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1 hour ago, Season6 said:

Aimee has already explained that the girls named themselves the plastics. 


And if people don't get together votes are split and wasted. 


I am so tired of Alex's ego, and I really can't understand two sisters that would ever say that they wouldn't mind the other being booted from the game. 


Alex is most likely going to get the ACP, between the people wanting to save her and the people wanting to watch her be the servant.  Some other pages want to see Shelby as a servant and are voting accordingly. Very slim chances of Whitney winning. 

Sorry. Didn't see the girls named themselves that.


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1 hour ago, fin said:

Sorry. totally disagree.    It’s Aime’s blog.   And we don’t get to troll because we don’t like what she says.   There are two groups that seem to have polarized.  much like society, sadly….  Look this is a game of strategy and wits and skill.    The end prize is $250,000.  That is a lot of money for anyone.  Each of them comes with the strategy that each believes will work.  We need to respect that process. 


  I also think it is not efficient for us who seriously love watching this social experiment, to make statements  that we cannot stand one person over the other.   Simply put Name calling  is Bullying.   And today’s  Purple wearing is a reminder of that.    Bullying on the internet is even worse -  there you have anonymity,  but the hurtful words still are there.   Trust me. if one person is truly Psychotic or a risk. BB will remove that player as they have done in the past.   


Here is how you express yourself.  You vote in the way BB has structured, but please don’t trash the players or other  posters.  And for heaven’s sake Aimee can write and blog to her heart’s content.  I enjoy her perspective. because those are her. opinions. Remember she is entitled to her opinion.  Don’t take it as presenting facts.   truly, Aime’s blog is hard work … to write as she has.


BTW my opinion and approval is dependent on a player’s actions - I either like the choices that player makes or dislike the choices.  But I separate the game play out as just simply game play, from their personality their character.     I do not believe in trashing people. whether players or posters….  That is the definition of. BULLYING>. Words can hurt and they last.  


In the season(s) where there were misogynistic, homophobic,  racial and vile comments by player(s), trust me  after BB there was a learning curve. (Remember coming face to face with Julie and having to explain the antiAsian slurs for eg.… It is a self correcting process.  We as posters didn’t need to trash and troll the behavior.  The media. through shock  will broadcast that controversy as they have in the past seasons)


So if strategically you admire one player over another,  or you believe that you would like to help that player get to the end so for strategic reasons you want to vote a certain way.  Go for it.   make your choice known.   But on the basis of game play and someone deserving.  If choice made because dislike that person’s character  then that becomes the problem.  Just enjoy the process


thanks for listening.  

Ummm..I've heard Kryssie call people several names


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The Scramble (Part One)


This blog covers the beginning of the one on one chats the Plastics=Scott begin to have with Kryssie yesterday.  We make it to part of Morgan's in this part one of the post and I will add part two later today.  There's a lot of things happening at once and I am trying to devote equal time to be able to summarize and present things as thoroughly as possible.  



Thursday 6:41 pm HOH




Alex begins to talk and Whitney knocks, Alex cold stops and changes to a small talk about the phone in the HOH.  Isn’t Whitney one of her alliance members?  Then the second the door closes behind her as she exits Alex goes right back into game talk mode.  



I just kinda wanted to explain the reason why I think it would be beneficial for you to keep me, if you do choose to target me.  I mean I don’t know where you’re head is at. 


I do know we have that history where I had to put you up, I saw that as kind of an Eye for an eye type   Your side, basically I was told that you all were lying to me about you all wanted me to be Scott up, when you were going to vote Monte.  So I in turn knew that you were safe.  America loved you You. No one was going to touch you, 



The problem with that Alex is you never approached me. You never came to me and were like hey, this is what I’m hearing, is this true?  I thought we had a deal.



Because I thought that ya’ll side was gonna blow up and I was trying to keep the house calm. At this point it felt like I was cornered, the two sides were very divided.  I am not a dramatic person by any means.  I was going to try and keep the peace as much as possible.  I was so scared if I came up to you that entire side would freak out.


-this is Alex’s attempt to wrap up her move in a neat little package that Kryssie might buy.  That’s kind of true, but Alex always doubted on her own and said as much as soon as Neely, Kryssie, Jason left the HOH room that night.  She also wasn’t trying to keep the peace she’s just as responsible for the divide as anyone else if not more with her and Shelby always going off together to talk about how stupid they think they other side is when in reality they are not.  Alex underestimates them quite often and it puts her behind the eight ball and leaves her in these exact situations created by her own hand. 


(Alex keeps looking at the door, looking at the TV)

I was like Kryssie knows, America loves her, No one’s going to vote her out.  It was sucky I know, that was probably like my biggest regret.



You can never know how it feels to be on the block, until you sat there.



I know



So even this past week you guys all knew you weren’t going to vote for Neely right when she was put on the block and everybody went to Neely, like ‘you’re fine dude, you’re a pawn, and even with that piece of mind she was still up there sweating.  Just like I did the first 2 weeks.



Yeah I know I get it. But it is a part of this game, it’s a strategic part of this game. 


-I don’t disagree with Alex that it is a part of the game but my biggest issue with her game play.  She doesn’t manage the big picture only the narrow view she creates in her own mind.  Then her failure to develop some type of relationship with people all over the house makes it twice as hard for her to accomplish something on the fly when a fire breaks out.  She ends up fighting a full blown brush fire when it could have just been a spark easily distinguished.  IMO



I know that, but however you can be strategic without being nasty. Do you know what I mean?



I feel like I wasn’t nasty to you, I’ve never said anything mean to you.



There’s a difference, please let me finish.  


Ok I am not going to regurgiate Kryssie’s rant.  We’ve all been watching her and we all know how she loves to tell everyone how they should be playing the game from a personal perspective she has.  Go watch it and you can see the devil in the details.  Kryssie does tell the LNC (10:20 pm ish BY) that she intentionally bogged the girls down with blah blah on purpose. 


What I will summarize is that as HOH Kryssie spends too much time talking and not enough time just listening, filing away what people tell her in the appropriate file based on how she perceives their info and use what she learns to make her decisions.  You always want to get more information than you give and telling people how to play their game is a huge error from a strategic point.  She could have easily, and more efficiently made the point of hey for me, if you had just come to me and said this is what I have to do, when I made a deal with you this is how I saw that and this is how I roll very simply it would have been far better for Kryssie.  This holier than though attitude of ‘I am the moral police’ is played out and hurts her game. Last week we had somewhat of a reprieve from it but as most of us expected when Kryssie won HOH she is right back on that train.


Would I have told Alex how my side perceives what’s she’s doing?  Heck NO!  Why?  But if she really felt the need there is an art to conversation where she could have made the bigger point of- this is why I don’t know if I can trust what you are saying to me now, based on what you’ve done to me.  


You can see Alex, just choking on her annoyance and trying to do damage control. The bigger picture is: Alex could have benefited from doing damage control right when it happened.  Then, she would not being playing defense after the ball is already on the 10 yard line.  Alex, burning bridges with the attitude of ‘I don’t care what they think’ is a detriment to her long term game.   It puts her in this hot seat.  She respects Neely more and did try to do some damage control (after the fact)  but didn’t give a rats tail about doing the same with Kryssie because of her own personal feelings. The very things Alex likes to point out about what Kryssie does, makes it personal.  That’s not this game.  You may need that bridge in tact when a week like this happens and its offensive game play to do damage control.  


Whether you (Alex) actually subscribe to believing what you are selling you have to always be doing the leg work to keep yourself safe in the future.  So now, because she didn’t, Kryssie and others on the LNC squad see Alex as untrustworthy.  In turn when Alex needs them to do something that benefits her game she doesn’t have the equity to spend and secure her safety.  Now that she’s not in power offers like ‘I will keep you and Neely safe’ have little to no value.  Why would Kryssie believe that from a game perspective?  We would all be calling Kryssie an idiot if she didn’t mistrust Alex after she broke her word.  Also, why sell this before the ACP is delivered? 


I said it when it happened, making a promise to three people that week was a bad game move.  Alex said, oh I won’t put you up, I promise to Neely, Kryssie, and Scott.   Then she didn’t stick to her word.  Did she get into a situation where she kinda had to break her word?  Yes!  But she put herself in that situation when she promised three people would not be nominated when there was really no way to keep her word to all three people if veto was used.  Then, Alex didn’t pull Kryssie aside and say hey I’m in a tough spot now, I know I made you a deal but I have to put you up. I just want you to know it’s not because I am targeting you.  


She has to know that was good for her own game just in case.  She did it with Neely after the fact trying to cover her a*s, which again she should have done before.  I mean she’s watched BB right?   Alex should be doing what’s best for her game as far as making Kryssie the re-nom.  What she didn’t do that was best for her game was cover her a*s when she did it.  Now she is in the position she is in.  The big picture point is correct.  Would I have bothered to tell Alex that?  No, why would I?  She’s not in my alliance, let her play her game her way and keep burning bridges!  Leaving Alex to her own devices benefits my game if I’m Kryssie.  So Kryssie, less words, less pulpit, less 'oh these are my feelings' let me throw them up all over you.  


Alex knows this about Kryssie.  She knows she’s emotional.  She’s knows Kryssie thinks we can all play this nice nice version of BB.  She doesn’t have to subscribe to that belief but in this game you do have to know you’re enemy and work what you know to your advantage at all times.  Go vent to your GF’s and then put your game face on and do what you need to do to keep yourself in the best position possible because you won’t always be in power.  


Now let’s dissect how Alex argues she isn’t the puppeteer.  


People don’t know this but I had nothing to do with Shane going home.  Scott literally came into this HOH and said this is what I am doing, I am targeting Shane, I am using the double veto. I’m putting up Kryssie/Neely. That was that.  


I said I am happy to support whatever you because you supported me, I will support you, I will do whatever you want.  Eye for an Eye.  I cannot speak for him, but I had nothing to do with you and Neely being nominated this week and being pawned as you all were.   


I can speak for my HOH, and that is something I really do regret how I handled that, at the moment I was so scared that I would make the division even worse.  That I would make the other side blow up, I own up to the fact that I should have told you that you were going up on the block.  I did not want to be in charge of creating another WWIII, that was my fear.   Obviously, like if I had told you, it seems like it wouldn’t have been a great divide, it wouldn’t have blown up the house.  At the time,  that’s what I was thinking was going to happen so I was just trying to conserve the peace.  I pulled you aside after I put you up and told you I felt bad, I felt like a terrible person.  I didn’t want to put Justin up, I think America loves him, I don’t know if they do, but that’s what I think so I couldn’t put him up and I felt like you were the safest person that week.  It was risky, and I though if I talked to you after I could smooth things over but obviously things didn’t go according to plan.  I sincerely apologize.



I accept your apology.  I understand why you did what you did I just want you to understand how I perceived that and how the whole rest of the house and people on my side saw that.


-Kryssie be quiet!  Why are you telling her this?  How does it benefit your game?  Should Alex understand this?  YES!  Is it your job to tell her?  NO!  Do I think Alex is really going to take this information Kryssie is sharing and let it marinade and use it to her advantage moving forward?  Unfortunately for Alex, no.  


Alex consistency focuses on her annoyance about these types of insights and the delivery of them (which I can understand) but what she fails to do is take the underlying value of the intel and file it away like ok, here’s how I work Kryssie, or here’s how I avoid not having an open door to run through when the sh*t hits the fan because as a fan I know it’s going to.  I wish she would!  She knew when that happened in her HOH that it was going to piss people off, and she would lose credibility but her attitude was oh well I don’t care this is my game and I am going to make moves that I want to make.  Great, make the moves but there’s another layer to playing this game effectively and that is all in how you handle people regardless of which side of the house they are on.  It’s beneficial to your game to do so.  That’s what I see her not understanding.  It’s not the content it’s the delivery.  


Alex is not hiding her emotional reaction to what Kryssie is saying at all.  Sighing, rollin her eyes, tensing up more and more as Kryssie goes on tangents.  Do I get why she’s irritated?  Yes.  Is it a good idea to expose your self in this way?  No.  Placate Kryssie.  You’re a smart girl.  You knew you were gong to have to come in and eat some crow so play into it use it to your advantage humble yourself a little for the greater good.  It will buy you some equity with Kryssie whether you like what’s she saying or not you know her.  


