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Saturday August 12, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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4:55PM BBT: The feeds are back. Matt won the PoV! The PoV competition was a prizes and punishments competition. It included the Outback Steakhouse reward Jason has to wear the "Extrematard" all week.
 Josh discussed potentially evicting Elena over Cody with Alex, Christmas, and Jason. Josh says Elena doesn't give a F about nobody, "She is selfish and greedy." Alex and Elena were the final two in the competition Elena lied to Alex and went for the money. Alex tells Christmas and Raven Elena made her promise not to curse her, "She was like, 'I won't curse you' then she F'ing lied." Elena got $5k and Alex got a week long punishment cooking hot dogs!


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2:20pm cams 1-2 HoH Paul/Alex: Paul asked Alex how tight she has Jason; tells her Josh told him (says she can't mention this info until Josh tells her) he thinks Mark and Jason have a deal also Jason mentioned a F3 deal with Mark; Alex interrupts and says Jason feeling guilty because on day 1 Jason made deal with Mark and Josh, Paul says Josh says he was not there, Alex says Josh was there; Jason feels guilty because Mark keeps asking him if they are still good, Jason says yes but feels bad; Alex asks how Josh knew about it and Paul tells her Jason brought it up and Josh didn't know what he was talking about; Jason talked to Alex today; Jason worried about his reputation when show over; Josh afraid to Alex because she is really close to Jason; Paul is going to encourage Josh to talk to Alex; Paul does not want Alex to let Josh know that he told her; Alex says Mark is driving her nuts, he's up her backside all the time now; Paul says Mark needs to go nest; ask what  Alex about picking off Mark and then Matt says jump and bite that before he makes his move (says he's talking AMF stuff whats easier to steam roll); Alex says depending on today know for sure what is going on ; Paul asks if they BD Mark and Alex suggest if DE they take Elena out too, Paul says he doesn't think Elena is as good as they thought she was; if they evict Elena and the Mark would be thrown  off and they can ask him to work with them; use him to get Matt/Raven out, depending on if DE, who is next HoH and who wins veto Mark, Matt, Raven, Elena are the targets in this conversation; Paul then tells Alex that Josh told him Kevin, Mark, Cody in GRBR; Jason was asleep; Alex's response is WTF; Paul but Kevin was just telling a story; Alex says it weird, Paul says Kevin told him Cody keeps asking if there is any way he can be saved, Kevin told him no his fate was sealed

2:25 conversation is interrupted by Critter Cam


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4:55pm BBT:In the HOHR Josh is talking about Elena going home Thursday as he says she is shady and lies about things he then says he is done. He leaves the HOHR with Christmas Alex and Jason still there talking about Cody still needs to go. Christmas says she does not feel safe with Cody there. In the WA Kevin  is talking to Cody saying he knows nothing in this house. Paul goes to the Wa as Cody goes to the WC.

4:58pm BBT: Jason , Christmas, Alex in HOHR talking as Kevin comes in Alex says do not say anything with him there.Paul then Joins the HOHR then Josh comes in and they are talking and laughing.

5:02pm BBT: Josh saying that Elena's word is crap.  Alex says she does not need the money her mamma and daddy will buy her anything she wants.  Josh then says y'all do whatever you want and put who you want up cause i want nothing to do with her.

5:05pm BBT: Paul goes to leave the HOHR then Jason gets up to leave and Alex trips him and he falls to the floor.In the KT Josh is eating as Elena walks around making herself a drink. Mark now joins the HOHR and says Christmas you are such a good sport. She says i am here i am playing. mark then ask where the headphones are.

5:10am BBT: In the BR Kevin tells Elena 5000 dollars and Elena smiles and says i needed it then says i am sure Alex is not happy with me. She leaves as Jason comes in.

5:16pm BBT: Cody and Elena in the HNR talking about Elena taking the 500 dollars. she ask am i a bigger target for taking that and Cody says yeah. he then laughs they they was mad.

5:18pm BBT: Paul walking around the house. raven in the WA talking to Matt who is in the shower.Paul is now going back to the KT where Cody and josh are cleaning.

 5:25pm BBT: Elena and Josh and Kevin in the lounge rm talking and josh says he does not get alcohol Josh then leaves. Paul talks about being connected to Christmas. Jason has to wear a unitard. Mark is now called to the DR and Paul says yes we are drinking the beers. mark runs to the DR.

5:31pm BBt: Mark, Alex, Christmas, josh and Paul in the HOHR talking about getting drunk tonight and talking about all their exes.Raven comes in and says she hurt herself again and Alex tells her she needs a bubble to live in.

5:34pm BBT: In the HOHR Alex is upset that Elena took the money and she has to cook hot dogs. Kevin now heads up to the HOHR as Cody sits in the KT alone. Alex tells him they was talking about dinner and they are excited.

