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Friday September 1, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

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12:00 AM BBT Josh and Jason are in the KT and Josh is complaining about the ants. Kevin and Christmas are in the green bedroom talking. Kevin is saying Alex just likes to cause scenes. Kevin says tomorrow he’ll be back in his corner. Kevin says Christmas is a tough girl and he’s glad he stuck with them from the beginning. Kevin says everyone else turned on him. Kevin says Alex told Jason he can’t help Kevin make slop. Kevin says he’ll just stay away from her and not talk to her anymore and you know where his vote will be if she’s there. Kevin doesn’t understand why Alex would treat him that way. He says it must because he’s close to Jason. Paul, Jason, and Josh are in the KT. Christmas tells Kevin to forget he talked to her and Paul. Kevin says he doesn’t talk to Alex and she won’t talk to game to him like he’s a chump. Kevin says Jason told him that Alex and him had a better chance to make F2 and that’s why he won’t talk game with Kevin either.


12:05 AM BBT Christmas tells Kevin there is a plan. Kevin says he didn’t want to be the first one to throw the comp and Christmas says it had to be done. Christmas gets up because she hears the DR open and tells Kevin she has to go. Christmas is back in the red bedroom gathering stuff. Jason starts singing I Touch Myself and we get FotH. Alex, Josh, Jason, and Paul are in the KT. Kevin walks through to the WC. Raven is in the shower. Christmas is in the KT to get a snack. Most are eating Froot Loops and Christmas wants Chex. Josh’s favorite cereals are Apple Jacks and Captain Crunch with the berries. Alex is throwing cereal at Jason for him to catch in his mouth.


12:10 AM BBT Alex is talking about her nephew and she says when he was born his face was smashed because he came out of a vagina and they call him troll. She says he got cuter as he grew up. Jason says she’s teaching the kid to be a psychopath. Kevin is talking about one of his daughters. Raven is out of the shower getting dressed. Kevin is talking about the nicknames he gives some of his kids.


12:15 AM BBT Everyone in the KT is talking about Elena and Alex says someone asked her if she would do playboy and Elena was offended. They are all tired and they are wondering when Christmas will get her HOH room. They are talking about lying down.


12:20 AM BBT Paul asks Josh if he is Sinbad’s son and Josh asks who Sinbad is. Alex says Sinbad isn’t Cuban though. Christmas says it’s going to get worse, they are only going to get more and more bored. Christmas is called to the DR. Paul says can you guys just give her the key? Alex is on the big bed doing sit ups. Kevin is washing his hands in the WA and Paul is in the WC. Jason and Josh are in the lounge room and Kevin says he’ll join him.


12:25 AM BBT Josh is reading from the bible aloud and Kevin is helping correct words that Josh is mispronouncing. Josh tells Kevin to quit interrupting so he can get through the Psalms. Paul is walking by and Josh says F you and flips him off. Paul says you’re reading the bible then says F you and flip me off and then put your hand back on the bible, how does that make you feel? Kevin is telling a story about Martin Luther King, Jr.  and Jason says he has to be a history teacher and Kevin says why do you keep blowing me up? Alex is in the green bedroom making it look like she’s in bed but she’s hiding to scare someone. She has also crumpled a blanket up on Jason’s bed. She scares Paul and says he wasn’t the intended target. Paul heads back to the lounge room. Alex has taken a couple pieces of clothes off the top of the dresser and thrown them on the floor. Alex is waiting to scare someone but Christmas is in the DR, Raven is in the red bedroom, and all the guys are in the lounge room. Paul starts reading a bible verse and Kevin tells him which verse it is.

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12:30 AM BBT Kevin tells Josh if he gets a chance he should learn another language because he’d know three languages and could get a job anywhere. He says French or maybe Italian. Kevin says his wife is Italian and we get FotH. Paul goes into the green bedroom with Alex and he is planning the next eviction. He says Kevin and then Raven. Paul says we’re almost there. Alex says there has to be a Sunday eviction or another D/E. Paul says yeah there has to be or it will be another long season, but he heard the season wasn’t supposed to be as long. Alex says the first couple of season it was like 70+ episodes now it’s 40 or 42.


