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Friday September 15, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:24 AM BBT Feeds are back. The HG are covered in different colored powder and their shirts have unicorns on them. It was an endurance comp. Christmas tells Paul good job and he tells her the same. Josh says they were out there a long time. Christmas was able to compete.


12:30 AM BBT More talk about the comp but generalities. Josh says it was the most difficult endurance comp and Christmas said she’d do that any day over the one where they had to hold their disk up with a stick. Paul talks about last year’s endurance comp.


12:35 AM BBT Paul still talking about last year’s endurance comp, he says it was 3 comps in one. He says this year’s comp was just weird. Paul says he looked over and thought Christmas was wiping off sweat and he thought he lost. Christmas says no, she went down. Paul gets called to the DR.


12:40 AM BBT Christmas asks what the next comp would be and Josh says mental/physical and the last one is luck. Josh asks Christmas what she’s thinking and she says she wishes she didn’t have the boot on her foot. Josh can’t wait to see the reaction of people when they see Christmas competed. Josh says they were on 30 minutes longer than he was. Christmas says when those things farted pixie dust the guys just stood there. Josh says as soon as he gets out he’s doing crossfit. Josh hopes his mom comes to finale. FotH. Josh says he feels good whatever happens.


12:45 AM BBT Christmas says she didn’t get to compete in OTEV, the temple of doom, zingbot and she thinks she could have done well in them if it wasn’t for her foot. Josh says she wouldn’t have half-assed any of those comps. Josh says Christmas was underestimated in the game. People didn’t know how smart she was. Christmas says she didn’t put pressure on the front of her foot, she fell properly, thanks for letting her play. FotH.


12:50 AM BBT Paul is out of DR. Christmas and Josh are just looking at the memory wall. Christmas says unicorn tears? Paul says they wanted tears and we get FotH. Paul is saying he literally thought he was going to be gone every week, so for him to be there he is shocked. Josh says people thought he was crazy week 1 and they wanted him out. He says he felt that way in high school. Christmas says she was never part of the cool kids she was always an outlier.


12:55 AM BBT Josh is hungry and Paul says he’s so full. Christmas is getting something from the SR. Josh starts humming and we get FotH. Christmas is going to take a shower.

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1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul tells Josh they can not mess up now if they win the next comp then Christmas will try to split them up and they can not have that.Josh goes to the KT to make food while Christmas goes to the STR. Christmas goes to the shower  while Josh and Paul eat waiting for a shower as they are covered in Unicorn poop as paul calls it. Paul tells Josh if they have good DR sessions they might get beer tonight. Paul tells BB they need towels. Josh talks to the camera asking his sister to come finale night . Paul then talks to the camera saying he has nine comp wins and never been on the block, Paul says now Josh has to win part 2 so we can seal our spots in the finale.

2:00am-3:00am BBT:Paul talks to the cameras again about his wins and never being on the block this season he then thanks his fans present and future fans. Paul then talks about his parents and how proud they are of him. HG are eating in the KT talking about sleeping.

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1:37 BBT  Though lights are still off, Christmas is talking about a dream she had.  She said she was in a coffee shop right after the show, and someone asked for her number.  She said she didn't even have her phone yet! 

Josh said he is hungry, they need breakfast.  He said it is around 2:00.  Christmas said no, it can't be.  She thinks it is about 11:00.  Josh wants Champagne, going to DR to see if he can hae them get them some.  As Josh leaves, Paul said he is such an interesting Cuban.  Paul and Christmas still in bed, lights off.  FoTH

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1:41 BBT  Josh is back, said he requested the champagne.  Christmas asked if it is really still that late.  Paul said the day is almost over, he gets to go to bed in 8 hours.  Josh complaining it is cold in the house.  BB says to rise and shine house guests, the bedroom lights much stay on during the day, and there are fresh batteries in the SR. 

Josh says he was up for 40 minutes last night. (first comp).  They said no way.  He said that is what they told him (DR).  BB tells Josh to not discuss his DR sessions with other HGs.  He says there are only 3 left so....  BB said thanks.  Christmas asks what they are going to do today.  Silence.  She said nobody watched Pinky and the Brain?

Christmas suggests they go to Asheville, NC when they get out.  It is really neat.  They agree they need to go.


Paul asks if it is really cold in the house.  Josh said yes.

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1:48.  Paul is getting up, but the lights are still off.  Josh discussing what will happen when he gets out, and how strange it will be.  Josh said he will text people every morning...good morning sunshine.  He said they better answer him.  Discussing what time they usually get up, and daily routines.  Lights are now on!

Christmas was looking for things, but some are still packed.  She said her glasses were in the bathroom, that is a world away.  Josh offers her his bandana.  Complaining about how bright the lights are.

1:51 BBT  Paul changed out his batteries, Christmas and Josh come in to change theirs and Josh is looking for food. Christmas tangles her mic, has Josh fix it for her.  Paul to WC.  Josh and Christmas hug.

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12:24pm BBT: Paul sits up in bed gets a drink of his water then lays back in bed and goes back to sleep.

 12:30pm BBT: Josh is up goes to the KT checks time then to the WC.

12:36pm BBT: Josh out of wc washes hands, stops at memory wall and looks then goes back to bed.

