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Wednesday August 16, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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1:06pm BBT BB tells the HG no napping.  Mark is tired! Paul, Christmas, Matt and Alex in HOH. Raven comes in. Paul tells her why does Mark keep bringing up Ravens name to him? Raven says Josh gets on her nerves, his voice grates on her nerves. Paul says he thinks they think now its the showmances vs everybody. He says Mark says you and Josh are a buzz in his ear. Mark told Paul that HOH is Thurs so everybody should watch out.


1:16pm BBT Mark and Elena kissing. HOHR still going on about Mark.



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1:17 PM BBT Five people in the HOH and Paul is doing 98% of the talking. It's all Mark-bashing right now. Kevin is getting a break right now.


Omigosh, Mark is obviously the worst sleezeball that's ever played this game. Paul and Christmas (mainly) are vilifying Mark.

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 1:21pm BBT In HOH...Christmas says Mark needs to step up and help out, make a meal, do some dishes...something. Christmas talks about stuff said in weeks 1 and 2, all the way back to The Dominique show. Paul says he was just trying to hang out then and boned for it. Christmas says so Mark can remember all that stuff but he cant remember what he said to her.

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1:34pm BBT Elena is reading the Bible, Mark kissing her shoulder and neck. Matt and Raven are kissing while Alex sleeps in the HOH bed. Raven goes down stairs, Paul is cooking, Christmas is looking for some butter, Raven helps her. Josh put water something that Christmas told him to wait on.

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 1:40pm BBT Paul tells Kevin his food is ready. Kevin has Jason taste it (slop) and says when you're starving it aint half bad. Jason's whole body is vibrating as he shakes a protein shake. Josh is trying to cut tomatoes, he says this is why he got fired (no quit) from Quiznos. The boss wanted to fire him but he quit instead. Jason goes to HOHR, he has to duck to get in the door. Alex says she wants to stay as far away from ??? as possible. She tells him they all don't like Mark. Jason says if he wins HOH he is putting Matt and Mark up.

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1:48pm BBT Alex reminds Jason they still need their numbers. Jason says she always messes up his plans. Alex says they cant mess up, they cant have anyone panic. Alex says if they take Elena and Mark they have a better chance of winning stuff. She says they are going to make ppl choose and there is no jury battle back, when we are out we're out. Jason says Raven is a mess, a pain in the a**.

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 1:51pm BBT Alex is going to have Jason help her get a soda from the SR fridge and hide it in her backpack to bring to HOH fridge. Kevin comes in and says they are driving him nuts. Raven hides bandaids from ppl, he wouldn't give Kevin one yesterday.

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1:54pm BBT Alex says she was listening to her music trying to sleep and Matt and Raven were up here whispering. Drives her nuts. Alex's back hurts from the backpack. She complains about it being a week, why not 48 hrs like everyone else (while Jason in his Xtreme suit sits there).

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2:01pm BBT: Christmas ask Paul if he will carry her food to the other room and he says ok and grabs it she tells him let me cut it first. She then ask where is josh? Paul goes to the HOHR with her food and tells Alex that Christmas Joy is coming up soon.Paul sits down and says he is over it and Jason says me too. Paul says he had a dream he was pregnant.

 2:04pm BBT: Christmas heads up the stairs grabs her walker and goes to the HOHR.Paul gets up and says let me get my mug i will be back as Christmas comes in the door. Alex then complains that Matt comes in the room and puts everything on the floor and she hates it. Christmas starts eating and Kevin tells her he sure would like to eat that.

2:10pm BBT: Paul making him a drink and tells josh to take Alex a pie and he says no and he tells him to just do it. Paul then goes to the HNR and tells Jason that josh is getting so agitated. Paul then says that josh asked him to study dates with him later then rolls his eyes saying Josh does not know noms or dates. Jason and Paul start  studying.

2:13pm BBT: Alex eating her pie in the HOHR talking to Christmas as Kevin just sits there. BB plays the bugle and Alex has to go make hot dogs. Christmas says Jason has been waiting for that all day then Kevin says me too i am going to go lay on a sleeping bag and watch her.

2:18pm BBT: Alex went to the STR to get the hot dogs and is now going back upstairs to make the hot dogs. Jason, Paul and Josh whispering in the HNR about the HOH comp tomorrow and telling josh if he wants to pay it safe he is with him.

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 2:27pm BBT: Alex says no one likes these hot dogs but whatever as she continues cooking them.Christmas sits and watches her cook.

 2:29pm BBT: Kevin and Jason are now with Alex watching her cook the hot dogs so they can east one as soon as she is done cooking. In the HNR Josh and Paul are talking about mark and how they will make him feel the rest of the week.

