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Friday, July 27 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

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12:18 AM BBT


Bayleigh invites everyone in to check out her HOHRoom. 

She showed everyone her HOH Basket which included some Cardi B music, a bottle of red wine, Vegan ice cream, Raisin Bran Crunch, sushi, some booty shorts, and some other stuff. She was especially happy about "Boom Chicka Pop" which is a type of kettle corn. 


She got a letter from her sister and read it aloud to the rest of the Houseguests. 

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12:33 AM BBT 


Faysal is running around listening Bayleigh's Cardi B music and is repeatedly reprimanded by BB, he doesn't seem to care at all, as he just keeps on singing. 

12:36 AM BBT


Bayleigh pours everyone a glass of wine and they all share a drink together. 

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12:18 AM BBT Who wants to see my HOH room? They are very loud and excited as Bayleigh opens the HOH door. Bayleigh is telling everyone who is in the pictures. She has rice cakes, raisin bran crunch, and booty shorts which Sam says are cutie patootie. She has a blanket that was sent from home. Bayleigh’s letter is from her sister.



If you are reading this letter, it means you are officially HOH. I am so proud of all you’re doing (Bayleigh says she’s going to cry). As your big sister I have watched you grow and transition into each phase of your life and I can’t wait to see what this Big Brother experience brings to your already amazing life. You being in this house is going to make you a stronger person in life, in your path, and who you are. Trust who you are and the heart you have. You’re finding yourself and exactly who you are supposed to be. I am proud of you and the growth you have made. I know that you have spent a career travelling and being away from your family, but then we are only a call away. This time you aren’t able to call us or even text us but know that we are still with you. I know that you miss mom, dad, your sisters, yes even Bree, and your phone, but know we are all rooting for you and know that this is only the beginning. We are praying for you, your strength and guidance in this house and know that you got this boo. Although you may not be able to call us and this is the longest you’ve ever gone without us, at least think of us and know we all love you. Next family vacation, you will be there and with bells on, but as of now be real confident and bring home that 500K princess. Bring the turbulence B! We love you boo.

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12:25 AM BBT Bayleigh then says to everyone you want to win HOH until you win HOH and have to put people up on the block. She feels like she’s connected with everyone in the house. When she does put people on the block, if they want to make it personal and make it into a Bayleigh hates them thing, then that’s on them but it’s not what this is, it’s strictly game related. She loves everyone in the house and she just doesn’t want it to be dramatic, crazy, messy week. She doesn’t know who she’s going to put up and she doesn’t want anyone freaking out. She wants everyone to come and have a one-on-one and she wants everyone to feel like they were heard. She says she doesn’t mind people being in her room, but the first two weeks, they had some nice HOH”s and the room looked like a cyclone with cereal and toilet paper, but that’s not going to be her room. But don’t be afraid to come in her room or ask for anything. That’s it! Bayleigh has some organic and vegan stuff in her basket. She also go sushi.

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12:52 AM BBT Haleigh is the first one-on-one and she says she respects whatever Bayleigh wants to do and she is here as a confidant and support system. Haleigh tells Bayleigh that Scottie told her he doesn’t think she’ll nominate any of the girls. Bayleigh says she doesn’t want to out themselves on the girl thing, but she really feels that only guys are a threat to her game. Bayleigh asks Haleigh who she thinks would put Bayleigh up and Haleigh guesses Brett and Bayleigh says and JC. Bayleigh also tells Haleigh that Scottie has been acting shady and after talking to Tyler, he thinks it was Scottie who flipped the vote. Bayleigh says they just need to watch Scottie. Haleigh pitches using Scottie as a pawn. Bayleigh says maybe nominate Brett and JC and if one comes down Scottie can be the replacement.


12:56 AM BBT Bayleigh says the thing with Tyler is she doesn’t want to kick him while he’s down because no one kicked her while she was down and she doesn’t think Tyler flipped. Bayleigh says the only person who didn’t ask her if she flipped was Scottie. Haleigh is telling Bayleigh that Kaitlyn was laying down with Scottie and was playing with his hair and told him she would never target him if she stayed and if she stayed she’d give him massages whenever he wanted. Bayleigh says Kaitlyn did say she was going after Fessy and Haleigh says she heard that too.


1:02 AM BBT Bayleigh says Haleigh and Kaitlyn were best friends and Haleigh says they weren’t. They sung together, but Kaitlyn never got to know her. Bayleigh says she knows Haleigh loves Fessy and is loyal to him and she says not really. Bayleigh says but she needs Haleigh to choose her every time. Haleigh says they have to watch Rockstar too. Bayleigh promised her bed to Sam. Haleigh doesn’t want to sleep with Rockstar and be seen as an alliance with her.


