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Tuesday August 15, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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1:06pm BBT: Kevin and Jason in the BY doing laundry. Cody still sitting in the BY watching Kevin and Jason. In the Lounge RM Josh is talking about his brother and Paul, Mark and Elena are listening to him. Paul says you just have to look at things from a different perspective and not take an easy option but alot of people do. never take an easy way out. Like drinking and drugs are the easy way out so just take the harder way and face it.

1:10pm BBT: Jason telling Alex to go swimming and she says she is not swimming in these shorts. Jason then tells Kevin to look at the trees blowing it is going to be a good night.

1:13pm BBt: raven and Elena in the WA doing  make up. Alex in the BY talking general talk with Jason, Cody and Kevin.

1:17pm BBT: Jason and Alex goes to the HOHR and Jason says the HNR is more comfortable than this room and Alex says no it is not at least not for me. Jason says this is the 56th day in this house now and Alex ask is it and he says yeah and starts counting days.

1:26pm BBT: Christmas, Paul and josh in the lounge rm talking about how to play this game and how to make moves. Josh talks about how he had people fooled then they started figuring him out so now he needs to change things

1:41pm BBT: Mark and josh in the lounge rm talking and mark says after yo bashed me in front of the Hg for 20 minutes one day as i sat in the HT then yes i want you out of this house i do not want to be talking to you. Mark then says when you was up against Ramses yes i wanted you to go home over Ramses.

 1:49pm BBT: Matt and raven in the HOHR watching most of the HG in the KT where Cody and Alex is arguing about Cody eating all her cereal she says we was being nice to you this week and Cody says i don't want anyone being nice to me. Alex is ragging about her cereal being gone. Jason calls Cody names for eating all Alex's cereal.

1:51pm BBT: Alex is asking Cody questions about his HOH week and Cody says i do not care if any of you hate me or not. Alex says how is your kid? Or do you even have one? He says just hush and leave me alone and  Alex says no you want us to hate you so we are going to make you hate us too. 

1:53pm BBT: Alex says we know who you are trying to protect here so we all know that they are leaving next so go ahead Cody tell us who it is and he says i do not know then Christmas says come on other than Jessica who was your ride or die? he says i do not know and Christmas says  what mark was never your ride or die and he says he left me i never left Mark.

1:56pm BBT: Alex ask Cody do you tell anything in this game that is the truth and Cody says no everything is a lie so i am leaving this game. Kevin says Cody tell them all the truth and who you are before you leave. Cody says i do not care Kevin. 

1:57pm BBT: Kevin tells Cody to just say what is wrong with stuff we are going to be locked up in HOh tomorrow and Thursday so lets play nice just tell people how you feel. Cody says i will not talk to anyone so it is ok. Josh says i never hated you Cody i just do not know you.Alex says i think he is trying to make himself a target now. Cody says i i want to do is be by myself. Christmas says then you should not have come on BB. Alex says exactly. Jason says from now on i will be polite and courteous and i will shut up.

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Arguing between Elena & Josh past the 2PM hour, if anyone wants to rewind and cover it.  BTW:  I've been posting the suggestion to write your updates like you're telling a friend for many seasons;  It's a great technique for covering a long argument with lots of repetition.  Watch the entire half hour of feeds, then write it like you're on the phone telling someone what you watched.  You'll leave out the unimportant crap, and repetition, and end up with just a few sentences  that says all that needs to be said. 

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 2:01pm BBT: Cody walks off  and mark comes in and Josh ask if mark had an alliance with Cody and he says yes before we did back in the first week. Mark says he is no longer aligned with him. Alex says well no one has ever seen you have it out with him. mark says what do you mean have it out with him? Alex says you know have it out with him. 

 2:05pm BBT: Josh ask Cody as he goes through the KT if when he came back the second time into the house did he align with mark and Cody says no i did not mark and I just talk together that's it. Paul says clarity done now. Cody goes out to the BY and sits alone.

 2:09pm BBT: Cody sitting in the BY alone says i do not want to be apart of any of this. The rest of the HG are all in the KT bashing Cody and repeating what Cody said about hating everyone in this house.

2:11pm BBT: Josh is talking about having a heated arguments with mark and tells him it is because he talks to Cody. Mark says Jessica and josh had HOh 2 times in this house. Josh says i do not care if you get HOH next week vote me out ok. Elena jumps in telling josh he always argues and Josh says you gonna let me talk. he says next week if they win HOh vote me out please. Josh tells mark that his actions have showed him nothing at all in this house. Elena says  so you was lying when we had a conversation about why i voted you out and it was because people in this house told me they was voting you out and i did not know. Josh says Jessica and Cody had you doing their  dirty work for them and you lied to me campaigning against me and Elena says i did not campaign against you at all.

2:21pm BBT: Elena and Josh still yelling and arguing telling each other to let the other talk and they yell over each other. Matt and raven with Jason in the WA laughing at the argument.