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5:24pm BBT GRNBR Cameras1-2: Paul/Jason/Josh says Matt taking veto alarmed Josh; Paul says Matt's fine; Josh leaves; Paul tells Jason that  Cody said he told me he was only telling me, Jason says he told me this in the morning then correct 12:30 or 1:00; talking about Cody having a child, Paul thinks it is to play with people's heart strings; Paul tells Jason something is going  on with Mark and Cody; Paul tells Jason Mark and Cody had F2 deal and when Cody was on the outs Mark flipped on it; Raven/Matt walk through and Raven says she chipped her tooth

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5:35 PM BBT Mark and Elena are in the RBR. Alex, Matt, Raven, Josh, Paul, and Christmas are in the HOH. Mark and Elena are talking and the POV and Elena taking the 5K. Kevin and Cody are talking and Cody wants to know when the Outback dinner is going to be and Kevin thinks tonight. Kevin is going upstairs to the HOH. Elena think she will go home on D/E. Mark truly believes Alex and Jason has their back and Elena says she doesn’t. Elena says she started something with Raven and Mark says all 4 of us or just you two? Elena says Raven told her they were good with her and Matt. Mark says he’s good with those four and Paul. Elena says that’s out the window because Paul is definitely working with Jason and Alex. Mark says if the next HOH is mental he’ll win and if it’s physical then Elena can win. She laughs and says deal. Mark wants to know if he’s HOH if she’ll stay a night with him. Elena asks who he’d put up in a D/E. Mark says Josh and… Elena says Christmas? Mark says he’s not worried about Christmas in the game, but Josh keeps throwing his name out there and it’s making his game bad and he needs Josh out. Elena says that stinks though because Josh is just there.


5:40 PM BBT Mark says the way the game is being played this season is pathetic. He says if he hears the term “what the house wants” one more time…Elena says then you will just have to go rogue and F some crap up. Mark tells Elena Paul and Kevin are always whispering and when he walks in they stop. Elena does not think Paul will put her and Mark up, but he will make sure Jason or Alex do. Elena says Kevin won’t win an HOH. Mark wanted to win the veto and discussed maybe not using it and try and get the votes to get Matt out. Mark says we’re screwed going forward and you didn’t help things today. Elena says if you were in my position would you have taken the 5K? Mark says he would have done what he told her to do. Mark says her and Alex didn’t play that right. Elena says they’re good either way because they can switch out prizes with anyone. Mark is talking about cashing his trip out. Elena says she feels bad because they agreed to not curse each other, but she played herself. Elena says she should have given the money to Mark and Elena doesn’t know why she kept the money because she was obviously going to take the 5K. Elena says she’s watched BB and first place is always the worst and sixth place is always the veto. Elena says she feels bad, Alex is going to hate her and now she’s not going to let Matt use the veto on her. Mark says Matt doesn’t lie and Elena says he does lie, he lied to my face. Mark says Matt felt bad. Mark says this season has a lot of strong personalities, but not a lot of strong game players. Mark says if you took Paul out of this house, this season would be a joke.


5:45 PM BBT Mark says besides Alex and maybe Jason, who would we be scared of? Mark says people are so hooked on whatever Paul says or does, but he needs Josh out of the house. Elena asks if Mark if this season is a dud and he says no because there’s been enough fights in the house. Mark says there are too many floaters and the way people follow and stuff is and he shakes his head. Mark asks Elena if he can have her leftovers after their dinner later and she says she’s going to eat her entire plate. Jason is in the HOH with nearly everyone else talking about his “Extremitard”. Jason says why didn’t I take the vacation? Elena says every single person in her position would have taken 5K. Mark says these people are playing strangely because they didn’t want me to use POV last week. Elena says Alex put her on the block and in their eyes she’s disposable, so F them she’s taking 5K.


5:50 PM BBT Mark wants to win the next HOH so bad and shake up the house and let new targets emerge. Mark tells Elena that if Jason wins HOH he’s going to put up Matt and Christmas because Jason is sick of Mark being used as a pawn. Paul thinks their punishments will start tomorrow.


5:55 PM BBT Mark and Elena still in the RBR talking. Kevin and Paul are in the DBR. Mark says he feels like Elena thinks she’s dragging him through the game. Kevin says Cody talked to him and asked if there was any way to keep him safe. Paul says Cody might have made stuff up because he knows Kevin has kids. Paul says some people don’t give a crap. Kevin asks if they’re having the dinner tonight and Paul says tonight, probably in the yard. Paul goes to change. Paul goes into the RBR and Mark asks who is up for next week. Paul says he doesn’t know. Paul says there was just a consensus about Jessica and then Cody, but then everyone has their own agendas. Paul goes back to talk to Kevin and Matt joins the RBR.

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6:26pm cams 1-2 Matt/Raven Matt tells Raven he doesn't think they could be in a better spot; he talked to Elena, says Elena thinks Kevin is working with someone but wouldn't say who, Raven tells Matt if Elena gets HoH she'd put up Alex and Jasonand Elena will get Mark to nom Jason and Alex; Matt says Christmas would put up Mark and Elena, somebody Josh would also put up Mark and Elena; Raven would up Josh and Mark; after Cody's gone he doesn't see them having any problem coming up for them or Paul (Raven does a lot of talking here and I can't pick up well enough to get the gist of what she says) Elena said the only person in the house she wouldn't have taken the money from was Raven. Matt dosn't see a scenario that threatens Matt/Raven no matter who wins HoH thinks they will be good, thinks when Cody leaves things will blow up. Tells Raven she needs to be prepared to hear a lot fighting and a lot of game talk because everybody trusts her; Matt says if Mark/Elena; Alex/Jason, Josh/Christmas, want to have a war , have at it. Raven kinda trusts Paul but not sure. No one knows where Kevin's head is at; he needs to go. Matt says everybody else is paired up and for them it's them + Paul

