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Wednesday August 30, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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8:555AM BBT Good morning, campers.  Xmas is up and scooting to the WC.  Kevin is also awake and heads to the SR.  Xmas washes her hands. Kevin gives her a peck on the cheek as he heads to the WC and she stops in the SR for a fresh battery.  Both return to bed.

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10:19AM BBT Feeds up for the day with Josh brushing teeth in WA, Jason checking out his face in the WA, Matt brewing up a fresh pot of coffee.  Kevin walks through the KT.  The BY appears to be closed this morning. Jason confirms to Kevin, who joins him in the WA to brush his teeth.

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10:24AM BBT Matt crawls back into bed with Raven in the RBR with lights on. Kevin is shaving. Paul heads to the WC. Josh craws back into bed in the RBR and BB reminds them that HG must be awake between 10am and 10pm. Xmas also in bed in RBR.  There's general chit chat in both WA and RBR.

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10:33AM BBT Kevin makes his bed (sort of) in the HN room. The RBR has quieted down as the HG ignore BB's wakefulness reminder. Kevin puts on his glasses in the GBR and flips through some papers or cards.  Not sure what they are.  He takes a sip of coffee and puts his glasses away.He grabs some fresh boxers from the dresser, paws through some clothes in his bag in the HNR, then walks through the empty house to the WC. Alex in the GBR takes a drink of water, then gets up and goes into the RBR.

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10:42AM BBT Kevin is out of the WC.  Alex complains in the RBR about the camera staring at her in the GBR. Josh mumbles something in response. Kevin is in the KT, then returns the WA, then returns to the KT, then the LR, then the GBR, where Alex has now gone back to sleep.  He leaves the GBR, returns to the LR, then to the KT, and drops his coffee mug in the sink.

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10:45AM BBT Kevin wanders into the HoH where Jason is in bed. He complains that he is accused of lying about things that are facts. Jason agrees with all of Kevin's defenses.  Kevin doesn't understand how Alex can make fun of how Josh brushes his teeth and then jumps to his side (in the fight). He says he's going to play hard to win. He hasn't won an HoH or PoV, so what is he lying about?

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10:48AM Jason tells Kevin that he can't go against the house. Alex is his ride or die. Kevin doesn't understand why they just suddenly turned on him. It's a game, Kevin says, I don't do stuff like that. No one questions her for all the sh*t she says or does. Jason says she never uses your name - she calls him and Josh J. Everything she does is petty, Kevin says, she isn't winning, I'm telling you that.

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10:52AM BBT Kevin says I don't care about the game enough to be lying about it. Just tell me what I lied about. Jason says it's a deep seated threat - everyone tries to remember the little things to use as ammunition. Everyone lies - no one will hold it against you. I don't want to be superficial, Kevin says, but you have to be superficial. Jason says I'm not going to put a target on my back.

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10:55AM Kevin says I don't care about the game, I'm going to jury. Jason says just because you're on the block doesn't mean you're going to go. Kevin says know I'm not going to win, but if I'm on jury, she (Alex) won't have my vote. If you think I'm lying, just come to me and ask. She's lied to me, Kevin says, but nobody asks her about that.  I have a right to say my opinion. And it's absolutely true, Jason says.

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10:59AM BBT Kevin tells Jason that people say he is talking about him behind his back.  Jason says to not listen.  Any time anyone says anything to you, you're no, no, no, no. Never admit to anything. Kevin says I almost shut down. Alex never brings food out into the BY but now that I'm a HN, she's eating in my face.

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11:00am BBT: Kevin says he is not going to stop trying or shut down this is a game and there is nobody left so i do not talk to nobody except you. He then says they are going to keep pushing me around till i finally snap  and i did get mad and started yelling. He then says when he leaves he will not talk to her cause this is a game its a game i made it seventy six days. Jason says yeah and that is good.

11:02am BBT: Kevin says i have nothing to hide nothing. Kevin then says i rather them l;eave me alone i only tell you things i do not lie and i never lied to you but she is running around eating in my face and yelling. Kevin says i am not talking to nobody i mean that. Jason just agrees with him.

11:09am BBT: Kevin and Jason still in HOHR repeating themselves, Kevin says i have not even thrown  comps i just have not won one. Jason laughs. BB tell the other HG  sleeping is not permitted during the day. Jason tells Kevin Alex does not like  Kevin calling him J Kevin says i call all my friends by their first letter.