1:05 AM BBT Bayleigh says she loves Sam and she tells Haleigh that Sam was trying to says it’s unfair that Haleigh is young and has a beautiful body and that’s an unfair advantage. Bayleigh says she isn’t saying what Sam said was right, but that’s what she was trying to say. Bayleigh says Haleigh is young and flirty and single and Sam can’t play the same game. Haleigh says that didn’t feel good and she feels Sam’s attack on her was unnecessary. Bayleigh says she’s Haleigh’s friend, but she wants to tell her Sam was right about what she said about Kaitlyn and Haleigh taking and not giving. Haleigh asks what that even means and Bayleigh says they didn’t clean up before and she leaves her clothes everywhere and Haleigh says she does leave her clothes everywhere.


1:09 AM BBT Haleigh says they need a new group and Bayleigh says Kaycee and Angela. She says she kind of trusts Angela, but she tells Haleigh to ask her after their one-on-ones. Bayleigh is telling Haleigh she should talk it out with Sam. Bayleigh says she will watch Tyler this week and Haleigh says maybe he will realign himself. Bayleigh wants Haleigh to figure out who has the powers and Haleigh says JC has one. Haleigh tells Bayleigh they have to considers who they want to sit final three with. Bayleigh says they have to consider who will be in jury too. Bayleigh doesn’t want Sam in the end because everyone will vote for her.

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1:15 AM BBT Bayleigh doesn’t feel like people would vote for Rachel. Bayleigh and Haleigh both say Kaycee would mess them up. Faysal has isolated himself. Bayleigh says Tyler has to go and Scottie has to go. She doesn’t think Rockstar would win. Bayleigh asks Haleigh to get her somebody and she says she’ll get Angela.


1:19 AM BBT Angela comes up and small talk is made at the start. Then talks turns to Kaitlyn and the vote. They also chat about the competition. Bayleigh says she wanted to talk to Angela about nominations. Bayleigh says she wasn’t really in the other alliance because they had already made the alliance and Kaitlyn didn’t want her in because she didn’t trust her because she was close with Angela. Bayleigh is secure that her and Angela has a legitimate friendship. Bayleigh says Swaggy was never after her because he knew Bayleigh loved her, but it doesn’t matter because he’s not coming back. Bayleigh came up with a name for her and Angela and it’s the Amazon alliance.


1:27 AM BBT Bayleigh says she wanted to have a conversation with her one-on-one, but she didn’t want her to think it was because Swaggy was gone, because that’s not why it is. Angela says the house is so much better now and she hasn’t been in that good of a mood. Bayleigh says they are a week away from jury and everyone else likes each other and that’s good since they’ll be together the rest of the summer. Bayleigh does want to stick to the all-girl alliance because Big Brother needs a girl to win and she thinks they can go far in the game. Angela says if it’s a guy and girl nominated, and if they are final 2 and even if it’s a girl she can’t stand and who annoys her, she will vote for the girl.


1:30 AM BBT Bayleigh says selfishly she wants to be the first black person to win Big Brother. Angela says a black person has never won? Bayleigh says no. Angela says what about a final two? Bayleigh says no not even that. {She must not know about Danielle from Big Brother 3!}

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1:28AM BBT: Angela and Bayleigh are upstairs in the HOHR, Angela says they're going to have an "amazing summer" because they got all of the bullsh*t out of the house. Bayleigh agrees.

1:28AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Angela in the HOHR that she doesn't know who she's going to put on the block this week, but that she hopes whoever it is won't be "pissed" at her. Bayleigh says she doesn't have any bad intentions, but that she does want to stick with the "all girl alliance thing."

1:29AM BBT: Angela says the all girl alliance is "f*****g genius," and that it doesn't matter who the final two is, if it's a girl and a guy, she's voting for the girl to win. Bayleigh says it won't come down to that, because they're getting out all the guys.

1:30AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Angela that it's going to be a "fun summer," and she and Angela are very similar. Bayleigh then tells her that she doesn't want to be on anyone's radar. 

1:33AM BBT: Sam, Rockstar, Haliegh, and Kaycee are talking in the BBR, Haleigh says that Kaitlyn was the type of girl that "made fun of me in high school." Sam calls Kaitlyn possessive and Haleigh agrees.

1:35AM BBT: Haliegh tells Sam that Kaitlyn told some of the boys in the house that she'd never felt the way she feels about them, even in a five year relationship. Rockstar wonders if Kaitlyn's boyfriend is even real. 

1:37AM BBT: The girls in the BBR talk about who is trying to frame Tyler with the one vote for Rockstar. 

1:39AM BBT: Faysal walks into the HOHR where Bayleigh is dancing to music. They celebrate her HOH win. 

1:43AM BBT: Faysal and Bayleigh talk about who to nominate. Bayleigh says she's not sending Scottie home. Bayleigh says she's putting up Brett, but she doesn't think she's putting up Tyler because he "deserves a week to recover." Bayleigh calls Tyler a "free agent," now.

1:44AM BBT: Faysal wants Bayleigh to put up one of the "three girls," but Bayleigh says she's not putting up Angela, and the only person she would consider putting up is Rachel. Bayleigh says she needs to talk to JC and Rachel, because they are the other two people she is considering.

