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Thursday August 31, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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 10:55am BBT: Matt in the shower, Raven eating as she watches Matt. Jason up and goes down stairs, raven tells him good morning. All other Hg still in bed sleeping.

10:57am BBt: Kevin up in the KT and Jason comes in says he has to get his stuff out of the HOHR that they have 30 minutes till HOH lock down.

 10:59am BBT: Jason drinking coffee, Kevin making a protein shake in the KT talking general talk.

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11:07am BBT: Matt getting dressed in his orange shirt after taking his shower. raven just walking around the WA. Jason and Kevin in the KT talking general talk and laughing.

11:13am BBT: Christmas now up in the KT with Jason and Kevin making breakfast. BB tells Matt to put his mic on. Raven ask Jason if there is still toilet paper upstairs and he says he does not know, Matt says he will grab some there is alot in STR. Paul now up going top the KT saying his eye is messed up. Alex still in bed sleeping.

 11:18am BBT: Most Hg in the KT making food and coffee before the HOH lock down, Josh is now up getting dressed.

11:20am BBT: BB ask all HG to please report to the HOHR and we get FOTH as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.

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Earlier, Kevin and Jason were discussing boxing, while Jason moved all of his stuff out of the HOH room.  HGs in the kitchen, getting food for HOH lockdown.

11:21  BB announces HOH lock down.  Paul complains that they have until 11:30.  Everyone scrambling to complete food to go upstairs. 

11:22  Puppy cam

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1:53 BBT  HG's except Raven/Matt are cleaning.  Jason is upset the vacuum broke, hope it gets fixed soon.  Says it doesn't suck anymore, he has the same problem with Alex!  Laughs, but she doesn't see the humor.  Matt/Raven are eating again, watching people clean.  Josh wants to know what they are eating, he is hungry.  Jason says they are going to make avocado toast with bacon.  Paul is complaining people keep putting plastic and paper goods on the toaster oven.

1:56 BBT  Matt called to DR  Xmas is cleaning dishes, Jason and Kevin cleaning the rest of kitchen.

1:58 BBT  "Houseguests, the storage room is temporarily closed"  Hoping they are fixing or replacing the vacuum. 

1:59 BBT  the SR is now open. Paul asks Jason to take the trash.  Kevin and Jason go to SR  Paul in the money room, Raven goes to talk with him.  They go into the Rose BR to discuss Matt's speech.  Raven wanted to make sure Josh is going to vote out Matt.  Now discussing plans for HOH comp.  Paul says as soon as Kevin drops, she needs to drop.  Paul is going to hang on to win it. Paul says Xmas is going to talk to someone, to make sure they are on board.  Paul leaves as Raven stays in Rose BR


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1:17PM BBT Feeds are back. Matt putting on what could be his final shirt of the house and the winner today is... blue! Xmas comes to him and he whispers that they need to talk about his strategy in the jury house.


1:27PM BBT Most of the HG in the KT cleaning (except Raven and Matt)  Matt doing sit up and Raven getting dressed for the day.


1:45PM BBT house cleaning still going on. Kevin is vacuuming. Raven is cooking.


1:52PM BBT Raven and Matt chowing down on tacos. Matt puts a spoonful of sour cream on eat bite. Licking the spoon and putting it back in the sour cream. All around them HG are cleaning. jason saying the vacuum isn't sucking and he has the same problem with Alex. Alex yells at him that he is married. Jason laughs.


2:02PM BBT Paul talks to Raven in the RBR. He is telling her about the jury members and it sounds like there is a plan for dealing with them. Raven opens a drawer and says that Matthew left her all his socks (not sure if she is packing).

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2:07 BBT  Kevin and Paul are talking.  Paul tells him to drop, then Raven will.  Paul promises that if he is HOH, he won't put Keviin up.   Kevin says he has stayed in that room for 3 days like Paul told him to (yet everyone is saying he is pulling a Dominique kp)  and that he hasn't mentioned Paul at all.