12:35 AM BBT Paul is asking how many days season 2 was and Alex doesn’t know because she didn’t watch his season. Alex thinks the first season was like 77 days but it was more Real Worldish because they didn’t do competitions. Alex is talking about the things she’s excited to do when they get out. Kevin, Jason, and Josh are talking about Montana and Jason says there are a lot of wide open spaces. Kevin says you can see the stars and it’s like you can reach out and touch them. Kevin says when he was a kid he couldn’t see them because he grew up in the city. Kevin is talking about getting together with the guys after the show is over. They are planning a rodeo and they want to put Josh in a barrel. Kevin says Josh’s birthday is 1/4/94 and he asks Jason how long Josh would last in Satan’s path. Jason says he wouldn’t last.


12:40 AM BBT Josh wants to know if it’s easier to ride a real bull or a mechanical bull. Jason says no comment. Kevin requests Sympathy for the Devil and then Josh requests the Circle of Life or You Got a Friend in Me. Alex and Paul are talking about scary movies. Kevin says when he gets home he’s going to take his son out of school for a few days and spend time with him. Just Kevin and his son. Kevin is talking about his family. Kevin tells Jason his girls will love with Josh. Josh says even after arguing they will like me? Kevin says Josh is close to his mom so he doesn’t disrespect women.


12:45 AM BBT Josh, Jason, and Kevin still talking about their families in the lounge room. Paul and Alex in the dark in the green bedroom talking about what they will do outside the house. Raven is in the red bedroom laying down. Christmas is still in the DR. FotH. Josh says he wants wine and the one week they gave them wine he was a have-not and on the block. Kevin says there are ants crawling on him and it’s like living outside. Josh says he had an ant on his balls earlier. Jason says he can’t take it anymore. He’s going to lay down. Alex successfully scares Jason and says she’s been waiting there for an hour. They get a warning the bedroom lights must remain on.


12:50 AM BBT Paul asks if everyone can just say F the tree and let us keep sleeping. Paul is laying on Kevin’s usual bed, Jason is laying on his stomach on his bed, Alex is sitting on her bed, Josh is laying on the big bed, and Kevin is sitting on the end of his bed. Josh says when he gets home his room is going to look so dark because he’s used to the lights from the house. Alex says the first thing she is going to do is get an upgrade for her iPhone. FotH.


12:55 AM BBT All four cameras are on Raven lying in bed in the red bedroom. General chatter. Jason is told to put his microphone on.


1:00 AM BBT Josh notes that he just realized they are watched on TV every night on BBAD. Paul says yeah every night on PopTV and all they hear are Jason’s sex stories. Jason says he’s in so much trouble. Paul says Jason has said things that he doesn’t think went over well. Jason says F. Paul says you’re F’ed. Jason is told to put on his microphone again. Jason has gas and everyone is complaining.


1:05 AM BBT Paul says he’s lost brain cells since living with Josh. Josh says every time Jason makes a your mom joke he thinks Jason is talking about his own mom so he doesn’t have to go an elbow drop him. Jason says ok, I’ll give up on your mom jokes…and so will she. Josh tells Jason his mom is going to slap him and he says worth it.

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1:44 AM BBT Wake up! Who wants to see my HOH room? They all head upstairs and check out the pics and the basket. She got a dream catcher necklace from her friend (she thinks it's from her mom). Her letter is from her friend, Lindsey.


Hi Friend,

Nugget and I made you a necklace as a token to help when things get a little tough. (HG awwwww). Aquamarine,10 beads to signify 10 years of friendship (Paul yells friendship!), gives you confidence and harmony, dream catcher to remind that no matter what life throws your way, you’re still able to create the life of your dreams. Tiger eye gives you power, courage, passion, strength, and good fortune. We are so incredibly proud of you. You’re kicking so much booty with a literal boot tied to your leg. (HG laugh). There is so much to tell you that I don’t even know where to start so here is a brief rundown. Sweet Gotti passed away on June 14th of stomach cancer. (Christmas says that was her puppy). That is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do and I was missing you something fierce that day. Nugget is going into the second grade and he started August 12th and has officially taken up extreme scootering. (HG laugh). He’s very proud of his Auntie X. Wedding planning is going full force. We put down a deposit on a venue the week of August 12th and I can’t wait to tell my best boujee all about it over a bottle of bubbles. There is so much more, but I want to save it for when I get to see your sweet face again. We are sending so much love and positive energy from the Rockies.