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6:00 PM BBT Mark, Elena, and Matt are in the RBR. Elena is going to shower. Raven, Jason, Alex, Paul, Christmas, Josh, and Cody are in the HOH. Alex asks Cody if he wants to apply for Survivor and he says yeah. Alex says she likes the aggressiveness and shorter time period than Survivor. Cody says more competitions too. Matt is lying in bed downstairs and Raven goes to the room with him. Alex in the HOH is saying they’ve been in the real world and got to talk to people. Christmas says she only got to talk to her doctor and it was all bad news. Cody says he talked to a lot of people and Josh says really? Josh says because of interviews? Cody says yes. Cameras change to Paul, Kevin, and Jason. Elena is talking about the POV comp again and how Alex should have taken the trip.


6:05 PM BBT Paul, Jason, and Kevin are all also talking about the POV comp and Paul says he would have taken the 5K, but he also wouldn’t have made a promise before taking the money. Paul says him and Christmas have to wear outfits and be chained together and he says it will be funny because she’ll be scooting and he’ll be walking. Matt and Elena are talking about the POV and Matt says he can understand that Elena is upset. Matt says he didn’t realize Mark could cash the trip out. Mark and Raven join Paul, Kevin, and Jason. The landing upstairs where the chess table was now has green “turf” and some trees and what appears to be a little grill representing a “campfire”. Paul goes into the HOH room. Elena is asking Matt how he feels moving forward.


6:10 PM BBT Elena tells Matt that Josh told her she was on the block because she’s a strong competitor but she thinks it’s because of past votes. Matt says Josh told me it was because you voted for him. Kevin is talking to Mark, Raven, and Jason and they are talking about casinos and casino games. Matt tells Elena I like you, but at some point you might have to put me up, or I might have to put you up, that’s just the nature of the game. Matt says the only person he feels safe with is Raven and Elena says the same thing about Mark, and she’s not even “with” him. Matt says at this very point he doesn’t care that much. He said coming into the game his goal is to make jury and help Raven make F2.


6:15 PM BBT Elena says she wants to stay as long as possible because she wants to use it as a platform so she can maximize this experience to help her career. She says she probably wasn’t given much air time the first three weeks so that’s why she didn’t mind being a pawn. But she’s just there to help her career. She is wondering how quickly she’s going to have to get a job after this. She wanted to make jury so she can ensure she can pay her bills. Elena says the only person she wouldn’t have taken that 5K from was Raven. Matt asks Elena what her strategy is because Alex can play HOH next week. Matt says the thing he learned most in this game is relationships change by the minute. She may not feel good with Alex right now, but that might change in a week. Paul, Alex, Josh, Christmas, and Cody are in the HOH talking about their punishments for the week. Paul says it’s going to be bizarre.


6:20 PM BBT Alex says Elena promised! She says that’s the last time she’ll trust any of them. Kevin, Jason, Mark, and Raven are talking about Caleb and his Survivor appearances and Big Brother. Raven says he has a baby now. Matt is doing sit-ups in the LR and yells up Beast Mode and said he was 4th because they decided to take Victoria to F3. He says Frankie was 5th and Zack was 6th. Mark asks who was 7th. (Matt is way off on Zack, he came in 9th) Paul, Josh, Alex, Christmas, and Cody are talking about their first HOH competition and Josh says he was having an anxiety attack and people were making him feel uncomfortable.


6:25 PM BBT Paul says he was thinking about grabbing the golden apple because he was worried he needed a week of safety but then Josh did it and Paul couldn’t figure out why. Paul says he figured at that point he didn’t need it because homie went nuts. Josh says as he was grabbing the apple Nicole was saying Oh My God! And she was panicking for him. Jason and Mark are now alone on the landing. Matt and Raven are in the RBR. Matt fills Raven in on his conversation with Elena. Matt says he thinks they’re in good shape moving forward. He tells Raven that if Elena wins HOH she will put up Alex and Jason. Matt says that’s not what they necessarily want, but someone is going to have to do it eventually. Kevin joins Mark and Jason again and says they’re talking about Josh acting like a fool in front of Nicole.

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6:30 PM BBT Alex and Paul are telling Cody about the balance beam veto comp the week he was gone. Paul says Jessica went crazy on it. They talk about how poorly Dom did. Kevin says Cody is actually in the HOH and walking around and cleaning. Mark says he doesn’t like the isolation and Kevin says he did it himself. Matt and Raven are talking still and Matt says the only thing that can screw us up is if you hurt yourself and get taken out of the game and Raven says I’m done talking.


6:35 PM BBT Raven says she wants to go to the DR and rant and talk about her injuries because she hasn’t won a single thing, all she’s done is hurt herself in the house. Raven says she’s came in second twice this week, she has this scar and this scar, she’s injured her wrist twice, she’s hit her hand on a pan, she just closed the fish tank on it, she has a scar on her toe, her knee hasn’t healed, she has something on her face from cooking food for everyone. She has a mark on her boob that will scar, all she’s won are scars! Scars! Injuries! Raven says I don’t know why she picked Paul to play, he sucked today! Went out first just like he did last year. Doesn’t even want money, F you Paul! Kevin is talking about the Red Sox. Matt says Raven is having a pity party. Matt says if Raven is pouty during her speech he won’t vote for her to win. He also says not to trip while she’s getting up to give her speech. And she chipped her tooth! She says let’s not forget that! Matt says and this was all sober.


