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Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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9:00 am BBT  all feeds are on sleeping HG's


9:52 am BBT  Kaycee is up and goes to the WC. She comes out, washes her hands then back to bed.


10:10 am BBT  WBRB/FOTH  Looks like it is finally wake up time!


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10:24 am BBT  Feeds are back, lights are on.  JC is sleeping in his saucer, Sam is in the WA and BB tells everyone to get fresh batteries in the SR.  Kaycee is up in the BBR, goes to get a battery from SR.  Sam is taking her vitamins.  Angela spoke from her bed to Kaycee before she left.  Haleigh is in bed in the BBR, groaning.

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10:27 am BBT  Sam is making coffee in the KT, see the camera zoom in on her, smiles and says good morning.  Kaycee is out of the SR, goes to KT, says good morning to Sam and asks for a hug.  Kaycee asks how she slept.  Sam said the first half is fine, it is the second half that is a little more difficult.  Kaycee goes to WA for morning ADL's.  Sam gets called to DR.


In the BBR Angela is putting on her pants under the covers.  Haleigh complains that she doesn't want to be awake.  Angela says she didn't put her pants on correctly, she is trying to fix them.  10:31 am  We get WBRB again

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10:32 am BBT  Feeds are back.  Sam is out of the DR and back in the KT.  Kaycee is putting on socks in the BBR, Haleigh is in bed.  Angela comes into the KT, Sam says good morning to her.  Sam said she already took her Advil this morning, she asks Angela if she wants some, she says yes, please.  Sam said she is going to get a handful of them for everyone.

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10:36 AM BBT: Angela complaining about being sore, Sam went to get her Advil, Kaycee taking it too.

WBRB as they start singing "Get Down on It"

Peanut Butter was in the fridge. 


10:39 AM BBT: Kaycee called to the DR


10:40 AM BBT: Weird Wednesday, Wacked Wednesday, What the F*ck Wednesday, Whining Wednesday, Wonderful Wednesday etc.


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10:38 am BBT  Kaycee gets called to the DR.  She realizes it is for her tattoo (It has a trademarked item)  She said she is going to put a jacket on.  In the KT, Angela and Sam are in the KT, Kaycee comes back.  They are trying to think of what type of Wednesday it is, Wacky Wed, wonderful Wed, Willy Wonka Wed, etc.  BB can be heard in the background getting sterner with it's requests to get up. Brett is up and got a battery, goes back to PBR

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10:41 AM BBT: Kaycee asked Sam hows shes doing on Slop, she says ok, then they try to figure out how long she has been doing it, since Sunday.

BB says Wakey Wakey time.



10:45 AM BBT: Sam says she doesn't know what shes going to do today. Angela suggests a Hook with a string game, Sam is excited, she wants to do it.


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10:42 am BBT  Sam is talking about Scottie cleaning the house.  She said he even used a lint roller on the couches.  She said it is as beautiful as the day they moved in.  Sam doesn't know what she is going to do all day since he cleaned.  BB calls Tyler, Scottie and Haleigh to get new batteries. 

Sam again says she doesn't know what she is going to do today.  Angela comes up with a game/toy that Sam can make.  She knows what it is, Kaycee loves it at a bar.  Sam says since it is attached with a string they can't get into too much trouble. BB keeps calling Tyler, Scottie and Haleigh for batteries.  They are now doing it about every 30-45 seconds!


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10:48 AM BBT: Kaycee wants to make breakfast, Sam says you wanted to do a McDonalds Breakfast, Angela says lets do it Sunday.

Just walk around the island and get your food and wrap it up, drive thru style.



10:50 AM BBT: Tyler and Scottie are in the Storage room getting batteries, Finally.


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10:49 am BBT   Tyler and Scottie both get up and go to the SR for batteries.  Scottie is talking to Tyler about his plan to stay.  He says if no one believes him, he will go to jury.  He does a quick plea to Tyler to stay.  They go to the KT and say good morning.  WBRB

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10:52 am BBT  Feeds are back.  BB is calling Haleigh to get up and get a fresh battery.  She is in bed in the BBR and has a pillow over her head.  Kaycee in the KT is asking why there are cameras in the house.  She never noticed them before (joking).  Scottie asks why he does squats, no one ever notices his ass. Brett leaves the WA and goes to the BBR.  He lays down in the bed next to Haleigh's bed, talking with her.  Hard to hear since she didn't get a new battery.

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10:24am BBT: sam in the WA getting dressed Bb tells everyone to replace their batteries. Angela and kaycee get up and stretch. Sam goes to KT and drinks coffee.

10:39am BBT: Sam, Kaycee and Angela in the KT talking about it being wacky Wednesday and laughing. All other HG still in bed as BB tells them it is time to get up for the day.

 10:54am BBT: Brett and Haleigh in the BBR laying in bed talking general talk. In the KT sam, Kaycee and Angela talking general talk about restaurants. Scottie walks in and is making breakfast.

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10:57 am BBT  People are complaining about being sore.  Tyler said that is probably why Haleigh isn't up.  She is back in the BBR, Brett said they will practice their telepathy.  Everyone is trying to decide what to do today, it will be a boring day.  Maybe some foosball,

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