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Friday September 8, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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5:42pm BBT: Feeds are back Alex in the lounge rm crying telling josh she does not want to talk game to anyone and that this is just a game. she says i do not want to talk about it that it is just a game. Josh hugs her and says you are my friend and that will never change. She then says she is ok as josh leaves the room.

 5:45pm BBT: Kevin is called to the DR Alex leaves the lounge rm and josh goes in there as Christmas follows him then Paul comes in and Josh says he is an awful person cause he got rid of Jason . Paul says Josh this is a game it is ok. Paul says do you know how strong Alex is in this game she wants to win this game.

5:49pm BBT: Paul telling Josh he is ok and how he called a girl a name and they voted against him. He says Davone voted against him. Paul says it is a game just get to the end. Josh says he is not thinking about anything just how they all feel about him. Paul says why you may not make it to final two if you are thinking this way.

5:52pm BBt: Christmas and Paul comforting Josh after he nominated Alex and Kevin. Josh says he will talk to Alex later and josh says no there is no more talking to her. Christmas says why she is not doing what she says she is going to do.Paul says you are done talking cause it is not good for you cause you are hurting and she is hurting too.

 5:55pm BBT: Christmas tells Josh if Alex does not go home this week she is coming after you. Josh says she is going home. Christmas says she has to go she is making you feel bad and playing you.

5:57pm BBT: Kevin in the BR alone looking at the wall. Josh, Paul and Christmas in the KT cooking steak. Alex comes through and Paul tells her he is making steak and she says she is not hungry then goes to the lounge rm counting in silence on her fingers.

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6:00PM BBT Alex and Paul talking in the HOH room. They discuss BB Comics. Paul says he didn't really watch other season's BB Comics. They start to study dates.


 6:03PM BBT Xmas and Josh talking. Xmas telling him that she doesn't want the decision on who to take to the F2. She says she doesn't know. Josh telling her that the jury doesn't like him. Xmas trying to give Josh a pep talk on how he has played the game and he bursts into tears. He is bawling on her shoulder.


6:06PM BBT Josh on the counter crying and Xmas consoling him. Paul comes out of the wave room and slaps (not super hard but hard enough to hear) him across the face to snap him out if it.


6:14PM BBT Paul beating the steak flat with a wooden spoon. Josh doing dishes. Paul walks over to Josh and tells him he played himself and to stop crying. Paul keeps after Josh telling him he already learned his lesson on the other side and to learn it hear. Paul says they will throw onions in with the steak. Xmas agrees.


6:22PM BBT Josh washing dishes, Kev is drying them. Xmas and Paul making dinner. Paul and Xmas were discussing what they miss back at home.


6:29PM BBT Xmas and Paul being domestic and making steak with onions. Josh and Kev still doing dishes.

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6:31PM BBT Xmas asks Paul to get something for her out of the fridge because she is being "uber laz". He gets the item and says use by 8=20-17. He asks if that means August 20th?


6:38PM BBT Josh still doing dishes. Paul comes up to him and tells him that they won't let someone take advantage of him. Paul says you have to listen to what we tell you and listen to us.


6:51PM BBT Paul talking about his band and band mates to Josh. He is saying Josh will like them. Paul is telling Josh how he forgets he did MMA and his band mate tried to wrestle him. Paul says he tossed him on his back and put him in a full mount.


6:55PM BBT JOsh goes to his HOH room as he is down. Paul follows him and tell him to snap out of it. One of them has 500K and one has 50K and winner pays for the other person when they travel. Josh says deal.


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 7:00pm BBT:Alex telling Christmas she did not like the fighting and personal attacks against Josh, She says if it was about clothes or things it would be different. Paul in the HOHR talking to Josh and he tells Josh  that if Christmas joy is ok with going on the block then thats great he said he would not mind going on the block but he better not. Paul says Alex told him that she thinks Christmas and Kevin have a deal.

7:11pm BBT: Paul and Josh still talking in the HOHr about working and their dads. In the lounge rm Christmas and Alex are talking about Kevin and how he played the game. Alex says she has never met a man like Kevin before.

7:15pm BBT: Christmas says she was supposed to be on a beach drinking all summer but she didn't do that and Alex says yeah we can not even go outside anymore cause  we will have a lot of lock downs before the live eviction next Thursday. Alex then says this has been a rough summer already starting with Paul and them friendship bracelets.

 7:18pm BBT: Alex and Christmas talking about past comps they played in and then about past Hg then about raven and Kevin getting this far without winning anything.

7:25pm BBT: Paul and Josh talking general talk about Paul's money in the HOHR. In the Lounge RM Alex and Christmas talking about tattoos.

7:29pm BBT: Alex tells Christmas she will not be friends after this with Josh. She says i gave him several chances  and if he makes it to final two then i will give him a fair assessment but i will not be his friend when we leave here.

7:32pm BBT: Christmas and Alex go to the KT to check the potatoes and Christmas says they are done. Alex says they smell really good. Christmas yells for Paul to come cook the steaks now.

