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Sunday August 27, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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5:00 pm BBT.  BB calls the houesguests inside.  We get "we'll be right back".  I think there was skywriting again.  


5:02 pm BBT. Xmas is rolling around & around the kitchen table on her scooter.  Kevin is silently standing by the counter w/ his arms crossed.  Paul gets into bed in the rose bedrom.  Xmas is chasing Josh around on her scooter.  BB tels them to shut it down.  Alex is getting something to eat.  


5:05 pm BBT.  Paul now out of bed w/ Trejo around his waist.  We keep getting "we'll be right back" on & off.  Kevin gets into his bed.  Alex at the kitxhen counter eating.  Josh has a small inflatable frog pool toy around his head.  More "we'll be right back".


5:09 pm BBT.  Matt & Raven on the couch in living room.  Paul walking around w/ Trejo still around his waist.  Josh is looking for his frog & asking Paul where it is.  He threatens that Trejo will disappear tonight if he doesn't get his frog back.  Raven. Iw dolding clothes on the kit hen table.  Matt alone on couch in living room. Xmas is scooting around.  

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5:22 pm BBT.  Kevin setting up the pool table.  Alex, Xmas & Raven in the kitchen.  Raven says Matt went to lay down, he didn't sleep well.  Paul goes to play pool w/ Kevin.  Raven cutting cucumbers.  Alex making some sort of sauce.  Xmas wants to cut her own cucumbers.  Kevin thinks the finale is on Sept 27th.  Paul says it could be.  Kevin says it could be a lot of things...like I always tell you if your sister had balls she'd be your brother.  Paul & Kevin trying to figure out the finale date.  


5:26 pm BBT.  Raven now has an inflatable pool toy around her waist.  Xmas, Raven & Alex eating.  Paul & Kevin still trying to figure out how many days are left.  


5:27 pm BBT.  Kevin says that Raven & Matt made his bed up for him in the have not room.  Feeds aren't showing Josh so I don't know where he is.  Matt up now & in the kitchen.  He says he got in trouble for sleeping.  


5:30 am BBT.  Alex tells the kit hen crew that Dominique was throwing everyone under the bus.  Alex says Elena was jealous of Mark & Dominique.  Xmas doesn't think Elena was jealous.  


At the pool table Kevin tells Paul he misses his kids.  


Xmas says Elena treated Matt like crap.  Alex tells the kitchen crew Elena campaigned to keep Dominique safe.  Matt says over Jessica?!  


5:33 pm BBT.  Matt says he doesn't think Dominique voted for Cody, but she sunk her own ship.  Alex says Dominique only didn't throw Mark under the bus & she tild Alex not to trust Elena.  She told Alex that Elena was only there to become famous.  Raven thinks Dominique wanted to leave. Xmas says Dominique told her she couldn't be fake.  Matt says if Dominique wouldn't have done anything then they would've sent Jessica home.   


5:37 pm BBT.  Feeds are still only on the kitxhen crew & Paul and Kevin playing pool.  Alex says if she makes it to the end & Elena doesn't vote for her she'll be salty.  Alex says she likes Elena as a person but not in the game.  BB tells them to put the awnings up. Paul & Kevin put them up.  


Matt thinks the people in jury should be pretty pleased, they did the best they could.  They all say everyone in the jury lied.  Matt says the only one who didn't sink themselves was Jillian, she got a raw deal.  Alex telling the kitchen crew Cody was telling her there would be a huge target next to her on the block & he had a plan.  


5:41 pm BBT.  Josh now outside with Kevin & Paul.  Kevin lounging on a chair.  Paul & Josh go to the kitchen.  Kitchen crew complaining they can't sleep, can't play...they talk about the same stuff every day.  Alex says it's like Groundhog Day the movie.  BB says shut it down.  Paul & Josh horseplaying.  Josh runs outside with Trejo & the frog pool toy.  Paul runs after him.  Josh goes into the bathroom, his mic is on & you can hear him going to the bathroom. 


5:45 pm BBT.  Kitchen crew complaining they're bored.  Raven wants BB to give them Jenga.  Alex says they keep eating every 2 hours.  Matt goes outside to lift weights.  Kevin asks Matt if the slop is good & asks how many bowls he eats a day.  Matt says 6 or 7.  Kevin asks Matt if he watches Game of Thrones.  He says no, Kevin says he couldn't get into it either.  


Paul & Josh are told to shut it down again. Alex says when she gets out she wants to buy more bras.  Paul says me too.  Alex says and underwear, these machines are destroying them.  Xmas wants to buy make-up & shoes.  


5:52 pm BBT.  Paul says he is so f**king bored right now.  Paul, Xmas, Alex & Raven in the kitchen.  Josh is supposedly folding his clothes somewhere.  Jason is blogging.  Kevin tells Matt that neither of them will probably get to blog.  Kevin asks if Matt will stay close with Raven when they're out & will they date.  Matt says they'll see what happens.  He says he'll get asked about it a lot when he gets evicted.  