A little further into the conversation, what I do see is Alex trying to steer Kryssie into buying the a believable explanation which is Shane is the one that confirmed to her that the LNC was in fact trying to pull the wool over her eyes.  He told Alex that they were trying to get her to nominate Scott.  That was a great attempt at deflection, putting blame on someone and trying to prove to Kryssie that she did have confirmation from a misfit that she as being played.  I just don’t think it works as well for her as it could because of the bodies she’s left in the wake of her reign but at least she’s trying when Kryssie attempts to tell Alex she didn’t ‘know’ for sure through confirmation that the plan was to get her to put up Scott and they would still not out Monte. This would have worked so much better if Alex had some personal points with Kryssie.  


Kryssie rambles on and on, but does finally circle around to the fact that Alex did know that the person Kryssie really wanted out of the house at the time was Scott.  She points out that Alex also knew that Shane was running around to both sides and always scheming and why would Alex believe Shane, knowing that about him, over what Kryssie blatantly made clear which was she wanted Scott out first and foremost, that was her target.  That would have been more effective if Kryssie eliminated all the extra lawry’s she pours all over every point she tries to make and it’s lost in the heaping pile of rambling.  Ugh.  


Like I said as much as I am happy there was finally a shift in power this week and we would get to see what the Misfits would do with it and how the Plastics will navigate the radars they know are now focused on them. I also said we were going to be subjected to Kryssie and her rants as a side effect.  I knew it was coming.  We all knew it was coming.  The Plastics knew it was coming, so make a plan on how to get through it in a way that helps your game.  Know your enemy.  As much as you dread having to endure it, you are playing the game and as Alex likes to say all the time “don’t you know how this game works?”


6:53 pm

Dani interrupts briefly and quickly asks if Kryssie was talking to Scott on the payphone?  She went in the UKB and Scott was on the phone and when she walked by he was like ok and hung up the phone.  This is important!  


Scott told Shelby and Alex that he figured out that when you hit the coin release on the pay phone downstairs you hear a sequence of tones and they should listen to it and try to decode which numbers are being heard because it could lead to a twist that could benefit them.  He tells the girls he can’t figure it out, he’s tried and maybe they can.  They also agree since the misfits have HOH and will be upstairs a lot they should have lots of opportunities to listen without giving what they are doing away to the other side of the house.  Brilliant on Scott’s part.  


However, Dani doesn’t miss a beat and Scott being seen doing that is going to make her wheels turn at some point so watch for this.  Kryssie blows it off saying “Justin plays with that phone all the time”, but Dani is ALWAYS thinking about why anyone is doing anything. Even Justin giving her tokens at the HOH, Dani tells LNC she knows he did that to to damage control. (10:20 ish pm 10/20 BY). You may not like her personality but she’s a very savvy player in this respect and deserves credit for that.  She, like Alex needs to be much more aware of how she’s perceived.  How people read you is as important as knowing the game.  Overall, Dani does that slightly more effectively than Alex, but it doesn’t mean her social interactions and how she delivers things isn’t effecting her game because it is.  Dani leaves right after that so we can get back to the long winded exchange between Kryssie and Alex but if you weren’t aware of these facts I want to make sure you are because it could be important later.



I am not a stupid player, I am not a vengeful player.  I am here to win.  I will keep people here that I think benefit my game and that I think I can ultimately beat.  

Kryssie goes off on other tangent about Alex, jumping on Scott like they’ve been dating for 5 years (LOL ok I laughed that was funny) and they go back and forth on this a little.  Alex again tries to defend why she did that being because she had been told 100% she’s going home.


Alex turning a little red get upset grunts and says

Omg, this is so frustrating.  

-I was proud of Alex when Kryssie was going in about it, Alex just takes a deep breath and says

I do understand what you’re saying, continue.  



I am willing to listen, I am willing to make deals and I’ve proven the whole time I’ve been here that I don’t go back on sh*t…If any of ya’ll wanna come up here and pitch ideas to me I will listen, all Scott did was come up here and insult me.



Yeah I also heard about that.  Trust me I heard about that and I was like uhhhhh

(Alex has now confirmed that she is getting all the details from Scott and aware of whats going on)

Very confused, I didn’t think he was actually going to do that and then he told me he did.  



Oh trust me Alex he has it all figured out, he’s gonna be in the final 2 and then bam Julie says there is no final 2.  LOL


Alex takes control of the conversation at this point,  She summarizes what the big picture of her is, being that we have hashed some of this out and I am sorry for the way things happened.  Then put her cards on the table

“I do have some things to offer, if you do choose to keep me in this house.  I just want to lay those out to you and just let you think about it.  

1. If I do stay in this house, next week 100% obviously I will not target you, and I will not target Neely.

I know you’ve heard that before but I feel like I didn’t have a choice then and ya’ll were not a target.  (She words this much better, using target and not nominee when proposing it to Kryssie)


2.  I will throw all competitions.  I don’t want the power, I’ve learned that power is a blessing and a curse in this game right now and I just want to play the game, I don’t want the power.  


I am willing to work with you.  Honestly, I would like to get to know ya’ll better.  Honestly you aren’t my target.  I didn’t have anything to do with Shane going home, I was literally just being loyal to someone that was loyal to me.  Even if you decide to put me up, this is me just telling you I am willing to work with you, I will not target you or Neely, I don’t want to win competitions.


We get cut off for the recap episode.  


-Alex has been very upset at Shane calling her out at eviction.  No one likes being called out, but Alex was so sure that everyone on that side of the house believed Scott was responsible for all the dirty work and she had nothing to do with it.  She was very unaware that all of the misfits perceived Alex as the puppeteer of that duo.  While she initially planned to get Scott to do her dirty work thinking she could fall into the background and not have the blood on her hands that’s not how the week played out. 


-Scott was behind everything that happened.  The Plastics had 4 votes, they could have voted out Dani, it would have likely been better for their games but they did do what Scott wanted and showed some loyalty to him over the best thing for their game.  Alex certainly could have devoted time to persuading Scott. This is the one time I think they should have not cared what someone else wanted and taken Dani out because they’ve targeted her so much, Dani does blame them (Plastics) for Shane leaving and that's a big problem for them but they played the way they thought was best and I will credit them for that.  The problem is their pulse on the other side of the house is not accurate and they could have and should have known that Alex was being made the fall guy.  


If they (Plastics) had some genuine bonds established it’s likely someone would have leaked that and she could have nipped it in the bud and done some damage control.  Instead, she was so certain no one is looking at her and they were all looking at Scott (which is the real motive for doing what Scott wanted).  So when Shane called her out Alex was in WTH, Oh sh*it mode and on the defensive after the ball is in the end zone and low and behold a misfit wins power.  


Scott on the other hand, since his convo with Kryssie gets brought up here delivers the worst pitch to Kryssie ever in pleading his case with the HOH with Neely and Jason in the room as well:

(7:08 pm cam 3)

1. I BD Shane, so if you really want revenge you may as well keep me off the block and BD me. (Neely and Jason crack up when Scott says this)


2. I  was one of America’s first HN’s, so you may as well leave me off the block and let me be America’s nominee (Neely LOL)


3. You need to keep people around that you could actually beat with America.  And I feel like I am one of the people you would have a pretty good match up against if you were to want to take me to the final 2.  Where as some of the people you may be working with, I don’t think either of us would have a very good shot at beating them in the final 2. 


-Seriously, Scott thinks he’s some miniature versions of Dr. Will at this point in the game.  He’s just following some formula of playing diluted versions of past BB players games every week.  LOL



Before you go though, you don’t have no tea to spill on your alliance?  What you got to say about your alliance?



No I got nothing to say about my alliance (Neely LOL) That ain’t me.



Alright, cool thanks for the chat Scott



Cool thanks (and he gets up and leaves)


They know he just tried to throw them under the bus and talk smack.  


- Jason lying in the HOH bed with death stares and Neely with her hand over her eyes like did you really just say that? Scott told Jason week 1 he did not want to be at the end of this game with Jason.  Now week 3 went to Jason/Justin proposed a 4 person alliance and is sitting here right in front of Jason basically saying you don’t want to be near the end with Jason. Neely accurately points out all he did was give us some reasons why we shouldn’t put him up, he didn’t give us no options.  Ok, then give us some options then.  Jason does a little damage control and says all he did was do a little comedy routine and he didn’t give us no real information so F that!


7:06 pm recap shows both these convos

Scott and Alex agreed they need to look out for each other this week.  Scott has said (immediately after eviction) ‘every man for himself’ and Alex told Scott, “I don’t want to have to throw you UTB this week” but while both see the value in keeping each other neither will sacrifice their own game in attempts to save the other.  Alex also goes to Shelby and Morgan and says I need you to have my back this week.  I don’t want to cut Scott, but if it’s him or me, I really want to work wit him but I feel like we (us four) have to protect ourselves first.  Morgan agrees, Alex points out they are going to have to keep Scott in the dark this week, as much as she doesn’t want to, it’s him or one of us. She has also had a private chat with Scott saying they have to try and keep each other safe. 


It’s impossible to tell who Alex really wants to align with.  While Shelby is her bestie in the house she doesn’t have a ride or die and every week, like Scott she jumps from one to the other without ever establishing any real loyalty to any one person.  In her DR earlier this week she says ‘Sorry Mo hope you will forgive me but you are going to have to go soon’ and speaks about wanting to form the new alliance with Justin/Jason.  She says she wants a deal with Scott to Scott, Shelby to Shelby, and so on and so on. 

This all over the place game play works week 1/2 when you’re figuring people out but since she hasn’t really landed on any one spot week 4 how does she think she’s really layering herself with any real protection.  Every BB player who has ever approached the game this was (Paulie BB18) ends up blowing up their own game. 


Not to be missed but she plays America the same way.  When it serves her need she begs and pleads and plays up to the camera selling what as a LF she knows LF like to hear but if you watch her in the house all day she never does anything she tells us or tries to persuade us to believe she is doing.  I blogged about this week 1 as well and now it’s worked.  She’s managed to get another easy week two weeks in a row and no one is forcing her to actually earn her spot in the game.  I personally, don’t value this game play at all, don’t see a long term way for her to keep herself safe or in any kind a power position as a player and no one is really allowing her to reap the consequences of her own errors and step up and play hard this week.  She’s been in power for three weeks, accomplished close to nothing she herself planned, has no real allegiance to anyone, lacks social game and she earns safety?  Ok, let’s see how that works out. I would have much rather seen her actually get in the trenches and do some work this week and now any chance of that has been ripped right out from under us.  But hey she’s safe so…. 


7:11 pm (cam 3 BY Couches Neely/Dani)

Dani sharing with Neely she doesn’t trust Justin.  Shane felt like Justin was the reason he ultimately went home, that most likely went to them (Plastics+Scott) and asked them how they wanted him to use the veto and he did what they wanted and she and Shane both feel like ultimately it was Justin’s veto antics that sent Shane home.  That if Justin was looking out for the LNC before himself he would have not told them anything, they would have pulled Kryssie down and put Shane up and then Justin could have pulled me down. Um Dani you aren't looking out for your game first? There were 3 alliance members OTB and for you to be mad you weren't Queen bee is absurd?  This while accurate about Justin talking to the other side, is Dani making herself and Shane more important than Kryssie.  IF Justin had done that, Shane would have still been up and still gone home and put Neely in greater danger potentially.  She’s trying to convey to Neely they shouldn’t be trusting Justin, but Neely makes the point of telling Dani that while Justin has a great social game he doesn’t really get the big picture.  She throws some defense Justin’s way playing into what Justin really likes is people assuming he has no idea what he’s doing strategically.   Seriously?  Does Dani miss anything?  She's playing one heck of game and she’s being voted HN and America’s nom explain that rational to me please?


