It was a reflection.

Brett: It was a reaction

JC: okay a raaction.


JC warns them that his crying time is coming in the house because he is feeling sad and it won't go away. He says he will sit in a corner in the hallway.


Haleigh says she recommended a cry room, JC tells them about the bottom step where he hides from the camera. (Sam did that last night, the camera was on her)


JC The beer is done

Brett: The beer is done

JC Let me see it.

Brett: I gotta go finish my workout. Then, burrrrrp as he walks away.


JC and Angela go to the HOH room, he asks her where her wine is

Angela: I drank it, you came up here with Fessy and Haleigh.....

JC: It wasn't much, just a cupful. I wish BB would had given us 2 bottles of wine

Angela: Be regretful for what we had

JC: yeah, okay

Angela: Tyler is coming


JC says he needed one more beer, Angela tells him to be grateful, Tyler admits there was more beer left in the can. They all thank BB for the alcohol, then start talking to JC about why he is sad.


Kaycee comes into the room. She says, “HEY FAM!” everyone needs to respond.


Angela offers her shower to JC, he says “That would never happen with the the way I feel right now. I need the drunk spot.”


Tyler thinks they got alcohol because JC wanted. JC says he doesn't want to eat so his tipsy won't go away.


Tyler says he spilled beer all over himself, he smells like beer.


JC to Tyler: Look how red you look, look how red you look. You look like a f****ng shrimp..


Everyone laughs, Angela says “I think you mean a lobster, shrimp is not red.”

Tyler: A lobster, not a f**ng shrimp.

Kaycee: or a tomato

Tyler: go ahead Kaycee, name everything red.

They continue laughing, then they ask JC again if he is okay.


The camera moves for a few seconds, then comes back to the HOH room


BB Time 9:04pm



They are talking about who Brett was on the block with.


JC: When Faysal was pitching me to send Rock Star to go home he told me she was a pawn and they could send her home anytime. When you wanted something to spread in the house, you told Rock Star.

Tyler: What if she comes back.

JC: we will send her back to jury house. He mentions how it would bother Brett.


Tyler: Production I want nachos.


JC is still fussing about alcohol, Tyler tells him there is rubbing alcohol downstairs. JC tells them Sam drank half the bottle, she filled up her blue cup. He says next time don't let Sam have the bottle first.


Tyler: It's the little things.

JC: Oh my God I am so pissed, I want to be happy.

Tyler: you can be happy.

JC continues grumbling, they are encouraging him to find Sam and get hers if it is not gone.


Tyler: That's as bad as hiding alcohol, but we did it for the have nots,

JC: you hid it?

Tyler: only for an hour.


JC asks about Angela's wine, they tell him it is gone, that Kaycee finished it after the competition because she deserved it.


Tyler to JC Didn't you go in the DR once when you were buzzing? Did they say anything.

JC giggles: I just said, I am here, stop talking.


BB is telling them they are not allowed to talk about production, then they tell them not to talk about DR sessions, when the four of them keep going,the cameras move to the back yard (9:12pm)


Brett and Faysal are in the hot tub.


Camera returns to HOH room a 9:13


JC is talking about the way he has played the game, that he is loyal to what he tells people he will do. JC says he has never done anything in the game that benefits the other side, that sometimes, if it is like 4am, he says what they want so he can go. Angela says she refuses if it is something she is not comfortable with.


BB tells them to stop talking about their DR sessions again.


Angela says winning competitions is important, JC agrees, but he has to play without winning them


JC says the image they are giving is of JC not being loyal.


BB calls out JC for talking about production, JC tells them he is not, he is talking about his personal game.


JC: These things are not bothering me, bothering me, but it does not make me happy.


Kaycee sees Sam with the blue cup, she tells JC, and he leaves to go get it from her.


Angela: He has a problem. JC is really concerned about us sending Fess home, you can tell. He is worried about us thinking he was on that side the whole time. He is trying to stress that with us.


Angela is laughing because the whole time JC was in the room she was sipping wine from her cup.


Kaycee: He is really bothered that production is using photos as a portrayal of him and Faysal being close, and then he feels like he looks bad.


JC comes back, he is mad at Sam, he says she is drunk/dizzy. He says she wanted to know what he was doing up in the diary room. He tells them that she told him he was in the HOH for three hours, but he had left and come back.


Angela: I was about to kill her doing that have not thing. (??)


JC says he calls people “bitch”, it is the way he talks to people. Sam got mad at him and told him not to do that. He says just now when he went downstairs she called him a “stupid bitch”.


He goes on fussing about the wine being unfairly shared, he is yelling about Sam, how she cleans all the time, the small table with chocolate in the middle, and all the little things all over the house. She makes things and puts them on the table, he says she is not alone in the house.


Tyler: JC Be quiet.

JC: Be quiet

Tyler: Just be quiet


They are watching Sam, she was in the kitchen, they think she heard JC. They tell JC to talk loud now while they watch to see if Sam reacts. They are all laughing, encouraging and giving him topics. Tyler tells him to start talking about him, and how mad he is at Tyler for winning. He yes at Angela, She tells him to calm down, he yells more. The whole time they are watching Sam.


JC tells them that he was talking to Brett and Sam broke into the conversation, before that he had no idea she was anywhere nearby.


JC: She is upset and feels left out.

Angela: We saved her week one

Kaycee: She separates herself.