5:55 pm BBT.  Alex & Raven alone in the kitchen.  You can hear Paul & Josh horseplaying.  BB tells them to stop that.  


Kevin says he's going to get slop.  He tells Matt if he wants to play later then rack it.  


Xmas is scooting around kitchen again.  


Raven goes outside with Matt.  We get "we'll be right back".  


 5:58 pm BBT.  Matt tells Raven the whole house is batting for them & it feels good to have the whole house trying to help them out.  Matt says they might be the only players in BB history to never ask anyone for a vote.  Raven says if they are left on the block she won't ask anyone for a vote. Matt says hell no.  Raven says she'll just go to jury.  Matt says if that happens he'll eat regular food the rest of the week & take a penalty vote.  He says if Kevin goes gome this week then they're looking pretty good.  Raven says if Jason doesn't do what he said America will get a show.  She says don't whisper in my ear that I'm safe & then not pull me off the block.  She says she'll tell Jason to take that veto medallion & shove it up his a**!   Matt says they have no reason to believe Jason won't take Raven off the block. He says up until now Jason has done everything he said he would.  Matt says I went up as a pawn for him.  





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6:03 pm BBT.  We get we'll be right back.  


6:08 pm BBT. Xmas & Paul on the hammock.  Xmas says skirts should not be worn on a hammock. 


Matt & Raven playing pool.  


Jason comes outside & says who else deela like a tool when they do their HOH video.  He says he was sucking a lot of peter up there.  


BB tells them to raise the awnings.  Paul yells we already did!  BB says it again.  Paul yells show me which one!  Jason & Matt raise up an awning.  Paul yells was that it?  BB says thank you.  Paul tells BB they're being gumpy today.


6:14 pm BBT.  Alex says she gonna shower.


Paul says Xmas should put gold in the little gap between her teeth.  


Jason in the green bedroom with Josh.  Now Alex has joined the put a pool toy around my waist gang while she is gathering stuff for her shower.  


Raven now sitting on the ground next to the hammock (Paul & Xmas still in the hammock).   Paul asks why the DR is so up their a**.  


Alex tells Jason & Josh abe hopes they get an "8" party.  


Xmas says Raven gor some sun. Raven says her chucha is white.  Xmas says it should be unless your Mark.   Paul says Mark was gumpy.  Xmas complains that Mark always had his naked butt out.  She says nobody cares if your butt is white when you have sex.  Paul says when is he planning on having sex.  Paul asks if they think Mark & Elena have sealed the deal.  Paul counting how many gumpy days are coming up this week.  


Alex, Jason & Josh in the green bedroom.  Josh says he can't wait to watch all the people who said they were gonna make jury & then he makes a machine gun noise & says they took them all out.  Alex points out that they did make jury though.  Alex asks if Kevin is in here.  Jason says no he's outside.  Alex says she surprised & he's driving her nuts.  Josh says Kevin was so funny & cool & now he's changed.  Jason says that's because he knew people were on to him & got paranoid.  Jason says Kevin is annoyed by everybody.  


6:23 pm BBT.  Xmas says she can't believe she miss the crossfit games.  Raven says she was supposed to be the maid of honor for her friends wedding.  Paul says he was supposed to be a ring bearer.  Xmas says she was supposed to officiate a friends wedding & hopes he postponed it.  


In the green bedroom Josh says Kevin is being a dick to him.  Josh says he tell him to chill out but he won't listen.  Alex says Kevin wants to be just like Derrick.  Jason says (mockingly) Kevin only ever says I would never vote against you.  Josh says he has a lot of clothes missing.  Josh says even with Kevin's craziness the house feels better.  







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6:30 pm BBT.  Xmas & Paul on the hammock saying Raven was just much more pleasant & had no accent.  They say she should've been that way the whole time.  Paul says they just have to keep doing what they're doing.  Paul says Alex is pulling away from Jason a bit.  Xmas says she doesn't know if that's real.  Paul says Jason is starting to push back.  Xmas says Raven just gave Matt the "eye" that they were talking game.  Xmas says Raven is so easy to read like Braille.   Xmas says she needs to hang out with Alex more.  She thinks Alex would keep her over Raven.  She says Raven is subtlety throwing her under the bus to Alex. 


6:37 pm BBT.  Paul thinks Alex & Jason don't think Xmas or Josh will win anything. Paul says he'll continue to work things.  Paul thinks Alex will lose to Jason if they are final 2.  Paul admits the baby thing kinda tigs at his heart.  Xmas says he's right about the baby thing.  Kevin sits on Xmas's scooter next to the hammock.  Paul says something crazy needs to happen.  He says throw Cody back in for a couple weeks that fire him up.  Paul says it shouldn't be this boring yet.  He says 1 more week of that tree.  


Matt & Raven playing pool still.  


Jason & Josh in the HOH room.  Jason says how long have people been talking about Kevin.  Josh says 2 weeks, ever since he did that stuff with Cody.  Jason says do you think we can get Kevin back?  Should I talk to him & tell him flat out?   He says why is this so important, can't we just get him out next?  Why does he have to go up now?   Josh says why was Kevin pushing so hard for Cody & to save Mark?  Jason says Alex wants him to up to scare him.  Paul said if he goes up he'll flip out so we might as well vote him out. Jason said well then I won't put him up.  