Namaste, my sweet friend,



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2:35 BBT  Most HGs found a bed and are trying to go to sleep. Paul still trying to control what Kevin is up to. Only seems to work when Paul can threaten Kevin in some way. Paul says that Kevin didn't want to drop first, said Kevin said he was embarrassed to drop before the girls did. Paul told him that if he didn't drop then Paul would stay in the running for HOH and put Kevin up. Then Paul would make sure Kevin would go to jury. That seemed to work. {Paul had spent days arranging for people to drop out as soon as Kevin did. Paul has become Quite the puppet-master.this season.}

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 9:00am-10:00am BBT: BB wakes the HG. Christmas goes to the STR and notices the Apple tree is lit again and goes on to the STR after looking at the memory wall and gets food. Christmas goes back to the HOHR then back down the stairs and the BY is now open she then goes and wakes up Josh to talk about noms. She ask him what to say her reason is for nominating Jason and Alex.Josh tells her to boost Jasons ego and not let Alex and Jason know that this is the house plan and they need to stop anyone from picking an apple from the tree so there will not be a second veto.Christmas talks about telling Alex she is doing this cause she can not get Jason out by herself so she is doing for her  because Jason is good at comps.

10:00am-11:00am BBT: BB wakes the rest of the HG Alex and Christmas talk about letting Kevin pick an apple to see if Christmas might get an reward.HG talk about what to have for breakfast.

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11:04am BBT: Hg in the KT after BB called for an indoor lock down making breakfast and drinking coffee. Just general talk going on.

11:11am BBT: Christmas, Alex and raven in the KT just having girl talk about working out.

11:21am BBT: Kevin just got out of the shower, Alex in the WC, Paul, Christmas and raven in the KT talking general talk.

11:30am BBT: Paul, Alex and Raven in the KT talking about if BB will push the show back a week for the holidays. Paul tells Alex he does not think they do that. Alex says i hope you are right.

11:33am BBT: Josh joins the KT and Paul says he is going to go with my gut instinct that this will end on the 25th maybe the 21st. Jason comes to the KT and we get FOTH.

11:48am BBT: Jason telling stories about being drunk  and going to clubs and getting DWI's with Paul, raven, Christmas and Alex.

 11:55am BBT: Hg still just sitting in the KT talking general talk as they wait on the nomination ceremony.

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12:06pm BBT: Jason still telling stories while Kevin washes dishes.

12:11pm BBT: Alex and raven in the KT talking about what the POV comp might be. Alex says it could be the black box or the coconut one where there is bouncy balls for coconuts. Christmas in the HOHR alone just looking at pictures.

 12:13pm BBt: Jason and Kevin in the BR talking about houses and shares. Alex comes in and gets in bed. Raven heads up to the HOHR with Christmas.

 12:19pm BBT: Christmas and raven talking in the HOHR, Christmas says if we take one big competitor out this week then she (Alex) might try to team up with someone else. raven says i hope Josh wins HOH next week. Christmas says me too. They then talk about Jason being shook up lastnight but he seems better this morning. Christmas says yeah he was shook up over that comp.

12:21pm BBT: Christmas now listening to music and raven heads back down stairs.Josh and Alex now sleeping and Kevin sitting in bed being silent.

12:33pm BBT: Kevin and Jason laying in bed talking general talk about being on the streets and in prison. Raven in the HOHR doing her make up while Christmas listens to music.

 12:39pm BBT: Paul comes to the HOHR to talk to Christmas and raven he ask what are you thinking and Christmas Alex. Paul says Alex knows  since she is attached to Jason that her game is messed up cause of the things he has been doing. Paul says if you put them both up and then Jason wins then sorry.

