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Monday October 10, 2016 Big Brother OTT Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BBOTT discussions are in the Big Brother OTT Discussion section.

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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


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Alex announces it's time to  reveal  Americas nominee. 


America nominates Monte 


Time to pick veto players 


Alex draws Scott 

Alex draws herself & picks Shelby 

Alex picks Justin to host 


Hugs are given to Monte. He says he knows he was going up and it's ok. 




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1:01 PM BBT Jeff is hosting this Veto comp.  One at a time, you’ll try to step up and make a hole in one by putting a large golf ball into one of the four holes to earn tickets. The tougher the shot, the more tickets you earn for making it. You can earn 5, 10, 15, or 30 tickets depending on what shot you make. If after you have made your shot you have enough tickets to purchase an item, then you may do so. However, once you have made a purchase you are out of the competition and that item is no longer for sale. You may choose to not purchase an item after taking your shot, but you will have to wait until your next turn to buy something. Understand? Play will continue until all but one item has been claimed. The last player remaining will automatically receive that item on the board.


1:03 PM BBT Let’s take a look at the items on the board. Power of Veto is 60 tickets. Missed the cut is 40 tickets.  Water Hazard is 35 tickets. 19th hole is 30 tickets.  Sand trapped is 25 tickets. Caddy Costume is 20 tickets. Jeff says obviously they want the Power of Veto. The other “prizes” are actual punishments, and here they are. The winner of missed the cut may NOT compete in the next veto competition. The winner of water hazard will have to spend time fishing golf balls out of the swimming pool all week, whenever big brother tells them to. Jeff laughs. The winner of the 19th hole won’t be seeing straight in the next HOH competition giving them a big disadvantage. The winner of sand trapped will live in the sand trap for 24 hours only leaving for bathroom breaks. If you want food or water, you’ll have to ask one of your housemates to get it for you. The winner of the Caddy Costume will wear a golfer’s caddy costume and lug around a set of golf clubs for one week. Jeff says none of these are good guys.  


1:05 PM BBT Who’s ready to play Veto for sale? Jeff picks a name out of bag. Monte is first. Second, is Alex. Third is Shane. Fourth is Shelby. Fifth, is Scott. Danielle is the last to go. First round Monte goes first, and second round Alex starts, and so on. Jeff puts their names on the board.


1:06 PM BBT Monte takes his first shot and misses. Alex goes next and also misses. Shane missed just left of the hole. Shelby hit hers next into the water. Jeff says just a recap, no one has hit anything yet. Scott is next and is a little short. Danielle is the last to go for the first round. Danielle hit it right but it bounced off rocks and back in. Danielle has ten tickets at the end of the first round. No one else has any.


1:09 PM BBT Alex goes first the second round and misses badly. Shane tries a different hole and only gets it over the first of four hills. Shelby hits her ball in the water a second time. She can’t reach and Jeff tells her to get another ball. Scott is up next and is just off to the right. Danielle is up next and also hits hers into the water. Monte is the last for this round and tries for the same hole Shane did and just missed. At the end of round 2, Danielle has 10 tickets and everyone else 0.


1:12 PM BBT Shane is up first for the third round. He hits a hole in one on a tougher course. He does a celebratory dance and Jeff says hey hot dog go get your ball. Shane has 30 tickets. Shane decides not to buy anything and Shelby is next. Shelby hit hers in the water for a third time. Scott is next and hit a rock. Danielle was next and missed by a lot. Monte is up and he hit it too hard and it bounced off a rock. Alex is the last of the round and missed. At the end of the third round, Shane has 30 tickets, Danielle has 10, and everyone else has 0.


1:15 PM BBT Shelby is up to start round four. She hits in the water one more time. Scott is next and also hits his in the water. Danielle hits again but is just short of the hole. Monte is up again and almost got the hole but it slid off into the water. Alex is up next and again misses off to the right. Shane is the last for this round and almost had the hole in one but it was short and slid into the water. Shane still has 30 tickets, Danielle has 10, and everyone else 0.


1:19 PM BBT Scott is up first for round five and hits it straight into the water. Danielle is up and gets another hole in one for another 10 tickets. Jeff says you can buy something if you want to and she says do I have 60 tickets? Jeff says I guess that’s a no. Monte is up and is just short of the hole and it slides off into the water. Alex is up and gets a hole in one and gets 30 tickets. Jeff says she has enough to purchase something and she says no she is good. Shane is up next and misses just behind the hole and it slides into the water. Shelby is up and hits it in the water. Jeff says I’m not even going to comment. At the end of round 5 Shane and Alex each have 30 tickets, Danielle has 20 tickets, and everyone else still has 0.


1:23 PM BBT Danielle is up first for round six and gets another hole in one for another 10 tickets. Monte is up next but it slides off into the water. Alex is up and doesn’t hit it hard enough. Shane is up and gets his ball up the hill but it doesn’t bounce enough and isn’t fast enough to hit the hole. Shelby is up and misses. Scott is up and doesn’t hit it hard enough. At the end of round 6 Shane, Alex, and Danielle all have 30 tickets and Monte, Shelby, and Scott have 0 tickets.