6:40 PM BBT Kevin has switched to talking about O.J. Simpson to Jason and Mark. Raven and Matt still in the RBR. Cody is telling them about the battle back maze against Cameron, Dominique, and Jillian. Cody says he beat them all by a lot. He says they were only halfway when he finished. He says when he had the choice he was calling maze before Julie even finished because he knew he’d have a one minute head start on whoever he was against because they would have to get used to it. Cody says he had also learned how extreme he could go with the tilt and that gave him an advantage too. Paul says he understands because it took him a minute to realize the handles were opposite. Alex is asking if Cody got to talk to Cameron at all? Cody says Cameron came up to say congratulations.


6:45 PM BBT Alex says it will be weird seeing Cameron because she doesn’t know him. Josh says Cameron’s whole campaign to stay was aggressive. Paul says he told Cameron to go talk to others because he couldn’t vote. Matt and Raven are in the KT eating. Elena is told to exchange her mic. Paul can’t believe Cameron wanted to go physical against Christmas. Paul says as there are fewer people they give them silly things to do for BBAD viewers. Paul says he had nothing in common with James and Nicole. Paul says they both liked country music a lot. Camera switches to Jason, Mark, and Kevin. They are talking about steak houses.


6:50 PM BBT Kevin and Mark are talking about the punishments. Mark is surprised Paul picked Christmas. Mark says he got into a fight because Cody said congratulations to him. Mark tells Kevin what his argument with Christmas was about. Mark says she questioned why he was talking to Cody and Kevin says can you talk personal with him? Kevin says there’s no more game to be fought, we’re going to get rid of him. Mark says he was expecting a lot of things in the house, but he wasn’t expecting this. Jason is called to the DR. Kevin goes into the HOH room and Mark goes downstairs. Kevin asks says he’s going camping, does anyone want to camp with him?


6:55 PM BBT Paul is saying the Outback dinner last year was when they were still in teams. So the team that won got to pick a second team to join them. Paul says they don’t get to pick, they get what they bring them. He says there might be an option of you’re a vegan. Paul says they all ate steak last year and it was a lot of food. Paul says the Ziggy Marley thing was the coolest thing they did. They are talking about there being no have-nots. Alex thanks Paul for making her a have-not. Paul says now you can’t say you haven’t had the full experience. Matt says Raven needs to be on Final Destination whatever number they’re on, like 8.

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7:00 PM BBT Christmas is going to get something to eat. Paul says we’ll get the yard tomorrow. Josh says they suck! He wants a steak and a beer! Cody, Paul, Alex, and Josh are still in the HOH talking about their punishments. Paul says his only lasts for two days. Paul says why’d they get us up super early today? Alex is tired. She tells Josh, Paul, and Cody they are welcome to shower upstairs all week.


7:05 PM BBT Mark has joined the HOH room. Talk in the HOH room has returned to Survivor and Mark and Alex think that Survivor has started to fall off. They also talk about The Amazing Race and then the reality shows in general. Matt and Raven start to head upstairs and Raven asks what they’re doing up there. Christmas says they were just talking about comps and Paul’s experience last season and the difference with this one. Matt and Raven join the HOH room and Christmas is making something to eat and she talks to Elena in the DBR. Kevin and Elena are in the lounge room chatting. General chatter.


7:15 PM BBT Elena and Kevin still chatting. Everyone else in the HOH talking about various things. Elena goes to do her make-up. Christmas and Elena are talking about hair and clothes. Christmas wants to borrow a couple of Elena’s outfits.


7:20 PM BBT Christmas and Kevin are now in the lounge. Kevin tells Christmas about Cody asking him for help. Everyone else is still in the HOH talking about various television shows.


7:25 PM BBT Cody is talking about a show on FX. They are talking about the show makes fun of things that people wouldn’t normally tolerate. Kevin is telling Christmas that he told Cody he can’t make up for what happened and he should just enjoy his last three days. Christmas is telling Kevin Alex is pissed about Elena taking the money from her.

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7:30 PM BBT Kevin is asking Christmas when they are done, the 20th or 27th. Christmas doesn’t know, but count on the 27th. She says you don’t want to be counting down and hit a day and then find out you have another week. *Correction* The HOH room is talking about a show called It’s Always Sunny. Jason is out of DR and who wants to see his “Extremitard”? It’s blue, yellow, and pink, with a yellow cape, a yellow hat with a pink X on his head and there is pink and yellow fringe on his arms. And every time a horn sounds he has to say He’s So Extreme! It’s not a horn, it’s some sort of announcer that says something and he has to yell I’m So Extreme! Kevin says you have to walk the yard with that thing on? Jason says he has to do everything in it and he’s not that excited. Paul is talking to Alex in the new “camp” area and Paul says Kevin is now retracting what he said about what Cody told him.