What Neely does share and they both understand is that in this game, Jason will be loyal to them until he doesn’t need to be.  (Um that’s the end game isn’t it?)  Neely asserts that Jason will keep this group in tact as long as he can.   Knowing that once he gets Alex and Scott out, a couple weeks from now that’s when he will start looking at people over here.  If I recall correcting that was the plan from the beginning for the FF alliance? Until then he’s cool.  Dani also confirms she knows that Jason does know how smart she is and that as soon as he has the numbers and as soon as she’s not needed she’s gone.  He will target me.  It’s the same, I need Jason.  


Neely agrees, oh yeah we need each other right now.  We shouldn’t break this up until the other side of the house’s numbers are completely dwindled and they have to start working with us and then it will be a totally different game.  They agree Alex is the best bet this week, they just have to figure out the best way to do it.  


-This is what LF have been waiting for!  Week 4 always brings some implosions and scrambling and very often the person dominating the game gets targeted when they don’t really see it coming and more often than not that big fish gets processed and shipped.  Then sides begin to look across the house looking for friends.  So many people wanted to force this week 2 and a little patience the game gets there as it always does.  We are a week away from the hallway mark.  Expect game to get real very quickly.


7:16 pm

cam 2 Justin is completely freaked out about Neely and her witch hat and it’s really funny.  Being from New Orleans there are a lot of superstitions and experience with things of this nature being taboo and he is like a little kid terrified of the boogie man.  Then Neely comes into the HOH.


9:06 pm HOH cam 1/2

Dani, Kryssie, Justin in the HOH sees Morgan coming upstairs on cams

Dani leaves to give Kryssie chance to talk with her but Justin decides to stay and climb in the bathtub, hide and listen to what’s going to be said.  LOL.  Ok I am sorry but this is hilarious to watch.  


A terrible game move by Justin because the Plastics end up knowing he’s there, Justin not being about in the house wandering or being heard never goes unnoticed but the entertainment of it all is really funny to watch. Oh poor Justin, he plays so well in so many areas but over the last week he keeps slipping doing things that are drawing attention to himself at a time where he doesn’t really want to in the game.  He managed to navigate the whole veto thing pretty well through his own devices but he would have been better off not being drawn at all.  Then this. 







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The Scramble (Part 2)



HOH 9:06 pm 



Morgan’s pitch

Knows there’s a division.  Eventually numbers are going to dwindle and people are going to look around.  I feel like I have pretty good relationships with most people in the house.  Especially with Neely and with you and as we move forward in this game I hope that’s something you think about.



I am just hear to listen.  I did so much talking to Alex, I am here to hear what you have to say because it’s not necessarily where my head is it.  Quite frankly there is still a CP and HN’s for me to consider.

(Oh if she could only actually do this!)



Exactly, and thats gonna be…the fact of the matter is I could sit up here and tell you all this stuff and then after the CP come back up here and things are gonna change.  I can tell you that you are not one of my targets.  



Oh yeah Scott told me because I have a bum knee I’m nobody’s target.  He basically told me to nominate Neely and Jason right in front of them.


M (seems a little surprised at that approach by Scott which is a better game move).



I am safe in the house.  No one is targeting me.  Scott is coming for me, that’s obvious.



Scott is someone’s if’y.  I don’t want to throw him under the bus but he’s made himself perfectly clear he’s not hiding anything.  I know Alex isn’t trying to win comps



I am sure you know he offered me a very good deal.  Throwing comps is a very good offer, not sure if I can trust that, but it’s not something I expected and is a good deal if it’s true



I am not going to target you.  I know Alex ins’t targeting you.  I don’t get the sense, although I don’t know she doesn’t really say much, I haven’t heard her say she’s targeting you.



Whitney and Shelby both haven’t approached me.  Shelby won’t even look me in the eyes.



Neely and I talked earlier and we know this game eventually things are going to shift and people are going to move around as the game continues. 



Back to lecturing and dishing out blame for the divide being by the Plastics side of the house (which is true but why bring this up here).  She also tells Morgan she watched that side not bat an eye when CB left.  DIdn’t bat an eye when Monte left.  Says why she was so upset at Scott personally attacking Shane for personal reasons and not game play.



I am sure after the CP things will become more clear.  I didn’t have any sort of concrete ‘this is who I think is best’ because you just don’t know yet.  I wanted to come up here and like.



I feel like of those girls you really do have the best social game.



I really do enjoy all of you and I really do like have made an effort to get to know people.  I think people forget that social game is a part of this.



You hugged me after Shane left.  Alex didn’t, Whitney didn’t, even Shelby was like ewww I should probably hug you



That’s human nature



mmm Not for everybody.  But things like that are things that I will remember as a player and as a human being.  I’m playing 50/50 in this game player/human being and I am keeping that in my head



I’ve tried to keep things in perspective


You’ve done a really great job that.  You have some connections and you and I haven’t connected as much but you and I just run with two different crowds 



I wish I could stay up late, I really do but...



And that’s fine, I mean not everybody has a f*cked up schedule

and I would like to spend more time with you during the day

You came to me and told me I was safe week 2.  I don’t know what I am doing but I can tell you that you’re safe.



Thank you, for you to even say that but I want you to know that even when like you came to me week 2 and were like I don’t know why but I did go to him like what is that and told him he needs to think about that.



I am the last person that side of the house should be most scared that won HOH since I have been the one being picked on since day 1. I’ve been put up with no explanation, no real reason to be and everyone has been like there you are fight for your life and it is what it is.  Justin that guy I owe him my life and people should be looking at him like he’s a really loyal guy.  I will be loyal him  till the end because he saved my ass.  

(remember Justin is in the bathtub in the HOH BR hiding and listening to everything)

Same w/Danielle she campaigned to save me week one.  There are people I want to keep close, and there are a lot of people I’m like ‘what have you done for me lately’?

I’m not gonna be the HOH that it goes to my head carry the key around.  I want to know what everybody wants, 

Please know that whoever I put up, it may be a pawn scenario, it may not be.  But if I end up putting you or someone you care about up know you can just come to me and I will say whatever I have to say to you in front of everyone. I’m more than happy to talk to anyone whatever happens.  For what its’ worth I genuinely like you.  That’s working your favor right now.



I will come and see what happens tomorrow.  I like you too.  Thank you.  And just know I may come back and read your letter with you again, it made me cry.  


9:22 pm

Morgan leaves and Justin jumps out of the bathtub!  



That was amazing! She’s a really good person.  

(He’s now standing there with his hand on his hip and this funny little sneaky look on his face like a kid that was playing hide and seek and was the last player never found.)



Yeah I think so too.  I hope you know I did that for you.  I did that for both of us.



I already know.  Baby come on we here, you hear me, we here!


There’s another knock and Justin books it back in the BA to hide in the tub again LOL


9:23 pm Shelby to HOH with Kryssie



Just wanted to like come see you, where’s your head’s at, and talk to you.



I’ve done so much talking tonight, I just told Morgan the same thing. I’m interested in hearing from you.



I understand you have pretty limited option of who to put up






I mean like I know you’re not gonna put up your friends.  I mean I don’t want to go home obviously.  I mean you don’t owe this to me but I at least would like a chance to play veto if you are going to put me up.  I’m not sure I’ve done anything to deserve the BD. But um yeah like just, IDK



This is weird isn’t it


Yeah it is, I had to do it with Monte too



Really?  I thought he kinda…



Well I think the deal with Monte is he wanted the girl vote so he didn’t want to put me up because they wouldn’t vote with him if he put me up.  I don’t want you to go home, I hope you don’t want me to go home yet.  I mean, I have some selling points of why I should stay.



I’m open to selling points.



Ok, let’s look at uh this bruise (she’s showing Kryssie the bruise on her left leg) I have a bruise on my know from standing on a bench today.  I think you’ve seen mean comps. I’m not the most physical person (Shelby is actually acting a bit perky and friendly for uh the first time ever? LOL) I’m not the smartest person here, I’m not a big comp threat.






Um, I’m on slop this week. So, America doesn’t like me.



That’s debatable though



Well, most the house doesn’t like me to so I just think I’m a good person to keep around because…IDK



Cause you’ll be easy to take out later?  That’s what you’re pitching?



Like don’t get rid of me now. 



Get rid of me later?



Basically. I mean I ‘d be a great person to take the finale, I’m not gonna make it that far but



You’re the second person to say that to me today, what am I the only one here who wants to win?



I mean if I win HOH I’m not putting you up. If one of my friends wins HOH I will do whatever I can to get them not to put you up.  Yeah.  I  mean…And you’ll have a lot more to think about after the CP. 



That’s what I just told Morgan.  Like CP and HN that’s a lot to consider



The Have nots and the America Nom have been pretty consistent so far



We could have repeat HN’s this week too which shows that America really ain’t f’ing with whoever they put back in that room if they put them back in there again



Yeah I know



Well you’re safe from that this week but if Morgan or Scott ends up there it’s like



You know they hate them



Right.  That’s something you have to look at



Right, so I guess there’s really no that much to talk about really but I just really wanted to make my case to you


I mean if I don’t, cause I’m open to wheeling and dealing, I’m open to pawn scenarios 

I’m open to all kinds of fun sh*it.  I mean Scott came up here this morning and literally begged me to BD him. So…


S (laughs)



His opening line was I BD shane, so you should probably not put me up and BD me



I mean 



That being said I don’t expect you to say that. Um but I do, I mean what would you do if you were in my situation



I mean like, I don’t want to name names (she turns and looks at memory wall)



Go ahead Alex did



There are people you want out more than others, so I would probably put up one and then put up a pawn and then leave one to be veto or the America nom and then and see how veto goes



What if there’s only one person I want, I’m really interested in getting rid of? For the sake of argument let’s say that one person isn’t named Shelby


S (laughs uncomfortably)

Um, well honestly you have to wait and see what happens with CP



Yeah I know I mean I’m not running down to the DR right now and saying I picked someone! I have so much going on in my head 


Shelby explains its hard to predict Kryssie got one then the next one was really very different.  



Yeah and the other person that got one is the only person who has said they really can’t stand me so 



But I mean, but I mean, you mean Scott right, I don’t know who else that would be?  I wouldn’t be a good HOH.  You can look at my legs and see I tried my heart out in that HOH comp but..



If America puts one from my side up there, I put two from your side up there, if that happens then it’s gonna come down to America

(Shut up Kryssie!  Why are you telling your enemy this?)



Wait?  Is it?

Sloth gets up and walks over to the safety wall. 

Let me, all covering is hypothteical.  

So I am just gonna say Justin is the AN just for easiness sake.  (she covers Justin’s face) then we’d be up 

Shelby starts counting, it very clumsy and weird but eventually she realizes Kryssie is right and you hear her “oooohhhhhh.”



Right, I can’t vote.  



But you’re only choice is to put two people up on our side. You don’t have any other option besides that? Then you would just lose one more number. 



I mean what if, IDK Justin kinda plays the middle. 



Umm, I think he does, I mean a little 



He’s leaning a little more towards you guys if we’re being honest 



No way, we’ve been playing Truth or Dare and games and when we were talking the other day he came over and he was like, and this was before you were HOH, he referred to you guys as ‘my side of the house’ and “our side of the house” like you guys.  Phrasing i like that



Ok.  That’s a good thing to know



Yeah he did that. I think, I mean I think, you guys are going to have to turn against each other at some point, it’s inevitable



Yeah its’ a necessary 



If you got every single one of us in a row then like you can’t all make it to the finale but I think you’re one of the people he values the most in this game.  Cause like the whole thing with like Alex and not using the veto



Boy did he save my a*s last week



No, but we knew.  When he got drawn we talk to him first and he told us if I win I’m going to use it on Kryssie and then like no one else approached her about it so it was just like okayyyy. 



That’s really cool



So we kinda like knew you were gonna come down, but you were gonna come down even if he didn’t win it.



Cause Scott wanted Shane up.


