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Well here we are again. It really has been a packed week. I feel like I watched a whole season of Big Brother in less than 7 days. We left off with Megan leaving. I watched the show tonight and they really didn't explain why she left. We know what she posted, but the show did a crappy job of editing her. They did do a great job of editing Jessica as a beotch. Can you tell I don't like her? She comes off as every mean girl I have ever met. Case in point - yesterday after the POV comp which Alex won, she was up in the HOH room with Cody, he was showering, he comes out in a towel and she is laying in bed. She tells him to come to bed but not to put any clothes on. I know she knows cameras are on everywhere but she loves them.. He comes over and gets in bed and she sits on top of him and proceeds to tell him all that he did wrong including telling him that she felt he threw the comp. This feeds into her insecurities, and jealousies. He starts to cry.. What the hell is wrong with the younger generation? I felt watching it that she was taking advantage of him. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Cody for any reason what so ever. He has no personality, cheek bones, or feelings but I felt like she used her feminine wiles to get him in a position to control him. It seems to me that this is how she gets over in life. She is a pretty girl and I hope she is smart enough to use her brains and not her boobs to get further in her world. I'm glad I got that off my chest. 

We all knew that Alex was going to pull herself off the block. Jillian spent the day complaining about EVERYTHING. I swear, she finds a way to turn everything that is going on to be about her. WARNING SPOILERS- stop reading now if you don't want to find out what happen. You have been warned!! 

The house spent today talking to Cody who promised everyone that he is loyal and is going to make a big move by putting up someone from his side. We know it won't be Jess so by simple deduction it would be Paul. They held the ceremony and Cody tried to replace Alex with Paul, this didn't go well since Paul holds the Pendant of Protection and can not be nominated for the next 3 weeks. So Christmas went up. When the feeds came back on the house had EXPLODED! Cody was pissed, Christmas was even more pissed, Jessica was pissed, well who wasn't pissed. Everyone ran around yelling and crying except for Josh, Jillian, Dominique, and Ramses. They were well hidden and keeping a very low profile least they get caught up in the fray. If I was Paul, I would have used it too so Cody needs to lighten up. He was blaming Paul for everything. Eventually, all simmered down and everyone talked to each other and realized, it's a game. The only one I am concerned with is Jessica. she thinks the best way to win is to use her looks, and body to sway others and in the history of the game it has never won anyone the game. I hope that at some point she uses her mind and realizes it is as much a social game as a physical game. 


I woke up yesterday to Christmas laying in the back yard moaning and crying with her foot up in the air. It seems she was literally horsing around with Jason playing "save a horse,ride a cowboy" when he slipped on some wet turf and she came down and hurt herself. She was carted off to DR and then the hospital and only came back late in the day with a cast on. She worked all night for her votes and it looks like she got them. Bye Jillian.. She spent a lot of time with Mark who had some kind of epiphany and let all the feelings he has been holding inside for however long he as been alive out. Elena didn't seem to care to much about him but maybe that was because she talked NON STOP for hours. Yeezy, it drove me nuts. If I was in the house, she would be the next one out. That's annoying... STFU already. Jillian, Josh and Ramse were mostly no shows. 


Well that's all for now. Remember to enter Morty's meme contest. I have been uploading a lot of my screen shots for all to use so take advantage. You can find them at Mortys Tv group on FB, go to photos, and then albums and look for the Meme album. Lets see your best stuff. Also, follow me on twitter @TweetChik 


Have a safe, happy, fun 4th of July 







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