7:35 PM BBT Raven loves Jason’s Extremitard. Jason says he can’t let anything cover the X’s. Paul says his neck is going to be very strong and Jason says no it’s going to be sore. Paul asks what the shower rule is and Jason says he has to wear the helmet when he showers unless he’s washing his hair. Alex and Josh are in the HOH and Josh says Elena is selfish and greedy and she’s only playing for. We hear Jason is entering the bathroom, and it’s so extreme! Jason yells I’m so extreme! Josh is telling Alex about Elena throwing Alex under the bus last week. Alex says she’s a backstabbing ho who gets paid by mommy. Josh says Alex should call Elena out and Alex says she can’t now because they are at jury.


7:40 PM BBT Josh heads downstairs. General chatter in the KT. Christmas is going to the DR and Matt is doing push-ups and everyone else seems to be in the KT. Josh says Jason is the perfect guy for that because he IS extreme.


7:45 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are called to the DR. Paul yells Christmas Joy! Christmas says F my life. We hear even when Jason is doing absolutely nothing, it’s still extreme! He says I’m so extreme! Raven is now repeating the announcer on the extreme announcements in the voice. Matt says Christmas is going to be attached to Paul so she’s going to have watch them eat the dinner. Alex says oh my gosh! Raven says that’s so mean. Elena is doing her makeup at the dining room table.


7:50 PM BBT Kevin and Jason are whispering in the WA talking about Mark being concerned. We hear Jason is sitting down, that’s so extreme! He stands on a chair and says yeah, I’m extreme! Matt says Jason, we’re going to need you to not do that again. Jason says don’t tell me that, this costume is ridiculous and the helmet weighs 14 pounds. Josh wants to try it on. Jason says he can’t take it off.


7:55 PM BBT Matt says they probably had cards and just had to add Jason’s name on what to say. They get a warning they are not allowed to talk about production. Jason says that should be we can’t guess about production. Matt apologizes to him but says it’s better Jason did it than him. Alex says she has to be a camp counselor! Josh says we can’t mess with Jason all week. Raven says she’s going to make Jason “extreme” food. Josh says he’s going to be “extremely” annoyed. Alex says at least we aren’t making pies for 24 hours. Matt says they’ll call it in the middle of the night on you. Matt says every adjective in the DR should be extreme. Jason says they’ll be like why aren’t you excited. Cody says haven’t you watched earlier seasons? Everyone knows who goes out third gets screwed. Raven, Cody, and Kevin are fixing food. Alex, Matt, and Jason are sitting at the counter and Josh is leaning on the counter. Mark and Elena are at the table. Raven can’t wait until Paul and Christmas come out, she’s so excited.

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8:00 PM BBT Josh says Alex will burn the second floor down. They talk about the Adam and Eve costume for Victoria and Caleb. Elena says they didn’t like each other and their costume was for a week. Cody says no one liked Victoria. Raven says she was probably like a Dominique. Cody says they literally had distaste in their mouth at the thought of sharing a bed with Victoria. Alex starts reading the ingredients on the coke and we get FotH. Jason is taking his helmet off because Josh and Alex want to see how heavy it is. Cody says even without his helmet he is still extreme. He gives it to Alex and she makes a face then gives it to Josh and they get a stop that! Josh tries it on really quick and gives it back and they get a stop that again. Josh says that’s too heavy you should tell them to change that.


8:05 PM BBT Jason goes into the DBR with Kevin. Kevin says he should have taken the trip. He says instead he’s walking around in an extreme F’ing outfit instead of taking the trip. Jason says this is BS. Jason wonders how fast they make these things. Kevin says they have one for everyone and return the ones that aren’t used. Jason wants to know how he’s going to sleep in that. Kevin says you have to sleep in the helmet and Jason says he can take it off when he sleeps. Kevin says just headbutt Josh once and he’ll leave you alone the rest of the week. Cody and Alex are talking in the KT about getting fit. Jason tells Kevin that Alex was pissed about Elena taking the money from her. Kevin says he told Elena she did the right thing, but he didn’t know about the deal.


8:10 PM BBT Jason gets to keep his extremitard after this he tells Kevin. Kevin says he was complaining about a mermaid outfit and Jason had to do a toad outfit and the extremitard. Jason says he won’t be able to walk out in the yard in the morning because he can’t sweat in it. Alex joins Kevin and Jason and the first thing she says is she got 5K taken from her and now she has to be a camp counselor. Raven brings Kevin a hamburger. Jason says he has compression shorts on and it’s terrible. Josh tells Raven his burger is so good and she says thank you. FotH.


8:15 PM BBT Cody, Mark, Matt, Josh, and Raven are all in the KT just eating and general chit-chat. Alex, Kevin, and Jason are in the DBR and they are talking about days. Kevin asks Alex if she talked to Elena and Alex says she called her out in the yard. Alex asks if Elena told him something different? Alex says she’s not talking to Elena, F her. Alex says she’s going to stick by her promises. She hasn’t lied to anyone in the game and she’s not going to start. Alex says Christmas will probably have to stand out there and watch them eat and Kevin says that’s cold-blooded. Alex tells Josh to make sure there is no hair in the shower. Elena and Cody are in the WA. Matt is in the WC. Everyone else has moved to the DBR except Raven.


8:20 PM BBT General chatter. Alex is talking about it being pilot season. FotH. Back and general chatter still.


