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Wednesday July 12, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too, and in the meme contest... I almost forgot about the meme contest!

Thank you!

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2:41AM BBT Josh heads into the wave room and has the worst friendship talk ever.  [Initially it seemed like he was talking to someone near the door, but backing up the tape, he's alone-BBLurkerPlus]


2:44AMBBT Josh says he trusts Xmas completely, and he probably fucked up by aligning with Cody initially.  He then drops his voice to a whisper and tells the camera he'll let "you guys" know - that he'll probably go home next week.  [In other words, more Josh paranoia-BBLP]


2:45AM BBT Josh says he trusts a lot of people in the "big alliance" then names off Paul, Xmas, Mark, Dom as people he trusts.  He says he LOVES Raven, but he doesn't trust her.  He also says he trusted all the wrong people before.  He says if he gets HoH this week, "this house is going to flip the fuck out."


2:47AM BBT He says he has so much on his mind, he can't sleep.  He says he wants the 500k for him and his family, but his gameplay so far isn't going to get him there.  He spiraled and crashed initially and fucked up.  He said the beauty of BB is a new target presents itself all the time.


2:49AM BBT Josh talks about when Paul put him up and he trusted Paul. He was terrified, but he trusted Paul.  He says it sucks playing the game alone.  He said his advantage is people think he's slow (then he says, "or maybe I am" - honesty!) or that he's not athletic.  His strategy starting tomorrow is not to preach how low he is or about his character or how he wants to work with someone.  Everything will be actions, actions, actions, actions.


2:51AM BBT He starts to say who he wants to get out as HoH, then trails off.  He says he had a conversation with Alex, but now she's done in his book.  He says he loves Kevin, but Kevin's playing his own game and throws Josh under the bus all the time, so he can't talk game with Kevin, even though he loves him.


2:53AM BBT He's now talking about Matt being SO sneaky and how he wants to get him out so bad.  He says as soon as Josh makes it into Jury, Matt is going HOME.


2:54AM BBT Josh says "I wanna help" (scratches balls) "I wanna help Jason, but Alex is in the way."


2:55AM BBT He says once I get in Jury, it's win, win, win, win, win, veto...unless I get back doored. 


2:56AM BBT He's talking about missing his family and how hard that is. Everyone can judge him that isn't in the house, but they don't know how lonely it is in the house for him.  But from now on he's looking out for his damn self.


2:57AM BBT He says he can tell XMAS has trust issues with him.  He can tell by the way people act...by the way people move.  He looks at her as his number one, but he's hurt that she hasn't checked with him about things he knows she's heard about him.  But still, he says he'll ride with her.  He then mutters "this game is so fucking tough, man."


2:59AM BBT He's calling out other players like Dan and Rachel that were alone in the house, but beasted through and did really well.  He says they have his respect.  He does shoutouts to his family (at 3am BBT) then says even with all the highs and lows, it's still the coolest experience.


[Paul needs to give Josh friendship talk tips.  He sucks at them. Bad. - BBLP]


[ DenBR is quiet, so Josh is likely the snorer in there since he's in the wave room now. - BBLP]




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 9:00am-10:00am BBT: BB wakes HG, Christmas is in the WA and Cody comes in to talk to her and ask if everything is ok and she says yeah its good. Cody wants to talk to her about the game, She ask him to tell her why she was put up on the block, Cody says that Dom and Mark told him  that Christmas had to go then after they wanted you to stay. He says i was upset and felt betrayed after Mark switched his vote. Christmas thanks Cody for telling her everything and he says he will come back in battle back and  wants to be with her and Paul and take over this house.
                 In the bedroom Alex,  Jason and Ramses are talking about how shady Kevin is playing both sides of the house and how close he is to Paul, They talk about how Paul always calls Kevin to the HOHR and talks to him a lot.


10:00am-11:00am BBT: Cody and Jessica talking and whispering really low. Christmas called to the DR and has now left the house for her surgery. Cody and Jessica continue talking. Most Hg are just sitting around just general talk going on.

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11:10am BBT: Hg are sitting around just talking general talk and Alex working out in the LVR.

11:25am BBT:Cody and Jessica in the lounge rm talking general talk and laughing, In the LVR is, Kevin telling stories about fighting and smoke filled arenas to Ramses and Matt.

11:40am BBT: Just general talk still going on through the house while Paul cooks more french toast.

11:48am BBT: Kevin doing ADL's in the WA telling Ramses how to clean his face. Jessica and Cody still in the Lounge rm talking general talk and snuggling as they listen to the other HG in the KT.