They discuss how stupid it is to form an alliance the first couple days.  It comes around to the late night jamboree and Shelby tries to deflect saying it was more a let’s get Jason HOH kind of thing and the next day we were all pretty much like yeah that’s not really a thing.  And how awkward would it would be for everyone to be like yeah let’s do this and you’re the only one like yeah no let’s not do that.  I think this may be the first time they have discussed Shelby jumping ship on that original alliance with J/J/K/Scott/Shelby called the late night Jamboree which did really only last about a day and then Jason and Justin were like screw those people.  Scott and Shelby by the next day had basically jumped ship and moved over to the other side by morning.  Remember Shelby was there when Jason named the southern girls “plastics” which is why I found it so funny when she proposed the name Plastics to Alex and Whitney in the BA as their all girls alliance name. She jacked it from Jason, flipped over to the other side on him and tries to name her new alliance the name Jason has come up with.  


-Oh my lord, Kryssie stop obsessing about Scott and why he hates you.  Every person all day you’ve talked about this.  The rants about being OTB every week.  She did really good about not giving ‘game advice’ or telling her what’s wrong with her until the very end.  She gives a little but it was better this time than the first two with Alex and Morgan. 



Well you’ve had zero votes every time and you got pulled for veto so..



Yeah well it’s different when you’re up there



Ok I am pretty much not seeing any other potential value from this convo.. Glad they finally got around to just talking in general, about Jamboree, about some misunderstanding they had the first week, ha ha, kind of stuff.  Although we all know the sloth will go downstairs and make fun of Kryssie, talk about how dumb she thinks she is, how annoying it all was, etc…


Shelby does say it’s great to see 7 girls up there.  


Kryssie talks about why she hates the idea she’s supposed to put Scott up because he put me up.  


Shelby points out that Scott was one of the first HN, he did get a weird CP, I mean.

She also says that maybe if there are repeat nom’s for HN then you shouldn’t put them up since America doesn’t like them why worry about them at all.  She tells Kryssie she doesn’t want to be a pawn, of course, but she would rather be a pawn than a target.


-That point was a sly little seed Shelby just planted and pushed her own argument which was keep people America hate like me I’m not a threat.  BTW when my team gets HN again tomorrow you know America doesn’t like them and you should keep them around. Ok, we all know I don’t like the sloth’s game.  Shelby actually impressed me a little the way she handled herself, didn’t throw anyone under the bus. Her demeanor, just relaxed pleasant tone and still thinking about what not to say.  That was GAME! This is the most normal conversation I’ve seen her have and I wish she was like this more often. I may actually not want to stab myself in the eye every time I have to listen to her on the feeds.  She said she would actually like it to be more enjoyable in the house.  I would like for her to be more enjoyable in the house.  She also said that personal stuff shouldn’t go into our game play.  Again, take you’re own advice, if she stopped talking about all the personal stuff and played the game I may actually be a fan.  This Shelby is better and even when Kryssie goes off and starts to want to talk about Monte, Scott, how to play the game she didn’t run, she didn’t get snarky, she didn’t take her normal sideways digs.  She didn’t throw Scott UTB but she didn’t protect him or claim him either.  



America’s not stupid and they are playing harder than we are


-Yes, Kryssie!  You’re right!  LOL There’s as big of a divide between fans as there is in the house and the game is in full force on the outside.  When this season was announced one of the things I was excited about was the fact if there was going to be voting this is the first time LF’s would be the majority voting.  We all get so annoyed or frustrated by the casuals being the majority doing the Broadcast shows voting and they rarely know what’s actually going on in the house because they only have the edited version. They don’t actually see everything we do. Casuals also don’t understand strategy and how their votes effect the game.  Like with ACP’s they don’t realize you have to save the better ones at end and don’t vote your favorites first because when they really need them they are no  longer eligible and then you get to the last one or two and the pool of people are all ones you don’t really want to give it to.  Would I prefer we don’t mess with the integrity of the game?  Yeah in general.  If there are going to be votes I make sure to vote because I don’t want to just give up and have the attitude it doesn’t make a difference casual viewers will outnumber us so what’s the point.  


Now we’ve hit week four, there are too many things we get to vote on. We still have so many people just voting for ‘characters’. Personally, I love this game.  I love the strategy, the layers, the intensity.  I enjoy the watching how players evolve their games, adjust to random unpredictable things that happen, the rise and fall of alliances and how people navigate being locked up with random people for weeks and weeks.  I really love and appreciate there are so many different ways to win the game. Not every player has to be a beast.  It’s not who wins the most comps thats a manufactured resume idea BB players concocted to persuade HG juries why they should win the game.  


Personally, I always think about how a vote can effect players I like.  Even if it’s not them receiving the perk or punishment how will it help or hurt them.  Same goes for the ones I think are playing the worst game.  There are always annoying personalities.  There is always lots of shade being thrown around in every BB game. If it helps your game, if it propels your game, even if you are the biggest jacka*s in the house I will appreciate your game play. If you are doing stuff, especially mean or spiteful things just for your own entertainment and not because it has value in pushing your game forward then I have no respect for it and it annoys me.  


So tell me how Shelby is ranked so high in polls?  She has zero game.  What has she done?  What has she managed to accomplish? Show me which bricks has she laid to get her on a path to the end and make us give her $250K?  Her plan is to be hated and let HG believe LF all hate her so someone takes her to the end?  I saw all kinds of tweets loving on her for saying that.  Really?  So now we like floaters and goats?  If that’s the case Julie was right this season really is like no other season before. 


Now that I have finished up my Kryssie impersonation and can stop telling people how I think the game should be played…Let’s finish this up with Whitney’s talk with Kryssie so I can put this day behind us.


Once Shelby finally exits (43 minutes) Justin comes out frat he bathtub and says “that poor girl” then spends a couple minutes talking about how much his butt hurts from being stuck in the bathtub for so long.  He and Kryssie speculate how long he should wait before exiting so no one sees him leave the room and she head off to the HOH WC. (10:07 pm)



Ok look I can tell you this because Jason’s outside and I wanted it to be us 3, but he’s the reason our side is beginning to think ya’ll can’t trust me.  You know what I’m saying?  Cause ya’ll think I go talk to the girls.  But let me tell ya, he’s the one that’s spilling the shit!  I told him today, I said yo, you gotta stop doing that because you making me look bad brah. You know what I’m sayin’.  I’m like you can’t do that.  



I wouldn’t sweat it.  The shit that I’m saying is just to get them to talk sh*t so you can hear it.  



No. No, no, no.  I’m not worried about none of that sh*t that you talking to the girls.  I’m telling you from my own perspective I had to tell him today that look don’t say nothing to nobody.  Whatever you hear from the other side, you can’t come back up in here and then be like blazaah, bleu whatever bet this information.  You know what I’m sayin’?



So you… I thought you trusted Jason? 



No, no,no ,no I do trust Jason but I just know he’s talking game to everybody 






But, he’s loyal to us. He’ s very loyal to us.






He’s loyal to me



Yeah there’s a difference between like loyalty and trying to figure out what everyone else is doing



Yeah, I already know



But you do have to give up some weird information in order to get information



Right, right , right I already know.  I 100% trust Jason.  Really you and him are the only people in here that I am really like die hard for



I know



If any of us are up, I will do anything I can to protect your a*s. And his a*s.  You know what I’m sayin’? Like even in that HOH competition when Scott said he was gonna put you up, I was like all I gotta do is outlast his a*s.  LOL Since day 1 I got your back.



I know



It’s really interesting to hear everyone’s opinion.  Especially when they don’t know I’m up here.  And man poor Shelby, she’s just… 



What I was gonna tell you though is that I know Whitney likes to pee in this BA so…






If she comes in here (she’s talking about the BA area) you need to play it off like you came up here to scare her



Yeah, yeah that’s my thing.  Exactly.  Omg why does she like to go pee in that bathroom?  She probably like to play with her little self.  


-They both laugh and so did I actually 






She was just all over the place (Shelby) she is really just awkward whole being like it’s just kinda like err.  It makes me wanna just light her face lol as long as possible. 



I’m doing my best to talk all these girls in circles.  



Where do they all stand at?  Cause there’s no way to see in the tub.  My a*s and back is dead I literally was in there for like 2 hours.  It’s really cool to hear everybody’s uh


10:11 pm

Whitney is now at the HOH door and Justin runs back into the Bath tub

(Shelby, Morgan, and Alex all sat on the chair or the couch and Kryssie was on her bed.  Whitney came in and climbed right on the bed with Kryssie face to face to talk to her)



I’m sorry I am the last one to talk to you.  I know you don’t have any kind of final decision because ACP could change everything.  



yeah and HN I’m also going to really wait until HN are done



Yeah if you notice when Monte got HN he was the first revealed and was America’s Nom and when Danielle was HN she was the first one and she was America’s nom



Yeah Jason and I discussed that I wouldn’t be shocked



I know you have to have some kind of idea. I love those girls and I’m not gonna campaign against them.  Both times you were up I told you that you were safe and I wasn’t voting you out.  I feel like I have played an honest game.  I don’t talk about people, well except for Danielle but that’s because she talks about herself so much



Everyone has talked shit about Danielle



I know she’s a good game player, she knows this game like the back of her hand so nothing against her game play.  I just...



She’s a brilliant strategist 

I think that your side of the house is very lucky I’m the one that won this week.  A lot of other people on my side are not as malleable as I am.  The minute I won they were all up here telling me this is what you should do



I was so happy for you and that you won this week. 

You have no reason not to trust me and I have always been honest with you and we’ve been good since the very beginning.



I am going to tel you the same thing I told the other girls.  I am open to wheeling an dealing, or pawn situations.  So whatever happens if you go up 


W (gets teary eyed)


K (brings her tone way down and whispers)

It’s not because I want you to go.






That being said I don’t know if you’re going to go up or not.  But you bet your a*s if you end up on the block I’m not letting you go home






I know you want to see Winston, but I don’t want you to see him like that



No, I don’t 



I WOULD NOT do that to you because you are the only person every single time I’ve been on the block that has come to me and said you’re safe 



Yeah, and I figured that I was so, you know

I feel if you need to use me in that way, I understand.  I just want you to follow through. 



I guarantee you, if you end up OTB all of my fools aren’t voting for you






I personally adore you.  I’m not saying because it’s personal, I don’t want you out of here.  If somehow I make it to final 4 with me and three of them girls and you’re not there I was explode


I have had to listened to the same Scott story 4 times in these convos of ya’ll.  I’m just saying’.  It’s pointless in replaying it again.  She goes on and one about Scott, what he said and the whole nominating thing.  She does tell W that Alex came up there and made her a deal and Scott didn’t so



If I would get any kind of CP having to do with anything like the voting or whatever we would have to tag team.


K-calls Whitney out on knowing the show and she may play the I don’t know this game that well but I know you know the game


W-admits she’s been watching it for 11 years.  She doesn’t know every players name and sometimes I forget the name of the winners but I love this game I have such a respect for the game.



Just know if I put someone like there’s no way they are walking out the door.  Saturday’s safety will be all my buddies. 



Once the CP and HN and whatever I will be brainstorming 


K-Tells her she wants her to feel welcome to come up here and talk to her and share her ideas.  She doesn’t want W to feel like her side has the last few weeks and we didn’t feel like we were ever welcome up here.  I don’t want anybody to feel like that.  All of you girls, but especially you.  Come up here anytime,



Says the whole Shane thing was just respecting Scott’s HOH and that’s what I will do for you


Kryssie off on Scott , Shane blah blah again. They discuss Danielle being the smartest woman in the house.  



It is his loss that he put up a barrier and did that.



Gives W information as to why the vote split.  Tells W Danielle told them to vote for her.  We did that on purpose.  If it ended in a 4-4 split and Scott had to break the tie he had to get the blood on his hands and he had to decide Danielle (who America clearly wanted out) or Shane and he made the wrong decision.  If he makes it to final 3 America won’t forget that.  She tells her that Scott said I don’t care what America thinks of me, I am not here to win, I am here for the weekly stipend and the experience. 



He said that?


Yeah.  Just know I don’t want you to go anywhere and if I lose to Whitney I would be so happy. If we get to the end and I am not there I would be happy to lose to you.


(Justin still in the bathtub again)



Shares she thinks Alex is most likely on her side to get the ACP



I think if Alex gets it, America has a sense of humor because I am going to be forced to work with her and they know we have had issues.