8:25 PM BBT Jason is doing some extreme lounging! Jason says yeah, I’m so extreme twice. Raven says it’s so weird to be a part of it. Alex says you can’t stay in bed? Jason says he has to make an X with his body. Cody says he was so excited for the frog outfit, but he doesn’t see the same excitement this time. Jason is standing in front of a camera talking to production thanking them for something and she apologizes for her rants. She knows they listen to her, they hear her cries, they hear her pleas. She’s hurt herself so much in the house. She got Oragel, that’s what she’s thanking them for. She’s listing her injuries again and then says it’s ok, it’s all part of her Big Brother experience.

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9:26pm alex is out of dr with her camping fear and a lot of it and a safari outfit; she has to carry the gear all the time; she cannot get help pitching the tent, when backyard open outside, otherwise inside, and she has to do it for a week, she has to use a lighter and propane, Alex is not happy. Equipment includes a large backpack with the tent inside, a canvas cooler, a sleeping bag, a canvas bag and a grill. Nobody can help her set up the tent, no one else can go in the tent. Every time she hears a bugle she has to set up the tent; and bring everybody a hot dog.

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8:30 PM BBT Matt and Raven talking about Alex and Elena in the KT. Kevin, Cody, Jason, Alex, Josh, and Mark are in the DBR talking. They are talking about Jason’s extreme outfit. Raven is waiting for Paul and Christmas to pop out and Matt can’t believe how long they’ve been in there. Cody goes to the HN room and grabs a towel.


8:34 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are out of the DR and Paul is on Christmas’s scooter and he yells who wants to go tandem skydiving. All the HG come to the KT and say it’s so funny. Paul says they look like a F’ing creature. They have to sleep in their outfits. They have 48 hours. It is a very short connection between the two and they have to shower together, potty together (one outside while the other goes), and they have to sleep together. Elena says that’s very funny. Christmas says it’s hot. They have altimeters on. They have helmets on and goggles at all. Christmas says they went skydiving and they had such fun they decided to keep it on. We here Woah! That’s so extreme! Jason yells yeah I’m so extreme! Christmas and Paul are still trying to figure out how to maneuver the scooter together. They are trying to figure out how to go to the bathroom. Paul says they have to be on the same cycle to go to the bathroom. Christmas asks Paul if he needs water running? Paul says he’s good, he doesn’t care. Christmas feels like she’s finally on BB and gets to do something amazing. As soon as Paul is out they have to reconnect or they will get a penalty. Raven has followed them and says it’s so funny. Paul says he’s going to wash his hands.


8:40 PM BBT Christmas and Paul are whispering about how pissed Alex is. Paul says yeah she is, but we have to make for sure that Cody goes. Christmas is told to reattach her microphone. Paul and Christmas have piled onto Josh’s bed. Elena, Mark, and Raven are in the KT talking. Everyone else is in the DBR. Cody is taking a shower. Chat has turned to Cody. Paul is glad he’s up socializing. Matt says they were so much better separate. Paul is laying in the fetal position and Christmas is behind.


8:45 PM BBT Cody comes through and Christmas says I can’t believe you missed out on this! Cody says I seen it from upstairs. Christmas says no I mean you said no to being tied to Paul. Cody says who would have been in front? They all laugh. Paul says he’s over this already. Christmas says grumpy Paul is going to come out. Alex is called to the DR. Raven is asking how Alex’s punishment will go. Kevin says she has to put up a tent too? Josh says she has to put it up, take it down, AND give everyone the hot dogs.


8:50 PM BBT Raven doesn’t like hot dogs, can’t eat ‘em, they’re disgustin’. Mark and Elena are in the KT whispering about the veto comp again. Raven says you’re a sitting duck for 48 hours Paul. Paul says I was a sitting duck all last season. HG, the lockdown is now over, you are now free to move about the house. Kevin says the yard is open?!? Paul says that means we’re not eating tonight. He says that’s weird. He’s pretty sure they ate the same day last year. He says hmmm. Maybe tomorrow? Elena and Mark are going to the WA and Elena is saying she felt bad about it at first, but after she thought about Alex was the dumb one. She says has Alex never watched the show before, what was she thinking. Mark says what concerns him is who else was up there and Elena says everyone. Elena says literally be a more intelligent human being and you won’t be in these situations. Elena says there is no way she wouldn’t have been a good sport if Alex had taken the money from her. Jason has decided to go outside. Paul says he’s grumpy.


8:55 PM BBT Jason has gone outside and Kevin is getting ready to go out. Mark and Elena are in the WA still. Josh, Christmas, and Paul are in the DBR. Kevin says maybe they’ll play some music out there since it’s an extremely nice night. Josh says that’s extremely not going to happen. Cody is outside on the bike and Jason is standing outside with his arms crossed. Cody says he bets the helicopter that just flew over can probably see Jason. Mark and Elena join Christmas, Paul, and Josh in the DBR. Josh doesn’t think there will be have nots but Mark thinks there has to be because there isn’t enough food. Kevin is doing laundry. We hear Jason, it’s time for an extreme pool game and he yells I’m so extreme twice. Paul says that’s so F’ing funny. Elena says it is, but a whole week they’re going to get tired of it.