1:44AM BBT: Tyler and JC are talking in the lounge about who voted against Rockstar. JC says whoever did it was trying to target Tyler.

1:45AM BBT: In the HOHR, Faysal says that JC is always in his ear and he's really close with him. Faysal says he wouldn't put JC up if she's not putting Tyler up. Bayleigh doesn't agree with that. 

1:46AM BBT: JC tells Tyler in the lounge that Bayleigh wants to put up Tyler and Brett. JC tells him that he told Faysal to tell Bayleigh not to put up Tyler.

1:46AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Faysal that JC has never promised her loyalty. Faysal says JC has never hinted that he would put up Bayleigh. Bayleigh says Rachel would pick her over other people and JC wouldn't. 

1:47AM BBT: JC wants to know what Tyler and Bayleigh talked about earlier. Tyler tells him. JC says he's talked to Bayleigh a lot, but he doesn't know where her head is at. 

1:48AM BBT: JC says he's going to get Bayleigh to put up Rockstar. Tyler says she won't do that and JC says she will after he talks to her. JC says he "f*****g hates Rockstar."

1:48AM BBT: In the HOHR, Faysal tells Bayleigh to be prepared for Brett after she puts him up. Bayleigh says she's not worried about Brett and that it's good to "knock him out now." Faysal understand why she wants to put JC up, but he's not happy about it. 

1:49AM BBT: Bayleigh says that if she doesn't put JC up now, she could very well put him up as a replacement.  

1:50AM BBT: Tyler tells JC that Bayleigh told him that she wants him [Tyler] on her team. JC says he's going to talk to her tomorrow. JC says he convinced Faysal not to tell Bayleigh to put Tyler up.

1:51AM BBT: Faysal and Bayleigh think Scottie is the one who flipped on the Kaitlyn vote. Bayleigh says she'll talk to Scottie and see if he confesses. Bayleigh says Scottie made a final three with Tyler and Sam. 

1:52AM BBT: Tyler tells JC to make sure to let Bayleigh know that he's a "free agent," right now. JC says that they think it was Scottie who flipped the vote to try and target Tyler. 

1:53AM BBT: JC says Scottie didn't flip the Swaggy vote, that it was Haliegh. Tyler says "bro no." JC says, "whatever." Tyler tries to convince JC Scottie voted Swaggy out.

1:53AM BBT: Faysal says that Tyler would have to be a "dumb ass" to not vote Kaitlyn out. Bayleigh says he didn't, that Tyler told her Kaitlyn made him look "so stupid" on TV. Bayleigh says Tyler cried and there's no way he faked it.

1:53AM BBT: Faysal says that Bayleigh needs to make sure Tyler understands that he's on their side now and he can't be "doing that sh*t."

1:55AM BBT: Faysal tells Bayleigh that JC is everywhere. Bayleigh says Rachel is scared of her, which upsets Bayliegh. Faysal doesn't want to put Rachel up, but at the end of the day, it's her decision. 

1:56AM BBT: Faysal doesn't want to keep letting the three girls [Kaycee, Rachel, Angela] skate by. He thinks one of them needs to go up because they're just coasting through the game. Bayleigh does agree with that. 

1:57AM BBT: Bayleigh says that if she puts Rachel up over JC, she needs "absolute freakin' loyalty," from him. Bayleigh says she wants to talk to him first and then Faysal can. Bayleigh says no one else will put JC up. 

1:58AM BBT: Faysal thinks that the way JC is "wrapped up in everything," will eventually catch up to him. Faysal says everyone trusts JC, but look where they got Kailtyn. 

1:59AM BBT: Faysal tells Bayleigh what she should say to JC. Bayleigh tells Faysal he needs to make sure that he would never choose JC over her. Faysal says, "f**k no," to picking JC over Bayleigh.

1:59AM BBT: JC, Rockstar and Scottie are upstairs on the balcony talking. JC tells them he just had a conversation with Tyler. JC and Rockstar both don't think Tyler flipped on the Kaitlyn vote.  

2:00AM BBT: Faysal tells Bayeigh that his two top priorities are "you and Bayleigh," and then quickly corrects himself to say Haliegh. 

2:04AM BBT: Bayleigh looks at the camera and talks to Swaggy. She tells him he better not be messing around with any "hoes" or she'll come for them and find them and "completely destroy their lives." She tells Swaggy he "better freakin' wait for me."



2:04AM BBT: Faysal says before they get into how proud Swaggy is of Bayleigh, they need to first talk about how proud Swaggy would be of Faysal. 

2:09AM BBT: Faysal and Bayleigh revisit the beginning of their conversation about Brett going up and how the three girls aren't doing anything. Faysal compares them to Matt and Raven from last year. 

2:10AM BBT: Bayleigh says they can't trust Scottie. Faysal tells Bayleigh again what she needs to say to JC. 

2:13AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Faysal to send up JC. 

2:14AM BBT: JC is in the DR. Rockstar walks into the HOHR and Scottie says he'll go in after her. Bayleigh says she knows who her target is, but she doesn't know who to put up with Brett. 