People in the KT just chatting, Alex is putting on deodorant in money room

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2:12 BBt  Alex is doing her nails in money room, in KT HG's are talking about riding a bike.  Paul claims he used to ride all the time, but you can't in the summer, you would kill yourself.  He said he is going to start back again when he gets out.  Kevin alone in the HN room.

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2:17 BBT  Paul is talking with Alex.  Says if Kevin drops, then she and Paul will drop next (he just told Kevin he was going to win to save him) 

Kevin talking to the camera.  Says he is going to try to win, no matter what "he" says.  He doesn't understand how he became the target.  He isn't going to beg "nobody" for a vote.  Wants his family to tape the fight (think it was last week), hopes everyone had a good summer.  He said he won the first comp, the one that counted (25K)   

The rest of the HG's are in the KT, joking around. 

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2:20 BBT  Josh tells Paul to stop looking in a mirror.  He says Paul is always in front of a mirror, get over himself!  Paul called to the DR.  Paul says he has cream on his face...rude comments ensue.  BB is calling out HG's.  Josh complaining he is hungry, and they aren't eating.  Jason getting ready to cook, and Josh tells him to cook for him and Alex.  He says no.  He is going to cook a hamburger.  Josh says he is going to binge watch Disney when he gets out.  Josh gets called out for singing Hakuna Matata.

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2:30 BBT  Raven, in the Rose room is giving Matt instructions on what to do and say in the jury house.  He asks if it is a double, and Alex goes next, does that change anything?  She says no.  Raven and Matt saying they are best friends.  Raven tells Matt the plan that if Kevin comes down, she will be  next.  That is what Paul told her to do.  She is going to just do what he says, Matt agrees that is best (sheep!!)

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2:07PM BBT Paul and Kevin talking. Paul telling him to throw HOH. Kev says that if he thought he could do well he thinks he should go for HOH. Paul tells him no to let someone else take care of it. He mentions Alex but then says he hasn't spoken to her. Kevin sighs deeply. Paul leaves and Kev says out loud that Paul says he has his back but he doesn't know that he should throw it. He calls out to Jason that if the vacuum is working now he will vacuum while Jason eats.


2:10PM BBT Alex uses wipes to wash her pits and puts on deodorant. She is talking about something smelling. Paul telling Xmas about when he would bike 100 miles each week back when he was fighting MMA.


2:18PM BBT Kevin in the HN room. Says he is going to try and win HOH. He says if he wins he wins an if he doesn't he doesn't. He says he has a great summer. He says he has a family and wife and the worst that can happen is he goes out 7th and he has 25K. He says he will not beg anyone for a vote.


2:29PM BBT Raven and Matt head to the RBR leaving their mess and food all over the KT table. Raven tells Matt what Paul told her. When he gets to jury he needs to sell her, Paul, Xmas and Josh to he jury. Tell them what happened this week. Matt agrees.




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2:33  Alex jumps out and scares Kevin in the SR.  She apologizes to him.  She thought it was Josh.  He says he hopes that wasn't on camera.  Kevin offers to iron something for Jason, the vacuum is not back. 

Alex asks Josh what is is going to eat for lunch.  He said he thought they were going to make the toast.  He says he is hungry, he didn't have breakfast or lunch.Possibly make a burger.   Complaining the wave room smells funny.

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2:38 BBT  Jason is sitting down to eat his burger with an egg on it.  Josh is eating a banana.  Says Kevin is probably hating Jason right now.  Kevin says no.  They ask what his first meal is going to be, he says a bacon and egg sandwich.

Raven/Matt still in Rose BR, Alex, Kevin and Jason is KT.  No other HG's on camera

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2:40 BBt  Xmas and Josh are whispering in WA about plan for tonight.  Hard to hear as Jason and KT are laughing.  They want to double check with Paul first.  Xmas is working on her hair, Josh said he is going to shave.  He goes to get a chair, Xmas tells him there is one in there already.  Tells him if he f**k up his hair, Paul isn't going to fix it, and Matt is spending as much time as possible with Raven before tonight.