Angela: she does


JC says he doesn't want her to feel bad in the house, that she as a very different personalty than the others. His goal is not to make other people feel bad about themselves.


Tyler: that's why they give us alcohol.



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BB Time :



HOH Room


JC says the best thing they can do is to keep Sam and Haleigh separated in the game, that the worst thing that can happen is if either Sam or Haleigh win HOH during the double eviction.


They say that Sam gets close to the people who are going home as soon as she figured out how the jury works. Tyler says she copied that strategy from Scottie.


Haleigh comes into the room. She has been in the DR, she had three pick up lines, and is made over wasting makeup for it.


Haleigh says she has a headache that will not go away, she says she slept good in the have not saucer (she was lying on it for a couple of hours hoping to relieve her headache.


They guess the time as 9:30pm, it is 9:41pm/


Haleigh: She is making a f***ng lemon pound cake.


JC says that no one in the house gives a sh*t about her (Sam), he is mad because she told him the long version of a bad dream she has.


Kaycee: We all give a s**t about her. You just don't have patience.


Angela says the DR wanted her talk about shaving JC's back, origninally she refused, but after an argument with JC they think she went to the DR and told about it.


Cameras show Faysal hanging on a floatie in the pool by himself


returns to the HOH.


BB tells Haleigh to check her microphone. JC grabs it turns it over, says “Check., Yep it's good” A few seconds later BB has her to the storage room to exchange it. She leaves and Angela starts talking about her brother carrying her around when she is drinking. She only goes out with her brother. Angela and Tyler know about the same bar, they describe it to the others.


Angela: Did you ever go swimming in the ocean naked

JC I did, but I don't know in which country.

The others laugh and move on to nude beaches in Miami


JC says the girls in those beaches in Miami are beautiful, they have perfect bodies.


camera moves to kitchen


Sam is baking, she is caramelizing brown sugar.


Sam: not necessary. (to herself)


a few minutes later....

Sam: but I'll pretend. She says more but can't hear it.



camera goes back to HOH room.


JC is still talking about nakedness. He says in Miami you can be topless, but not bottomless unless you are in a nude bar.

He calls it the “free the nipple” movement.


They are talking about bars in Miami, JC says they are different from those in California. One bar he talks about has one dollar bills all over the floor.


Haleigh It's like everyone is tired today.

Kaycee: yeah, big day


JC is watching Sam cook on the monitor.


Angela: She was complimenting me so much outside tonight I was uncomfortable.


Angela tells JC he can shower in the HOH, she says he needs to make himself happy again.


Angela I think Sam is something else

Tyler: It's just a game...


Tyler asks if JC went downstairs, he thought JC went down there and wondered if he would start an argument with Sam.


JC says Sam knows they are watching her, he mentions her drinking coffee at 10 pm.


BB Time 10:05pm


camera 1 in the kitchen


Sam is offering Kaycee something from the refrigerator.


Sam tells Kaycee to make her marinade, then at lunchtime she can have her fried rice.


Sam is talking out loud as she mixes her bread, she add extra sugar.


Sam: more sugar, more better. I'll just put all this in. She dumps about ½ cup more sugar in the bowl.


She is talking in a British accent with a tiny Irish twang.


When the accent is over Sam is talking about the butter being in sticks as opposed to one large lump.


Sam: This is my thing, to get drunk and make sh*t no one will eat but me. With lots of sugar and butter. This time it was wine, and that's better.


She asks Kaycee if she cooks a lot at home. She is breaking egg with one hand, she has an oops, and got a shell she has to pick out. (she tried to do it left handed). She continues to put the recipe together,, she tells Kaycee that it is very important to keep half the flour in the floor at your feet. You can get to it quicker, it is good for bare feet...


She is talking about a show, “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, she is telling Kaycee about the characters. She says the lives of the characters suck. Jim Carey is in it, he plays the uncle. She says Merril Streep is n it. She says the author who wrote it used a pseudonym (she can't remember the word, Kaycee doesn't know it).


Sam lets out a line of curse words, ends them with :ehhhhh, whatever”.


She is calling her lemon cake a Lemony Snicket Pound Cake.


She tells Kaycee she is terrible at maths, she doesn't know how to long divide, she doesn''t know her times tables, Kaycee says she is not good at maths either.


Sam: Buttermilk is just Milk with lemon in it?

Kaycee: there lemon in it?

Sam:: you can use a little lemon in milk at home, at the store they just add citric acid to the milk to make buttermilk.

Sam: the all purpose flour can be made into self rising with baking powder.


Sam says all the bad things you are not supposed to eat, I eat.


Sam: that's why I don't cook people don't eat what I cook

Kaycee: everyone eats what you make.

Sam: I think it makes people mad when I make that stuff, it is stuff they are trying to avoid.


Sam says she made cathead biscuits, and once she made a donut bar no one ate. Kaycee defends herself, she was a have not. She says the donut bar was a flop. She sat it out and no one ate it, she even put it in ziplock baggies and no one ate it so she threw it away.


Sam finishes her recipe: “It's done. F**k it, and bake it....


Haliegh comes down, “Sweet oatmeal in the morning?


Haleigh wants to try the “sweet thing”, Sam tells her to make slop and add it to the slop. That she will go to potty after she eats it, sooner than later.


Kaycee refuses it, she says slop makes her tummy hurt at night if she eats it then

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