2:15AM BBT: Rockstar says she would put up Tyler and Brett, but Tyler is like a "wounded bird," and Bayleigh agrees that she's not going to kick him while he's down. 

2:17AM BBT: Bayleigh tells Rockstar to keep an open mind to Bayleigh's nominations. She also tells Rockstar that JC's been running his mouth about her [Rockstar]

2:19AM BBT: Bayleigh assures Rockstar that she is safe this week. She wants Rockstar and Haliegh to be her "eyes and ears." Bayleigh says she's the opposite of Kaitlyn. 

2:26AM BBT: Rockstar and Bayleigh agree that they don't want to be in a final two with Sam, because Sam will always win. They both agree they're not touching Sam right now.

2:32AM BBT: Rachel and Faysal are talking in the lounge. Faysal tells Rachel that he doesn't think any of the three girls [Kaycee, Angela, Rachel] will go up. Faysal tells Rachel he doesn't know if Tyler will go up or not. 

2:33AM BBT: Rachel tells Faysal she thinks she's fine this week. 

2:36AM BBT: Faysal tells Rachel in the lounge that Bayleigh doesn't talk a lot of game with him. "I think I'm good with her," Rachel says. Faysal says Rachel isn't her target. 

2:43AM BBT: Faysal talks in circles with Rachel, both telling her he thinks she's safe but there's also the possibility she could go up. 

2:44AM BBT: JC walks into the HOHR and offers Bayleigh "congratulations," but he's not going to "Kiss her ass."

2:44AM BBT: JC tells Bayleigh that he's not really worried.

2:45AM BBT: Faysal gets into bed with Haliegh. Faysal wants to know who she thinks flipped on the Kaitlyn vote. Haliegh says Tyler, but Faysal seems to say no. Haliegh then says, "Scottie?" and then "how do you know?"

2:45AM BBT: Bayleigh says JC isn't a target and she doesn't want him to go home. But that she does want to know where his head is and where his loyalty is. 

2:47AM BBT: JC tries his best to avoid the question, but Bayleigh tells him she needs to know where his head is at. She implies that he could be used as a pawn and she needs to make sure that he's with her.

2:49AM BBT: JC avoids the question again, circling around to who Faysal is loyal to. Bayleigh tries to bring him back to her question again by telling him he's "in the middle."

2:51AM BBT: JC continues to avoid the question. Bayleigh is starting to get frustrated.

2:52AM BBT: JC ignores the question for a little while longer, but eventually says he has Bayleighs back. Bayleigh wants him to promise he has her back, JC says he has her back.

2:53AM BBT: JC starts campaigning against Rockstar, Bayleigh shuts him down, but he keeps talking. He tells her to "poll the house" when it comes to deciding who to put up.

2:55AM BBT: Bayleigh wants to make sure JC wouldn't put her up if he wins HOH, JC says, "of course not."

2:57AM BBT: Bayleigh tells JC she wants to make sure he's not making promises with everyone in the house. JC says he's not.

2:58AM BBT: JC wants Bayleigh to play the game smart. He doesn't want her to put someone up that could be a big asset. JC says he doesn't want Tyler to go up right now.

3:00AM BBT: JC and Bayleigh talk about the last week and all of the "Kaitlyn stories." Bayleigh says she didn't want to get involved in all of that last week. 

3:02AM BBT: Bayleigh tells JC they all have to stick together next week. 

3:03AM BBT: JC says Faysal is "really stupid." Bayleigh agrees, but says he's on their side.

3:04AM BBT: Bayleigh asks JC if he has a power. JC says "no," and then says he thought Bayleigh has a power. Bayleigh says no. They both think Kaitlyn had a power.

3:06AM BBT: Bayleigh wants to make sure JC won't put her up if he gets HOH. He says no, but then says he doesn't want to work with Rockstar.

3:07AM BBT: Bayleigh tells JC that she is thinking of using him or Rachel as a pawn and she wants to make sure he's not going to run his mouth. Bayleigh then says JC isn't going to be a pawn.

3:08AM BBT: JC says he isn't ever going to turn on Bayleigh. 

3:19AM BBT: JC and Bayleigh circle back through their conversation again for the next several minutes. Eventually they hug and JC leaves the HOHR. Rachel walks into the room.


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3:22am BBT Rachel enters the HOH. Rachel says, I feel like I’m good with you. Bay says everyone in the house is, and that’s the problem. She says everyone wants one person but no one will give me any other names. Rachel whispers, Brett? Yeah, she says, but you can’t say anything. She goes on to say, and also I’m mad at you for what you did in the bathroom, it was really annoying, don’t be annoying. Rachel asks what did she mean. Bay mentioned that it was between Rachel and Rockstar and Rachel said, take Rockstar. She says it made it sound like she was intimidated by her and she doesn’t want people to think she intimidates anyone. 