2:25pm BBT: Josh and Elena still arguing and josh says i  will admit i have a crush on you and i like you but you are a liar. She yells more and ask are you going to let me finish talking. josh says you know when the line was drawn? Elena yells well i drew a line when my people lied to me and said they was voting you out then they voted elsewhere. Paul then says i did tell you that i was voting against Josh but then i changed it for personal reasons i do admit that.

2:33pm BBT: Josh and Elena are still arguing repeating themselves about who is the liar. Josh says i want to make this clear the lines are drawn and Elena says no the lines are already drawn and Josh says no i drew the line BOO BOO. Christmas says did you not tell me if mark won HOh if you was going to split from him cause you did not want part of that and Elena says no i did not say that. Christmas says lie number one.

2:35pm BBT:Christmas says ok Elena lets try lie number 2 did you not tell Alex that you would not throw her into a curse? Elena says it was a veto elimination comp. Alex says what did you say and Elena says we will not cure each other did you say that now it is my turn to yell did you say this or not she says yes i did say that Alex says i got this because you lied and you lie about everything what kind of car do you have. Elena says what does my car have to do with this and Alex says ok let me tell you about my car i do not have one it is broke down. Alex then says lets talk about the second contract and Elena ask what second contract and we get FOTH.

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5:00 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Josh, Alex, Kevin, Jason, and Christmas sitting around the BY. They are talking about Elena. Feeds 3 and 4 are covering Paul, Matt and Raven in the lounge. Paul tells them that if they get to 6 they are gravy. "But we still have to win now because Mark and Elena can pull it out. This week Mark and Elena are riled up. Mark does feel safe for now. Elena doesn't. If he feels comfortable maybe he won't perform as well. That may buy us another 2 or 3 weeks. I think we are F'ing cool." 


5:08 PM BBT Mark and Elena are in the Red BR. Mark says he can't stand her. She is so fake. She is so bipolar. There is no way it's a medication thing. The way she keeps flipping. Elena doesn't understand why Alex would say she was willing to win HOH and evict Mark. She has no problem repeating things she says behind people's back. Paul probably told her that. 


5:11 PM BBT Elena admits to Mark that she told the other HGs that if Mark had been secretly working with Cody all along then he must be some kind of super genius. She says Paul had her questioning his loyalty. 


5:15 PM Elena is still talking to Mark in the Red Room. She says that it makes no sense for her to be flip flopping on Mark. She says that he is the only ally that she has. Meanwhile Christmas and Paul are talking by the washer machine. Christmas tells him that everything Elena says it a lie. Paul "Well, HOH this Thursday." 


5:23 PM BBT Paul and Kevin are playing pool. Kevin wants to know how things are going as far as order of eviction. Paul tells him it will be Cody then Mark then Matt evicted. Kevin says he already knows who Mark will put up if he wins HOH. Kevin says Mark is going to put up Josh and Christmas. Paul "But we need Josh and Christmas." Kevin "We win the POV and he will put up Raven or Elena." Paul "No way, he will put my a** up." Kevin tells him that no one would vote him out. Paul says that is too risky. 

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5:15 BBT Mark and Elena in Rose BR hashing over who has been lying and bashing Josh. Mark wants to get Matt and Raven on their side and how "they" (Alex and Paul) are just using Josh and Christmas and they go on to bash Paul.  Christmas comes in to get clothes and talk stops until she leaves. Mark is saying how he can't be with "them", that Cody may be saying things behind his back but he can sit down and have a conversation with him. Elena talks about being asked how her high school experience was by someone (Josh or Paul not sure). Continue to rehash who told lies and bash Josh.

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5:32 PM BBT In the Red BR Mark tells Elena that things have been going downhill since Elena let Alex have that HOH. Elena says that this one coming up is more important. Elena "Alex is the last one I wanted to win this HOH." Mark "I love it, because now she can't compete." 


5:35 PM BBT In the BY Jason yells "Let's get a camper out here so we can get some F'ing hot dogs." Meanwhile Mark and Elena are still talking alone in the Red BR. Elena says that Alex pretends to be friends but keeps calling her sh** out. We are so f'ing friends. Mark gives her a bear hug. She says be careful or he will squeeze her pee out. 


5:50 PM BBT Not much is going on in the house right now. Feeds 1 and 2 are on Cody cooking in the KT. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Paul, Christmas, Kevin, Jason and Paul in the BY talking about college football. 

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5:28 PM BBT Paul and Kevin in BY shooting pool. Game ends and they go sit in red chairs, Kevin asks Paul what he thinks of Christmas, Paul says she's ok and Kevin agrees. Paul telling Kevin he hasn't said shit to anyone about him. Kevin reminisces about going to dinner. Kevin spots something in the sky, says it's a balloon, Paul says it's a plane.  Jason and Alex come outside. Jason complaining about his unitard. Christmas joins them and Paul asks if they are still yelling, and if Mark and Elena were still in the Red bedroom. Christmas braiding the fringe on Jason's unitard. General chit chat.