 11:15am BBT: Matt walking around the house from room to room. Jason and Kevin still in HOHR talking about next week, Kevin thinks he will leave and Jason tells him he does not know what will go down and we get FOTH.

11:18am BBT: Kevin in the HNR laying down and Matt in the KT taking vitamins.

11:30am BBT: Kevin laying in bed in the HNR and Matt in the WA mirror looking at himself.everyone else still in bed sleeping.

11:55am BBT: Matt still in the WA alone doing ADL's and Kevin still in the HNR laying down just looking around.

 11:56am BBT: Jason now up in the BR whispering very low to Alex. BB calls Josh to the DR.

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 12:00pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the KT talking about Kevin and  agreeing Kevin is a liar. Jason says i was just listening to whatever Kevin said. She then ask  him what everyone was giggling  about lastnight and Jason asked when then says i went to the DR so i do not know.BB calls Paul to the DR.

12:12pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the KT cutting up with each other as Kevin sits and eats his slop. Kevin gets up and helps Jason get the trash together. Raven and Matt in the red br packing their things.

 12:14pm BBT: Paul comes to the KT and Kevin ask how his night was as he looked at his eye and Paul says his eye is messed up. Jason ask is it black yet and Paul relies no but it is messed up.

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12:30pm BBT Josh tells Matt that Jason doesn't do well when you ask him something directly, but you can't lay into him.  Matt says Jason will believe anything you say. He's really gullible,. Josh agrees, he's going to be so blindsided.  Paul asks Alex whether they should get rid of Kevin or Raven first.  Alex thinks Kevin but Paul says it's a tossup.  If we're both competing next week (in PoV), it's done. 

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1:00PM BBT All the HG but Kevin are in the KT, talking BB18. Kevin wanders in from the GBR, watches for a moment, then returns to the GBR. Jason says there's never been a worst cast than this season.  Raven starts talking about Aaryn from BB15 and her racist comments.  Jason doesn't know if that's a guy or a girl. Josh thinks he'll skip that season.  Alex wishes Jessica had actually called her a panda and was super racist to everyone would hate her.

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1:30PM BBT Matt was doing some exercies in the WA.  He tells Raven that Production wanted him to say more in his GB Msg but he said she would never see it.  Josh, Xmas, Alex, Paul and Jason are keeping themselves occupied in the KT.  Jason tells a story about being drug tested in jail by an officer with a glove on his hand and his finger extended.

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2:12PM BBT Kevin and Raven in the SR going through clothes. Starting to pack.


2:19PM BBT Kev and Jason in the KT. Jason prepping food. Kev touched some sort of food as a joke and BB must have called him out (we got FOTH for a minute) Jason laughed that Kev got caught. Kev says he didn't take them and wasn't going to. They are joking around.


2:27PM BBT Not sure why but we are getting FOTH on and off. All 4 cams on the KT and Matt and Alex talking about calories.


2:36PM BBT In the KT Paul is telling Matt, Alex and Jason and Raven how long the season should be this year. They are trying to decide the exact date.

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2:55PM BBT In the RBR Raven and Xmas bashing Alex and then Kevin. Raven talking about Kevin lying (rinse and repeat).


3:06PM BBT In the KT the HG are joking around. Josh doing his annoying high pitched screetch.


 3:18PM BBT Josh laying in Xmas bed. She is on top of him play punching him over and over. Flopping foot around. Paul in the mirror complaining that his nose is bleeding.


3:24PM BBT Xmas is using her scooter in the KT to ram everything. Paul is yelling about his nose is bleeding and BB is telling them safety first.



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3:30 PM BBT Alex is upstairs on the couch and Josh is at the chess table. Paul is getting ready to play and Kevin asks if he’s going to play chess. Paul says he’s going to play Josh and then asks Kevin if he wants to play after and Kevin says yeah, he’ll play. Christmas and Paul are in the SR getting snacks. Alex is talking to Josh about knowing the Hail Mary and Our Father in Spanish. Raven and Matt are heading towards the red bedroom. Paul is making a trail mix. Christmas has joined Alex and Josh upstairs. Jason and Kevin are in the HOH room. Kevin is told to put on his microphone.