3:22am BBT Rachel enters the HOH. Rachel says, I feel like I’m good with you. Bay says everyone in the house is, and that’s the problem. She says everyone wants one person but no one will give me any other names. Rachel whispers, Brett? Yeah, she says, but you can’t say anything. She goes on to say, and also I’m mad at you for what you did in the bathroom, it was really annoying, don’t be annoying. Rachel asks what did she mean. Bay mentioned that it was between Rachel and Rockstar and Rachel said, take Rockstar. She says it made it sound like she was intimidated by her and she doesn’t want people to think she intimidates anyone. Rachel says it was just her being polite. 


Bay says she is trying to figure out where the lines are. She has no ride-or-die. She wants to be left in a safe spot. Rachel tells her that she loves her and would never come after her. 


Bay tells her that people have mentioned that Rachel/Angela/Kaycee have not been on the block or in jeopardy in any way. She tells her that Scottie did tell her that he flipped the vote on Swaggy wearing a Swaggy shirt, and she thinks he’ flipped the vote on Kaitlyn too. Rachel agrees that he was the one. She wants to try and backdoor Scottie to keep whoever stays on the block from coming after her. Pawns go home, and she’s scared to put one up. She hasn’t talked to Scottie yet, she won’t kick Tyler when he’s down and she just talked to JC and I was considering him, but it might be dangerous because he talks to everybody. Rachel says, I talk game with Fessy. She does not have a connection with Rockstar. 


Bay fears that if she puts Scottie and Brett up and the noms stick, she will be on the one that stays radar. She can’t keep Brett here because of the 4 of you. Rach/Kaycee/Brett/Angela.
Rachel assures her that if it were bay and Brett on the block that she would vote out Brett. 
Rachel does not want to go up as a pawn. 


Bay tells Rachel that either JC or Rachel are going up as a pawn. Rachel suggests Angela as a pawn. Bay says no because she is a physical threat. Rockstar says, put up a weaker player like RS. Nope. Rachel asks if she has the third power and she completely lies and says no. Rachel goes on to tell Bay that JC had the second power, he told her. She doesn’t know what it is but she thinks it already expired. Bay says Tyler could have one.  


3:45am BBT  Scottie 1/1. She tells him the whole house thinks he is the flip vote and he denies it. He thinks it was Rachel. He says Rockstar thinks it’s Brett and is sure it wasn’t Tyler, and Bay says she told me she thought it was Tyler and didn’t think it was Brett. Whatever she says. 
Bay tells him that he’s crazy and weird but she trusts him.  She threatens to gut him and lay his intestines out if she finds out he is lying about the vote. She tells him that he is not on her radar. He tells her to put up Tyler/Brett/JC/Sam, pick any 2. Everyone else is untouchable because they are working with you or you want them to. 
Scottie promises Bay that the four of them are his team, Fessy/Haleigh/Bay/RS. He promises and no more flipping back and forth. She makes him swear his loyalty and take an oath. 


3:55am BBT Brett 1/1. He says he doesn’t have much for crazy thoughts. She says she likes everyone and she’s in a bad place. She doesn’t think there are sides anymore. He tells her that they are in the same position because they lost their #1. Everyone tells her that they are not coming after her, so they aren’t all telling the truth. 
He says, well, after I am gone, who is the target? Brett says he wants to work with Bay. They are both islands. He tells her he loves her as a person and respects her and if he goes up, it is only a game and he gets that. They hug. 


4:00am BBT Kaycee comes in and says it’s 4 am. Bay can’t believe it. Bay is excited and doing somersaults on the bed. 
Bay tells her that JC threatens her a little bit and Brett too. They both trust Tyler. 
Kaycee throws Scottie under the bus. They both think he flipped the vote. They go over the possible flippers and determine it was Scottie. Kaycee thinks Rachel would be a good pawn. Bay says the house will go nuts if she nominates JC. 


Kaycee says she feels bad for Rachel because she’s gone through so much. She has ADHD. Kaycee says she feels for people that struggle with insecurities and Rachel is so smart and she knows the game. Kaycee wants JC on the block. Bay asks her to talk to Rachel and see how she feels about her and bay is going to talk to her and make her swear her loyalty to her of she doesn’t go up. Kaycee agrees to report any crap talk about Bay to her. 


4:30am BBT Kaycee and Bay agree that Scottie needs to be backdoored. He is a threat, he’s smart, athletic, great memory, he’s won comps, HOH and Veto, and he’s unpredictable. 


Bay says she really wants JC gone and she’s scared to put Brett up because he will be mad at her. If JC didn’t go home he would come after her next week. 
Kaycee says Brett will go after Scottie and Rockstar. Brett would be great in jury because he would be unbiased. 
There is a knock on the door. It is Fessy. She asks him to give them a few minutes. 
The decide on JC as a pawn, but think he will flip out so if that is going to happen, it will be Rachel. 


4:45am BBT Fessy is in the kitchen eating. Bay comes down to get her dirty clothes and Fessy heads to the HOH with his plate of food. He puts on her headphones and paces, looking around. He dances briefly in the HOH bathroom mirror.  