You and Justin other than my girls are the ones I am not honest with


(OMG you have to go to 10:37 pm when Whitney says this and watch Justin throwing hearts up, fake kissing after basically  OTT after Whitney says that)


Whitney finished up her chat 10:38 pm and Whitney says bye to Kryssie and as she walks out the door she yells “Bye Justin”


They both think that’s funny but Kryssie asks Justin if they caught eyes at each other and that they are so funny together



She is such a sweetheart.  She is just such a good person and I love that girl.  I think I like her so much because she is someone I would never talk to in my life



You two are adorable,  You two are clearly the most odd couple



If I took her to (someplace at home) my friends would be like who the hell did you bring up in here



She said she wouldn’t go remember?  She said those girls would kick my a*s



No, If I took her it wouldn’t be like that -I’m big papa.  




Okay finally the last pre ACP delivery HOH round of chats are finally complete.  If you have time or the feeds are boring take some time to go watch the Alex and the Whitney convos.  I think those give you the best information and the last bit with Justin in the tub with Whitney was LOL funny.  The Plastics did know that Justin was in the HOH room like I said because his absence in the house isn’t ever going to go unnoticed.  Whitney was the only one that that knew going in that he was for likely in there.  It was speculation after Shelby left the HOH when someone was like where is Justin?




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Time for ACP-Safety Servant


1:02 pm HG hear the special delivery announcement and gather at the BY door.  Plastics and Scott are the first ones at the door.  Neely first one out of the door into the year.  Justin the last one out of the house into the yard.  Everyone looking around and the parachute lands on Morgan’s head.


Alex receives the CP.  Claps and dances and everyone claps for her. She received Crumpets, and tea from Trader Joe’s.  She reads the card-jumps up and down and thanks America.  Plastics, Scott and Justin clap for her while the others listen intently as it’s revealed she has safety for the week.  Once she finished everyone claps for her and she thanks America again.  


Danielle marches straight upstairs into the HOH room and crawls in Kryssie’s bed making it clear she is not happy!  Did we expect anything less? 


1:07 pm cam 3/4 SR

HG return to the house Alex heads into the SR where Justin follows soon after.  Alex celebrates and thanks America once again.  She is shaking she is so excited.  


Congratulations.  Its good you got that, we were trying of course to not let them target you but people are up there throwing your name around and there was no way we could really prevent it from happening, you needed that.  



I know, I knew I needed this and it was the only way I was going to stay this week and I am so grateful.


Justin is very encouraging, showing her that he is happy for her, giving the impression he’s as relieved as she is congratulates her again.



Thanks, thanks 


Later in the afternoon 2:07 pm SR Alex/Whitney cam 2

 Alex tells Whitney she will do whatever to protect Morgan and Whitney even though she doesn’t have any power that she likes Shelby and Scott and Shelby’s like her favorite person in the house and she knows everyone else hates her and America probably does too but she can’t lose Whitney or Morgan.  


Then Alex proceeds to say that Justin is “the worst brown noser in the house, he’s so fake”  as she replays to Whitney that Justin came up to her congratulating her after she won ACP and “he’s playing a terrible game”, how she’s sees “right through that and everyone knows he’s playing both sides of the house and it's so obvious.”


-This is week 3 of the ACP and the first week where it was given to a HG to save them since it was the first week where it benefited the recipient of ACP.  She’s right she needed that this week to guarantee her safety, not that it was certain she would be the one going home. However, with safety this week now she’s no longer an option as a potential target.  


The voting on that side really worked effectively to ensure they the majority of Plastics fans votes towards one player and it definitely paid of.  Of course, the Plastics side Alex and Shelby, are really the only ones in their group that have a large percentage of support in polls so the potential for that group to receive the ACP was statistically much higher.  Then add to the fact that Alex’s polls hovering this week around 38% of the votes if you combined Jason’s (around 24%), Justin’s (around 12%) Neely (less than 2%) it would have taken every single LNC fan voting for one player to exceed the percentage of votes over Alex.  Jason, Shelby, Alex are at the top of the polls, Alex has surpassed Jason at this point.  Week 2 during her HOH she rose in the polls, last week during Scott’s HOH she declined some again, and now this week with Kryssie winning Alex has claimed the top spot again.


It is possible that Plastics fans will be able to determine the America’s nominee if they participate in as high of numbers for that voting as this ACP voting if they all target Neely which has been the suggested Nominee this week by Plastics Fans.  The LNC could potentially end up on the block and being voted out since the HG votes are split 3-3 if Neely goes on the block.  If that happens America will decide the tie breaker.  I for one, am not surprised she’s the most visible player giving excitement and entertainment to LF’s who like the game play on that side of the house.  


While LNC has plenty of fans and collectively as a group more fans than the Plastics, the favorite players within the group are distributed among numerous players versus just 1-2.  Justin is still not ranked as high as I would expect him to be although I hear both sides of fandom express interest and appreciation for him as a strong player in the game with potential to make it very close to the final weeks if not all the way to the end.  So why he hovers so low on polls at the moment may have more to do with the fact he is not in any real danger and the polls are related to who people want to receive ACP and who should be America’s nominee.  


As for the effects this has on the game now.  Alex is now safe from any and all nominations this week.  There are 10 players in the game, Kryssie is HOH, Alex is safe.  LNC members are not on Kryssie’s short list, of course.  That now only leaves 4/5 Plastics+Scott to choose nominees from.  The only way to prevent Neely form being nom would be for LNC fans to use the same voting strategy and nominate only one of the Plastic’s isn’t America’s nominee they could get completely hosed the first week they finally have power.  Let’s see how long it takes for the LNC to realize that if one of their own goes OTB as America’s nominee there’s a chance they could be voted out on Kryssie’s HOH and leave them now with one less number than the Plastics voting group again just based on the one side versus the other.  


It’s important to realize there is some cross over beginning to be discussed and new alliances could form.  This is what LF have been begging for two weeks.   Now with this safety and potential for the Plastics to be safe this week, we may yet again prevent them from really exploring alternate deals moving forward.  When they are safe (Plastics) they have a habit of refusing to look across the house and consider how some other options may benefit their long term game.  


Jason/Justin/Scott/Alex alliance is all over the place.  Each said in their last live DR’s they were ready to explore this idea and could see them all working together and plowing through the other players.  Jason was doubting it within 24 hours because Scott was refusing to even consider Danielle as the target when it benefited everyone and would keep everyone safe from Danielle’s strong game abilities and be the least amount of backlash from Jason’s side to the opposing side since everyone wanted Dani gone except Shane/Scott.  Shane went and Jason is having a tough time picking a side.  This is made him begin to play sloppy and running back and forth from one side to the other but sharing more info with Alex/Scott than the LNC his original alliance.  Jason and Justin have talked about that alliance is never gonna happen but we need to play along for now and both were making some efforts to steer nominations away from Alex although knew they couldn’t try to do the same with Scott or it would be way to suspicious.  Dani has commented saying she thinks Justin/Jason are moving over to that side and maybe planning to make a deal with Alex and branch off.  She’s addressed this with Neely and Kryssie both.


1:08 pm cam 3/4 

As we see the camera change it moves to the HOH where Jason, Neely, Kryssie, Dani, Justin can all be heard while Jason and Neely are the only one in the HOH at the time.


Once Kryssie and Dani rejoin HOH room Neely goes right into how she would play this now that Alex is safe and we know what we’re working with.


Neely says she thinks 

“One of those girls needs to go. They are too tight.”


Kryssie enters

Touche America



Here’s what I’m thinking tell those girls you are not targeting Scott, tell them you are not playing an emotional game.  Alex I see all you girls are too tight, I need to break that up and shake things up so who are you willing to loose.  Then when you speak to them one on one then you just say, Scott’s an emotional target I’m not playing an emotional game I need to break you girls up and ask them one by one who they are willing to cut.  That’s how I would play it.



Then you can just say if you don’t give me an opinion, then I will just have to choose two of you because Scott’s not going up there.  



Because Scott’s…



Because I can always use Scott as a BD that’s no big deal.  



He asked for that. Be careful what you wish for.  Make those girls have to say something about each other.  The one’s who refuse to say nothing about each other, those are the one’s that go up


Neely says ‘those are the ones that go up’ at the same time as Jason 


Dani is in Audrey mode, Sunglasses on, laying on the HOH bed, visibly dumbfounded how she (in her mind) was America’s favorite and now those girls are getting safety after America made Dani a HN and nominated her last week. 



Because they are too loyal.  



They are too loyal and devoted to Alex.  They are indentured servants 

-Ok Jason that’s one little step too far.  There a LOT of terms you could have drawn from to paint that same analysis but indentured servants are you serious?  Smh Soldiers, mascots, minions, worker bees, puppets even just servants would have even been ok. Reel that in buddy.  First of all, it’s not a good look.  Second of all you, are sitting in a room with 3 women on your team that may think once you leave ‘hmmmm’ is that how Jason sees us?  This is an example of where I see his game play getting both a little sloppy (not being a stealth as he was before) and messy (dropping things that can make someone feel some type of way).  Until the last 2 days Jason has typically been pretty careful with what he says to whom, how he handles people based on what he knows about them, etc…



And what ever one sells someone out, that’s the done that’s willing to sell and deal.  



All right, we will see what everyone has to say.  


-I like that this was Neely’s suggestion and she led the charge.  Dani has already been really watching Jason very closely and if he had been the one to suggest this in this environment it would have likely made her even more suspicious that Jason is trying to save both Alex/Scott. Since it’s Neely, Kryssie is very inclined to listen without going off the deep end.  While Kryssie is more loyal to Jason/Justin than Neely in reality she does have a much stronger friendship with Neely and they keep each other grounded.  



No one is going to talk to me today



They’re too busy getting ready for Live DR’s.



Their strategy is to throw Scott out there.  No, no, that ain’t gonna happen.  



I still think the best nom is Morgan/Whitney, I think Shelby is more likely to see the other two out but maybe Morgan will be the one.  



You two do understand it look like you two are running me






Like we’re running you?



That’s why people are coming to you guys.  


N doesn’t look like she’s liking hearing that- her face is like AYS?



No, I think that’s because they are too afraid to some and talk to you about it.  You can’t be run and they think they can get into our ears



It’s a possibility


That’s fine if they think that that means they will come for me and Neely before they come for you



I think that’s why Scott is targeting Neely



Let Scott come for me

I think thats the best game move, you do what you think is best but for me that’s what I would do in your situations (Very good Neely, you came out strong with this is what needs to happen and finished by sitting back in your chair and ending it with that’s just my opinion, do what you want, it’s your HOH)



He might just have to go up



Initially, so that you can have it two girls at the end of the week against each other?



Cause if he fights that hard to make sure his a*s comes down then he’s making sure that one of his girls goes



mm hmm


-There’s a moment of silence that fills the room after Kryssie presents her idea



The it might be a good idea to put Scott/Morgan up, or Scott/Shelby up

but no then they will vote Shelby out

-Yes, please!  If you cant get Scott I would be thrilled with the one person not playing the game actively at all to be the one to go!  She is an agitator, contribute next to nothing on the way of game play, weighs Alex down with all the petty mean girl gossip driven conversations all the time and that’s a hit on both Scott and Alex since they both are very attached to her.  Don’t dismiss this idea too quickly, let it marinate LOL


Morgan is more of a competitor  when it comes to a veto.  Do we really want to let Scott win a veto?



That’s what I’m saying



Do we really want to listen o another one of his speech’s thinking he’s the star of the show though? 



That’s the only reason I don’t like the Scott going up initially plan.  If he is up there and one of those girls win or it doesn’t get played they will vote out Scott for sure.  He’s a goner.



It’s gotta be Morgan/Whitney they will vote out Scott and they will vote out Shelby if they are up there



Shelby talked more game with me than anyone yesterday.  




-Can I just point out that this is the quietest Dani has been in a convo in a very long time?  LOL 


Eventually Kryssie gets overwhelmed by being told what needs to be done from the minute they walked in the HOH room.  Jason leaves and Kryssie is trying to talk and Neely is pushing her agenda too hard and Kryssie tells her to shut the f up and let her talk and Neely gets pissed.  Neely stews the rest of the afternoon.