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9:00 PM BBT Mark asks if Paul and Christmas if they can sleep on their backs and they can’t. Josh says what do you have to do if you want to face the other way. Christmas says unbuckle and buckle back up. Paul wants to try and go to the KT so they can get something to eat. Christmas says after Alex is out she needs to go to the DR and get her medicine. Christmas says this is what it’s like being married. Christmas says they should play a game of pool. Kevin and Jason are playing pool. Christmas and Paul still have not moved. Mark says it’s almost 10.


9:05 PM BBT Paul and Christmas finally decide to try to move. Elena says she’s more than happy to help Christmas and Paul if they need anything and don’t want to get up. Mark asks if Josh wants anything to eat and then remembers he already ate. Christmas and Paul are going to share a burger.


9:10 PM BBT Josh and Elena are talking in the DBR. Josh says he thought for the first 7 weeks he was going home, but now he doesn’t care because he made jury. Christmas and Paul are going outside. We hear Jason, you are so extreme! Josh tells Elena she looks really nice and asks if she dressed for dinner? Elena says she just showered and washed her hair and she has DR. Josh says she looks nice. Josh is going to go outside and Elena is going to eat. Jason says he’s extremely aggravated he has to wear that for the entire week. Cody and Kevin are playing pool and Christmas and Paul are settling onto a lounge outside.


9:15 PM BBT Kevin is going to get Paul and Christmas something to drink. Josh and Cody are going to play pool. Mark and Elena are getting something to eat. Jason is sitting at the counter in the KT. Paul asks Christmas if her goggles are foggy too? She says yes. Paul is re-hashing his conversations with Kevin to Christmas. Paul says he’s backtracking on what he originally said.


9:20 PM BBT Christmas can’t wait to see Alex’s thing. Christmas thinks it will all be upstairs. Inside, Elena is talking to Mark about everyone always remember the costumes and crazy things they have to wear. They are talking about what all they’ll put on the show.


9:25 PM BBT Alex says hey campers! Who’s ready for an adventure. She has three packs on her back and 2 bags she is carrying. Paul says she looks pissed. Mark asks if she wants help with her bags and she says she can’t. Jason says you get to keep all that cook stuff though and she says no I don’t. Raven says oh my God! Christmas asks if it’s heavy and she says yeah. Paul says and you have to lug that around everywhere? Alex says yes. Paul says what are your stipulations? Alex says this is me for a week and she has to make them all F’ing hotdogs so get their camping gear out because they’re going to the F’ing woods. She has to pitch a tent and Paul says when and she says when she hears a bugle. Paul says she has to carry the grill around. Jason says she literally has to pitch the tent? Alex says yes. Jason can we help? Alex says no one can help. Christmas says for how long and Alex says a whole week. Alex says this is what happens when promise not to curse people. And she has propane for the grill. Kevin asks if she knows how to use it and Alex says no. She can’t work out either. Jason says she looks real good. Alex says so do you. Jason is looking through her packs.


9:29 PM BBT We hear the first bugle and Alex has to start. She’s muttering she’s so angry. Jason is laying down watching her. She’s reading the instruction manuals. She says she’s super salty. She lets Jason read the directions but says he can’t touch anything. Mark and Elena are in the SR. She says sucks to be Alex. She says she wants to feel sorry for her, but she can’t. Christmas and Paul come over for moral support. Christmas says we can’t help at all? Alex says Elena has not apologized at all. Jason attempts to help Alex and he gets a Jason, stop that! Alex says she couldn’t give this to Mark? She’s the greediest.

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9:35 PM BBT Elena tells Matt that Alex went off about her upstairs. Elena is trying to get into the DR. Alex is explaining that she takes the tent down after she does the hot dogs. Alex says she’s such a nice girl. Raven is reading Alex’s instructions and Jason is asking the same questions. He wants to know if she has to carry the backpacks all the time. Alex has to go in to get the propane tank for the grill. She can’t find it in the SR so she goes into the DR. Cody, Matt, Raven, Paul, Christmas, and Jason are all gathered around Alex’s campsite while she’s looking for the propane tank. Alex says she has to wait and she’s still complaining about Elena not apologizing to her. Paul and Christmas decide to go get Christmas’s medicine. Kevin and Josh are in the SR and they are talking about how F’ed up it is that Alex has to do that.


9:40 PM BBT Mark is telling Elena that he’s distracted because of her beauty, but he’s falling for her because of everything else. Elena says he does have a way of making a girl feel special. Mark says you deserve it and she says or I don’t. Alex has found the propane. Matt and Raven have moved to the hot tub. Kevin and Jason are watching Alex. Cody is next to Alex trying to give her tips on how to do the grill. Cody says it didn’t stay lit so she has to do it again. He’s telling her exactly how to light the grill.


9:45 PM BBT Jason and Alex are arguing over who’s punishment is worse. Kevin and Jason start singing the Star Spangled Banner and Josh joins in. Jason says they should sing it every time Alex has to set up the camp. Alex says they can’t go in the tent at all. Christmas and Paul are back to watching Alex.


9:50 PM BBT Paul says Alex, this is very F’ed up. Christmas says how did you go from 5K? Josh says it’s ok, we’re having hot dogs all week. Alex is mumbling about shoving all the hot dogs in her mouth. Elena says being a have is fun, but she knows Alex is going to make her a have-not. Mark doesn’t think Alex will do that. Elena says oh yeah, 100%. Mark says she’s not petty like that. Elena says she’s mad because in her mind I cursed her when really she doesn’t know how to play the game and cursed herself.