1:17pm BBT: We now have FOTH maybe a wake up call.

 1:32pm BBT: Hg still in bed with lights out.

 1:36pm BBT: Christmas telling Paul and Josh about a dream she had about writing on paper and josh says how do we even write. Christmas says i do not know. They still lay in bed in a dark room .

1:37pm BBt: Josh is up wrapped in a blanket and goes to the DR. Paul tells Christmas this guy is such an interesting human and we get FOTH.

1:40pm BBT: Josh out of Dr and goes back to bed saying it is so cold in the house. Christmas says they adjusted the  temp in the house lastnight after the show. Christmas ask is it really 2 o'clock and josh says yeah. BB says Rise and shine HG.

1:41pm BBT: Josh says guys you know what i was up there for 40 minutes lastnight and Paul says no way you was up there 40 minutes  he then tells Josh he was up there like 15 minutes that the DR is gassing you up. Paul says i was up there 50 minutes. Bb gets on to Josh for talking about his DR session.

1:45pm BBT: Josh and Christmas are making plans to spend a week together after the show next week. Paul ask is it cold in the house and Josh says yeah freezing.

1:49pm BBT: Josh says his back hurts as he gets out of bed, Paul in the STR changing batteries and then Christmas comes in to changer her batteries. They now look for food.

 1:52pm BBT: Josh changing his batteries now talking about a simple breakfast as Christmas leaves the STR.

1:54pm BBT: Christmas making coffee and Josh and Paul talk about making eggs.

1:56pm BBT: Christmas and Josh cleaning the KT before breakfast. Paul comes in and josh says lets do eggs. they hear a bang and Josh and Paul look to see what happened and Christmas dropped a gallon of milk in the LVR and BB says thank you. Paul is asking why Bb said thank you.

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1:55 BBT  Paul comes out of WC, washes his hands then goes into the KT where Christmas and Josh are.  Paul asks what time it really is.  Josh said he was right, it is 1:55.  Paul said he doesn't care what he eats, he is going to get fat.  Wants to eat a bowl of cereal.  Christmas tries to talk him out of it, saying he will be bloated all day and feel terrible.  She wants them to clean the kt before they start cooking.  Josh tells Paul to come help clean.  Paul goes to RBR, Christmas makes coffee.  General chit chat in the KT while they clean and cook eggs.  Christmas still trying to talk Paul out of it.  Christmas spilled the milk.  Josh said now the house will smell like spoiled milk.  She said she is trying to save Paul's diet (so he can't have cereal).  Lots of bad food they are throwing away.  Paul asks what Josh is throwing away, he says everything.  Paul upset he can't have a small bowl of cereal.  Christmas is using towels to clean up the milk.  Josh still complaining it will stink.  Christmas says no, she is cleaning it up, not like Matt and Raven.


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2:01 BBt  Christmas is asking for Swiffer pads so she can mop the floor.  She said this is not how she was expecting the day to start off like.  Josh is doing dishes, Christmas is mopping hte floor with towels, Paul said he couldn't find the Swiffer pads. 


(gotta run  thanks for jumping on Kitten_200)

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2:03PM BBT Xmas and Paul continue to try and clean up the milk she spilled. They have used about 4 bath towels. They push all the towels against the wall and head back to the KT.


2:19PM BBT HG in the KT talking about family coming in. Josh doing the dishes.


 2:30PM BBT Xmas is hassling Josh over trying some food. She says he is leading a boring life. Josh puts a dirty spoon on the counter and Paul complains that he just put a dirty spoon on the counter.


2:36PM BBT HG bashing going on in the KT. How each of the HG behaved. Xmas hassling Josh about how he eats. She told him she will throw his food on the floor if he keeps eating the way he is. Paul complaining about Kev's speech. BB announces there is champagne in the storage room. Josh screams and runs for the SR.


 2:49PM BBT Josh and Xmas discuss Alex. Josh says he didn't even ant to look at her. He says it is so sad when the HG hid in other rooms when it was time for them to leave.


2:53PM BBT Bashing of HG continues. They go over the different evictions. Josh continues to say how he was going to make each HG life hell. He says he was going to blow up Elena's life outside the house. Josh says Jason too scared of him to say anything. Xmas says none of them made big moves. They were no where to be seen.

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3:01PM BBT Josh says that he doesn't see why people were trying to separate them. Xmas says they were stealth and no one connected the dots that they were together as a team.


3:03PM BBT The three of them agree that all of their hard work would be for nothing this season. Josh says you had to leave your ego and cockiness at the door. Josh says that Xmas won 2 HOH and got rid of Cody. Xmas says that having an ego is selfish. More HG bashing by the three of them.


3:21PM BBT Xmas talking about her friends. See says they took her out and bought her a really nice bottle of beer.It's like a champagne beer. She kept the bottle and they all signed it.


3:44PM BBT HG have crawled back in bed. Josh talking about girls he has dated. Says he would have fallen in love with Elena.


3:51PM BBT Josh still going on about how he would date a girl who he knows isn't good for him. he says he usually dates the girls for 3-4 months. Xmas says she doesn't understand why he would do that when he knows it isn't going anywhere.


3:56PM BBT The HG start to settle down for a nap.

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