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Saturday, August 25, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Sorry it's okay I will leave personal comment out then I'm having a bad eye problem right now and I can only use my Google microphone to type for me I'm not typing at all looking at screen so no way to do parentheses and stuff like that but it's okay I'll leave personal comment out for now LOL thank you

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9:31 PM BBT from BBAD - Tyler is telling Brett that he and Angela aren’t as tight as people think. 


9:33 PM BBT Brett is saying to Tyler, referring to any guy and girl on the show, it’s 100 days, keep it in your pants, stay focused! Tyler is agreeing. 


9:42 PM BBT BBAD - still showing Tyler and Brett. They don’t think Fessy would put them up together. They think JC would be able to keep Fessy from putting them up together. Tyler said he was worried about taking level 6 up and being out 4th from end. Seem to be referring to being in a final 2 with Brett as a way to get to top. [of course, this is just one conversation as usual. Tyler has been using Brett for info anyway - rms ].


They are discussing a lot about what the others have been thinking in pretty good detail. 


9:55 PM BBT BBAD - still showing Tyler and Brett. Other HG must still be in POV comp. 


10:09 PM BBT -   Still Tyler and Brett - now just talking about past BBs, ...


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10:10 PM BBT - [looked up past comic book comps, BB17 ran for nearly five and a half hours.  Also, shows 35-45 minute limits in past.  Shouldn't this thing be over by now?!  I wonder when the comp really started.  Must have been well after when the live feeds went down at 1 PM BBT]


10:17 PM BBT - BBAD may be showing a different show now.  [Maybe we are near the end! - rms ]


10:19 PM BBT - Yep, old episode of Schitt's Creek - ticker on BBAD says Comp is wrapping up!


10:30 PM BBT - still waiting, but they said comp wrapping up

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10:35pm BBT Feeds are back. An 9.5+ hour Veto competition blackout! There had to have been some technical issues...




10:37PM KC and Angela in HoH celebrating KC's win and saying Fess is gone and KC thought Hay seemed happy knowing what a KC win meant. Angela happy she doesn't have to put Sam up because she would have "freaked the fuck out."  So KC will not use Veto, noms stay the same, Fess goes home [to battle back- BBLurkerPlus].



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9:05 pm BBT Live feeds are not back up yet, but BBAD is airing.  Brett and Tyler are studying dates in the HOHR.  Tyler is wearing lycra-ish leggings.


9:10 pm BBT BBAD UPDATE:  No news on POV winner, but Brett said he's going through every scenario in his head.  They start to discuss this, and the show goes to commercials.


9:20 pm BBT BBAD Update: Brett tells Tyler that he doesn't want to be the guy at the end that learns that everyone has F2s with each other and he's out in the dark.  He had one with Winston, but otherwise has none.  He and Tyler high five and say "let's go!".  They're still walking through scenarios.


9:31 pm BBT BBAD Update: Tyler tells Brett that he and Angela are not as tight as others think.  Brett tells him to take her out to dinner after the show.   "I'm not sure she'll even want that after this.  And I'm not here for that".  


9:33 pm BBT BBAD Update:  Brett to Tyler "I didn't realize this was a dating show.  If I want a date, I would pull up Tinder and stay home.  I am NOT here for a showmance".  Tyler agrees. 


9:40 pm BBT BBAD Update: Brett and Tyler still in HOHR discussing Sam and how Rockstar told Sam that she's a target if she's good with everyone in the house.  After that, Sam started distancing herself from some.


9:42 pm BBT BBAD Update: Brett and Tyler appear to have a new F2 deal.  Brett is relieved to have this actually formed and spoken out loud because he was nervous that the numbers were going down and L6 might feel that he was working with the other side.  Tyler reassures him that they didn't.  


9:52 pm BBT Tyler and Brett discuss a possible battle back.  They think Bayleigh is the worst case scenario for winning, as they'll be target #1.  Second is Scotty, then Fessy.  They review how they were each evicted.


10:02 pm BBT BBAD Update: Brett and Tyler realize they're live on POP and give a shout out.  Tyler tells the camera that he's now HOH and everyone has been evicted except the two of them.  They're both tired.


10:10 pm BBT BBAD Update:  The two guys talk about how they're actually in the same room as Paul, Cody and Jess.  Brett re-enacts the fight between Paul and Cody.  They're both in disbelief that they're there.