1:30 pm Justin comes into the HOH room and just hanging out wit Kryssie and Jason joins them after he know Neely is mad.  Justin emphasizes he doesn’t like Neely.  Jason apologizes to Kryssie if she felt like he was forcing his ideas or telling her what to do.  It’s here HOH and she has to make the decision.  Jason handles her very well and knows Kryssie well enough to know to diffuse her that’s the best way to handle her.  


There’s no point in replaying all the scenario’s we’ve heard it al and now with Alex safe she only has 4 options and wants to wait and for HN because she feels like if there are same HN that have already been HN before it’s an indicator of who America may put up and then she won’t.  


While this isn’t always a reliable read on whether America like someone or not the strategy isn’t a bad one.  If she nom’s who she thinks America is likely to target she won’t want America then to pick some random target or one of her people.  She is very aware of the fact she doesn’t want to piss off LF’s.  I appreciate that she’s thinking of that and how to use the America ACP, HN, as well as AN as part of her strategy on filling all three of those seats.  Now what she will end up doing we have no idea today.  We should hear some more solid ideas being discussed tomorrow after HN reveals so watch out for that!  







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Sunny Side UP


Morgan and Whitney caught window the fact they may be going on the block together this week before the DR's last night.  Morgan was a firecracker full of piss and vinegar but the time her session began.  Later in the evening Whitney and Morgan coordinated a combined attack to change the menu this week from scrambled to sunny side up!  Here's a look at the deals offered and accepted in their attempt to secure their own safety.  Now well will have to see if Morgan sticks to her word regardless of who AN is although I don't feel like Whitney would break it since she hasn't done so at this point in the game and it's one of the reasons her varied friendships around the house make her one of the Plastics with the most equity in a bargaining situation such as this.



10:38 pm cam 1/2 Morgan asks Kryssie who was in the BY if she can talk to her upstairs before the food fest begins at midnight.  Kryssie cheerfully agrees and they head upstairs.  


Whitney asks if she can join the, as well Kryssie offers some snacks from her basket to the ladies.


Whitney on the bed, Morgan on ottoman next to bed, Kryssie quick trip to the WC and joins the ladies on the bed next to Whitney. 


Morgan and Whitney talk about how funny Justin hiding in the bath tub.  Kryssie says he begged her to let him hide in there and she thought he was going to scare them.  That she kept bringing up his name so he would take it as a cue and pop out.  



We just wanted to come and talk to you, we know there’s a lot of things that may have been said and that we may be a potential target this week and we just wanted to come and talk to you and just present an offer, tea, for your to consider. We thought it would be better to come to you together because basically we are going to say the same thing.



Right we just feel like that me and Morgan are kinda like in the same boat, in a sense that we are probably like on the same level.  As compared to like Shelby  or Scott. We figure that one of us is probably, definitely, maybe gonna go up and we understand that but we just want you to hear us out.



Oh yeah sure.



Obviously, Alex was the target, at least that’s what I would think



Mmmmmm, debatably 



We know that Alex being safe probably threw a wrench in the plan um so we thought maybe you may know where your heads at a little more than you did yesterday.  






So, basically what we wanted to say is that if we somehow are not a target this week, or whatever, whoever you do want to target this week if we are not that you can have 2 votes with you and along with, we are pretty sure Alex would vote with us too.  That’s 3 votes in your favor for whoever you want target wise to go home.  Which 3 votes at this point, like we know that’s a lot.  That’s our word completely.  Then also along with that next week, one of us gets HOH and the following week, so the next two weeks you are safe, completely like that is a guarantee.  If anyone else in our alliance says your name, even offers to put you up, we want you to know that we’ll come to you first and you can take that however you want.



Its pretty, well I know like me personally, and I think Morgan is on the same page, but we’ve never given you a reason to think that we’ve ever came after you.  You know you’ve never had a vote against you with us, and We haven’t won HOH but we’ve never gaven you a reason to think you would be a target. 






I mean if we were to get HOH um two that6’s pretty self explanatory but you know we can’t speak for 

anyone else besides ourselves but so I think my biggest thing is this is your HOH but you have to do what is best for your HOH.  You have to listen everyone’s ideas but if I were HOH I would have to do what’s best for my game.  I don’t think targeting someone who has never targeted you is the best person to eliminate.  



I know, and I can probe;y speak for W these upcoming weeks, I mean obviously we are offer this next upcoming week and the following week but like even before that you were never somebody, you , Neely are people I had no intentions of ever putting up (Morgan should use the term target not putting up, it’s a numbers game and you may have to put her up and she’s gonna hold onto the language you used right there).  I think that’s something to keep in mind.  I mean it’s hard, I haven’t been HOH but I’m sure people are expecting you to do what’s maybe best for their game or what they say is best for your game but I just wanna…



Yeah I can only imagine



And I don’t want to throw anyone UTB and I know that people are going to assume that we are probably going to gun for Scott going out and I mean that’s obvious but I just want you to know and to just consider for your own personal game.  I mean I know for a fact that he’s gonna be gunning for you and from what I’ve heard I think he has ties with some other people in the house that are not on our side which hasn’t been very clear but it’s been spoken about kind of very obviously so keep that in mind and he’s just



Honestly, Scott does whatever is best for HIS game



Obviously, Scott is here just for Scott, no one else and regardless of what he says another thing is when he came up here and his speech and all that I think I can say I know for a fact he knew he was using reverse Psychology and he has made it very clear that he is not going to come talk to you again and I think he thinks because he said ‘ya’ll should just BD me’ that then he says that if I say they are going to BD me then they aren’t going to just because I said.  


-Morgan and Whitney have handled this so beautifully form the minute they walked into the HOH.  They explain why they came together, disarming any feelings of being ‘ganged up on’.  There tones have been easy going, non- threatening, not condescending in any way.  They offered actually a very sweet deal (if they in fact actually stick to it regardless of who AN this could be the best thing to happen this week).  Better than that they capitalize on things Kryssie said to both of them when they met one on one the night before, about trust, loyalty, deals, being trustworthy, you’ve never done anything to me, you haven’t given me reason not to trust you unlike Alex.  As soon as they put the deals not he table they seamlessly transition right into why she should trust them and how their actions have never given Kryssie a reason to doubt they would stick to heir word.  They take turns talking.  They are aware Kryssie got upset wit Neely today for everyone shoving their opinions and desires at Kryssie right after the ACP so they use that intel and say I know everyone is telling you what they want , you have to do what’s best for your game, we will support you.  If you go and watch this conversation, you can see all of the elements I have talked about for weeks that Alex hasn’t done with building bridges, creating social connections, building trust so the later you need to call in a favor or get someone to help you do something you have the equity to do so.  Morgan has some but it’s indirect in relation to her connection to Neely.  Kryssie did tell her that she genuinely liked her.  Whitney however does have a friendship with Kryssie and Kryssie respects Whitney as a person and a player so going in together shows two very important things:

1. M/W are on the same page and in Kryssie’s mind Morgan is more believable pitching the deal along with W, by her side because W has the strongest personal connection with K.

2. They are giving more information and using the things they have learned or heard in their own interactions and observations of what make Kryssie tick and deliver it in way that makes it seem as appealing as possible to Kryssie.


Personally, I am very impressed!  I knew they both had this in them, and while I am starting to like W, more than M, this is why I ranked Morgan so much higher than her sister!  I had a very good sense that despite not knowing BB as well as her sister, her demeanor and personality is less aggressive and cocky and would be able to blend in well socially.   Morgan is a smart player that can learn and take what she sees and apply it using those other two important skills sets relating to her social game. The bridges she’s built along the way socially in combination with Whitney’s as well are the very best chance for these two players to use that equity and build a path to safety for this week.  



Even today he’s like 5 more days until I’m evicted



That reverse psychology stuff is ridiculous.

Even if you don’t think Scott is your target we will still vote to help you get who you want out.



Right, even if it’s not Scott you will still likely have 3 votes in your favor whichever which way you want. Whichever way you think your game would be best.  So just something to consider.  I wanted to throw it out there.  I know Whitney did too so we were like we may as well come together. Just not to preach the same thing two times.



I can tell you guys both that every single time I was on the block, both times you (W) came to and were like hey you’re safe, 



Right, that’s something I need for Neely too, thats something I told you I would do so 



Right and that’s something I will never forget.  You (M) told me I was safe and you were the first person to hug me after Shane left.  Even people form my own alliance, Neely was like get off me.






You came to me and treated me like a person and not like oh you’re another player in the game






Things like that, it might make me a weak player but those are the things that I will latch onto when it comes to making nominations.  I know I told both of you that, especially now with Alex being taken out of the situation, I have to explore a pawn scenario



oh of course


-Yes, Kryssie we all know that and so do they!  It’s why they are able to come and sell this idea to you and you are going to eat it up!  Accept the deal!  Hope they stick to it, I think there’s a 50/50 shot they will.  50% being if Whitney gives her old to vote with you she will keep it no matter who America’s nom is and you can afford to lose Shelby or Scott so win, win)



I think, well I still have to wait for HN’s, just to see if they throw someone in that room that wasn’t in there before I got to take that into consideration.  I think Scott is the most obvious person that needs to go.  I think he’s the one that I get the least blood on my hands and I think America will respect getting him out.  Alex getting a CP actually didn’t throw a wrench into what I already thought about. (This is actually a smart statement to make to these two.  Let them go back to Alex or file in their minds that Alex was never her target)



ok, well that’s good because I figured that it did




I, a lot of people on my side of the house want her gone.  I don’t think Alex needs to go right away. There’s a weird competitive part of me wonders if I would have won if she hadn’t had those glasses on.  The part of me that’s a game player was like let’s keep her. Let’s see what she and I are made of in an actual comp together.  We are very different competitors, but I would like to compete with her. I thinks is someone that I could potentially work with if I need town the future.  Cause she’s not dumb when it comes to this game at all.  


W/M have been saying “right” occasionally but letting Kryssie have the center stage which again is strategically a very good way to manage her.



Oh, no (referring to Alex not being a dumb player)



She’s definitely an asset.  That being said a lot of people on my side of the house said ‘get rid of her, get rid of her’. Which is where the scenario, I am sure you two heard about, came about that we were going to pawn you, and we were going to pawn you and whoever won the veto, barring whoever America’s nom is we were going to yank you down and put Scott up. Like hey we gave you what you wanted, BD you, here you go handing it to you on a silver platter. I don’t think that’s what’s going to end up happening, and please, please, PLEASE don’t let this leave this room.  



oh no



Oh no that’s why we came up here together.  Even though we love Shelby and we love Scott we just knew we had to do this together because we’re in the same boat.  



And they might preach something completely different and each their own






They’re welcome to come chat with me to, I know Scott won’t but I don’t have a problem with either of you 

 I have a bigger connection to you (W) than I do to you just because we haven’t had tons of face time.  I would like that to change.  I would like to be able to spend more time with you.  You guys have been both a part of me getting zero votes when I’ve been on the block.  Obviously, my choices to put OTB are between four people.  If either one of you ends up OTB I need you to know that’s not who I am gunning for.  Especially because either one of you that may end up OTB will end up there next to Scott or Shelby and those two are way more advantageous for us to remove than you. Somebody from your side is going home this week.  If someone from side wins HOH next week, you could lose another 1 and then things are going to have to mix it up across the house.  


(One again she’s talking to much.  Some of it again is valid points to make to better her position with Alex.)



I would love the HOH  deal with you.  If Scott ends up on the block you help vote him out.  If somehow he is up there and wins veto everybody has got to be ready to kiss Shelby goodbye.  



You think so?  You think they would get rid of Shelby over one of us?  


K (laughs)




Points out that she’s run very scenario and their fear is that with Shelby’s social game being so terrible and being so bad at comps that they may just keep letting her slide.  