9:55 PM BBT Alex says don’t eat the hot dogs, they are poisoned. They all laugh. Josh asks if there is ketchup? They are asking for condiments. Alex has to keep the hot dogs in the refrigerator. Jason says if they want to be an asshole, they are going to wait until she packs up and then blow the bugle again. Paul says they are going to do that, 100%. Paul says Paulie would finish a pie and have to make a second one. Paul advises her to be funny about it. The hot dogs are done and Alex is putting the hot dogs on buns. Raven and Matt come to get their hot dogs. Cody gets his and says thank you. Paul tells Josh to go get some condiments.

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11:30 PM BBT Alex: "This is why the world hates Americans. We cook 100 hot dogs for no reason, for entertainment, while kids in Africa are starving."

Cody: "I don't think any of those kids in Africa would have eaten those soy hot dogs."

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  • morty unpinned this topic

11:39pm BBT Alex/Jason/Josh Alex says the bitch is pouting isn't she; Jason asks if the plan is still the same, Alex says yeah, Matt pulls you off and let her sweat, Jason says so the plan was not to take me off, and Alex explains that Elena is trying to get Matt to pull her off, Elena looked at Matt and he told Elena she was still goo in his book so that's why she went for the money; Jason asks for confirmation that Matt was still taking him off and Alex said he should be. Alex is pissed off because in her veto when it was extremely important that they win they could have gone for the money but knew veto was more important and that could have been $5k; if it was that important to her she'd have gone for the veto she's being greedy because she thinks she'll be in the game longer. Josh comes in Alex tells him Elena will ask who he's voting for, don't tell her, keep ambiguous. Josh says Elena is trying to do damage control. Josh tells Alex that's she's going to get aggravated this week but not to loose her cool at this point there is nothing she can do about it; the whole house sees it and she doesn't need to ruin her game. Josh says Cody is getting concerning, getting super friendly. Alex says they've seen it.  Alex said she promised she wouldn't make Elena a have not because it's her birthday, she made her food, and did her nails, stood up for her when Dom said she was a pretender and only wanted fame; Josh said everyone is on to her. Josh says Mark and Elena are really smart people.

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11:44pm BBT Christmas and Paul come up to HoHR. Paul says they have already executed this week, and it would be ridiculous to change it, Josh says Cody trying to get close to Kevin. Paul, Christmas talk about how Kevin is telling them different stories. Paul says Kevin asked why everyone is freaking out when they see him talking to Cody. Kevin said so when they see the vote is 7-0 we'll be okay.  Christmas says this has been going on for about a week and a half. (Raven/Matt come in) Jason says Kevin tries to make everyone think he's doing them a solid. Jason wonders why Kevin told him about Cody having a child. Then Kevin said he thought Cody was lying to him. Paul, Cody is shady. Then counts votes from those in the room. Following week,  of them wins HoH Elena goes up.  They have a reason to put her up.  Alex tells new arrivals about previous veto when there was a money prize when she and Jason did not go  for money because they knew how important veto was. Alex said if she had been the one to win she was going to take Mark's prize. Alex said Elena said something about being have not, Alex said she made a promise and she wasn't going back on it.Rave/Matt  & Paul/Christmas leave HoHR. Alex tells Josh and Jason that she did not want to talk in front of Raven/Matt. Josh says he doesn't want anyone else to look at Kevin like that. Jason says he's glad Josh said that. Kevin has been loyal to them. Jason says Kevin wanted to be the hero; he wanted to work with Cody in case he got HoH and Kevin could have said I'm buddy buddy with him and he'll save us; and it would have worked. But once Kevin started talking to Cody, Cody started rallying the troops and planning a coupe; and they thought if they got Jason and Kevin they'd have the numbers to flip this thing back. Josh said he saw it but didn't say anything, what he saw was Mark trying to work an angle with Jason. Jason says as soon as Kevin saw they were seeing him as sketchy he starting getting worried about what he was doing . Alex says they have to be careful of what they say to  Kevin. Kevin might seem like he's sad or seem like he's missing home but he is  not a frail old man, he's younger than he pretends to be, he's younger than most of their parents. Do not let him fool you.He plays helpless and gets others to do everything for him. He playing you guys. Josh says his concern was why is Kevin getting so close to Cody. Josh says he doesn't talk game with Kevin; it kind of  saying you have my back and I have your back. He could see in Kevin's face that something he was hiding or something bothering him. Josh says Cody, Elena and Mark are working together, don't be fooled. They are trying to integrate. Josh says make them feel a part of the group; but the real group is the 3 of them and Kevin. Alex says no more talking game to Kevin, even in HoHR they need to change the subject or make it very light game play because he's doing something shady, he has been. The Cody stuff, why is he talking game to Cody, even today, when he knows Cody is going out this week. Kevin is a smart man. Josh says he doesn't understand is we other people into the group, we have something good going, we have the numbers why integrate  people into the group; when we have people who literally wanted us out day 3, they literally had a pecking order for us so why are you trying to work with them now. Jason says Elena's character has never changed. Alex says but Christmas has evolved and she literally loves her now, but when she has her outbursts don't like her. Josh Leaves, Alex asks Jason to stay  

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