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6:05 PM BBT Elena and Mark are still in the Red BR. Elena says she feels abused. Mark says "Cody is isolated in this game. People still like us. They may not want us in this game, but we are still liked. We are not isolated." Elena "I don't want to be the second person in Jury." Mark "You aren't. You are going to win HOH." 


6:12 PM BBT Christmas, Jason, Paul, Raven, Matt Josh and Kevin are in the BY. Jason is asking BB to play the bugle because he wants a hot dog. Kevin says that they are entering Week 8 and will have 6 weeks left. Kevin says it will have to end by the 27th because Survivor starts on the 28th. Meanwhile, Mark and Elena are in the Red BR. She says that she is annoyed because she looks awful today. And today of all days is the day she gets into a fight in the house. And now she is going to have to DR about it.



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6:18 PM BBT Mark and Elena snuggling in the Red BR; As they got under the covers Elena says "the new Jess and Cody" then Mark says "like that worked so well". 

Edited by Graminator
left out Marks name
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6:15 PM BBT The HGs in the BY speculate that since Survivor airs on the 28th, their finale will be the 20th. That means 5 weeks left. It will take a double eviction and a special Sunday episode to get down to the final 3 by that time. 


6:20 PM BBT BB catches Jason cat napping in the BY. BB "Jason is doing some extreme dreaming". Jason opens his eyes, gives BB the middle finger, and yells "That's because I am extreme now cook some f'ing hot dogs."  


6:22 PM BBT BB calls Jason to the DR. 


6:27 PM BBT In the BY Paul tells Raven that it is miracle that she and her mom are both still alive. Raven says they have actually talked about that. 


6:29 PM BBT Paul does the math and states that he thinks has been on at least 150 episodes of BB now. 

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6:33 PM BBT In the BY Paul is explaining about the wrap party in the BY after the finale. He points around to the people behind the scenes and says some of them will be there. Josh asks if all of them will. Paul says a few. Some of them won't care. This is their job. They don't have to like us. Josh says those he has talked to are cool. Paul says way cool. They work hard. Josh says they have to be to put up with all their crap. BB then plays the bugle and Alex reluctantly heads inside. Jason is going to get his hot dog.


6:36 PM BBT Alex is in the SR pulling out the hot dogs because BB played the bugle. Paul joins her in the SR. She tells him that Kevin is still acting all sketchy. Paul tells her not to worry about it. He is on damage control. Alex heads back outside with the hot dogs to set up camp. 


6:38 PM BBT In the Red BR, Mark and Elena are trying to determine what kind of HOH they need to prepare for. The morphing face one is usually a POV. Maybe this one will be physical. 


6:42 PM BBT Elena and Mark are going over dates in preparation for Thursday.  Meanwhile Alex has set up camp and is about to cook hot dogs. Paul crawls into one of her sleeping bags and the rest of the HGs join her around her camp site. Alex has to go back inside because she forgot the buns. 


6:46 PM BBT Jason, a Have Not who has been asking for BB to play the bugle for hours, comes out of the DR. He sees that Alex is outside and about to cook hot dogs. He runs up to her camp site like a little boy chasing his puppy and says "Feed Me Mama." 


6:50 PM BBT Alex says she was hoping to be done with hot dogs by Thursday but BB told her no, it would be a whole week. Josh "Are you sure." Kevin "Josh, don't you be messing, don't you know we are Have Nots." Kevin says he wants to see Paul eat a whole hot dog. Paul says "Never. It is against my morals." 


6:52 PM BBT Alex says that the most haunted place in the world is supposed to be some place in India. She has a fear of being possessed. When they ask her why she says "Have you never watched Supernatural? You can only be possessed for so long before your face starts to fall off." 


6:57 PM BBT Kevin says he finally has an alliance name for them: Kevin, Christmas, Alex, Jason, Paul and Josh. He calls them the Special 6. Kevin "Is that boys?" Paul "Yes, boys. F'ing boys." Alex laughs at Kevin "Super 6?". Josh wants something dope and wavy. 

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7:10 ish pm.  BBT.  Jason gives an inspirational speech to Paul.


7:35 pm.  Alex and Jason wonder what's wrong w/ Paul.  The girl outside? (Pauls gf).  We need him here.p



7:36 pm.  Alex/Jason:   Kevin love snuggling with Xmas.  Xmas does it to keep him calm.  


*quick tussle...Raven and Matt are coming upstairs....grumbling from "Jalex"



had a screenshot, it was too big. Tips?

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44 minutes ago, SpaceLady said:

had a screenshot, it was too big. Tips?


Sorry, no tipping allowed.


Actually, I've never received that error, although I know there's a limit, how big was it?

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