Fessy 1/1 He says the only people who he thinks would put him up would be Angela and Kaycee, so he wants her to find out of he is ok with them for next week. 
JC becomes a topic. Bay says he was asking about his game being safe and she told him that he needed to be telling he how he would help her game. She referred to him as “little man” so we can see that she has zero respect for him. 
Fessy starts picking his nose… Bay tells him to get a frickin’ tissue cause she knows there is something in there. [now mind you, she has been sniffing and holding her finger on the right nostril while she blows out the left nostril all night, but takes offense to him sticking his finger in his nose? Really? - -monadyan]
He goes in the bathroom, opens the bottom vanity drawer, no tissues, returns to the courtroom and continues to sniff and blow. 


Fessy does not want JC used as a pawn. He says everyone will use him as a pawn. Bay asks then why can’t she use him? She says Rachel promised her loyalty and JC didn’t. 
Fessy asks what Brett said. She gives him a truthful synopsis. 
They go back and forth about JC vs Rachel. 
Fessy says we can pull Tyler in and she says everyone is trying to pull Tyler in. 


She tells him he is the only person advocating for JC, everyone else wants him up. 
He says worst case scenario, Brett and JC on the block, Brett wins Veto, she says Scottie goes up, and Fessy says JC goes home and Scottie comes after you. She tells him that JC would choose them over her and Rachel would choose her over them. Fessy says, you think? She says, I KNOW! 
She tells Fessy to win the veto, take JC down and she’ll put up Rachel. She says she would love for JC to go home because Swaggy hated him. 


It is just circling and circling. 


5:15am BBT Fessy tells Bay no one in the house will use her as a pawn and she agrees. He says he doesn’t not believe in pawns. She says Rachel has been her confidant this week, not JC. Fessy says JC is his confidant since the beginning. 
Bay is steady munching potato chips. She is literally eating them with both hands. Fessy is telling her this scenario and that scenario and she’s munching and says un huh, un huh. 


He asks him what her speech should be. He tells her Brett is a physical threat and Rachel is a pawn. She counters with, I love you both, someone had to go up, fight for the veto. 


Fessy tells Bay about going into the DR and telling them this is for Swaggy! They got out Kaitlyn! Your girl is HOH and has a power app!


5:23am BBT She says on a heavier note I have something to tell you… She tells him she is late and took an EPT and it was negative. Fessy tells her with all the girls in the house all their stuff is messed up anyways because they are all regulating. And she says, that’s what I am saying, this time they all started together and they are on their last day. He says well, that stuff (the Plan B) messes your stuff anyway. She says I don’t know!! He says you take it within 48 hours, and it messes you u, and she says it’s not good for you either. He says it is really bad, and we get FISH. 


5:27am BBT When we come back to them they are talking about Swaggy and him seeing other girls. Bay really thought he was coming back last night. She says if he is seeing someone else she will kill him, kill him!
They discuss the HOH comp and it seems like it was a sled kind of thing. She scored an 8.08 and the goal was 8. 


5:35am BBT They go back over the rules of Bays power app. Bay gets in the shower, Fessy is on the HOH bed listening to music. 


5:40am BBT Fessy decides to wear his Swaggy shirt to the noms tomorrow and Bay says good idea. 


5:45am BBT Fessy asks Bay to talk to Haleigh and she needs to step up her game. Is she’s not a nominee she’s chilling. She is not sticking up for any of them, she just cares about her own safety. 


6:05am He gets his plate and heads out after hugging Bay. 
Fessy does his dishes, gets a shower, brushes his teeth and heads for the geo room. He does his prayers and the briefly sits and thinks. 


6:25am BBT Fessy heads to bed… he chooses the middle bed in the PBR. He sleeps alone. 

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8:52 am BBT  Sam is up, goes to the WA, uses the WC, then comes out and washes her hands.  She keeps yawning, still sleeping.  Sam goes to the KT and makes coffee.  She is stretching, notices the camera on her and waves. After cleaning the coffee pot, she starts the coffee.  While it is brewing, she starts checking the cabinets. Doing things in the KT while she waits for her coffee.

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9:12 am BBT  JC walks past Sam in the KT.  Appears he is going to WA.  Sam is looking through the food in the refrigerator.  She gets the carafe she washed, and is pouring the pot of coffee into it.  JC comes back through the KT, gives Sam a hug.  He said he is going back to bed.  He is in a lot of pain, and rubs his jaw.  He said he has never had this pain before, he thinks it is stress pain.  He doesn't care what "they" say, he is going to sleep.  (peppered with his favorite F word).  He leaves, and Sam starts a second pot of coffee.  Sam gets out another yellow towel/napkin, smells it, and starts folding it.  (she had one earlier, smelled it, then took it away). Sam still puttering around the KT.

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9:20 am BBT  Sam puts two cups on the platter that has the yellow towel, puts an empty bowl and saucer, and napkins and silverware on it.  She is being particular about the way it looks.  She gets a small bowl and puts sweetener packages in it. That, too, goes on the tray/platter.  Sam gets called to the DR.  She grabs her coffee, drinks part of it, then takes it with her to the DR.