3:35 PM BBT Kevin wants Jason to tell Alex he hasn’t badmouthed her. Kevin says he will not talk about her after the show is either. Jason says no one can control what you say except for you. Kevin says he did say Alex was like a puppet master. Kevin says when people start charging at him, he’s going to go on the defensive. Jason says they all love Kevin. Kevin says he will not badmouth her and he asks if Jason wants him to tell her? Jason says he would and he would apologize to her. Jason says she’s a young girl and she’s playing a game. Kevin says she baited him and Jason doesn’t think baiting is the right word. Kevin says agitate. Jason says she didn’t start it, but she jumped in. Kevin asks why? Jason says he doesn’t know. Kevin isn’t going to apologize. Jason says she’s hypersensitive to strategies and personal mannerisms and words. She analyzes everything they say and he doesn’t know where she gets the power, but it’s a fabulous power. Jason says either don’t say anything to her at all or say what you mean. Kevin says he would never badmouth her when he leaves. Jason says if you’re going to apologize to her then do it, and if you aren’t then say what you want to say. Kevin says when he leaves the game, he‘s not going to hold anything against anyone. Keivn thinks Raven is the craziest person around. He says maybe it’s best it went this way. 


3:40 PM BBT Kevin says he doesn’t dislike Alex, but he doesn’t like the way she’s treated him. He says she’s gone out of her way to be mean to him. Kevin says people want to know why Alex dislikes him so much. Kevin is told again to put on his microphone. Kevin says when he leaves the house the game is over and he won’t bad mouth anyone. Kevin threatened Alex to bad mouth her in jury and that’s why Alex thinks Kevin is badmouthing her. Kevin says that was the only ammunition he had to get her to back off. Jason says it’s dirty game play, but it’s fair game play. Kevin says dirty? They took his food and his slippers. He tells Jason to tell Alex he won’t vote for a shoe over her. Jason starts laughing. Jason says she’s a tiger and if he goes to apologize then he can’t backtrack.


3:45 PM BBT Kevin says Alex is still going to put me on the block. He asks Jason to get her to put Raven up against him. Jason says if Alex wins HOH. Christmas is watching Paul and Josh play chess. Alex has a compact mirror and is doing something with her eyelashes or make-up. Josh tells Kevin he can come up and listen to his music.


3:50 PM BBT Jason tells Kevin if he’d know he took the money before jury he would have gunned for him. Kevin asks if he would have told anyone he had the money? Jason says no he wouldn’t have said anything. Kevin says everyone thinks he’s a freeloader. FotH. Kevin says they are lying about him and why would he throw away 40 g’s to go after anyone in the house. He says he’s had enough. Jason says he’s in a good spot. Jason is worried about his ride or die, Alex. Jason says Kevin shot at her big time. Kevin says he’s 25k ahead of Jason and Alex.


3:55 PM BBT Kevin says he wanted to tell Jason before about the money, but he was afraid Alex would get it out of Jason. He says once he got to jury he wanted to keep going so maybe he could win. He says he’s not throwing competitions. He says he’s not going to jeopardize her game in jury. But Kevin says he’ll vote Jason over Alex and Alex over Paul, but that won’t happen. Kevin says he hasn’t even talked to anyone in the jury house in the house while they were there and suddenly he’s going to talk to them now? And like they would listen to him anyway. Kevin says it’s 100% going to be Jason in the final. Jason says there’s still a long way to go, he could go out on a double. Kevin wants Jason and Paul as F2. Kevin says if he tells her that she’ll be a little more comfortable in the game. Jason says Kevin is the one who has to live with what he said so the apology is for him. He says it gives the other person closure.

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4:00 PM BBT Kevin thinks Matt is a F’ing baby. Kevin says he only had 4 more nights. No three. Kevin asks if he’s done his good-bye message and Jason says yeah. Kevin says he would never come back on the show. He’s too old and he didn’t get along with the younger ones at the end. Kevin starts talking about his fight with Alex again.


4:05 PM BBT Kevin is still talking about Alex. Jason says no one in the house is saying they hate Kevin. Josh and Paul are still playing chess and Christmas is watching. Alex is on the couch laying down. Jason tells Kevin that no one is talking about who to put out next because Matt isn’t even gone yet. Josh and Paul are arguing over the chess game. Kevin starts talking about Josh yelling at him the day before. Kevin says Josh told him he won the 25K and Kevin thought they gave away 2 25K’s. Kevin says he asked in the DR if they gave 2 away and they said no and he knew Josh was lying. Kevin says the government will probably take his money and Jason says he’ll get a check for $8. Kevin is going to take a shower because it’s hot. Kevin says Josh thinks I look like a liar and he looks like an Ahole.


