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Saturday August 26, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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9:52 am BBT.  Matt says he hoped Elena liked that boy a little bit because she risked a lot for him. He says he told Elena in week 3 she needed to separate.  He says the first time he told her that was when Mark threw the hot sauce & pickle juice on Josh because he can't control emotions.  

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9:53 am BBT.  Xmas says Elena said she wasn't working with Jess & Cody but the only time she talked game to her was when she was campaigning with Jess.  Xmas said why would I help Jess get someone out of the house when they are on this bloodbath.  As soon as Cody came back Elena aligned herself with them, Xmas says.   

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9:54 am BBT.  Xmas says Elena needed to stay as long as possible to get more exposure.  Xmas says Jess lied but she thought she was right & believed it so it wasn't a lie to her.  Xmas says she had a heartfelt talk w/ Jess & told Jess that she needed to show the house that her agenda was not the same as Cody's.  But, that will be hard if you continue to do what you are doing.  


9:56 am BBT.  Jason is called to the DR.  



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 11:00am BBT: Jason and Alex in the HOHR going over evictions and comps. studying for the next comp.

11:06am BBT: Jason and Alex still in the HOHR making fun of the other HG and the faces that they all make. They then go back to studying.

11:12am BBT: Alex and Jason still studying they are on day 58 and Jason gets up to go to the WC. Paul walks in and says he is going to kill himself and we get FOTH.

11:15am BBT: Paul now studying with Jason and Alex. Christmas and raven in the red br sleeping.

 11:25am BBT: Matt, Raven, Josh and Paul in the KT making food and cleaning. Alex and Jason still in the HOHR studying.

11:26am BBT: BB calls Christmas to the DR and Paul says the storage rm is locked so it is time. Josh ask you cant get in STR and Paul says no it is time for the POV comp.

11:27am BBT: Jason and Alex talking about raven and how she is always sick and throwing up and how she always cooks Tacos. Jason does not think that America likes her at all since she never got a hex or anything. Feeds switch to the KT where Paul is eating Matt making a bowl of cereal, Raven cooking and josh washing dishes.

11:31am BBT: We now have FOTH for the POV Comp.

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52 minutes ago, morty said:

Thanks MonkeyGirl44.  I really appreciate your updates, and your timing is great.  Two of our regular updaters ran into problems, one has her computer disassembled on her dining room table. :)


One of your regular updaters had 2 computers disassembled on her dining room table LOL. But I'm BAAAAACK. 

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5:00 PM BBT The feeds return. Jason is wearing the POV around his neck. It was clearly Hide the Veto style comp because the house is trashed. 


Jason has won the POV.


5:03 PM BBT Paul and Matt are in the red BR. Paul says for a minute he thought Matt was trying to throw it to him because a veto showed up where it hadn't been before. Christmas is talking about stuff that is missing. Paul says everything is there, it's just chaotic. Matt is not a fan of this type of comp and says they shouldn't do this. 

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5:10 PM BBT Josh said he hid his really well in the freezer. Paul said it was found right away. He could see it the minute he opened the freezer. Jason and Alex are horsing around slapping each other in the back of the neck. BB tells them "Safety first, no horsing around." 


5:12 PM BBT Mattresses have been displaced and are bad even been taken outside of the BRs. Paul is walking around with an inflatable around his waist. This time it is a toucan. 


5:15 PM BBT Each of the HGs are wearing a baseball type t-shirt, white with colored sleeves. They all have a golden veto imprinted on the front and their names in gold on the back. 


5:17 PM BBT The house is a mess, but nothing compared to year's past. The kitchen is already almost restored. The bedrooms are over halfway straightened up already.


5:23 PM BBT Christmas and Raven are talking about the carnage. Paul says this comp sucks. It is pretty much designed to make them hate each other. James almost got put on the block because of it. 


5:24 PM BBT Raven keeps talking about production not letting her hide the veto where she wanted to. BB offered to give her another 30 seconds but she was not allowed to put the veto where she wanted to behind one of the beds. She said fine and just stuffed it in a pillow. 


5:25 PM BBT Some of the HGs have battle scars. Alex was bitten by ants when she was down on the ground. Paul says his ankle is hurting because he went all out. Someone hid their veto inside a throw pillow and then hid that pillow inside of another pillow. Raven found that it because she jumped into the middle of the pillows and her elbow hit something hard. 


5:28 PM BBT Some of the HGs have their own pool floats as well. Christmas has a giraffe. Jason is walking around with a green frog wrapped around his waste.

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5:30 PM BBT Kevin is having a hard time with the mess. He keeps grabbing his stuff and complaining about it being all over the place. Christmas says the mess makes her heart hurt. Jason uses his Forrest Gump voice and says "I'm pretty tired. I am ready to go home now." 


5:32 PM BBT Josh also has a frog pool float. It doesn't fit him right around the waste. Josh says it isn't plus size. It was Kevin who hid his veto inside a pillow stuffed inside another pillow. Raven said it was genius had she not jumped on it. 