2:33pm BBT: Paul and Josh say they are going to a wiener roast as Bb tells HG there is no napping. Paul starts laughing. Paul stops at the lounge rm and says we need Kevin to blow up and Paul says just watch next time i am going to be doing my stuff. raven laughs and says ok. Paul leaves to go see Alex.

2:44pm BBT: Hg all eating hot dogs and talking about eating and toasting buns.

2:47pm BBt: Matt and Raven going to the Kt to cook again. Alex takes raven her hot dog and gives Matt one. Alex ask if Matt is making the other hot dogs and he says yeah their is no protein in the house so i am making these and some mac and cheese. She says i have turkey hot dogs upstairs these are gross.

 2:52pm BBT: Alex is packing her stuff up now  after doing the hot dogs and taking everyone a hot dog. Josh, Jason, Paul and Kevin sitting there watching and talking about what they want to eat after they leave the house.

2:57pm BBT: Up stairs  Josh, Jason, Paul, Alex, Kevin and Christmas still sitting while Alex cleans the grill talking about people working for the prisons. In the KT Matt and Raven are cooking.

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 3:05pm BBT: Matt and raven finish cooking and are eating now. Up stairs conversation is still on prison talk.

3:16pm BBT: The upstairs crew is talking about warrants and how josh hid under his bed when he had a warrant for a ticket. Paul says he did the same thing. Matt and raven still in the KT now doing dishes and playing around as usual.

3:27pm BBT: Christmas and Paul telling stories about getting pulled over by the cops  as josh looks to be sleeping. Matt and raven still messing around in the KT while they clean.

3:36pm BBT: Raven is mopping floors in the KT area, Christmas still telling stories to Josh upstairs as Jason, Alex and Kevin lay there with their eyes closed and BB telling them there is no sleeping.

 3:45pm BBt: Jason gets up to go to the WC. most HG trying to sleep and raven is still mopping.

3:47pm BBT: Mark and Elena are laying in bed talking Cody comes in and tells them he has been reading the Bible. Elena says if you get sent to jury this week and they do not bring DVD's i have books ask if you can have them. Cody says we will see.

3:51pm BBT: Mark tells Cody in Jury he can go out to work when he wants and then a movie and a movie and do what ever you want. Cody says yeah i will work out i need to get skinny again.

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 4:00pm BBT Elena, Matt and Cody talk...Elena says if Josh wins AF she will die, that's the world we live in. She will move to Canada, she couldn't live in America if they vote for Josh. Cody says move to Texas. He was stationed there in different places, his fav was San Angelo.

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 4:05pm BBT Jason talks about his son, he loves his boats. He loves to  go outside and run. Kevin says the world is different yet the same. He has girls. Jason says he wants 4 kids, he wants a girl. Kevin says he has 6, take one for a while.

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 4:12pm BBT Mark discovers there is an N in sedentary. Mark says he wouldn't have the vote even if he makes F2, cuz  will be one of "them". In HOH Jason talks about bull riding being scary.

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4:16pm BBT Elena wants to get together with Cody and/or Jess outside of the house. Cody says he doesn't want anything to do with anyone other then Jess. Ready to give her all his stuff and let her go thru it. Elena says she loves Jess, Cody says me too. Cody isn't going to think about his vote and just might flip a coin at the end. He doesn't care. Unless its one of them (Elena or Mark) Elena says at least in jury they can have what they want. Cody says it will be his 3rd time talking to Julie.

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4:21pm BBT Cody tells Elena that everything was going perfect for them that week then that other chip thing happened. He was devastated. Cody says it would be amazing if Jess had an established relationship with his family when he gets home. (we hear what sounds like a baby crying) Paul says they are trying to get Mark out of the KT, just trying to aggravate him.

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 4:33pm BBT Jason says he likes having his boots, they smell like....he is interrupted with we know, we know. He says they smell like damp, he walks around in his socks after his shower and now his boots smell like damp.

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4:47pm BBT Elena and Mark laying down in red room chatting. Josh, Kevin, Paul, Alex in HOH razzing each other. Elena called to DR just as Mark kisses her.

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4:52pm BBT Matt and Raven sitting at island in KT with their feet on the counter talking to Christmas while Cody fixes something to eat. Christmas asks Matt how many shirts he brought, he says 10 and then some one sent him some. Christmas says she gets a boot next week.

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5:10pm BBT: Alex, Kevin, Josh, and Jason in the HNR talking about how bad Jason's feet smell. Alex says you should wear shoes when we are in a bedroom. Josh tells him his feet smell like crap. Matt and raven in the HOHR whispering very quietly.

