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Friday, February 16, 2018 Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Celebrity Big Brother and After Dark observations and screen captures here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Celebrity_Big_Brother_USA_HG_Reference_Sheet.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Mint Green Bedroom (GBR)

The Hollywood Red Carpet Bedroom (RBR)
The Landmarks Bedroom (LBR)

The Speakeasy Lounge (SEL)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

and let's just call the gym, GYM

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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Shannon telling metta that it will hurt her heart and charity if her fans hate her and how she is upset she is leaving third. She then tells him that he will get everyones vote if he makes it to the end as he has played a DR Will game. metta says he does not know who DR will is so Shannopn tells him who Dr will is and mike Boogie
Hg are all getting ready for bed then get in their beds. All Hg appear to be sleeping.

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7:40 AM BBT  Feeds are back, still showing dark BR's  Mark is slowly up, putting on his robe and slippers. moving things around on a shelf and taking off his sleep mask.  He put his jacket on over his robe, and is gathering and moving things.


7:43 AM BBt  Mark is finally ready, and leaves the BR and is in the WA.Goes to WC.  No one else is up yet.Mark is out of the WC, rubs is eyes, takes off his jacket, rubs his eyes again, gets a hand towel, and turns on the water for it to warm up. He splashes water on his face, then turns off the water (still hasn't washed his hands).   He runs his hands through his hair, returns the towel, gets another towel, and brushes his teeth.  Ari is up and in the KT Mark is finally done with his hair, and walks through the KT.  Ari says good morning, and asks if they woke him up.  He doesn't have on his mic, not sure his response.  Feeds are on Ari cooking something in the KT, the others on sleeping HG



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7:58 AM BBT  Ari finishes whatever she fixed, and is washing up her pan .  Now we get FoTH  (Maybe wake up call?)  Feeds are back, Ari takes her food upstairs to HOH BR,  Lights are still off, even in HOH.  Brandi is in the HOH bed, says good morning to Ari, asked what time it was, then rolled over to sleep some more.  Ari goes in the HOH bathroom.  Looks like she is going to get ready for the day.

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6:56am BBT: After a brief FOTH Shannon is in the WA doing ADL's.
 7:01am BBT: James is now up and goes to the WC.

7:03am BBT: James comes out of the WC and goes back to bed without washing his hands. Shannon doing make up in the WA.

 7:07am BBT: Shannon finishes her make up and says ok lets do this i just need to change tops and do this one more time.She leaves the WA goes to the BR and gets clothes then heads to the LVR changes tops then goes to the DR.

 7:31am BBT: Shannon still in the DR, all other Hg still sleeping.

7:42am BBT: Mark is up and goes to the WC after looking at himself in the mirror.

 7:45am BBT: Ari is now up and heads downstairs. Mark out of the WC and is now doing ADL's and cursing. Ari in the KT making breakfast.

7:59am BBT: Mark goes back to bed, Ari made oatmeal and is taking it upstairs to eat. Shannon out of DR gathering clothes in a dark BR.

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8:20am BBT: We have FOTH could be a wake up call.

8:44am BBT: James, Brandi and Ross in the KT making breakfast and coffee. Ari in the HOHR doing ADL's.

8:54am BBT: Brandi in the HOH going to get a shower as Ari puts her makeup on. Mark,James, Ross and Marissa in the KT talking how crazy Marissa looks. She says she swore she would never look like this on TV.

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 9:01am BBT: Marissa in the HOHR talking to Ari and Brandi about the days and numbers for a competition  and we get FOTH

 9:04am BBT: Marissa tells Ari, Brandi and Ross in the HOHR that they just need to get rid of four people and they will be ok. She says she was just worried lastnight about the extra little part and we get FOTH again.

9:07am BBT: Ross leaves the HOHR and Marissa says she is going to go get a towel and will be back. Air and Brandi are still applying make up. In the KT Mark and James are just walking around.

9:13am BBT: Mark in the KT talking to Ari and Omarosa and Marissa . ross in the HOH bed talking to Brandi about the comps and what they might be. we get FOTH again

 9:21am BBT: Marissa and Brandi are studying. James and Mark sitting in the KT studying also.

 9:25am BBT: Marissa in the HOHR getting in the shower while Ross lays on the bed  staring at the screen. metta in the KT talking to James and mark. Just general talk going on. Brandi goes to the HOHR and Ross says he is worried about the HOh comp. Brandi says well it is nothing we can control. 

9:34am BBT: Marissa ask Ari if she is still in the house tomorrow if she will straighten her hair and Ari says shut up. Omarosa comes into the HOHR with her things to shower then heads back downstairs to the KT to get a drink. Ross is putting dishes away and making bacon.

9:41am BBT: Shannon enters the HOHR asking if she can get a shower Ari says go ahead. Ross make his breakfast and heads to the HOHR as they prepare for an HOH lock down. omarosa says they have 5 minutes left to be upstairs.

9:46am BBT: BB tells all Hg to please go to the HOHR for a lock down and we get FOTH.