12:48pm BBT: Paul and Christmas going over what her speech will be at the NOM ceremony and she says she needs to tell Jason that he is a strong competitor. Paul says yes i can handle that one. Just says that you need to get a strong male competitor this week and if all fails then Alex goes.

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2:10PM BBT HG in the KT eating and joking about masturbating and playing chess. (not at the same time)


2:16PM BBT Josh has hit Trejo (Paul's inflatible)and Paul is demanding he apologize to the toy. He chases Josh around the upstairs landing.


2:34PM BBT Raven in the HOH room exercising. Other HG on the landing watching a chess match.


2:44PM BBT After the chess game Alex says she is going downstairs to work out. She does three crunches on the LR floor and comes back up to the landing to watch chess.


2:53PM BBT All 4 cams on chess playing. No talk at all. Completely quiet.

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3:05pm BBT: Alex and Jason in bed sleeping while all other HG are sitting in silence as Josh and Paul play chess.

3:17pm BBT: the chess game is over and Josh wins. He gets up and leaves to go downstairs as Paul sits and looks at the board sitting with Christmas and Kevin. Alex and Josh now in the STR  looking for food and talking about steaks and hot dogs and Alex rolls a coke under the counter to hide it then puts another one in the fridge.

3:24pm BBT: Jason, Paul, Alex and Kevin in the KT as Paul and Alex decide on dinner, Steak, creamed spinach and potatoes.Paul then goes up to the landing with Christmas and sits down whispering very very low.

3:32pm BBT: josh talking in the mirror to BB and Paul tells him he is going to get a stop that. he walks to Paul and Paul ask why you gassed up and they start horsing around and BB tells them to stop horsing around. Jason in the KT laughing at them.

3:38pm BBT: Christmas and Paul in the HOHR talking and Christmas says i will put them up anyways and  and just say what i was going to say and i will be the tie breaker anyways no matter who wins the veto. Kevin comes in and talk stops.

3:44pm BBT: Christmas listening to music in the HOHR and Paul walks in with drinks for them. All other Hg in the KT making pizza.

3:46pm BBT: Paul and Christmas whispering sop low you can only hear part of the conversation he tells her she might have to do damage control.

3:50pm BBT: Paul telling Christmas that they need to do damage control with Alex and if they keep her safe she will be ok. Christmas says she does not think that Alex and Jason will freak out at all that they will think it is part of the plan to get Kevin out. 

3:52pm BBT: Paul says he wants to keep all of this between you me and Josh and Christmas agrees. They then talk about food. Paul then says my point is here If we get Jason out then Alex has no one else. Paul ask who would you put up as a replacement  now raven and Christmas shakes her head yes.

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4:00PM BBT Raven,Paul and Xmas discussing the possible veto comps.If it is BB comics he is debating if he should gun for it or throw it. Paul tells Raven she should be really good at it.


4:13PM BBT Jason and Josh goofing around in the wave room. BB tells them to stop. Kev sitting there. They are all chatting.


4:20PM BBT Paul and Xmas going over scenarios. Paul is saying what he would do. They are going round and round. Paul wants to expose the HG.


4:26PM BBT BB announces the tree of temptation is now out of play for the week. Josh yells "yeah" and Kev says that it's over now. Josh going on and on about Elena and what she does to him.

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4:31PM BBT Paul and Xmas taking turn in HOH making plans for how Paul will act when Xmas does her HOH week. Paul says his job will be when it comes to when he has to protect his F2. Xmas says she is wiling to take a shot at Raven but says Kevin first.


 4:40PM BBT Paul and Josh playing "ball" with an apple in the wave room. Chatting about sports and Kev's son.


4:46PM BBT Paul talking to Kev (he is making the rounds of the house). Kev saying something to him about HG going out. Paul keeps saying it's not his job this week.


 4:54PM BBT Xmas in the HOH bed practicing her nomination speech.



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6:23pm BBT Feeds are back.  Xmas is giving Alex a hug.  She appears in good spirits.  Raven and Paul wait in the WA for their turn in the WC. Josh expresses unhappiness to Alex and Xmas about how Kevin reacted to noms. Jason comes out of the WC also in good spirits. Kevin now waiting for WC and rushes in after Paul exits.  Raven now in KT.