11:55am BBT:Raven, Matt, Ramses and Alex in the KT talking general talk. Paul calls Alex to the HOHR. He tells Kevin he wants to talk to him and Kevin says ok. Paul says i was having a talk  with mark and Christmas and other yesterday and they think you are sad and do not know what yo do in this house. Paul says it is perfect so you are doing good. He tells Kevin that  the group is thinking that you are alone and that we do not talk game  or anything so that is my plan. Paul then says this is the plan the next few weeks, If they get power they want Ramses and Jessica out of this house now. Kevin says ok good.

11:59am BBT: Paul tells Kevin their plan is working now. Paul ask him  have you been memorizing stuff and Kevin says yeah i have, Paul tells him good keep it up.

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12:01pm BBT: Kevin and Paul talk about playing chess now and Paul goes to feed the fish. Cody is in the shower in the WA downstairs while Jessica does her make up.

12:10pm BBT: Hg sitting around eating  or talking general talk about music or doing ADL's 

12:31pm BBT: Kevin and Jason in the LVR talking about people doing make up and laughing, Most Hg in the KT area being loud but can not see them, Jessica doing make up in the WA as Cody  watches her.

12:53pm BBT: Hg sitting around talking general talk. Mark brushing teeth in WA while Cody watches Jessica still doing make up. Raven comes out and says you are gonna love this as she goes to the KT to make a slop cake for Jason for his birthday today/

12:58pm BBT: All HG in the KT except Jason and DOm as raven tried making a slop cake. Kevin telling stories about movies.

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1:11pm BBT: Alex puts a watermelon in her shirt saying look i am pregnant to Jason. She then laughs. In the KT Most Hg are sitting talking general talk.

 1:26pm BBt: Jessica fixing the plumbing under the sink for Ramses and raven. She tells them wait and pulls the back of her pants down a little telling them if she is going to be a plumber she needs a plumbers crack, Raven and Ramses laugh. In the Money BR Kevin and Alex were talking about how many days they have been in the house and today is 22. mark and Jason in there now and they talk about days and numbers  for future comps.

1:47pm BBT: Cody and Jessica in the HNR laying down and snuggling, Matt in WA trimming his beard and sideburns, Elena up and brushing her teeth.

1:54pm BBT: Paul pours pickle juice in a cup and gets everyone down to the KT.Paul says Josh this is day 2 of your pickle juice losing. Josh says i want to say you all suck but i am a man of my work. he then says this is awful it taste like a bucket of salt. he drinks it and makes faces and says he will never eat another pickle in his life again.

 1:56pm BBT: Paul ask Josh if he is crapping better now and Josh tells him no i am constipated from damn pickle juice. Paul is laughing hysterically.

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3:45pm BBT Raven comes back in with an ice pack. She says she needs stitches (which they'll do on site once the doctor gets there).  They call a HOHLD while they clean the stairs and everyone needs to put on shoes 


3:49pm BBT FOTH while they clean the stairs

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6:00 PM BBT In the HOHR, Dominique, Raven, Elena & Ramses are discussing that Raven hurt the same foot that Christmas hurt. Dominique said Christmas was supposed to have her surgery at 3 PM BBT. Raven says the KT needs to be cleaned again. Elena says she's not trying to one up Raven, but she hurt her foot yesterday also. Raven says she had to throw away her pink socks because they had blood on them. She says the BB didn't want them put in the washer. Ramses asks Raven if her tea was hot. She says, yes & we get FOTH.

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6:03 PM BBT The feeds coming back with Raven saying she told the DR that she cut her foot & then it started bruising. She says her elbow & head started to hurt also. She says they told her the adrenaline was wearing off. We get FOTH for a moment. Raven says whenever she gets upset it makes her disease act up. She says she was anxious because of her mom seeing her fall. She says she threw up a little bit. She says she took her nausea medicine. She says Paul was a sweetheart & cooked her rice & chicken.

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6:04 PM BBT Raven says that Paul saw the whole thing. Elena says she saw her head hit. Raven says that Paul was telling everyone not to move her. Raven says she appreciates Cody, Kevin, Paul & everyone being so sweet to her. Raven says she's ready to go to sleep tonight for sure. Elena tells her that after she's been up long enough they should let her rest. She says if she needs anything she will help her. Elena says she's going to clean the KT. Dominique says she needs to work out. Raven says she needs to use the bathroom. They all gather stuff up & leave the HOHR.


6:07 PM BBT Paul & Jason are using chairs in the area between the Dining Room & the LR to do reverse push-ups. After they are done with their turn Josh takes a turn. Paul says they are doing 2 sets & then moving on. Mark goes over to take a turn next. Alex asks Paul how tall he is? Paul says, about 5'7"ish. Dominique gets called to the DR. Kevin gets told to please put on his microphone. Paul shows everyone the next type of push-ups they are going to do.