1:27 PM BBT Monte is up for the start of round 7. Monte has taken his shirt off and hits it too soft. Alex is next and also hits it soft and it starts to slide into the water. Shane is up and hits it too hard and slides around behind the hole into the water. Shelby is up and hits a rock. Jeff says you’re getting better though. Scott is up and he hits it into the water. Danielle is up and hits it a little too hard. No score change at the end of round 7.


1:30 PM BBT Alex is up to start round 8. Alex misses again and it slides off into the water. Shane is up next and his ball slides right along the front of the hole and goes into the water. Shelby is next and gets her first hole in one for her first 10 tickets. She says I’m here guys! Jeff says great job. Scott is next and hits it right into the water. Jeff says Scott what’s going on man? Danielle is up and hits it right to the right of the hole. Monte is the last up for this round and hits it straight into the water. Monte jumps in to get a couple of the balls out they hit into the water. At the end of round 8, Alex, Danielle, and Shane each have 30 tickets, Shelby has 10 tickets, and Monte and Scott each have 0.


1:33 PM BBT Shane is up to start round 9 and it again slides right in front of the hole and off into the water. Shelby is up and she just misses. Scott is up and it goes right and hits a rock. Danielle is up and hits hers into the water. Monte is up and hits it into the water. Alex is the last to go this round and she misses to the right. No score change.


1:37 PM BBT Shelby is up to start round 10 and misses way to the left. Jeff says where’s that focus, you were on it and Shelby says I don’t even have a comeback for you. Scott is up and hits it into the water. Jeff says if there were points for the pool, they’d be crushing the competition. Danielle is up and gets another hole in one for 10 more tickets. Monte is up and his slides right in front of the hole and off into the water. Alex is the last up and she hits it too hard and it slides behind the hole and off into the water. Shane is the last to go for round 10 and also hits it too hard and it slides behind the hole and into the water. At the end of round 10, Danielle has 40 tickets, Shane and Alex have 30 tickets, Shelby has 10 tickets, and Monte and Scott have 0.


1:41 PM BBT Scott says let’s see if I can at least get on the board. He hits for the easy hole and is just short of the hole. Danielle is up and hits it a bit too hard. Monte is up and has a good shot but it falls a bit short and into the water. Monte gets a few more balls out of the water and Alex is up and hits hers into the water. Jeff says I know everyone is going for veto, but some of these prizes are worse than others. Shane is up and is short again in front of the hole and falls into the water. Shelby is up to finish the round and hits another hole in one and gets another 10 tickets. The score is Danielle with 40, Alex and Shane with 30, Shelby has 20, and Monte and Scott have 0. Shelby decides she just wants to buy the caddy costume. Jeff says do you want me to remind you what it is, she says what is it? Shelby says yeah, that’s what she wants. Shelby will have to wear a Caddy costume and lug around golf clubs all week. Jeff says great job, the first one officially on the board.


1:45 PM BBT Danielle is up to start round 12 and she misses just to the right. Monte is up and misses to the right. Alex is up and bounces it into the water. Shane is up and he hits the hole in one for another 30 tickets. Danielle jumps up to give him a hug. Shane choses to buy the veto. Scott is up and misses to the left. At the end of round 12, Danielle has 40 tickets, Alex has 30 tickets, Monte and Scott have 0 tickets, Shelby has the Caddy Costume and Shane has won the power of veto.


1:49 PM BBT Monte is up to start round 13 and his ball goes around the hole and stops short of falling in. Alex is up and misses to the right. Jeff goes over what’s left as “prizes”. Scott gets his first hole in one for 10 tickets. Danielle is up but she decides to take the Water Hazard “prize”. Danielle will have to fish golf balls out of the pool for one week whenever BB tells her to. So after this round only Monte, Alex, and Scott remain with Alex having 30 tickets, Scott 10 tickets, and Monte 0.


1:53 PM BBT Alex is up and she is trying to decide what “prize” to take. She is back and forth, but she decides to take the 19th hole and take the disadvantage in her next HOH competition she’s eligible to play. Monte and Scott are left and Scott is up and he gets another hole in one for 20 tickets now. Monte is up and he misses. Scott goes again for the easiest hole and gets 5 tickets and immediately takes the sand trap prize leaving Monte with the miss the cut prize.

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Weekly Recap


Here’s what’s been happening for the past 72 hours on Big Brother: Over the Top!


With America’s Care Package giving Kryssie the power to save a friend this week, she met with Head of Household Alex to discuss her options. We see a clip of Alex and Kryssie in the HOH and Alex is asking Kryssie if she knows what she’s going to do with her power. Kryssie says her gut is telling her to save Jason. Alex says she’s under a lot of pressure to put Jason up, and she doesn’t want to put up Jason. Alex says gamewise she would love Kryssie to use it on him because then she could get people off her back about putting him up, and it works out for both of them.


