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Cody's Revenge

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Cody got more chances than most hg to stay in the game but blew it. Revenge for what? What did he suffer in the game?  The guy was a nobody before who spent his time going to riots and now he has 25000 and what he thinks is a hot gf that looks more like a young boy with breasts without all the bells and whistles.

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42 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

Cody got more chances than most hg to stay in the game but blew it. Revenge for what? What did he suffer in the game?  The guy was a nobody before who spent his time going to riots and now he has 25000 and what he thinks is a hot gf that looks more like a young boy with breasts without all the bells and whistles.


LOL! I'm not sure what you consider bells and whistles, but I'm sure Cody will be whistling Dixie as he rings Jess' bell. Thanks for the laugh!

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1 hour ago, Lamasquerade said:

Cody got more chances than most hg to stay in the game but blew it. Revenge for what? What did he suffer in the game?  The guy was a nobody before who spent his time going to riots and now he has 25000 and what he thinks is a hot gf that looks more like a young boy with breasts without all the bells and whistles.


I guess that makes me a gay pedophile! 

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41 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

Hey if you can look past her no hair hair and no eyelash eyelashes, more power to you. Why do you take the posts personal? 


I hate to say this because I don't wanna argue with you anymore, but sometimes you say the craziest stuff (to me) and I just have to comment. Like the thing above about bells and whistles. I'm sorry if you take it personally, I just thought your comment funny and had to comment back. As for Jess, believe me I can look past her extensions and eyelashes. I wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for them being constantly pointed out. I can't speak for all men, but those aren't the things that really top the list when we evaluate a woman's looks.

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2 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

Why do you take the posts personal? 


That's the one question I would love to see answered by some here.  


Should I care more about a three month long television show?  We've had hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes and threats from the monster in North Korea.  I consider these summer shows as a diversion from all of the truly important issues.  I can't relate to those getting so angry because we don't all like their favorites.  



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7 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

Cody got more chances than most hg to stay in the game but blew it. Revenge for what? What did he suffer in the game?  The guy was a nobody before who spent his time going to riots and now he has 25000 and what he thinks is a hot gf that looks more like a young boy with breasts without all the bells and whistles.

To each his/her own, I guess. IMO, Jess was one of the hottest to ever play BB. And my wife agrees.

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I thought Cody well deserved AFP & voted every day for him myself.  He simply wasnt on the PAUL leash. I was glued to the feeds and never once saw Cody start a feud, attack anyones character 1st.  I admired how much self-control he had to muster up with all the PAUL COACHED..JOSH BS.

As for Jess, Well if byou check out her followers voting & tweeting her, I'd say 95% were females who def. didnt care about eyelashes, hair or anything other than simply Jessica!!  Women, unlike men, can usually pick out & support a Classy Lady...like Jess.

34 minutes ago, Tiger87 said:

To each his/her own, I guess. IMO, Jess was one of the hottest to ever play BB. And my wife agrees.


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I know you all won't go and read the negative articles about him but if you change your mind, read the comments made. There are a lot more people than I thought that have a lot of negative things to say about him. You guys must have been very busy all day casting your votes for him since the fly by night viewers don't care much for him.

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4 hours ago, WOC said:


I hate to say this because I don't wanna argue with you anymore, but sometimes you say the craziest stuff (to me) and I just have to comment. Like the thing above about bells and whistles. I'm sorry if you take it personally, I just thought your comment funny and had to comment back. As for Jess, believe me I can look past her extensions and eyelashes. I wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for them being constantly pointed out. I can't speak for all men, but those aren't the things that really top the list when we evaluate a woman's looks.

It's so easy for a few to make fun of someones looks

because they are so good looking...

But we don't know that for sure do we...

Come out come out where ever you are....

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On 9/21/2017 at 3:06 AM, paullostagain said:

Cody was my favorite houseguest, and I love how he got his revenge on Paul.  He got revenge in three ways.  He was the deciding vote to take away $450,000 from Paul, and he also won America's Favorite, also costing Paul $25,000, and he hooked up with Jessica, one of the hottest houseguests in BB history.  

I believe, if Cody hadn't been in jury the sheep would all have lined up to give Paul the honor they seemingly felt he deserved.  I think Cody was there reminding them of how they all were duped and that he (Cody) was right.  


I love Cody and Jessica.  Two diamonds in the rough, a little tweeking here and there, language/cursing needs great improvement, Jess must stop butt attacks, Cody needs to develop social skills and hone in more on his instincts as does Jessica.  If they do a little work in those areas they will be super stars, IMO.


As for those who focus on Jessica's life before BB, many women of questionable character end up marrying wonderful and often wealthy men.  And same for men of similar histories.  What came before means nothing, what comes after is what is important.

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5 minutes ago, Canopus said:

I think it's pretty clear that the only reason Cody won is because America hated all the houseguests. This was a f-you to the bully club. This wasn't a vote for Cody, this was a vote against the BB season. Even Cody knows he didn't deserve it.

Cody got my vote because he was only HG who took a stand and tried to evict Spawn of Satan.  Also how do you account for so many votes for Kevin and Jason?  I think and we can see that millions love Cody.   And also same for Kevin and Jason.  I think Jason would have given Cody/Kevin a run for their money if he hadn't made such horrid comments.  

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3 hours ago, Canopus said:

I think it's pretty clear that the only reason Cody won is because America hated all the houseguests. This was a f-you to the bully club. This wasn't a vote for Cody, this was a vote against the BB season. Even Cody knows he didn't deserve it.


Cody tried to play the game while none of the others, except for Paul, did. That's why Cody got all my votes not because I hated the other house guests.

(I try to reserve the word "hated" for things that I truly dislike - - like getting an MRI  ;))

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If you respond to someone's post.. it's direct, so if they retort... stfu and deal with it. If they respond directly with something nice.. no one bitches it's a personal attack. 


Personally, I look forward to chewing humans up.... < picks teeth with a claw >



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/22/2017 at 3:51 PM, Roli said:


Yes, there did seem to be a lot of Cody fans who got very angry because some didn't agree.  Obviously.  ;)

I've read through most of these threads. Obviously, you are Lamas don't like Cody/Jess. You talk trash about them non-stop. That's fine. But when someone disagrees with you, you call it "anger" or "obsession". You two are really the ones making it personal, but you try to project that on to others.


It's just funny to me.

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