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9:23 am BBT  Sam out of DR, picks up a small table and takes it with her upstairs and puts it outside the HOH room.  She changes out the white bowl for a yellow one, then gets a smaller bowl and puts sugar in it.  She puts ice in an insulated tumbler, and fills it with water.  She puts it with the tray, makes herself a cup of coffee.  She puts wrap over the open containers, and gets the carafe of coffee.  She puts the carton of milk on top of the bowls, balances that on one hand, puts the towel over her arm and picks up the carafe.  She balances everything and takes it upstairs to the HOH.  She is arranging it on the table she put outside the door of the HOH.  She leaves it there, whitout knocking, and comes back downstairs to her coffee.

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9:34 am BBT  FoTH  Wake up call?  Feeds back at 9:37 am.  Sam still the only one up, no lights in bedrooms.  Sam put foil on a cookie sheet, and is opening the bacon, putting it on the sheet for the oven.


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10:03 am BBT  Feeds are back.  Rockstar is up, in WA.  Someone is in the shower.  Sam still making breakfast.  Short FoTH




Here is the link to the final interview of Kaitlyn and Julie Chen


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10:14 am BBT  HGs are slowing getting up.  Brett and Tyler in SR getting batteries.  Brett says he didn't have a good feeling about Bayleigh, thinks he is going up.  Rockstar goes upstairs as Bayleigh gets up to get her battery.  She tells RS to go on in.  She sees the table Sam made for her.  She thanks Sam for the table and tray.  When Bayleigh comes back, Sam tells her what all is on the tray, and says she is the princess of the house for the week.  Bayleigh thanks her again, says they will talk later.  She is going back up, she is exhausted.  (up late last night with one on ones)  Rockstar had put the table inside the HOH room.  RS goes to the couches outside the HOH room, while Bayleigh goes in, gets back in bed, covers her head and reads her bible.

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10:23 am BBT  Rachel and Angela whispering in the WA.  Rachel thinks she is going up as a pawn.  She tells Angela the plan is to backdoor Scottie.  Angela asks if Bayleigh said that or Rachel.  Rachel said Bayleigh did.  They would prefer JC up, but if it is JC and Brett, then Scottie, that would look bad for the guys.  Kaycee comes out of WC and washes her hands.  They discuss moving forward with Bayleigh, and they think they can trust her.  FoTH


(severe thunderstorm here, getting off computer)

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1:15pm BBT Brett is making a salsa/bacon mixture. Tyler is doing dishes. Sam in the shower. Angela and JC are in the WA. She is telling him that she just made sure she was OK with Bay, didn’t even discuss who was going up. They cleared the air on the Swaggy thing and that’s about it.

Kaycee/Haleigh/Rockstar/Rachel in the HOH with Bay. They discuss the contrast between Sam and Bayleigh’s HOH. Sam didn’t talk to anyone and Bay wants to talk to everyone several times. The wonder when the nom meeting will be. Kaycee leaves and they briefly discuss powers and thinking someone was coming back. Bay says people came to her pretending to be team Swaggy and she says the ONLY people who supported Swaggy were she and Fessy.

Bay tells Rachel that it is the three of them and she has to keep Fessy in the house. She says Kaycee and Angela might come after Fessy.

Rachel says we have to get Scottie out before the double eviction. Scottie would put up Rachel and JC. They do not want Scottie to play for HOH in the double eviction. They are trying to figure out when Scottie should be HOH. They are talking about the Battle Back again.


1:30pm BBT Brett/Fessy/Scottie/JC in the PBR discussing the hurricane in Houston last year and BB not telling the houseguests. 
Tyler and Haleigh on the HOH landing. Tyler says the house is quiet without Kaitlyn. Haleigh says she misses her, but… Haleigh says she probably not talk to me when we get out of here. They both agree that they did not have her total loyalty. 

1:45pm BBT Angela and Rachel in the Have-not room Rachel says, Scottie tried to pin the flip vote on me! I’m done! Done! He went in there and told her it was me. She tells her that Bay wants Brett and JC out but she wants Brett out more than JC. She tells Angela that it is going to be me and Brett or Brett and JC on the block. If we win the veto Scottie goes up. Angela tells her to throw it if she can, to Brett. Rachel is really angry with Scottie. She tells Angela that she wants to be on the block so she can win the Veto and take herself down. She wants the be the one that sends Scottie home. Bay will leave the noms the same, it has to be one of the nominees that wins the veto. She calls Scottie a snake, a straight up snake. She tells Angela she really wants to work with us but she wants Brett and Tyler gone. 


2:10pm BBT Rachel tells Angela all about Bay’s power app. She also tells her how loyal she is. 
They need to win a HOH so they can keep Brett and Tyler safe. They are going to try and convince Brett to win the veto so he will be safe. Rachel says Rockstar needs to go, Scottie needs to go. Kaycee comes in and Rachel tells her about Scottie throwing her under the bus. Then she tells her about Bay wanting to work with them, but Brett being in the way. 
Kaycee says shes going to try to get closer to Fessy and Haleigh this week. 
Rachel says Sam is mad at Scottie for going against her and voting for Kaitlyn to stay. They told her they thought it was Scottie. They are sure that if Scottie goes on the block that he will go home. 