The next day, America’s next game power was in full effect as three houseguests became the first have nots of the season. We see the clip of Alex telling Monte, Morgan, and Scott they were the first have nots. We see Scott saying in the DR when he finds out he’s a have not he’s crushed because that means America probably doesn’t like him and there’s a good chance he’ll be one of the nominees for the week. We see a clip of them getting their first look at the have not room. We see Morgan saying in the DR that her biggest fear in life is spiders, so this is probably going to be a pretty difficult week for her.


Saturday night Kryssie used her care package power to save her best friend. We see a clip of Kryssie telling the HG that she’s choosing to keep Jason safe from eviction. Kryssie says in her DR that she picked a ride or die at the beginning of this, and she thinks America gave her this save a friend because America wanted to see what she was made of in terms of her loyalty. America needs to know they gave this to the right person.


Then it was time for the first safety ceremony of the week. We see Alex telling us that part of her duty as head of household is to decide who to keep safe and who to nominate for eviction. At the first safety ceremony she needs to make four people safe. The HG put on their block passes, and when she makes a HG safe their block pass turns green. Kryssie is first, followed by Whitney, then Neely, then Morgan.


With a new day came the second safety ceremony. Alex tells us for the second part of the safety ceremony she will make four HG safe. Shelby is lit up and Alex says the remaining two HG will be her nominees. Justin is the next to light up, then Monte, and finally Scott.


And when all was done Danielle and Shane found themselves on the block. We see a clip of Shane and Danielle in the BR and Shane says it’s probably the stupidest move she could have made because one of them is going to survive. If I leave, you’re going to take her out and if you leave, I’m going to take her out. So it doesn’t matter either way. Danielle tells it sucks being on the block with Shane because he’s one of her best friends in the house. But she’s hoping one of them can win the veto and that they can both fight to stay this week. Danielle tells Shane it is what it is and we’ll just have to win veto.


Alex comes out of DR with the veto box and says Hey guys! It’s time to find out who’s America’s nominee is. The next morning it was time to find out who America vote for the third nominee. But before the ceremony, Shelby made a comment that didn’t sit well with Jason. We see a clip of Shelby running through to join the HG and say Oh good, a spot on the normal couch. We see Jason in DR saying Shelby comes in and she says she’s being passive aggressive and she doesn’t want to sit on the couch with us, she wants to sit on the “normal” couch. The HG then learned which of them America chose. Alex reads off a card that as everyone knows she nominated Shane and Danielle. America has been voting and it’s time to find out who the third nominee is. Monte is revealed. He says it’s a tough spot to be in because it makes you feel like America doesn’t have your back at this point, which is not comforting at all.


With the nominees set, Scott and Shelby were picked to play in the veto competition. After the players were picked, Jason had a bone to pick with Shelby. We see a clip of him talking in the LR still saying he wants to make sure he gets to the normal couch. Really though? Come on now! I’m sick of this shit! Shelby says I’m right here and Jason says I’m talking about you right here. Jason says he’s tired of her little comments, it’s tiring. Shelby looks dumbfounded and says what the fuck? Jason is back in DR and says that bitch, I can’t even. All I do is play along nice with these people. I try, I try, I try, I try to be nice, I try to play along. But Shelby always be trying to press a little button, and then she’ll be really nice, and then she wants to come over and press the button and runs away and press the button and run away. Press my button one more time chick, I fucking dare you. You’re trash. You’ve been trash since you walked in, you behave like trash every day. I let you slide with it for a little while, but now I’m going to tell you how much of a trash bag you really are. Jason comes back out and Shelby is in the KT. Jason says I’m tired of shit like that and Shelby says dude what? Jason says “Oh I’m going to sit on the normal couch.” All you do is these passive aggressive little comments and scrunch up your nose. Shelby asks how is that passive aggressive? Jason says all you do is scrunch up your face and roll your eyes at everybody, and everyone knows it in here, even your friends know it. Ok chick? We all know it. Shelby says ok. Jason says you’re so negative and passive aggressive and everybody sees it. Shelby just keeps responding ok. Shelby says ok, go change your clothes. Jason says I will and you can keep wearing that t-shirt with a dress. Shelby says ok, I will.


That afternoon a surprise guest shows up to host the veto competition. (We hear the doorbell) Jeff Schroeder comes in and says what’s up? I’m Jeff. Shelby, who answered the door, says oh, I didn’t watch your season. Jeff says don’t worry about it. Jeff meets everyone and they all shake his hand or hug him. Will the power of veto save Shane, Danielle, or Monte from the block? Check out the next weekday replay tomorrow night to find out. Plus, tune in Wednesday night for the weekly episode, followed by the live eviction. And for all the action, keep watching right now for BBOTT.

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