5:34 PM BBT Raven says she found Matt's and didn't think it was his until she picked it up. It seems once they touch it, they have to claim it. She thought she knew where he hid his so she wouldn't have touched it had she known. 


5:37 PM BBT Raven is fired up. She says she hated where she hid her veto because production wouldn't let her hide hers in the perfect spot. She had already noticed that she could shove a veto inside the headboard in the red BR. Production told her no. BB "Raven, you are not allowed to talk about production." 


5:40 PM BBT Alex is mad. She says that her glasses are broken. She says that she thinks she (Raven) broke them on purpose. 


5:42 PM BBT Paul is pointing to what he thinks are great hiding spots in the KT. Each place he points out Raven says she looked there. He points out several different hiding spots. She said she searched them all. Paul "F*ing bloodhound." 


5:47 PM BBT Paul is talking about tearing up the couch trying to find one. He has no idea how close he was to finding it when he gave up on one being in there. Jason says he was so close.


5:49 PM BBT Most of the HGs have taken a break from cleaning to get something to eat. They are preparing steaks. 


5:51 PM BBT Josh says he thought he was going to be the last man standing because he hid it in the freezer and no one was going to look there. Then Jason comes out with one right away and he knew it was his because it was dripping stuff from the freezer. That's why he was smirking. He knew his was found early. 


5:53 PM BBT Jason tells Josh his veto literally glowed. Because it was such a bright red the light from the freezer reflected against it and it was glowing red the moment Jason opened the freezer door. Meanwhile, one of the vetoes was found in the middle of the lounge floor. It was hidden in the "waves" of the lounge couch. They think when it was turned over the veto fell out and it wasn't noticed.


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6:00 PM BBT The HGs are preparing dinner in the KT. It seems the cleaning has come to a halt until after dinner. Paul says that comp really wore him out. They are all talking about being tired. Christmas is banging on the counter trying to tenderize the steaks. Alex flinches every time Jason is behind her. He asks her why. She says you keep beating up on me and then sneak up behind me. He jokes that she whines like a mule. 


6:05 PM BBT Josh says he worked really hard on that veto. Paul "How, you found no veto and hid yours in the freezer." Meanwhile Jason says during the comp he broke Christmas. No clue what that means unless he is talking about the past and her foot. Then he accidentally spilled something on her and Jason calls himself a Dumb F**k and says Christmas can take a few shots at him. 


6:09 PM BBT Christmas says that she was getting so tired out there waiting on them to find vetoes that she almost walked off with both feet. Meanwhile Jason is talking to his son and wife in the HOH room. Jason decides he wants to take the toad pool float home to his son. He starts to take the air out so he can put it away for him. 


6:12 PM BBT Kevin is again talking about his clothes being thrown on the ground. Alex says her stuff was broken including her sunglasses case. 


6:15 PM BBT Paul is cooking steaks. Josh "Don't. Stop. Salt and Pepper only. You don't put garlic on steak." Paul "You are an idiot." 


6:17 PM BBT Paul says his toucan float around his waist is Pablo's cousin, Trejo. 


6:20 PM BBT There is broken glass in the red BR. Alex says when she told Raven good luck before the comp started, Raven didn't say a word back to her. Meanwhile Kevin and Jason are in the HOH room. Kevin and Jason agree that Matt needs to go. Kevin says Raven needs to be next and she can be put up with either Josh or Christmas. Jason says it doesn't matter who she is up against. 


6:23 PM BBT In the HOH is Kevin, Alex and Jason. They are talking about Raven intentionally trashing their stuff in their rooms. They believe she targeted their stuff. Kevin says the second time he went into the house he was absolutely shocked with the condition of the house. Kevin tells Alex that her room was pretty bad from the get go. Kevin "People ripped sh&t up for no reason. No reason to rip their sh&t up." 


6:26 PM BBT Kevin, Alex and Jason are still in the HOH. Jason is telling Kevin that Raven asked him if Kevin was the target right before noms. Kevin asks him why he is just now hearing about it. Kevin doesn't understand why Raven would assume he would be the target instead of her and Matt. Kevin says if he wins HOH he is nominating Raven and Raven. 

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6:31 PM BBT In the HOH, Jason and Kevin are talking. Kevin is still fired up that Raven's plan was to get rid of him. He just made her eggs for crying out loud. Jason tells Kevin he is going to leave the noms the same. 


6:32 PM BBT In the HOH Jason asks Kevin if Matt is throwing comps or just incompetent. Kevin says Matt is incompetent. It's a good thing that Matt is in there because he is so bad he makes Kevin look good. 


6:35 PM BBT Jason tells Kevin that Raven is going to crap down both her legs when he keeps noms the same. Kevin says good. Alex comes in. Jason tells Alex he is going to leave noms the same because Kevin doesn't want to go up. 


6:37 PM BBT Jason tells Kevin that Matt and Raven think he is going to use the veto on Raven and put Kevin up so he can go home. Kevin is still reeling from that. Meanwhile Christmas tells Paul he needs to deal with his nose. His nose is bleeding. He must have hit it during the comp. 


