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Kaycee Clark


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4 hours ago, WOC said:

That's because they are all playing checkers and this is chess. Brett wasn't prepared for the possibility that he could go up. First rule... never trust anyone. He sat there like a doe in the headlights after noms. He should have been prepared and put it out there if it was needed to be said. He could have squashed Tyler's game and he didn't. I would have thought about each player and been prepared for this. But shoulda, coulda, woulda!

In the end, I think Brett assumed that Tyler and Angela thought they were sitting pretty and assumed that they wouldn't think he would actually be scheming against them.  Dumb on his part.  As much as I hate to say it, that was some nice game play on Tyler and Angela's part last night.  She won the veto like clockwork, and they were very precise and deliberate about everything, down to the words to tell Brett why he was going home.  This has been one of the smartest showmances (in terms of game play) in several seasons.  Because they really didn't get together until most of their rival alliance was gone -  and they had the numbers, there was nothing anyone could really do about it.  And unlike Fess and Heigh they are backing up everything with competition wins when it counts.  Well played.

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20 minutes ago, Keepittogether said:

In the end, I think Brett assumed that Tyler and Angela thought they were sitting pretty and assumed that they wouldn't think he would actually be scheming against them.  Dumb on his part.  As much as I hate to say it, that was some nice game play on Tyler and Angela's part last night.  She won the veto like clockwork, and they were very precise and deliberate about everything, down to the words to tell Brett why he was going home.  This has been one of the smartest showmances (in terms of game play) in several seasons.  Because they really didn't get together until most of their rival alliance was gone -  and they had the numbers, there was nothing anyone could really do about it.  And unlike Fess and Heigh they are backing up everything with competition wins when it counts.  Well played.


The smartest showmance or fakemance to get someone to take you to the end.   Sam was trying to tell him this during the time before nominations.  It was weird last night that CBS kept blocking out parts of Tyler's one on one talks.  It's like they were trying to give him the good edit.

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1 hour ago, CrazyBBFan said:


The smartest showmance or fakemance to get someone to take you to the end.   Sam was trying to tell him this during the time before nominations.  It was weird last night that CBS kept blocking out parts of Tyler's one on one talks.  It's like they were trying to give him the good edit.

the reason for the blocking out of feeds was cussing.  they seem to forget they are on national tv and are not smart enough to speak without profanity.

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4 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

In the end, I think Brett assumed that Tyler and Angela thought they were sitting pretty and assumed that they wouldn't think he would actually be scheming against them.  Dumb on his part.  As much as I hate to say it, that was some nice game play on Tyler and Angela's part last night.  She won the veto like clockwork, and they were very precise and deliberate about everything, down to the words to tell Brett why he was going home.  This has been one of the smartest showmances (in terms of game play) in several seasons.  Because they really didn't get together until most of their rival alliance was gone -  and they had the numbers, there was nothing anyone could really do about it.  And unlike Fess and Heigh they are backing up everything with competition wins when it counts.  Well played.

I was wondering if production had anything to do with Angela's win.  It was quicker than her usual gameplay.  It seems to me production wants Tyler to win this game.

4 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:


The smartest showmance or fakemance to get someone to take you to the end.   Sam was trying to tell him this during the time before nominations.  It was weird last night that CBS kept blocking out parts of Tyler's one on one talks.  It's like they were trying to give him the good edit.

Yeah, what was up with that?

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7 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

In the end, I think Brett assumed that Tyler and Angela thought they were sitting pretty and assumed that they wouldn't think he would actually be scheming against them.  Dumb on his part.  As much as I hate to say it, that was some nice game play on Tyler and Angela's part last night.  She won the veto like clockwork, and they were very precise and deliberate about everything, down to the words to tell Brett why he was going home.  This has been one of the smartest showmances (in terms of game play) in several seasons.  Because they really didn't get together until most of their rival alliance was gone -  and they had the numbers, there was nothing anyone could really do about it.  And unlike Fess and Heigh they are backing up everything with competition wins when it counts.  Well played.