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6:10 PM BBT Alex gets called to the DR. Kevin asks Paul if he works out at home? He says he usually eats clean during the week at home. He says he doesn't usually eat junk food. He says his junk food is eating a nice steak or a nice burger at a restaurant, not from a fast food place. He says he eats edibles or uses something to dry weed out & he inhales the vapor (THC) from it. He says he definitely smokes a joint every now & then. He says it doesn't do anything to your lungs.



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6:14 PM BBT Paul says he likes to smoke a little bit & then have a couple drinks. He says you wake up the next morning feeling like a little baby. Raven is now laying on a couch with her foot propped up. Dominique & Kevin are sitting on the couch across from her. Jason is standing on the lily pad in the LR. The guys are working out inside. Raven asks Dominique if she could go in the SR & get her some Aleve? She says, yes & goes.



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6:16 PM BBT Elena, Ramses & Matt are cleaning the KT. Elena & Ramses are doing the dishes. Matt says he will clean out the sink when they are done. Elena is washing the dishes. Ramses is drying the dishes. Elena says she has one puppy that is mixed at home & she misses it. Elena is about to throw up washing the dishes. Ramses tells her he will swap with her if she wants him to. He says she isn't having a good time washing the dishes. She says she is just going to be herself & shelve it. She says there's no vacancy. Matt asks if there's another sponge? He rinses one out & takes it to clean off the red bar table. Paul walks in the KT to talk to Jessica, who's standing on the lily pad there.


6:21 PM BBT Jessica takes out her red bandana out of her hair & she messes with her extensions. She says she pays $150 a month for a gym membership at Equinox. She says they are charging her $30 a month while she's on the show. Matt says his gym membership is only $35 a month. Jessica says Equinox is amazing. She says it's usually $200 a month for one location. Matt says that's rediculous. Elena says it's where you could find your husband.

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6:23 PM BBT Jessica says that Madonna teaches a yoga class once in a while in West Hollywood. She says it's one of the busiest Equinox'. She says she would never go there even though she lives there. She says she goes to the Hollywood one, because it's newer. She says not many celebrities that go there. Jessica says that you have to have over 1 million followers on Social Media to go to one of the locations. Cody says he has no Facebook friends. Elena says she hopes people want to follow her because of her content & not her boobs.


6:26 PM BBT Elena says her content is pretty solid. Cody asks if she's ever had a content reduction? She says no, but she probably should. She says she's sorry she is getting Mark's shirt messed up while she's doing the dishes. Matt asks everyone to keep the place nice for the live eviction tomorrow. Elena says, please. Raven is now sitting at the red bar table in the KT.

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6:28 PM BBT Kevin says he thinks they are doing some Crossfit exercises. Matt tells Kevin if he loses a bet against Raven he has to take ballet lessons from her. Elena tells Jason he smells good. She asks Jason to come by her every few minutes so she can smell him, because it's refreshing from what she is smelling. Elena says she's getting light-headed & might faint while washing the dishes. She says she's not used to doing stuff like dishes. She says she doesn't do manual labor.


6:30 PM BBT Elena & Ramses switch out. Ramses is now washing the dishes & Elena is going to dry them. Cody goes by the sink to wash his hands. The guys are still working out in the area between the Dining Room & LR. Elena says they have a Z Gallery bowl. She says it might be like $15. She says the couches there are like $4,000. Ramses asks if Pier 1 is expensive? Elena says they are expensive, but not Z Gallery expensive. She says she used to work at Pier 1 when she was in college.

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6:34 PM BBT Elena asks what day they are on in the house? Matt says, it's Wednesday, July 12, Day 22. Jason side hops to the WA from the KT. Matt is starting another pot of coffee. Alex gets up from the Dining Room table & adjusts her shorts, before heading to the the green bedroom. Alex gets her suitcase to start packing it.


6:38 PM BBT Paul asks if anyone wants anymore of the chicken before he puts it away. No one does. Raven gets up from the red bar table & leaves the KT. Raven & Matt go to the SR. Raven gets some ice cream. She asks Matt what he's looking for? He says he's pulling stuff out that they may need. Raven gets called to the DR. She takes the ice cream & asks Paul if he will set it on the counter for her. She tells the DR she is going. She tells Paul she may be getting her stitches now & she goes to the DR. Paul puts the ice cream on the red bar table in the KT for her.