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2:45 BBT  Josh  saying his goodbye to Matt, gives Raven a hug, gets called out for not having on his mic. Raven goes to WA with Josh and Xmas.  Xmas asks what Raven is wearing tonight, she said she has a dress.  Xmas says dresses are quicker and easier.  Raven asks where is Paul, Xmas thinks DR.  Not much talking, noise from KT.


(I need to go for now if someone can take over)


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2:42PM BBT Xmas and Josh in the WCA talking about that everyone has been instructed to throw the HOH. They just need Kev to throw it.


2:55PM BBT ADLs going on in the WCA. Alex eating Cherrios off of the counter. Raven and Matt's food still sitting on the KT table.


3:11PM BBT Matt is cleaning up his mess. Alex laying on a bed trying to "lazy work out" as she calls it.



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8:15 PM BBT Still waiting for the feeds to return.


8:26 PM BBT Feeds return. Josh is jumping in the KT. Alex hits him and Jason with her hat and says is you f'ers put me I swear. 


8:28 PM BBT IN the  are Josh, Christmas and Raven. Christmas grabs a hold of Josh and tells him to wipe that huge grin off his face. He needs to act cool. When he leaves, she tells Raven that if she sees that face again to smack it off of him. Still trying to confirm HOH. 


8:32 PM BBT Christmas looks toward the camera and we can clearly see that she is wearing the HOH key around her neck. 


Christmas has won HOH.

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9:00 PM BBT Kevin, Josh, and Jason are in the LR and Jason laying down. Christmas, Paul, Raven, and Alex are in the KT getting ready to go to the LR. They are talking about the HOH comp and it was Ready, Set, Woah! Paul is talking about who competed in the comp last year and he says Bridgette did it with a bum foot and it’s ironic since Christmas won this one. Paul says Bridgette was out first last year and they wanted her on the block.


9:05 PM BBT General chatter all around. Alex and Raven are in the KT and everyone else is in the LR. Raven and Alex are talking about how Matt and Raven became a showmance.


9:10 PM BBT Raven says Matt is going to rip Cody a new butthole because of the comment Cody made about Raven not being able to have kids and their relationship will never work out. Christmas tells Kevin to continue to act like he has been. Paul says he told Kevin to throw the first round or Paul would gun for it and put him on the block. Kevin says he couldn’t lose to a girl because it would be embarrassing.


9:15 PM BBT Christmas and Paul are in the red bedroom talking. Christmas wants to know if Jason was in on the plan to throw the HOH to her and Paul says he didn’t have that conversation with Jason, but Alex may have told him. Christmas wants to explore her options but she wants to know if she should be straight forward. Paul advises to be straight forward with Jason but downplay things to Alex. Paul says he’ll tell Jason that he thinks Christmas is trying to BD him to alleviate some of the stress. Jason and Kevin are in the lounge room talking.


9:20 PM BBT Paul says he’ll do damage control for Christmas. He tells her good job and leaves the room. Jason and Kevin are doing shout outs and planning for things to do after the show is over. Paul goes back into the red bedroom and Christmas can’t believe they all threw HOH to her. Paul says this was the perfect scenario. Paul says Christmas can have private conversation with Alex all week. Alex comes into the red bedroom and she’s trying to take a drawer out from the other room and needs Paul to help her.


9:25 PM BBT Alex is in the have-not room trying to take a drawer out, one of Kevin’s so she can hide it. Paul asks Alex if Christmas will try and BD him or try and get rid of him. Alex says she thought him and Christmas were close. Paul says not really. Alex says Christmas is going to put her up. Alex says it doesn’t matter really, we all play in veto. Paul says except one. Josh has joined the lounge room.

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