9:48am BBT: Brandi is the only one not in the HOHR as she is in the KT making coffee before she goes back to the HOHR.

9:49am BBT: We are now on Puppy Cam as the HG are on lockdown

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 11:30 am Brandi, Marissa, Ari, Mark, Ross and James are in the bedroom laying on the beds.Ari said that someone has taken her make up brush. Marissa said it isn't gone she knows where it was
Brandi said she was blamed for breaking a wine bottle in the HOH room and she don't know why it's her fault. Marissa said she brought it in the room and Ari broke it. They are all talking about the color of there skin that they are all turning blue.
Ross don't think its a good ideal because it could go all wrong with them being on live tv tonight. Ross says he will leave his vitamin D with them .

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 11:40 pm BBT Ross said he did every crazy thing on Jay Leno but getting in a shark cage with them putting chum around him and he said no way.
Ross said he went sky diving at 13 thousand feet and he finally seen all of his bone structure. Production is telling Mark to put on his mic. Mark and James
are going to the gym. Ross, Brandi, Marissa and Ari have decided to stay in the beds and talk. Now they are offering Crest white strips to Mark. Ross said he
don't eat sugar.

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  11:46 am BBT Shannon is in the bedroom with Ross, Brandi, Ari and Marissa handing out white strips on there teeth but now they have decided to brush
there teeth first. Ari said she had brushed but then she drank coffee. Brandi tells her then she should go brush again.  Brandi is putting lotion all over her
knees and legs. Ari is telling her she has some good body lotion in the bathroom and it's a good one. Ari looks like she is about to fall asleep but then production
calls her to the DR room. Shannon is alone in the room folding up her clothes and packing them away for eviction tonight.

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  11:51 pm BBT Marissa is in the bathroom telling Ross Brandi just shamed her into brushing teeth. James told Marissa and Ross he thinks the wrong person
is going home.  Now in the weight room.. Mark starts to sign working on my dad bod and goes to fish. James is in the gym with Mark. Mark ask if there is a show Wednesday and
James says yes but it's not live. They are talking about there cuts want heal and Mark says he hasn't got a zit the whole time in the bb house. He said that Bacteria want
don't want to even want to be in there .. Mark wants spaghetti and James says he don't eat that kind of stuff. Mark ask if James partied on the road and he said some but
he had a girl friend most of the time.

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  12:00 pm BBT Marissa, Ari, and Brandi are in the teal room. Marissa is telling Ari she sleeps in all her clothes so the bed is clean. Marissa is moving the pillows in one of the other rooms where Shannon is still packing. Ari is laying under the cover looking at the wall blinking her eyes alot like she is getting sleepy.
Not much going on the cameras are on Brandi and Ari sleeping in the teal room or James and Mark exercising in the gym.  Now Shannon is in the lounge with Omarosa and Omarosa is talking about how much better the air is in the lounge area. She wants to pull out the filter to see how nasty the house is. Omarosa said that they used the swiffers
yesterday and they were black. All I see is the chess board and tablet for the social media in the bb house. Shannon is coming in and out getting her clothes. It's eviction day and everyone is just chit chatting and resting up for the show tonight. There is not a lot going on in here today.

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 12:10 BBT I hear Omarosa reading her bible in the lounge but can't see her. She is continuing to read the bible. Now the feeds are on Omarosa she is reading while fixing her hair. She is curling and brushing her hair and will then go to the bible and read a verse or two she must be trying to find a verse while .. Shannon comes in to Omarosa asking Shannon what size she is and she says between zero to two. Omarosa approves of her clothes she is wearing for eviction. Omarosa also offers her some jewelry to wear if she needs it. Omarosa is still looking for a bible verse.

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 12:16 pm BBT The guys are still exercising in the gym. Omarosa is still curling her hair in the lounge and finding bible verses. Mark is wiping his face and James is lifting single weights in his hands. Mark is wiping off all the equipment in the gym that he has worked on. James tells Mark that the girls have came in the gym only once since they have been in the house. Now James and Mark are taking the big exercise ball and using it as a football. Mark is coming down stairs breathing really heavy and drinking his coke zero. He meets up with marissa in the living and they are talking about the fish dying. Mark is looking in the pantry fridge talking about how bad it stinks. He's singing so the fish may come on. Now back to the bedroom where Shannon's suitcase is still being packed. Now Mark is standing in front of the car in the black and gold room getting him some clothes out and all you see is Metta's colorful socks. The rest of Metta is covered up and he is sleeping.

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  12:28 pm BBT Mark has his robe on  and has gotten him some more clothes out of his suit case. He has got his towel and his things to go take a shower
An you know Metta is still sleeping as he goes by the black and gold room. Ross has his towel and comes into the lounge talking to himself. He goes thru the kitchen, living room , past Metta and into the teal room . Ross said he was talking to Shannon and Marissa heard it.. Shannon ask Ross why not get rid of Mark and keep her and he wanted Brandi and Ari to know so if Marissa came in and told him that he had already let them know . Ross is putting his things sniffing in each nose hole and then begins to pick up all of his things on the night stand and keep them strait. Marissa must have been in the bathroom stinking it up again. Mark said he can't stand in the bathroom and shave with Marissa in there. He said 3 days is long enough.