7:33pm BBT: Josh talking to the camera saying i do not know if i should flip this house and get  Paul out cause i know i can beat Alex but then Christmas says she does not know if she is going to take me but  i know i have made alot mad in the jury but do i stick to my work and flip this house and send Paul to jury and tell Alex everything or what. he then says it is going to be a rough week then tells his family he loves them.

7:41pm BBT: Paul making steak as Christmas watches and josh sets the table for dinner. Kevin just sitting watching not talking.

7:50pm BBT: Everyone but Alex is watching Paul cook the steaks then Christmas says it is smokey in the house. Paul looks up and says holy crap.

 7:53pm BBT: Hg are now fixing their plates and sitting down to east except Alex. just general talk about food going on.

7:55pm BBT: Paul tells Alex to come eat and she says she is. She comes to the KT and says wow it is really smokey and Christmas says yeah we tried to sear the steaks. Alex is now coughing as she makes a plate.

7:58pm BBT: Paul pours himself a diet coke and says cheers to the final 5.

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8:08PM BBT All 5 HG sitting around table. Paul says "remember when there were 16 HG". They talk about how you couldn't get a minute alone. Paul wonders if there will be a host tomorrow. He says probably a prev HG.


 8:15PM BBT Alex telling the house how her dog was eaten by a coyote. It was tied to a lead in the yard. It chewed off of the lead and got out the gate. She said she also had a dog that was attacked by a Rottweiler.


 8:30PM BBT Paul, Alex and Xmas general chatter at the KT table.Kev moving around his BR.


8:40PM BBT Paul and Alex having a disagreement over what perfect pitch is. Paul says if he hears a song he can duplicate it perfectly. Alex says they will Google it when they get out and she will prove him wrong on the meaning.

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8:51PM BBT Kev in HOH with Josh. Josh says he is feeling bad. Kev says he understands and not to worry about it. Kev says he doesn't understand why anyone needs to be mean. He would never be mean. Josh asks what was the deal with Kev and Alex. Kev says he thinks it was because of Jason. Josh says he thought it was because of that.


8:55PM BBT Josh tells Kev that Kev made a few mistakes. Kev says he never hurt nobody. Josh says that he has been in rooms that the HG wanted Kev out and Josh says he protected him.


8:59PM BBT Kev goes to the wave room. Talking to his family and kids. Asking them all to come out even if they can't get into the show he wants them  to come out.. Kev says he got in an argument because they called him a floater. He says he doesn't even know what that means but he made it to F5. Kev tells the camera that whatever they see on TV - he is doing the best he can. His wrist is bad. He says he knows if he loses tomorrow he is out.


9:03PM BBT JOsh in HOH telling Alex that he didn't intend to vote out Jason. He says Jason is a beast. He tells Alex that whatever convo they have she can't tell (as he just told her the entire convo he had with Kev after he told Kev it would go no where). Josh tells Alex he has no one in the house and he is alone.


9:07PM BBT Kev still talking to cams. Says to Jason's family. He says he is sorry that Jason went. He says he had no say so in the matter and was sad to see him go. He says Jason was his only true friend in the house.

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9:10PM BBT Alex with Josh that she is so upset Jason went home. She says that it's not right. Xmas has been so honest and Kev has lied his way to the top.


9:14PM BBT Kev tells his family that he should have watched more seasons and see what the comps were. He says he got confused and thought they were looking for stripes on lemons and didn't realize he was supposed to grab the balls. He says he is so confused. He says says to his family he is doing fine.


 9:16PM BBT Kev telling his family on the feeds that in the house you can't say anything wrong or if you don't thank someone for dinner, then they come after you. He says that is why he stays in his room. He says he has to mind his Ps and Qs or they come after you. He tells his family a little bird said there may be an elimination on Sunday. He says to his family if he gets evicted not to worry. It is a game and he understands. He tells each of his family he loves them.


9:21PM BBT Xmas comes to the HOH room and starts hassling Josh for talking to Alex. She tells him that Alex didn't want to speak to Josh so why was she up there. Xmas tells Josh to stop moping. Josh says all the heat is on him. Paul comes out of the WC and tells him to listen to what they told him downstairs. Xmas tells him if he is going to have a woe is me moment then she isn't going to listen. Josh says that Alex told him that she doesn't know if they will be friends outside of the house but respect his game. Paul tells him to connect the dots fool. he says that Alex is saying the one thing that Josh will be upset at.


9:24PM BBT Josh still laying in bed. Xmas told him that she could have taken this HOH but he wanted it. Paul tells him that Alex will make him cry. Paul tells hm that Alex told him she would do this to make Josh feel bad. Xmas tells him that he is expending energy that he needs for the comp tomorrow. She tells him he needs to shake it off.


9:27PM BBT Xmas tells Josh that she needs him to snap the f*** out of his funk (as she shakes her finger at him). They tell him if Alex wins Veto she will take herself off. Paul tells Josh that Alex is winning and she is playing him.


9:33PM BBT Paul and Xmas keep telling Josh that they are worried about his mental health. Xmas tells him again to snap out of it and that he needs to be horny for the comp tomorrow. Josh starts asking Paul what the top times were last year.He says he loot to Nicole by 2 minutes.He thinks she got it in 13 minutes. Josh says well she played before. Paul having trouble remembering the layout of the comp.