10:38 pm BBT The live feeds are back and Kaycee has won the POV.  Fessy is pretty upset that he lost.

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 10:39 PM BBT - Kaycee said it came down to 1 ball


10:40 PM BBT - Fessy is really ticked talking to Hayleigh


10:42 PM BBT - they caught squids and balls



10:45 PM BBT - HG all over house talking about the squids and balls.  goo,... JC said balls hit him in the balls.  Fessie in a bed in PBR alone pouting


10:47 PM BBT -  Hayleigh is taking this well, talking with the HGs in KT.  Fessy finally showed up in KT.  


10:48 PM BBT -  BBAD finally on BB


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10:50 PM BBT - HG telling Fessy he did well [millennial needs affirmation and his participation trophy - rms]  Fessy leaves to be alone again


10:53 PM BBT - All HGs except Fessy were in KT, Hayleigh leaves to check on Fessy,  KC is in there now too hugging Hayleigh.  Hayleigh says she doesnt want to talk right now and Fessy definitely doesnt.  They leave Fessy alone.


10:55 PM BBT - Hayleigh, Kaycee, Brett all in BBR talking about the comp.  All in good moods.

Tyler, Angela, JC in KT talking and making food

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10:39 pm BBT Fessy is embarrassed that he lost by one point. KC is up in the HOHR celebrating with Angela.  The comp had to do with catching balls.


10:40 pm BBT Fessy apologizes to Haleigh, she said it's not his fault.  They just need to hang out now.  He's hoping it won't be weird now.


10:42 pm BBT Fessy said he dropped 6 balls that he had in his hands.  They got points for balls and points for squids.  The HG are in the KT telling stories about the comp and laughing.


10:44 pm BBT The Have Nots is over in an hour, but the HG are prepping for a feast. Sam said she's going to make her bed and then clean the bathroom, because it's a disaster.  Fessy lays down on the bed in the PBR.  Sam tells Fessy that he did good and that it was hard.


10:46 pm BBT The comp involved rain, which Haleigh said made her contacts float.  She was trying to catch balls with her teeth.


10:47 pm BBT Fessy seems to be walking it off and going through the house.  Apparently Tyler was wearing Sam's tights all night and she said "I knew you'd like those". Fessy is back in bed. Angela is making guacamole in the KT, asking JC what he wants for dinner. "Rice, avocado and chicken.  Nothing heavy"


10:49 pm BBT Haleigh scored 13 points, and she knew that she wasn't going to beat anyone.  Sam said she was proud of that score.  Haleigh said that her Coach Craig would be so pi$$ed at her right now.


10:51 pm BBT Kaycee said this comp was perfect for her because it was about catching balls.  "Are you kidding me?"  There was also slime involved. They're looking forward to seeing the slow motion of getting slapped in the face with squid.  They're is a line for the shower. 


10:53 pm BBT Haleigh tells KC that they're making a good season.  She is smiling and hugging KC and saying that Fessy doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. Haleigh has a very upbeat attitude.


10:54 pm BBT Brett hugs Haleigh and asks if he smells like sweat.  She asks if she smells like peppermint.  Brett says that they weren't allowed to listen to music because of Pop TV.  He tells them that he and Tyler put on a show for BBAD.


10:56 pm BBT Haleigh thought that they were going to have a big board at the end to show the score, but they didn't. She wished that Brett had played because it would be funny.  Also, she and KC said it would be funny to watch JC play.  Haleigh was sequestered for 5 hours before playing.


10:57 pm BBT Haley was stuck in the SR.  She was number 5 to play. KC was first, and then napped the rest of the time.  Haleigh read ingredients for everything in the SR, and was singing and rapping because she could get away from it. 


10:58 pm BBT Angela describes the comp to Tyler as 4 tennis ball machines shooting balls, with slime involved.  She got 33 points.  You couldn't see the ball coming and that it was disgusting. She would stand between where the balls were shooting so that she could catch.



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11:00 PM BBT - Apparently, Fessy lost by 1 point


11:05 PM BBT Kaycee describing the 3 stages of the comp.  3rd stage had squids sliding down a tube covered in slime.  2nd stage had 4 baseball machines shooting at you.  1st was easier (missed detail).    ooooo Fessey called to DR

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11:03PM BBT KC in BBR explaining multi-stage competition. It had 3 stages.