Getting rid of Brett was the smart move for Tyler and Angela. It wasn't smart for anyone else in the house. KC is hanging her hat on her F2 deal with Tyler. So is JC and Sam. And so was Brett, see what that got him. I think at this point JC knows he is done, but he doesn't know what to do. Brett played it wrong by approaching Tyler with getting rid of KC and Angela. He should have been planting seeds of doubt with KC because he knew Tyler was in a showmance with Angela. If Sam, JC, Brett, and KC had actually talked about things they might have realized Tyler was playing everyone.

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29 minutes ago, vintaged1 said:

Kaycee just blew a big shot at winning. She should have pulled JC off, said I am playing 2 steps ahead, put Tyler on the block. Her and JC vote Tyler out. If she made it to the end with any of the three left. She would have won. 


She didn't use the veto? That's too bad. She still has a chance, she needs the next HOH, but yeah, she should have taken JC off the block and got rid of Tyler.

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4 hours ago, WOC said:


She didn't use the veto? That's too bad. She still has a chance, she needs the next HOH, but yeah, she should have taken JC off the block and got rid of Tyler.

Bless her heart.  She's too loyal.  If either Tyler or Angela win final two I think they are taking each other.  I hope not, but after seeing the I love you's on last nights show it seems like they will be taking each other.  

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I still can't believe Casey doesn't realize she has got to get rid of Tyler to win. After winning the biggest  veto of the Season tonight now she has to decide to either get rid of Tyler or Angela after JC nominated them. You would think this is a no-brainer for Casey to get rid of Tyler now. She can definitely beat Angela or JC  with the jury house.. but it seems like Casey is going to stay loyal to Tyler and take him to the final with her which is a very big mistake for her and will cost her the game but it seems like that's what she is going to do right now I guess we will see later tonight.....

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1 hour ago, Pokerlady said:

I still can't believe Casey doesn't realize she has got to get rid of Tyler to win. After winning the biggest  veto of the Season tonight now she has to decide to either get rid of Tyler or Angela after JC nominated them. You would think this is a no-brainer for Casey to get rid of Tyler now. She can definitely beat Angela or JC  with the jury house.. but it seems like Casey is going to stay loyal to Tyler and take him to the final with her which is a very big mistake for her and will cost her the game but it seems like that's what she is going to do right now I guess we will see later tonight.....

Oh no!!  I hope she thinks this through and sees her best move is to get rid of Tyler.  I would still hope she would win against him but it isn't a done deal like it would be with J.C. or Angela.

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She'll beat anyone else quite easily. Just add up the jury votes she'll get, even against Tyler.


Tyler will have Sam, Angela, and maybe Brett. KC gets everyone else.


She didn't play a better strategic game, but she played better at social and comps. And, she has the female vote and gay vote. Tyler won't stand a chance.

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8 hours ago, WOC said:

KC was loyal. I doubt Tyler would have been. Tyler may have to get rid of her if he wants to win. 

I hope this doesn't happen.  Kaycee should have voted Tyler off.  She may have a problem sitting next to him.

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3 hours ago, BBackMTVDeathValley said:

Kaycee is awesome, the 2nd/3rd best player on BB20...Faysal is an insecure, sexually confused, equally jealous/moronic and his jury vote for Kaycee was in spite to Tyler with zero thought into Tyler's game play. 

I disagree, even though I don’t think Fess is that bright.  There are in my humble opinion equal arguments that could be made for why Kaycee or Tyler played the better game.  Also, Kaycee mentioned in her speach about how she made a point to be nice to people on the other side of the house. Jury votes are all that matter in the end.  And even if someone votes out of spite, it’s still a valid vote. As I’ve said before, the timing of when Kaycee started winning competitions was perfect.  She waited until Tyler and Angela had already done most of the dirty work.  

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7 hours ago, BBackMTVDeathValley said:

Kaycee is awesome, the 2nd/3rd best player on BB20...Faysal is an insecure, sexually confused, equally jealous/moronic and his jury vote for Kaycee was in spite to Tyler with zero thought into Tyler's game play. 


Tyler’s downfall is he got too close to people so when he stabbed them in the back, it felt too personal. This wasn’t smart

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1 hour ago, Hikiki said:


Tyler’s downfall is he got too close to people so when he stabbed them in the back, it felt too personal. This wasn’t smart


Absolutely. That's why Sam voted for KC. I don't care what people say when they're on the jury, there's always a little personal feelings involved. It's natural.

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