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9:40PM BBT Xmas telling Josh that she was told that she was interested in Kev. Josh says "no way" Xmas says that she was told she was all up on him. Josh says that Kev was interested in Xmas.Paul says who wouldn't be interested in Xmas. Xmas says thank you.


 9:42PM BBT Paul tells Josh that the last week when he is in the zone no one should even talk to him.He says last year he scared people how he was in the zone. They bash Kev a bit. Xmas says that she is gong to ask him if he thins she is a homewrecker.Paul says that Kev gets really angry at things. Paul says Kev cares more about his image then his game.


9:48PM BBT Josh talking about how HG act when they won comps. Paul says that when he won comps he was never cocky. Xmas says it's not even a question. Paul says Alex is going around telling them she kept them safe. Paul says he never told anyone they owed him for keeping them safe.


9:55PM BBT Paul talking about Mark and Elena. He says Mark's breath was so bad it burned his eyes. Now Paul is talking about his room at home and how he has this amazing light show of stars. He says his room is a museum. Paintings etc. He says he smokes and gets stoned, puts on music and stares at the stars. Xmas says that she will need to come over.Paul says she can.


 9:59PM BBT Paul describes his room. Black silk sheets, lots of skulls and copies of Playboys on his desk. He has a balcony and his bed is huge and brown leather and four poster. Paul tells Josh and Xmas they are welcome to come stay. He says one of them can sleep with him. Josh says he will sleep with Paul. Xmas says she wants to do Playboy. Paul says please do and invite him to the mansion.

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10:00 PM BBT All four feeds are on Christmas, Josh and Paul in the HOH. Christmas is telling them that she has a friend that learned how to carve ostrich eggs while serving time in prison. Upon his release he started selling them and now he sells them for thousands of dollars. 


10:15 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Alex alone in the lounge staring at the wall of green apples and going over BB dates. Meanwhile on Feeds 3 and 4 Paul is telling Christmas how he had no choice but to play this season on offense. If he was ever target enough to be put on the defense it would have been done. It would have been too enticing. High levels of anxiety with one or two anxiety attacks to go with them. 


10:23 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are still in the HOH. They discuss how Raven continuously threw Josh's name out there. Christmas says she just didn't think that much of Josh. Paul said that no one did for the longest time. Back when they first got there Josh pretty much went crazy. He has grown so much during this game . Now, Alex is taking advantage of Josh's kindness and it is really pi$$ing him off.  


10:30 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are discussing the Ready Set Go competition. They agree it was an impressive feat. "Production is probably saying why the F did we ever set up the comp?" Feeds  and  show Kevin laying down alone in the Den BR. 


10:38 PM BBT Paul is telling Christmas why Jillian had to go so early. When Cody was HOH, he saw Cody go up to her when she ways laying out in the BR. He acted like he wasn't listening but heard Jillian mention both Jason and Paul to Cody and then Cody looked over his way. Nothing subtle about it. It was very obvious. He knew then that she was the one feeding them information.


10:40 PM BBT Paul tells Christmas that Mark threw her under the bus many many times. He doesn't know why but Mark had small di** complex in regards to her and je just did not like her. Christmas:  "I have that effect on some people." Paul "And then you got him out." 

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11:05 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Kevin alone in the Den BR. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Christmas and Paul in the HOH. Paul is feeding the fish. Josh is in the DR. Alex is in bed in the Rose BR. Paul tells Christmas he hopes Josh feels better after his DR session. He wants to go in soon too because he wants a shower.


11:12 PM BBT Josh goes into the Rose BR. Alex is laying down. He asks her if she is okay. She says yes, she just misses him (Jason). He says sorry and that he will leave her alone. 


11:19 PM BBT Christmas is now downstairs talking to Kevin. Paul and Josh are in the HOH. Paul tells him that the former HGs are all very ego driven and that he has managed to pi$$ off every single one of them. Josh and Christmas knows how hard Paul had to work to get this far but the rest of the HGs don't know that. Josh "But, they are all huge fans of yours." Paul "They hate me. I came to terms with losing but I didn't think it would work this hard to get this far." 


11:25 PM BBT Christmas is now talking to Alex about life outside the house. In the HOH Josh and Paul are talking about who has the most enemies in jury. 


11:41 PM BBT In the HOH Josh is laughing at himself for not hitting the button during his POV win. He started having his celebratory moment and forgot to hit the stupid button. 


11:48 PM BBT In the HOH Christmas shows Josh her foot without the boot or socks. She is able to move it more. The swelling has gone down tremendously. She said it looks better than ever. He starts to fuss at her for putting pressure on it during the POV comp. She says he can go back and watch the tape. She put all her weight on her heel, not the foot. But she meant what she said when she said F the crutch.


11:57 PM BBT Alex is laying alone in the Rose BR. Christmas and Josh are in the HOH going over dates. Josh asks her if she should throw the veto tomorrow. She says no. Everyone needs to go for it. 









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