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In HNR, Paul asks if this is to just backdoor Kevin or him?  Jason says he doesn't know.  Paul says she has to take out a guy.  Jason says if Alex wins Veto, she's pulling herself off.  If I win Veto, I'm pulling myself off.  Paul says if you start freaking out, I'll start freaking out.  Paul says I have to believe the plan is to take Kevin out.

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6:30pm BBT Jason says they have to beat him out of the Fing Veto.  Paul says let's just be normal out there.  Alex is cooking in the KT. Everyone now in the KT with non-game talk as the HG get ready for dinner.  Josh asks Paul if he wants to work out and Paul shouts STFU!  He's joking.  Remember when Josh puked drinking the pickled egg juice, Paul says.

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6:35pm BBT Paul and Raven do a victory dance in the RBR. Paul tells her he's doing damage control with Jason, telling him the plan is to backdoor Kevin. Raven is going through Matt's tank tops that he never wore - he told her to give them to Paul. Paul labels some of them Boys and some Gumpy.  In the KT, Josh asks Paul if he's dressed.  He says he needs to shower.  Explain the logic of showering before working out, Paul says.

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6:40PM BBT Raven is eating sliced ham out of the bag.  Jason and Paul both take a slice. Paul likes to roll it up and shove it right up his... Ass, Jason prompts, earning a laugh. Paul says he's getting skinny. Kevin is milling around, not really engaging anyone and no one is engaging him. Alex continues cooking as Paul supervises and Josh backseat-cooks.

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6:44PM Josh helps with the mashed potatoes, doing the mashing. Paul offers to cook the steak and Josh says no.  In GBR, Kevin tells Jason he has to win and they'll put Raven up and Alex will go home.  Paul interrupts and asks if it's going to be a Black Box Veto.  He says he'll win and take one of them off. Josh wanders in to the GBR and asks if Jason has a moment.  They leave Kevin alone in the GBR.

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6:47PM BBT In the SR, Jason tells Josh he doesn't know why she put both of them up instead of Raven. He told her she didn't want to be a pawn. Paul walks into the SR and Jason says you threw the comp to her and what's she doing now? Josh says she's trying to throw Kevin off. Paul says I might not be picked to play Veto. He leaves and Alex enters the SR. Josh says Xmas was laughing. Alex said she wanted to have fun with it, I think it's Kevin. What do you mean you "think", Jason asks.

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6:50PM Alex leaves the SR and Jason asks Josh why would she put both of us up? Josh says he didn't know what she was doing - he offered to be a pawn.  Jason says Xmas, Alex and Paul were all in HoH all day, they know what's going on and now Paul is acting like he's being backdoored.  They know exactly what's going on. Josh says she's 85% sure she's taking out Kevin. But you seem nervous, talk to her, she won't go against the house.

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6:55PM Jason and Josh exit the SR and return to the KT.  Paul sneaks up behind Josh and says your arm is all wet. That's gumpy.  Raven has taken over the potatoes because Josh was lollygagging in the SR. He says thank you. Josh says don't pick at it (dinner).  Paul says don't cry, we'll feed you.  Xmas says Josh would have burned the potatoes like he burns everything else.  What time is it, Josh asks rhetorically, it's game up on Josh time.

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6:58PM BBT Josh says all the women in the house were good looking except Megan. You were rating us, Xmas accuses him, and he cowers under the KT Counter. Jason is frying the stakes on the stove. Kevin standing by the KT Counter, being ignored. Josh tells Raven she eats like a baby. Alex throws something (water?) at Paul's back and he says Stop It!  Raven keeps dumping salt on the potatoes she's eating.

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7:01PM So Raven is 4 on the scale, Paul says, who's above her? Josh says no one's on the scale. So all the girls are the same to you, Paul ribs. Josh says all the girls are special in their own way. Way to go, arsehole, Josh tells Paul. You cook the best steaks in the house, Josh tells Jason.  Are you sucking my d*ck because your voting me out Thursday, Jason asks jokingly, but no one laughs.

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