They may want to keep dragging her along



That makes sense but at least from where I’m sitting, I can’t speak for the rest of those clowns, but from where I’m sitting this should be a game of players and Shelby’s boring, she isn’t good at comps, Shelby doesn’t have a good social game, annoys the sh*t out of people in the house that I really like Justin literally can’t stand her and neither can Neely. As far as I know, everyone on my side is voting the way I want because as everyone keeps saying this is my HOH and 


(Justin and Neely were the perfect people to reference.  He has friendships with both these girls and Neely is very close with Morgan.  Showing them that at least 2 of the votes on that side would definitely vote Shelby out over them is emphasizing why Kryssie and they should believe Shelby would likely go over either one of those two players)


Whitney explains again that’s what she was concerned about she knows she and Kryssie have a bond but the rest of them she’s not so sure about and Kryssie is HOH and she doesn’t have vote.



You know who does have a vote? Justin 


W (giggles)




You know who everyone on our side is worried about it switching sides?  Justin



says Justin at the same time as Kryssie



I didn’t want to pawn both of you.  In case Scott ends up America’s nom goes and wins veto, pull himself down, I don’t want to make this choice 



Yeah that’s what, what we were worried about



That’s what we wanted to bring up because that was what we fear



You guys can’t go up together


Discussions circle around to HN’s what that could indicate as far as Scott.  W says she has a good feeling Scott will end up being our nom.  


Okay this is a decent place to leave this.  One thing that I wanted to point out is Thursday’s blog about HOH one on one meetings in watching Scott that say I made the observation that Scott implying this week like he things he’s a low budget version of Will.  LOL.  Then yesterday Scott literally says numerous times that he is like Dr. Will!  LMAO.  Yeah ok.  The irony intuit is Scott had so much to say about Danielle talking about if she plays in an All Stars season who she would want to play with.  He’s gone on and on about Dani, her assertions of being this great players, cracking jokes about saying she may be an All star and then he turns around and compares himself with one of the best Winner son BB of all time?  


Scott is as smart as he is dumb.  I give him a lot of credit for how he plays the game from a strategic stand point, I may not like all his decisions but he’s effective and until he joined the Plastics they were scattered and while smart collectively (especially Alex in the understanding of the mechanics of the game) but very ineffective as players.  Scott became the glue that binds them.  He and Alex together is a force to be given attention and concern if you are a misfit.  That being said it’s why eliminating Scott is the best target this week for the misfits.  He has the potential to shake some things up and with numbers behind him that will be an issue for J/J sooner than later.  Remove him and the Plastics are like meatballs without a binder, they crumble. 


Looking forward to seeing who ends up being HN this week.  This is the one voting aspect I think that Plastics fans aren’t as committed to consistently voting for every week which leads to hope that we may actually get all three Plastics on slop and that’s good for the goal this week.  Slop weakens them as competitors over the others and misfits needs the support when the other side of the house has an army of people trying to help players who haven’t had to do much in the game.   

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HG woke up and got moving after the wake up call.  


1:01 pm Kryssie emerges from the DR and announces it is time for the HN reveal. She asks everyone to gather in the LR.  


The Plastics and Jason on one couch.

The LNC all on the other couch.


Kryssie's announces the votes are in and America has decided this weeks HN are:






Justin immediately runs screaming and celebrating through the house into the kitchen!  He’s able to eat for another week!  LOL  


The Plastics (Whitney, Alex, Morgan) all cheered and clapped that LNC finally are HN


Scott immediately says 



As the groups quickly disperses Justin apologizes to Jason for gloating.  Jason gives Justin a hard time but it’s all gravy as Justin would say.


Jason expected to be a HN this week.  He knows LF’s well enough to know that they would spread the misery eventually.  He has said quite often he will pay his dues, it’s a part of the game and he doesn’t really care.  Justin is really the only one in the house who is terrified every week he will be on slop and have to take cold showers.  This is the second week in a row where his reaction to not being a HN was OTT.


I was relieved Scott was there and even happier he was listed first!  HG have deiced the first HN is always America’s nominee (true or not in reality that is how it has worked out every week) and Kryssie was obsessed with waiting for the HN reveal to give her a sign if America will nominate Scott.  Now she can believe Scott will likely be the America Nominee and stay the course with her ideas.  I am glad in the sense that it played into what they all were talking about doing and if Scott wasn’t a HN it may have caused a complete panic.  


7:01 PM HG Gather in the LR for the first Safety Ceremony this week.


Alex of course has received safety so her safety badge is already lit.


HG gather in the LR 

Danielle, Neely, Shelby, Alex on the ‘good’ couch 

Jason, Morgan, Whitney, Justin on other couch

Scott takes his rightful place this week on the nominee love seat center stage 


Kryssie faces the HG board in the HOH with a pickle in hand as she makes her first selection:


1. Neely is safe-

She climbs down on the floor and does a celebratory rump shaker move on all fours.


Dani runs to the kitchen to tend to pasta cooking on the stove


2. Justin is safe

He is happy and Neely gets on the floor and does a dance for Justin’s safety as well.


Dani return to her spot on the couch after Justin’ safety badge has lit up.


3. Danielle is safe

-Before Kryssie select Danielle we hear her say ‘she doesn’t have to sit next to me on the damn couch!” and presses Danielle’s 


Neely obliges another celebratory move 


Kryssie emerges from HOH and Dani asks her to show them her pickle.

Justin says, “Yah, it’s over.”


Kryssie, Neely, Jason cam 1 are in a line in the hallway leading to the TKB and call Shelby over to dance in their train.  They all four back that thing up and have little fun. 


As HG head to SR to return their badges Alex and Shelby can be seen on cam 4 in SR reading another Safety Servant task Alex has been ordered to complete.


That’s just a quick recap of the ceremonies for today!  Tomorrow the final safety ceremony will solidify week 4 HOH nominees and voting will open for America’s Nominee.


It appears Plastic's fandom is working to nominate Neely as America's Nominee.


LNC fans appear to be leaning towards Scott or Morgan.  There are polls floating around to see who the LNC fans which reflect most those fans are determined to get Morgan on the block and put some pressure on the sisters. 


After the late night deal that Morgan and Whitney made with Kryssie last night I am not so sure that the America's vote will end up being the tie breaker anymore.  The two promised to vote however Kryssie wants this week and promised not to target Kryssie for the next two weeks.  While I am not sure Morgan would keep this deal if a LNC HG ends up as America's Nominee but I do think that Whitney will stay true to her word.  If she's not on the block and ends up being a vote for the person Kryssie is targeting on eviction night the LNC may have figured out a way to OUT PLAY America's vote!  We will see there's nearly 4 days until the Live eviction and this is BB, expect the unexpected!

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It’s Getting Hot In Here

There has been a lot going on the past few days in the BBOTT house and let's go over some of the most important facts. Yesterday I did a recap on the convo with Morgan/Whitney Friday night in the HOH room with Kryssie after the ACP was awarded but before the HN reveal on Saturday.  Based on that deal and the activities since the Live DR's Friday night it's a good time to give a global recap of what everyone has been up to before we head into the America nominee voting beginning tonight. It's now Sunday morning but here's where things stand after the deal and safety ceremony.


Friday night Whitney/Morgan offered Kryssie a two part deal:

  1. If Kryssie doesn’t target them (even if she has to use them as pawns since they realize the numbers) they will not target Kryssie or Neely for the next two weeks. (Just these two not Plastics in general although said they would try but can’t speak for others)
  2. If she doesn’t target them they will vote however Kryssie wants come eviction night. This is a very important part of the deal!  Kryssie accepts the deal.  That being said I am less confident that Morgan would stick to her word if there is a LNC like Neely OTB as America’s nom but Whitney, it is far more likely that Whitney would keep her word regardless.

So what does this mean for the upcoming eviction vote?  If Neely is OTB, Whitney is not come eviction night then the LNC may still have the votes they need to send a Plastic (Scott/Shelby) home and the America’s vote would no longer be the tie breaker.  While a part of me worries about the wild card Justin, he doesn’t trust Neely.  However, he can’t stand Shelby and Jason is very capable of persuading Justin to vote Scott if it’s him since Scott tried to suggest to Kryssie that targeting Jason was in her best interest right in from of Jason.  Lots of moving pieces but not hesitating and agreeing to M/W offer right away was so much more helpful than Kryssie could realize based on the voting campaign happening outside the house.  

11:15 pm cam 3/4 (Friday)

M/W join the TKB where Scott, Sloth, Alex are all hanging out waiting for midnight when HN’s is over. They go right into the convo in progress about HN, slop, etc…which is interesting they didn’t come in and go right into this is what happened upstairs with Kryssie.  


11:16 pm cam 1/2 Kryssie rejoins LNC in BY Neely/Dani/Jason on couches. 

Good to note that the LNC didn’t pounce on Kryssie as soon as she returned and ask her to run down what the girls said, they were off on some ridiculous convo and seamlessly kept talking.  Jason doesn’t understand what a hermaphrodite is. 

Kryssie finally says she’s glad the conversation out here got really interesting while she was gone.  So finally, on her prompting Jason says how did your convo go up there?

11:20 pm


Morgan and Whitney came up to my room together, and they sold Scott right up the river. They let me know that apparently Scott has side alliances on my side of the house. I am going to go ahead and assume that Scott thinks he has side alliance with Justin.

(This is when Kryssie glances straight at Dani-who is quietly laughing and Jason does as well.  Jason uses this moment right here to attempt to CYA)


I think Scott thinks he has a side alliance with me because he was telling me sh*t last week. 

K shaking her head 

They didn’t give me names but they were like just so you know…they were like if you keep us safe then we will keep you safe next time one of us is HOH.  I was like all right 


So they were selling out Shelby and Scott


Yeah but they did ask me if somehow Scott does get nominated and pull himself down who goes up? I said Shelby, and they said how can you guarantee who will go home over one of us?  I said everyone hates Shelby. 


Like, that’s not a secret.




What did they say when you said that?  


They laughed. They said it was a concern for them because her social game is so terrible that we may want to keep her around. 


That may be more for her comp game


Because she sucks?


Yeah, but I don’t wanna keep her because her social game sucks.


No. She can’t even hold a damn golf club


I basically told them that in order for me to be able to trust them when veto comes around, whatever it is they gotta make sure that Scott doesn’t come down. That’s all. And they said that he said…they said that Scott has no intention of having another talk with me. That the whole reason he brought me the Epsom salts is because ‘he can’t take it on the plane’.


Is he just ready to go home


He said to me week 2 that he wasn’t here to win and anything that happens from here is just gravy to him


That’s fine he’s not here to play 

-The four go into a list of things Scott has said and the idea that Scott is just a fan who wants to check some things off his bucket list and get a couple grand in stipends and ok I’m done.  I know Jason has talked about not buying into Scott’s whole reverse psychology act that he’s not really here to play, but I am not so sure why they go into this side tracked playing they all believe that’s all Scot wants to do.  Yes, Scott certainly wants to be the star of the show and wants to do certain BB things like break ties, have HOH, etc…but that’s being used to make himself seem less threatening as a strategy and Dani and Jason are very hip to that although as a group they aren’t all talking about it as a strategy to be able to convince people he’s not a long term threat.  It’s interesting because this collective group not discussing and sharing their assumptions about that not happening is a symptom of the ever growing cracks in this previously solid united force prior to Shane going home.  Its week 4 and they all knew eventually one of them would be sent out, they all have had side convos with each other about who is jumping ship in their group, or we need to stick together because this person is over here doing this, blah blah.  


I mean they put terrible players here.


They put people who think they are manipulators here who think they are masterminds who aren’t, who are actually terrible, and they are like ok this will be funny…


Oh wait, so if Shelby goes up you’re still going to nominate one of them?


Well, I have to!  I have four people to choose from


Well, that’s true

(Meanwhile TKB Plastics+Scott are still just laying around counting minutes to midnight)

The LNC gets off on a gross convo about extracting zits.  Jason’s face is broken out.

Justin joins the BY (11:27)


It’s gotta be Scott going, they don’t like or want Scott


I knew they were out to see someone.  But they sorta threw Shelby out there as well which was the second  most obvious. 