4:10 PM BBT Matt and Raven are in the KT cooking and Jason says they’re going to dirty up all the dishes and cook all the food, over season it, and then throw it away. Jason tells Kevin to talk to Paul too and don’t avoid anyone. Jason says Paul loves him. Kevin wants a basketball competition and all he has to do is make a lay-up to win. Jason says Alex doesn’t forget anything, she has a mind like a steel trap. Jason says Alex is amazing. Kevin says when the game is over he’ll call and see how Jason and Alex are doing, but he doesn’t really care too much for the others. Kevin can’t believe Josh is still around.


4:15 PM BBT Kevin says he and his wife will visit Jason and his family for a couple of days in December and Jason can come visit them in January. Kevin starts talking about his wrist surgeries. Jason says he thought Ramses won the 25k and Kevin says that dumb jerk didn’t know what was going on. He says he’ll fly Ramses in to visit him and his kids. Kevin says he’s not cool, he’s kind of goofy. Kevin says he always wanted to tell Jason he won the money. He says there’s nothing left to hide now. Jason says he wasn’t quick enough to win it. Kevin asks Jason not to tell Alex.


4:20 PM BBT Kevin says they all believe it now I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. Jason says everyone knows. Kevin says he wouldn’t have touched anyone and Jason knows that. Jason says have you noticed that everyone who got into a fight is out. Except Josh because he’s the one that initiates them. Kevin says he’s not as stupid as they thought. He says he went nuts, but everyone did. He says if you put me up with Raven, just don’t send me home before her.


4:25 PM BBT Kevin says he’ll talk to Alex tonight. Kevin says Raven was a jerk all year and she was hitting Matt every night. Kevin asks Jason not to tell anyone anything they talked about and him and Jason shake hands. Matt has joined Josh, Paul, and Christmas at the chess table. Alex has gone downstairs. Kevin is saying he doesn’t understand how the protein shakes they give them with the slop are good for them. Kevin and Jason are making more plans for after the show. He wants to know when Paul is going to do a rodeo with him. Jason starts listing the things he has right after the show, starting with a wedding.

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4:30 PM BBT Kevin realizes Matt is upstairs because they can hear him laughing. Kevin says why is he up here, they don’t ever come up. Kevin says again he’ll talk to Alex and Jason says just be straightforward because she analyzes every word. Josh and Paul are arguing again over the game. Paul is saying it’s a stalemate and Josh is disagreeing. Paul says then move and Josh tells Paul not to rush him. Josh says he won and Paul says no, it’s a stalemate. Paul says he had a chance to check mate him, but he didn’t. Kevin heads downstairs. Jason is listening to his music. Alex is doing crunches on the upstairs couch. Matt asks Raven if she needs help with something and she says no.


4:35 PM BBT Josh grabs a pillow for Christmas. Jason asks who’s playing chess and Josh says they are going to rematch unless Jason wants to play. Jason says he’s going to take a shower. Josh asks Jason about Kevin and Josh says Kevin is spinning conversations and is lying. Jason tells Josh that Kevin is still lying. Josh says every conversation you have with Kevin he’s full of crap. Josh says if he comes clean it will make his experience more enjoyable. Jason says he told Kevin that Alex deserves and apology. Josh says Kevin spoke bad about everyone. Josh says he doesn’t want to isolate Kevin. Jason says yeah, don’t do that. Josh says if Kevin will man-up and say he did that, then things will be fine. Christmas is now doing an exercise on the couch. Josh says Kevin should apologize to the house because he’s talked crapped about everyone and if he would man-up and own everything things would be better. Josh says he’s 56 we don’t want him to catch a heart attack. Alex comes in and Jason says what are you doing and she says she’s looking for something to eat. He offers her an Almond Joy. Jason says he told Kevin their four was just shocked that he crapped the bed. Christmas is told to put on her microphone.


