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:animated_wave: Hey there! I've been a lurker for a while now. I am addicted to this place. I do not have the live feeds so thanks to all the updaters for the wonderful job they do keeping us up with what's going on in the house. Even the most boring things going on are still fun to read about. This is a great place with lots of amazing mods and updaters. I just wanted to say THANKS!
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I hope I am putting this in the right spot!

My name is Amanda, however I prefer to go by mommytorres. :animated_bouncy: I have been married to my husband 'daddytorres' for 12 years now and we are going strong. We have three children, Justin (11) Angie (9) and Jaden (6) and are currently looking to add a four legged baby into the household.

BB used to be a show that just I watched, but this year my husband and children started watching too (I tape the episode on the DVR and preview it before the kiddos watch JIC). I have Showtime just to watch BBAD, and to be honest, that is what got my husband watching...go figure. :)

Let's see...I am currently surviving Systemic Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and S3 Endometriosis. I work P/T at the corner grocery store just to get out of the house while the kiddos are in school (as well as help with the bills!)...and I volunteer with a local charity for children as well as a mentor to foster children. I don't know what else to say, so I will leave it at that for now!

It is nice to have found such an AWESOME BB resource to come to if I miss something since I know that the feed updaters here do an amazing job! Thanks for being here!

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Hi again Mommytorres this is the best TV forum on the net with the nicest people. The mods are fantastic and the members. We have the best live feed updaters!

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I am sure you will enjoy it here... Just jump in anywhere... I know you are posting in BB, but there are forums about a lot of other shows too and some fun stuff over in Off Topics...

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Hello everyone, My name is Donna and have just now found the thread to write and tell you how wonderful your site is ! I am disabled and sit in front of my computer all day and follow the BB9 blogs. I am so grateful that you are here !!! I am totally addicted to this site and have it up 24/7. I for some reason cannot get the feeds so I am relying on your site to get me through my addiction. Thanks again and please keep up the good work everyone is doing !! :party_smilie:

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Hmmm ... Guess I should finally introduce myself. :animated_scratchchin:

I've been lurking for a couple of years now, but only recently decided to join. I'm pretty opinionated and it was getting too hard to scream my replies into the laptop while reading updates. :lol:(Plus my coworkers were starting to come into my office to see what I was doing!)

What else is there? I'm in my mid-thirties, married to a wonderful man, and have two fur-kids but no human-kids. This is one of three boards I'm a member of. The first is a pet board where we discuss everything under the sun, the second is a braces-for-adults board where I rarely post and this is the third. I'll admit I haven't ventured out of the BB forum much. I'm askeered! :animated_shocking: If I find other forums that I like, I might never get any work done!!!

I really enjoy the live feed updates (Thanks live-feed updaters!!) and have grown to love reading the opinions of quite a few of you (Marty, Myss, Jem, UVP, Yana... just to name a VERY few!!) You're a tough bunch to crack, but I totally understand why. I've seen a lot of us "noobs" come in and say things just to start crap. Hopefully you won't feel that way towards me, I'll try to have a little bit more of board etiquette.

That being said, I am VERY sarcastic and like to joke around. Consider yourself warned! :animated_rotfl: (However, if you ever think I'm "striking out" at you personally, please let me know ... I'm usually just joshin' around.)

Anyway, that's me. Now, back to the BB9 board! :cookie:

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Andrea, every body calls me Aunt Andy or Mama Joe. I live in the freezing neverending battle of N.W. Ohio snow storms. Can't wait for spring so that we can open up some windows I've been marrid for 16 years and have a 15 yr old son playing footbal and soccer .. my daughter is10 and plays soccer and is the pitcher for her fast pitch

softball team. I am a stay at home mom looking for PT work for specific hours to accomodat my kid busy sports schedule.

Just want you to all know though that everyone is doing an awesom job posting the live feeds. I am addicted to Big Brother!!!! I have watched it from the very first one, but this is the first site I could find, thank you, thank you, thank youm without all of you, this would be a very boring show.

Love to All........

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Welcome NEWCOMERS :dork:

Don't forget to stop by the 'Off Topics' thread.... non TV related odds and ends stuff

The posters over there are quite harmless

(except for Wicked.... and no one really pays attention to her anyway)

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