6:51 pm BBT.  Josh says Matt & Raven are 2 votes in jury.  Josh says do you want to lose those 2 votes.  He says after the speech you gave they expect one of them to come down & if you don't you piss them both off.  Jason says what if Kevin gets voted out.  Josh swears he'll vote out Matt.  Jason thinks if he makes it to final 2 Matt won't vote for him anyway.  Jason says right now he's leaving things the way they are.  He says Alex is being a dickhead today & is bossy.  Jason asks Josh if he thinks the stuff with Kevin has anything to do with his age.  Josh says no, it's his character.  Josh says he's acting this way because he knows he was shady & now people have caught on.  


6:57 pm BBT.  Jason thinks it's funny Kevin is in this position & he did it to himself.  Jason says he's been telling Kevin he has to win & then Kevin fell off first.  Jason tells Josh that his (Josh's) mind is weakening his body.  Jason tells Josh he has to prepare his mind & his body would go numb.  He says Cody could do that.  


7:05 pm BBT.  Jason says he leaving noms the same & he'll take the heat.  Josh points out that then they have to deal with Matt & Raven freaking out for 4 days.  Jason says Kevin will freak out too if he's up there.  Josh says but we can all say Kevin chill you're a pawn.  He says we've all had to be a pawn.  Jason says he'll have to have a good speech then Matt and Raven.  


7:12 pm BBT.  Kevin still sitting & talking with Paul & Xmas by the hammock.  


7:15 pm BBT.  Kevin leaves the hammock area


7:19 pm BBT.  Kevin goes into the HOH room.  




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7:21 pm BBT.  Kevin complains whoever made the slop it's terrible.   Kevin says he's going back outside.  Jason says he's going outside, maybe to the hot tub.  


7:30 pm BBT.  Paul & Xmas still on hammock.  Kevin is sitting by them again. 


In HOH room is Jason, Alex & Josh.  Alex says she'll run out of dental floss even if Matt leaves soon. 


8:21 pm BBT.  Jason & Kevin playing pool.


Xmas & Josh in rose bedrrom whispering & rehashing Josh's talk with Jason.   


8:27 pm BBT.  Josh tells Xmas that Jason doesn't want to put Kevin up.  


8:34 pm BBT.  Paul & Kevin on the hammock.   


8:40 pm BBT.  Matt & Raven kissing in the hot tub.  


8:56 pm BBT.  Matt & Raven in kitchen.  


Jason in the hot tub & Josh sitting by it.  Kevin comes & sit by them.   


8:58 pm BBT.  Josh says they need a fun day because they are like zombies.  Josh thinks they are entertaining to America.  Kevin says Matt says he's fine to go to jury.  

Jason says maybe they should flip a coin to see who goes.  Josh says his ears are bleeding listening to Raven.  Kevin says the lights & everything are designed to make them miserable.  


9:44 pm BBT.  Alex & Paul in the kitchen.  Alex says she might want Raven to go this week.  Paul says then Kevin has ro go next week.  He says he's making a mockery of us.  Alex says he thinks we're all stupid kids.  They think Kevin is an actor.  


10:30 pm BBT.  Paul, Josh, Jason & Matt in the hot tub.  


Xmas in the WA.  


10:45 pm BBT.  Kevin now sitting with the hot tub crew. 


11:15 pm BBT.  Paul is working out.  Kevin is by Paul on a lounge chair 


Xmas, Josh & Raven in the kitchen making food.  


11:25 pm BBT.  Xmas, Josh & Raven eating in the kitchen.  


Alex, Paul & Jason in the HOH room.  Alwx says they need to decide soon.  Jason is squeezing the blackheads & whiteheads on hose nose & then wipes his hands on his boxers.  Alex is grossed out!  Alex says they need to come up with a plan.  Paul says Matt should go first.  He thinks Alex has a good enough connection to calm Raven down.  Paul says they can blame it on Kevin, that he got in Jason's ear.  


11:30 pm BBT.  Paul tells Jason to make an indirect comment about Kevin in his speech to start the process of getting him out next.  Alex says they'll split the vote but only 1 vote this time.  


Raven & Matt in bed in the rose bedroom snuggling.  


Jason thinks Matt is getting annoyed with Raven.  Paul says Kevin will only win an HOH if it's how many times you can walk around the yard.  They say Kevin wants to make it to the end without winning anything.  They say the are in a good position as long as Raven or Kevin don't win but even then they think it'll work out ok.  Pauls says he going to go lift weight before this looks suspicious.   Alex says Raven will drive her crazy though staying in the house for more time.  The guys say it has to be done but they'll try to help tie up Raven some of the time.  Paul leaves the HOH room. 


11:41 pm BBT.  Xmas comes into the HOH room.  Alex tells her they've changed their minds back to Matt leaving now.    






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