2:20pm BBT Haleigh/Bay in the HOH. Bay tells Haleigh that it will likely be Rachel and Brett on the block. Haleigh says Fessy was waking her up all night. Bay calls Fessy in the room and she tells him not to EVER say anything that she does or thinks about doing is a bad idea. She tells him JC is not going up so stop going around being all Team JC. Fessy points at Haleigh and says, I don’t need any questioning from you. When you asked me if I flipped. She says she asked everyone, not just him. Haleigh says you are not above being asked. She tells him she has the right to ask him anything she wants to anytime she wants to. Bayleigh says that’s right because it is an open relationship. 


2:30pm BBT Haleigh and Fessy continue to fuss at each other, until Bay leaves to give them a minute alone. Haleigh follows bay out and Fessy says, Perfect, just where I want to be.

Sam is in the storage room inventorying the new groceries. She asked for a few things she didn’t get. She takes the bananas, because Angela is going to make banana bread for the have-nots. She also takes a watermelon with her that she says got smashed, so they need to use it now. 


2:45pm BBT Haleigh and Rockstar in the PBR. Haleigh is telling her about she and Fessy’s tiff. 
Rockstar says she does not trust JC, he’s a b****. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good b****, but I don’t trust him. 

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1:27 pm BBT- camera 3- Bayleigh and Rachel in HOHR- having their one on one discussion. Bayleigh said her alignment after today will be Rachel and Fessy. She said she did not want to share the news about her power app, because then it limits who she can use it on going forward. She said she only trusts Rachel. Bayleigh said she plans on using her power next week if Rachel or Fessy do not get HOH. She confirms the power is only good until 9 houseguests left in the game, so two more evictions after this week. They agree Scottie can not make it to the double eviction week. Rachel whispers that she really wants to backdoor Scottie. Bayleigh guesses the other power holder is Tyler or JC.


Rachel said "I think it is best you put me up". Bayleigh agrees. Bayleigh said I trust you and we have you. IF Brett comes down, Bayleigh said she would put Scottie up in Brett's place. She said either way, one of the guys go home. 


After a long silence, Rachel said she really does not want to go up. She asked Bayleigh how that makes her feel. Bayleigh said she will have to talk to JC again and will make the move that strategically makes more sense. Rachel again said whatever you decide I trust you, but I would rather not go up. 

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1:50 pm BBT camera 3- Bayleigh and JC in the HOHR for a second talk. Bayleigh said she has to use either JC or another person as a pawn. She tells JC she wants to make sure they have a solid plan going forward if she uses the other person goes up. She tells him she wants to make sure he will help her go forward in the game if she keeps him off the block. JC said he has 6 or 7 people he wants to go up before her. 


Bayleigh said she wants to work with JC going forward. She said she literally thinks she will go the other direction (with a pawn for noms) but needs to be sure their relationship is good, even if they fight.


She asks, who do you think flipped. JC said he thinks it is Scottie. He said Rockstar thinks it is Brett. She said who is that stupid? JC deflects it to be Scottie or Brett, or just Fessy to give a vote for Kaitlin. 


JC said he would put Rockstar up next week if he won HOH. Bayleigh and JC agree they are annoyed by her feeling of comfort since Bayleigh is HOH and her now walking around wearing a Swaggy shirt. 


Bayleigh tells JC she plans to put Brett up and either JC or Rachel as the pawn. But, now that hey have talked, she will put Rachel up so "they lose a number no matter what". She said she wants noms to stay the same. She tells JC to not go down and skip around and act happy- the other person will know what she has decided. She said even Angela and Kaycee would keep noms the same if they won POV  "if I ask them too"


She said she does not want JC to be on the block, because she knows he will vote with her. She said she does have a replacement nom in her head, but does not want to tell anyone who it is. 


JC gives her advice on the nomination speech- that they have the chance to play for safety. He told her to not give advice on which to vote for once nominations final- tell everyone vote for who they think is best for their game and it will take the blood off her hands. 

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Bayleigh askes Fessy to join she and Hayleigh in the HOHR. She lectures Fessy about questioning her decisions. She told him he is team Bay and Hay all the way! She said quit protecting JC. 


Now Fessy telling Hayleigh not to question him about his vote. 


Fessy is now trying to explain they are a team and should discuss moves and decisions. Now Bayleigh said she thinks them discussing the pros and cons is good. She said this week it even kept JC off the block. 



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2:32 pm BBT- Hayleigh and Fessy arguing about who said what. Bayleigh trying to interject. 

Bayleigh leaves the HOHR to give Fessy and Hayleigh "a second." Silence.

Hayleigh gets up and leaves the room too. Fessy puts on headphones. 

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