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 12:36 BBT Mark says he can go home today or next week it don't bother him at all either time. He told Ross if he wins HOH he pretty much has it won and Ross says no this place changes so fast and they can turn on you quick Mark and Ross were talking about the fish being dead in the living room. Ross says his water has film on top of it and he went to the kitchen to get more water and still drink it with the film on it. Ross said he had a moment with Shannon and after the show and she said then why are you getting me out. He said she is all about goodness and he can't talk to her anymore. He said what he said. They ask Ross how Mark how he is doing and Ross says Mark is annoying. Ari says she can't sleep. She ask Ross what he was doing and he said I'm leaving this room and I will keep you let you know. Production tells Shannon to put on her microphone and she says I have it on and it's in the center. Thank you..

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  12:42pm BBT Marissa said Shannon was talking to her and wanting to stay in the house. Marissa told her that the house told them whoever won POV would stay and the other one would go.Shannon is in the WR getting some of her things together , Mark is in the shower and Omarosa is fixing her hair. Shannon is back in the WR eating her protein bar and spraying her hair. Mark is drying his hair while he is inside the shower. Shannon is now curling her hair and Omarosa comes into the WR putting on her make up. Now we see Ari and James talking about Shannon he says being rude and now crying asking for everyone's vote. Ari, Ross, Marissa and Brandi are looking at the wall of the pictures. Nobody likes what ross is wearing so he ask them to help him find something to wear. They are getting food out of the fridge to make a salad.

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 12:56 pm BBT  Ross is making him and Ari a salad but Ari don't want cheese on hers . James came thru with his towel to go to the shower.
 Ari keeps finding things to put on her salad while Ross is already eating his. Omarosa, Marissa and Brandi are fixing them something to eat. They are bringing
food that was brought in to the house in brown boxes and Marissa says she feels at home with the boxes. Omarosa is cooking something while Brandi is looking in every
cabinet for something to eat.

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 1:03 BBT Marissa says she hope her son gets to come. She said she felt him the first night but not the last one. She says her son will tell her everything she has done wrong in the show.
Marissa says they will make a Meme of her with chocolate in he mouth. Shannon is still in the WR using the curling iron to curl her hair. Back to the kitchen Mark, Ari, Marissa, Brandi, Omarosa ,and Ross, Ross and Marissa are laughing. Ross says don't they have to do a rehearsal sometime before the live show. The group is talking about going to a soccer game tomorrow.

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  1:11 pm BBT Shannon and James are talking in the WR Shannon says Ari isn't strong and if he gets HOH he might beat them. Shannon says that people that are not fans of the game are hard to talk to and don't get it. Shannon and James are talking about Metta wanting to go home and Shannon said she had talked to Metta about telling Ari he wanted to go home . James says if he wins and gets HOH then things will change . Shannon says the double eviction is the best one to get because then they want have time to make the decisions. She says Mark isn't capable of winning the game. Still See Shannon curling her hair in the WR.

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  1:13 BBT Back in the Kitchen Ross says David Duchovny was his first interview. Then they ask him to interview the cast of Vanilla Sky.  Ross said he got a call and ask him to do Salt Lake Olympics but he had to take off the semester of school to do the Olympics. Marissa says wait you were with Jay Leno from 2001 to 20015 and he said yeah.
He said that now interns make money but he did all of his for free and he had to stretch every dollar and it was so fun. They are thinking about there 16 year old self thinking of how great they would be to live in a house not having to pay for food and get paid for it... Marissa says her 16 year old self thinks it's would be so great. Omarosa is telling the weather for Jacksonville and the group thinks  she would be great and funny telling the weather.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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 1:33 pm BBT Marissa is talking to Ross and Shannon tells Ross that James is working with Ari. Marissa says Ari is true but she want win. Ross ask Marissa if they get to the end he will beat Marissa. Marissa said she did the math and Ross will win after they see the show. Brandi goes to the end with Ross he will beat Brandi to but want win against Ari.
Marissa says if Ari makes it to the end no matter what Ari will win. Marissa says she will only win if she goes up against Omarosa. Ross is called to the DR.

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 12:41 pm BBT Ari is in the kitchen with Mark and James and she says she thinks she is going to wash the dishes. We have fish every time someone sings.
Shannon and Omarosa are in the WR they are talking about how production talks about how they say Omarosa. Now Omarosa is talking about how Shannon's curls look.
Omarosa says Shannon has a shine to her hair and what is she using on her hair. James and Marissa are talking about why she wants to be there. She wants to meet Zingbot and play Otev.
Marissa says that Shannon don't know how all of them feel about the game. James says Shannon has messed up her own game by the way she is acting.

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