5:30pm BBT: Kevin, Paul and Christmas talking about Jason's feet and how bad they are. Kevin then says tonight he will make Paul hot chocolate tonight he then ask if he likes it thick and creamy. Jason is in the WA washing his socks in the sink as josh watches and tells him how to do it. Jason says i rodeo i think i know how to wash my socks myself.

 5:40pm BBT: Jason in the WA drying his socks with a hair dryer.  In the Kt raven is making apple pancakes. In the HNR Kevin and Christmas are talking general talk about Cody leaving tomorrow night and about his kids.

5:51pm BBT: Just general talk going on through the house as raven makes pancakes for dinner.

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6:00pm BBT: Josh, Christmas, Matt and raven in the KT talking about Jason washing his socks and saying they are proud of him. Josh leaves and Alex comes in and talks about the have nots.  Matt and Alex then talk about having conversations with Cody and mark about Elena, Alex says i thought about Elena leaving but no Cody is going to Jury.

6:11pm BBT: Alex, Christmas, Josh and Matt still talking about in the KT about honey boo boo and Christmas says my favorite thing is when Bb says shut it down when you talk about something personal. Christmas ask Josh if he has Pizza in the oven and he says yes, she ask are you burning it and he says yes as Alex says yes.

6:13pm BBT: BB calls Christmas to the DR. Kevin and Jason in the WA sitting talking general talk. In the KT Josh, Matt and Alex talking, Josh says he is done fighting cause he does not want to see that crap afterwards. Alex laughs .

6:17pm BT: Alex goes to the WA and ask Jason if he fixed his feet yet and he says yes. Alex goes back to the KT and says she is going to go to the WC then wash her hands to get ready for pancakes.

6:27pm BBT: Alex, raven, Josh and Matt in the KT eating pancakes and pizza. Kevin and Paul in the HNR talking general talk about headbands.

 6:28pm BBT: Jason comes to the HNR lays down as Kevin tells him the camera is on him so he talks to his kids and wife and says he misses them all.

6:35pm BBT: Alex, josh, Matt and Raven still in the KT talking about today being a long day and they want to go to bed. Alex says if tomorrow they say the den is open again i am going to lose it. I will literally die.

 6:48pm BBT: Matt and raven in the HOHR snuggling and watching the screen. In the KT is Alex, mark and Elena talking about Cody eating her cereal.

6:52pm BBT: Kevin walks through the KT and Alex ask him if he is cold and he says no i am just gonna get a shower. She then ask what are you looking for? he says i am just so hungry i just look around. He then gets water from the fridge.

6:54pm BBT: mat and raven get pillows and a blanket and lay on the HOHR floor snuggling and laughing. Josh is on the couch across the room looks to be sleeping.

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7:00pm BBT: Alex and Christmas in the KT talking about hitting balls and making them bounce around in a comp they did. Cody comes in to wash his dish.

 7:04pm BBT: Alex and Christmas talk Christmas ask what is his intention and Alex says i do not know. Christmas ask you think he is protecting Kevin at all and Alex says yes. Alex says it has to be Kevin that flipped on us with the Jillian vote. Christmas says Kevin told her in the HNR that  he had nothing to do with anything. Alex then says that Cody is playing dumb and Christmas says Cody is playing dumb about alot of things. They then talk about how Kevin keeps tabs on Jason all day and has to know where he is at all times.

7:14pm BBT: Alex and Christmas still whispering to each other about the other HG, Kevin and Jason in the HNR talking about wanting facts and worried about nominations.

7:19pm BBT: Kevin and Jason in the KT  making shakes while Christmas gets food to eat. Cody is in the shower. All other Hg are laying down.

7:26pm BBT: Alex setting up her tent and getting ready to cook her hot dogs for everyone. Jason is laughing at her and she yells they got you too dumb dumb. Christmas has gone to the HNR to talk to Paul and is whispering low.

7:31pm BBT: Cody goes to the red BR and tells Elena it is just him as he gets on the couch in there to read the bible they then talk about Jessica being on twitter, Elena says she has everything twitter, snap chat and Facebook. Up stairs Christmas, Kevin, Jason and Matt talk general talk with Alex about dancing  and drinking while she cooks hot dogs.

7:40pm BBT: Paul now joins the hot dog group up stairs. josh ask Christmas if he can take a nap in  her bed and she tells him go ahead.

 7:43pm BBT: raven ask if anyone wants her hot dog this time as she does not want it.just general talk about eating hot dogs going on.

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