4:40 PM BBT Jason says Kevin shot holes in his own boat. Jason says he told Kevin not to F with Alex and it was BS that he threw her out like that. He says she’s a young lady. Alex says Kevin has six daughters and he’s going to crap on ME like that? America is going to hate him. Alex says she’s going to straight up tell him that America will F’ing hate him. He doesn’t want to talk to Kevin. Jason says he told Kevin if he was a man he’d apologize to Alex. Alex says there may not be a D/E tomorrow after all because the tree is still in play. Alex says unless they do like a 60 second thing and if Kevin goes for it he’ll be a tool and get the bounty on his head. Jason says the only think Kevin admitted to was calling Alex a puppet master. Jason says Kevin said he would vote for Alex if Jason or Paul is not beside her. Jason says he told Kevin not to run Alex’s name in the dirt. Alex says she’s a coward excuse for a man that he’s so scared of a girl he’s creating this GD propaganda.


4:45 PM BBT Jason tells Alex to just hear Kevin out. Alex says Kevin has been playing the game since day 1. Jason says Alex deserves an apology, but it’s really for him because he’s the one who has to live with what he said. Jason says he asked Kevin why he isn’t talking to Paul at all? Alex says Jason should ask why Kevin won’t swear on his kids. Alex says the 25k matters because everyone knows he’s a liar. Jason says he told Kevin he doesn’t want to entertain any more conversations unless it’s about outside. Alex says he’s going to try to get back into the fold and then turn into a psychopathic douchebag when he goes on the block. Jason says he told Kevin it wouldn’t be a sweep against him and Alex says yes it will because he’s an Ahole. Alex says they are going to know that Kevin is a F’ing liar.


4:50 PM BBT Josh and Paul are still playing chess. Matt, Raven, and Christmas are on the couches. Kevin is downstairs in the shower. Alex and Jason are in the HOH room still talking. Alex says Kevin is a goner and he can poison the jury. Alex says he hopes Kevin does go to the jury house and turn them against her so America will hate him because he’s a coward and so salty. Alex says Kevin needs to put on sunscreen because he looks like leatherface. Jason says Alex is stupid awesome and she’s going to win. Jason says it’s a toss-up how the jury would vote because it’s all the showmances and Josh and Christmas. Jason thinks Josh and Christmas would vote for Alex but he doesn’t know what Cody would do. Jason says he doesn’t want to have zero votes.


4:55 PM BBT Jason says he would never vote for anyone who never won HOH because they would have gotten to F2 by being carried by everyone. (Can someone send that to Dr. Will and get his response?) Alex says psychopaths can lie easily and murders have micro expressions. She has studied that. Jason says she’s hypersensitive to everything, it’s amazing.

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 5:02PM BBT Paul and Josh playing chess. Paul makes  a move and Josh has an issue and starts to whine. Paul tells him to calm down. In the HOH room Jason and Alex are talking about Alex's favorite subject - Kevin. Raven comes in and complains that Kev won't answer about the 25K and why does it matter - what does he have to hide. She says she puts him in the same category as Cody.


5:07PM BBT In the KT Raven and Matt are eating. Raven saying that they need to call Kevin a gumpy old man.


 5:17PM BBT Paul and Raven in the WCA. Raven asking how they will know what to do for comp. Paul tells her the code word is Trejo. He says that if he uses it then they have to start dropping the eggs an let Josh and Xmas keep going until one of them wins.


5:21PM BBT Paul jumps on Josh in the wave room. Josh tells him his wrist. Paul gets up. Josh starts towards Paul (they are playing) and Paul starts yelling not to touch him.BB tells Josh to stop.


5:28PM BBT Raven has made a watery chicken parm. Paul tries it and goes on and on about hos amazing it is. Raven says that it is Matthew's fav dish so why not. Matt helping himself to his dinner.

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5:36PM BBT The HG are helping themselves to the chicken parm (it is floating in a watery sauce) and complimenting Raven on the amazing food. Xmas has also cooked up some veggies and offers them to everyone. In the HOH room Jason and Paul are discussing Kevin (rinse and repeat)


5:39PM BBT BB calls Kevin to the DR. Raven yells out asking BB to say "Gumpy Man to the DR please". They are all shoving their face full of food.


5:51PM BBT At the dining table Paul telling the HG that the HG who said they were huge fans of his were the first to go because they would have ulterior motives.


5:58PM BBT Talk at the DT about the first night. Paul joking and Xmas starts pushing on him and pushes him and his chair over. They all laugh.



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