First stage was pool of slime (Sam called it mustard) with an alien that had 5 tubes coming out of it that were shooting slime and foam balls.  The slime came first and made it hard to see the balls that came right after that had to be caught.


Second stage it was raining and there were 4 scorpions shooting foam softballs like from a batting cage machine. 


Last stage had tubes hanging from an octopus above and squids sliding down the tubes they had to catch with their mouths.

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11:08 PM BBT - Fessey making excuses.  Apparently, the last squid hit the ground he put in his basket so they didnt count it


[roachie - are you just editing the same post adding more lines?  bunch show up at once each time.  trying to make sure i have settings right if there are any for webage - rms]


[think the page tries to group posts from one person together when it can but 20-25 minutes of yours appear out of no where - rms ]


11:14 PM BBT - sam and Kaycee talking about the squids hitting them in the face, catching them in their mouth


11:15 PM BBT - Kaycee, Brett, Tyler, JC in KT making "Chipotle drive-thru"


11:16 PM BBT -  2 feeds were on a room with NO-ONE IN IT!  [good job BB - rms]

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11:13PM BBT Haleigh in toilet area had a period problem and asked Brett to get Angela.  He does and she goes to toilet area door. Haleigh explains the code red and asks her to go get her some baby wipes (Sam calls them pootie wipes in the PBR) and pants. 


11:14PM BBT Hay ends up cleaning up with whatever she had and comes out to the PBR pantomiming to Sam that she had a flow all down her leg and Sam offers to get her some panty liners or a tampon from the SR. She opts for the tampon.


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11:17 PM BBT - "Brett please put on ..."  - Angela in and out of KT with Tyler, JC and Kaycee now Brett again - all cooking.   Hayleigh and Sam in bedrooms, Fessy still in DR


11:20 PM BBT -  Kaycee said "That s*** was FUN" - they all think it was a good comp for her - catching things

Tyler and Kaycee talking about Fessy being pissed and that he said he dropped a bunch.


11:24 PM BBT - Sam is in BBR tying up a pillow, i guess, or something into what looks like a BODY! [thinking pillows to hug as she sleeps? - rms]   She has something that looks like 2 pillows wrapped up in a sheet with both ends being tied into knots.

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11:00 pm BBT Haleigh talks with KC and Brett about how bad she is about biting her nails.  Back in the KT, Tyler tells JC that he'll have his comp some day. Tyler, Angela and JC are making a chicken dinner.


11:01 pm BBT Haleigh asks Angela if she can borrow her eye drops.  Ang tells her that she couldn't go upstairs to grab a bra, so she borrowed one of Haleigh's triangle bikini tops.  


11:03 pm BBT Haleigh is taking the clothes piled in the shower and placing them in a garbage bag.  Fessy is quitely sitting on the edge of the WA couch.


11:05 pm BBT  KC describes the comp to Brett:  There were 3 stages, the first was a pool of slime.  There was an alien with 5 tunnels/cannons popping out balls one at a time that you had to catch but all you see is slime coming at you.  Second stage, it's raining water with 4 scorpions whipping out the softballs sized foam balls like at the batting cages.  3rd stage was with 2 beams up top with squids dipped in yogurt that were sliding down a tube that you had to catch, but slapped you in the face.


11:10 pm BBT  KC said she was trying to catch the balls in her mouth but they were slipping.  She then started biting, which was easier.  Sam said she was sequestered up on the bridge by the foosball table and could hear KC the whole time shouting while she played.


11:12 pm BBT Fessy comes into the BBR and was describing how he was playing trying to catch with his mouth.  The last one he had in his mouth also hit the ground and didn't count.  KC said she missed some good ones.  Fessy had 32 points, one less than KC's 33 points.


11:15 pm BBT Sam is in the HN room making the bed with clean sheets, whispering to herself.


11:16 pm BBT Haleigh started her TOM and the girls are trying to help her get what she needs.  She is going to take a shower, and Sam will get her supplies from the SR.


11:18 pm BBT Tyler says "You won a comp, KC" and they laugh and say how fun it was with JC.  He commends her on how many she caught.  Angela and JC say they liked the middle phase the best.


11:26 pm BBT Angela and KC don't think it'll take production long to break down the set in the BY, except for the slime.  It was less messy than the OTEV comp.


11:29 pm BBT The excitement of the house has come down a notch as the HG get cleaned up and ready for dinner.



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