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6:41 PM BBT Elena tells Ramses the gold silverware is pretty dope. She tells him that her house is really colorful & cute. She says she has a pink sign that says "Girls Rule." She says she has open picture frames on a big wall. She says she has exposed shelves. She says she has her pretty bowls & plates sitting out & she collects coffee mugs. She says her upstairs bathroom is light blue & yellow. She says her bedroom is pink skulls. She says it's a loft & it's really open. She says she likes it a lot.


6:43 PM BBT Ramses says his room has a lot of plants & trees on the walls. He says he would like to move to New York for like a year, but he knows it would be expensive & he doesn't know anyone there. Ramses says everyone in the house needs blessings to be safe since they keep getting hurt. He says he thought Christmas just got back for some reason. Elena says she too little to put the cups up in the cupboards. Ramses says the work out seems amazing. He asks Elena if she would do it? She says, yes. Ramses says he really wants to do it.

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6:46 PM BBT Elena tells Matt he's almost done with the slop. He says it really doesn't bother him that much. Alex says Jason is the dumbest person alive for having to be a HN another week. Kevin comes out of the WA wearing a towel around his waist & carrying his clothes. Ramses asks him what's wrong & if he's threatening him? (Jokingly) Ramses tells Elena it was just them grab-a$$ing. Dominique looks in the refrigerator & then shuts it. Alex says a cheeseburger is the perfect meal because it has everything you need on it.


6:49 PM BBT Mark says they shouldn't be given the chocolate protein anymore. He says they give them 2 chocolate to every 1 vanilla protein. Alex tries to explain to them that they used Cotsco to say money. Dominique is in the LR doing high steps & working out. The guys are still doing push-ups for their work out.

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6:52 PM BBT Matt is eating some slop while sitting at the red bar table in the KT. Elena thanks Ramses for helping her with the dishes. She says she couldn't have done it alone. She says she would have looked at the sink & vomit. She says someone would have to clean the sink & her vomit. She says she can't let her sink get dirty at home or she will get sick.


6:54 PM BBT Matt & Alex are talking about the topic of age coming up last night in the WA. Matt says he doesn't understand why Cody would even ask Elena how old she thought he was. Alex says she doesn't even know if Cody was a Marine. Matt says it sounds fishy. Alex says he never used his GI Bill. Alex thinks he's lying. Paul tells Alex he made some bomb a$$ rice. Alex says she has 3 minutes to try it. She gets up & tries it. Matt says it's bizarre about Cody. He says they don't care how old he is. Matt says he thinks people aren't saying things, but he doesn't think they are lying about things. Alex says she lives with her parents right now.

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6:58 PM BBT Matt says he really wants to stay with the company he works for, but he really doesn't want to do another winter in DC. He says they will probably be home by Halloween time. Alex says she works for a small company & it's good publicity for them. She says she wants to do her bikini thing & travel. She says the winter months in the US are the best time to travel. She's says it's monsoon season in Cambodia. She says her ex-boyfriend has a bomb a$$ job. She says he works for a production company. She says he bought her a ticket to Thailand to leave the day after she started her new job. She says she lied & told them she would be gone for 2 weeks & they didn't have a return ticket. She says the owners are Armenian. We see FOTH.

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7:04 PM BBT The live feeds come back with Alex talking about the crime in South America. Matt says he would like to go places to visit. He says he drinks & doesn't do any hard drugs. Dominique is now in the HOHR. She is drinking water as she walks around. Mark is up there with her & he leaves. Kevin is in the green bedroom. He asks everyone what's up (to the cameras)? He says it's no joke in the house. He says it's Day 22 today. He shouts out to his children.


7:07 PM BBT He speaks a little French. He asks his wife, Deb, what she's doing? He sings a little bit & we get FOTH again.

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7:08 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Kevin still shouting out to people. Elena goes to the HOHR to put some toilet paper in the WA there. Jessica is lying on the lily pad in the HNBR. Cody is sitting with her. Jessica talks about a friend of hers getting a bulldog & naming it Kenneth Powers. We get FOTH yet again.


7:11 PM BBT Live feeds come back with all cams on the Dining Room & KT area. Alex is talking more about her trip to Thailand. She is talking about someone dying there & we get FOTH for a few seconds. We get cams in the HNBR again. Cody says he wants to take massage classes. Dominique gets told to please put her microphone on. Jessica tells Cody it would be a good investment. She says she can't wait to get a great massage. She says she can't believe how spoiled she was until she came in the house. Cody says he believes she is. She says she spoils herself. She says no one else does it. She says she likes making her money herself. She says when she's single the money goes to eating out. She says when she's in a relationship she eats in. Cody tells her to never buy him anything. Jessica says she can't promise that. She talks to him about the 5 languages of love.

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