6:48 PM BBT Paul has joined Alex, Jason and Kevin in the HOH. Alex and Kevin continue to think that Raven was targeting their stuff. Paul says they (Matt and Raven) were gunning for the veto. They tried to hide it, but it was pretty clear. 


6:52 PM BBT Jason says he had no clue no one had found his veto. Paul tells him he was all over it and missed it. They discuss who calls the shots, Raven or Matt. Kevin says absolutely Raven. She pulls Matt around by the Johnson. 


6:57 PM BBT In the HOH Alex, Jason, Paul and Kevin are talking about who to send home, Raven or Matt. Jason thinks Matt needs to go. Kevin is leaning towards Raven because she will be a pain to be around this week without Matt. Jason says she won't be a problem. She will just hide and cry for the rest of the week. 

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7:01 PM BBT Jason tells them that Matt told Raven where his POV was. He clearly doesn't care about his game. He loses her, and he will crap the bed. It will be better to get rid of her first. 


7:04 PM BBT Alex says Matt is a dud and they are giving him too much credit. During the Tales of the Crypt comp he let Josh beat him because he wanted Raven to win. That makes no sense. He could have beaten Josh and then head to head given it to Raven. He is a dud. Jason says he is probably playing dumb and secretly goes to Harvard. 


7:06 PM BBT Jason tells Kevin and Paul that he won't use the veto and they will send Matt home. Paul asks if he should spread the word to Christmas and Josh. Jason says yes. 


7:10 PM BBT Alex is venting to Christmas in the lounge. They were going to use the veto and put up Kevin as a pawn to keep Matt and Raven calm for the rest of the week thinking Kevin was going home. However, now that Jason told Kevin that Raven expects him to go, he will freak out if he goes up. Jason is an idiot for telling Kevin that. 


7:21 PM BBT Jason is a bit upset he didn't get his clown make up in his basket. He is walking funny because he pulled his groin. Meanwhile BB says that the Lock Down is over. Jason is particularly excited that the hot tub is open. 


7:23 PM BBT Paul goes into the lounge with Alex and Christmas. They are discussing if they should go ahead and just clip Kevin because he is freaking out. Paul "If we send Kevin home then Matt and Raven are comfortable." Christmas says dealing with Raven all week without Matt would be terrible. Christmas says Kevin is already bending Jason's ear. 


7:28 PM BBT Paul has joined Josh outside by the hammock. Paul tells him that Kevin is freaking out that Raven thinks he may go on the block. Josh says because Kevin doesn't want to do his part and go on the block. Kevin hasn't done anything. He has no problem telling Kevin that if Paul wants him to. 

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7:31 PM BBT BB has let the HG keep some giant pool floats, including a giant unicorn and bright pink flamingo. Meanwhile Jason has joined Alex and Christmas in the lounge. Alex tells him that he has to put up Kevin and Kevin is going. Jason says no, then he isn't putting him up. Alex says he is too close to him and asks Christmas to help him. Jason says no. He says Kevin is harmless and can't win anything. Alex and Christmas tell him that if he doesn't do this, he is going to lose both Raven's and Matt's vote in jury. 


7:36 PM BBT Paul has joined Christmas, Alex, and Jason in the lounge. Paul has joined them to help convince Jason to put up Kevin. Paul says Kevin is freaking out and running his mouth. He is freaking out and is pi$$ed. 


7:39 PM BBT Paul is telling Jason that Kevin is becoming more of a pain than he is worth. In addition, if Matt and Raven are comfortable then they won't compete hard. 


7:41 PM BBT Paul is still talking to Alex, Christmas and Jason in the lounge. He is drinking a beverage called Celsius. Paul says it is so bad it tastes like balls. 


7:44 PM BBT Alex tells Jason that Kevin is tempting the crap out of him. Jason argues that there is only 1 of Kevin. Matt and Raven are 2. Paul says that is true but Kevin is causing more trouble. Alex says Kevin is whispering stuff to him all the time about her. Jason denies it. Paul "It is your HOH and your veto. You can do what you want." 


7:46 PM BBT Alex says she is going to tell Jason that by not putting up Kevin, he is jeopardizing both their games. Alex says Jason is winning stuff and it is starting to get to his head.


 7:50 PM BBT In the lounge Alex, Christmas and Paul are discussing how to get Jason to put Kevin up on the block with the veto. Meanwhile Jason is in the hot tub and Kevin is in his ear about why he doesn't want to go up on the block this week. 


7:52 PM BBT Alex tells Christmas and Paul that if Jason wants to blow up his own game then he is drawing a line. She is going to tell Matt and Raven that this is totally on Jason and she has nothing to do with it. It isn't worth losing their jury votes. 


7:56 PM BBT Jason tells Paul to put his trunks on. The hot tub is starting to warm up. Paul says he needs to go inside and get a drink first. Meanwhile Alex and Christmas are still in the lounge talking about how Kevin hasn't done a thing for the team. Everyone else has pulled their weight. 

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