We were just waiting for it


K -tells Justin since he has just joined the convo already in progress

They told me Scott has side alliances with my people and basically came upstairs sat on my bed and said send Scott home. (To Justin) Go ahead and assume that Scott thinks you and him got an alliance. And I assume he thinks he’s got something with Jason as well. But go ahead and think that but they basically came upstairs sat on my bed and said send Scott home.

(This is exactly what the Fantastic Four did last week with Shane/Dani OTB saying send Dani home.)  


Thats crazy, me nor Jason, well I don’t know…


I think he thinks he has something with me, because why was he telling me so much stuff last week? 


Yeah you guys have that smokers connection


Well he knows he needs me to be able to keep smoking cigarettes


 I never developed any type of alliance, let alone talk with Scott long enough to develop…

Dani interrupts Justin to explain to this poor little confused guy

No. no. no. no but you’re nice to him and no one else is so he thinks that you being nice to him that you guys have an alliance’. This is Scott’s logic in his head


And he thinks, to him, that’s a ‘working relationship’.

(Justin is actually playing this off by making faces, looking perplexed, elbow on his knee with his fist under his chin appearing like he’s thinking hard about why in the world Scott would think that.  For those who don't watch a lot of feeds, don't be fooled!  Justin at this point in the game uses the fact that people think he's clueless to his advantage.  He is not!  He is very smart when it comes to these things and how people are trying to play others and run scams. LOL. Meanwhile Jason and Justin did agree to an alliance with Scott and Alex last week)

“Me and Scott don’t have anything.”

(LNC group erupts in laughter at the thought of Scott having alliance with J/J)


I don’t got anything with him, I assume you don't got anything with him.


No, no, no we’re not saying you do. Scott THINKS that you do.


Why would he, why?


Because you were nice to him last week. 


But, I’m nice to everyone?




So I got an alliance with everyone I’m nice to?


But Scott, in Scott’s head thinks because no one else likes him that because you’re nice to him that you ‘have an alliance’.  Because Jason went up there (last week) to figure out WTF was going on so we knew what was happening now he has an alliance with Jason. 

Jason (laughing)

Since I was going to get information to leak it back to us he thinks ‘oh Jason is with me, I can tell him things.


Ok, pause, I just gotta pause



I told him girl that…

Jason/Neely both say flag on the play


Ok, he got a side alliance with you.  But when he came up there the other day he said you (Kryssie) got to rid of folks on your side that are more likable than you.


Exactly, thats why I’m like ok, well 


This is why Scott’s head doesn’t work quite right. 


This is why Scott doesn’t need to be here.  He’s just making me tired.


Why would he tell the girls to have them come tell you that?


Because Scott is crazy.  Scott doesn’t know what he’s doing.  I don’t even think Scott knows what game he’s on.


I think he will just throw out anything. 


Yeah, he’s just throwing anything anywhere.  Hell, who knows maybe he told them that me and him have an alliance.  Who knows?  The way Scott’s brain works he may just be throwing out everything.


Man, that’s crazy.


He may have started some new alliance that all of us are in and we have no idea. But you know what you (Jason) got invited to the bubble bath, and You (Justin) got invited to the bubble bath and we didn’t so that is the alliance right there lol.


I didn’t get invited to the bubble bath


I don’t know what’s happening with him


Look at Justin’s face lol.  Look at Justin smoking lol


It was pretty funny


So Whitney and Morgan think I…


Whitney and Morgan believe that some of us are working with Scott.  Or at least Scott told them that. 


Or to make himself seem more important to that group


Right like you (Plastics) need me because I got sh*t from them. 

The LNC girls assure Justin that this is just Scott’s way of trying to convince people of something that isn’t true.  They know J/J don’t have anything for whatever reason this is just Scott’s game play and not to worry about it.

Jason/Justin are working the crowd here to seem confused or amused by the whole scenario which in reality they needed this to come up organically ahead of any potential rat like behavior from Scott trying to save himself this week and going and trying to tell N/K/D that J/J did in fact make a side alliance with he and Alex last week to make them mad at J/J and try to deflect attention from himself this week.  

Dani has been speculating to K/N all week that she thinks Justin has some deal on that side of the house and is turning on LNC.  She has also told the girls that she is sure J/J are plotting some new deal with Alex.  I’ve seen Neely more receptive to considering this information from Dani mostly because Neely is already considering which other alliances moving forward she may want to work on developing as well. Kryssie however is ride or die with J/J over anyone else in reality. Just so everyone can follow the trail of how things are shifting/moving and being questioned within this side of the house.  

Jason/Justin did make it appear they are interested in alliance down the road with Alex/Scott. Jason especially is very untrusting of them although knows he has to consider this option.  He doesn’t in his heart want to sell out his alliance with LNC but his protection in the game is in the forefront of his mind.  Neither J/J are 100% committed to this new group but they are keeping it in their back pocket.  

Scott/Alex on the other hand believe that they have convinced J/J 100% and they are pretty much talking the same approach to the whole thing as J/J.  When/if it works for them they will be with J/J. Alex when it works for her she’s with the girls.  Or she’s with Scott/Shelby or she’s the new four J/J/S/A.

Now let’s talk about Alex for a bit.  While in this game it’s a smart strategic move to layer yourselves in varying degrees and I know the value of plotting some protection on both sides of the house.  I hear a lot of people buying into whatever she says in a live diary room each time.  Look at each of her diary rooms over the last two weeks.  She says once sorry Mo it’s coming time to let you go I need to secure myself in this game.  She says another time the Plastics are here main group the diary before but she’s going to use Scott.  Then the next one she says she’s struck a new alliance with J/J/S and herself and this is the one moving forward she wants to go with.  She says something different every time she runs to live DR’s.  This is the one place many LF’s give more weight to what a player says because the expectation is this is what they are ‘really’ thinking.  Go back and watch the last 4 DR’s Alex has had.  She doesn’t have one person in anything that she says every time that washes out in the her dirty laundry. Yes, things change in the house form week to week that's a part of the game but it's important to understand up front here is not one player in this game that Alex is in fact aligned with 100% over anyone else.  Some may think that's ok, it's a strategy but...having your hand sin too many pots in this game is ALWAYS a problem for any player.  Very rarely does a player manage to get to the end with this approach.  Here's why, they end up getting exposed.  SHe's already made the mistake of making the same promise to too many people and it bi there int he a*s.  She's not effective at covering her butt and unless we see a big change in that quickly I see some foreshadowing happening this week. 

Last Alex she knew that she was potentially going to be in danger and since she had not put any work into anything other than the Plastics although she kept saying she’s more with Shelby than any of those girls she had been consistently saying that although it wouldn’t have been her choice the Plastics just kind of fell in her lap and working with her sister is a side effect she hadn't originally planned for but it’s working for her now.  Fast forward to this week.  She now has safety.  She has had one on one convos with Scott and with Shelby telling them both they are each Alex's only priority and as a pair they need to do whatever they can to keep each other safe.  Then she goes to the Plastics and says I like Scott but if it’s him or us it will always be us first and foremost. She goes to Shelby and Morgan yesterday and says she can afford to lose Whitney out of any of the Plastics she’s the most disposable.  She goes to Kryssie and throws Scott to the wolves.  While she’s safe, she’s still not showing any real allegiance to any one person the house whatsoever.  That may seem like it’s not a big deal to some Alex fans but in this game when you make so many different alliances, and they crossover among your main group, like three way with Morgan/Shelby/Alex, Scott/Shelby/Alex, Alex and the Plastics, Alex/Scott/J/J. 

Telling different people Shelby can go.  Telling Morgan/Whitney Scott can go, eventually someone compares notes and you are now Paulie being exposed and you end up with no one trusting you or willing to believe you are truly looking out for anyone but yourself.  In this game you always have to be looking out for your own long term game.  However, one crucial element to getting there is having at least one person who knows you will work to keep you and them safe as long as possible and the goal is to get as far as you can in the game together. Every week in DR’s Alex tells LF whatever in her mind she thinks LF want to hear and they are buying it hook line and sinker. If you’re not watching feeds all day I can see where like a casual you are inclined to want to believe her because you’ve gotten this idea in your head she’s a brilliant player and because there are so many people in the house that annoy you she’s the best of the worst to side with. LOL.  It may work for her in the short term, but with so many people beginning to consider new alliances across the fence with someone the odds of that information being exposed about Alex is more and more likely and her relying on the fact that the two sides don’t really talk to each other is a huge error.

You can’t keep everyone safe.  She isn’t telling someone like Morgan, Scott, or Shelby you're my ride or die and this is what I am doing over here to keep us safe.  She’s saying things like that to everyone.  Jason is telling the LNC hey I’m with you but he has told LF’s not only in  DR’s but when alone talking to the camera wince week 1 Justin is my number 1.  Justin/Jason/Kryssie is my bigger picture and will ride that as long as I can.  He is also forging some other potential layers but Justin is on every single one of those and vice versa.  You see the difference. Same thing format he beginning it was J/J/K at the core of everything with Justin being the only one he planned to stay loyal too, but shows and tells us the LNC (all 6) is our group for voting purposes but we don’t like S/D and when it’s times to let someone go those are the two the FF will eliminate if we can.  Neely was closer and J/J because Kryssie is close with Neely agreed to FF wit her, but even Kryssie has said consistently while she loves Neely as a friend her real allegiance is to J/J above anything else. 

Let's touch on the moving and shaking I see all over the house as week 4 plays out. Dani is over J/J after last week and is trying to convince N/K she and them need to stick together.  Neely is listening more than Kryssie but Neely is still more trusting of Jason overall than Dani.  Of that entire side Dani is the one who really doesn’t have any long term loyalty from anyone at this point. What she doesn't know is that J/J/K/N were all always in agreement that the showmance was a means to an end in voting so she's not telling these two anything they weren't already aware of. 

Neely is considering new avenues.  She’s talked about her relationship with Morgan having potential to make a new 3 person group bringing Morgan into the mix of some other new alliance to protect herself as she is seeing the dynamics of the house shifting and not turning a blind eye to it. Jason, Justin, Neely, and Kryssie all agreed once they formed the Fantastic Four alliance that each one of them would form some kind of friendship with one of the Plastics and have always brought any intel they have gotten from their one person back to the main group.  That's still true at this point in the game.  However that bond with Morgan Neely is beginning to see as a potential safety net just in case she is going to need it and that's a smart approach. 

J/J still ride or die for each other and any conversations you see them having with anyone else KNOW this THEY always bring it back to each other.  No matter what they say to anyone else you will find them in a room at some point alone sharing intel and making plan on how to handle things.  Believe that it’s been happening for weeks and still happening this week when there is a lot of moving and shaking happening in the house.

Jason has suggested that maybe they should consider some other things and Justin really trust Whitney, thinks she’s a valuable asset, smart, much better than people suspect.  Jason however, for now has told Justin he doesn’t trust Whitney.  This is something I suggest people keep an eye on.

J/J are still pretending to be down and doing some light housework to make it appear that the potential plan talked about in coming weeks with A/S is still something they want to keep as an option for the sake of A/S believing it and for a layer of safety they may need ahead.  Neither trust S/A really and have made that abundantly clear both when together and when alone. They are not completely cutting the idea off, but it is not an absolute we need to make this work approach.  They bring intel back to the main group but there is some they only share with each other and make a plan for how they will use it moving forward in just their two best interest. So yes, they are still maintaining the FF appearances but neither is 100% sold on Neely long term and they would sacrifice either Kryssie or Neely to secure their duo above anything else. 

Alex has told Scott that she’s not really thinking it’s a priority for her either now this week.  That’s what safety did for her, it made her complacent. That being said on varying degrees J/J/A are all treating this new alliance as an option whereas Scott appears to be the only one thinking if he survives this week he has done such an amazing job as convincing everyone this is his main group moving forward in the game.  He and Alex do both say they want to protect Shelby but they also pretty much made that clear to J/J when negotiating what the order was on each side of the house as they tag team HOH's to potentially end up where they are in a position to actually make this a real final 4 kind of deal. 

Morgan and Whitney see that they need to protect each other and you see them as they have since the beginning of the Plastics sticking together.  While Morgan has consistently said she wants to keep herself and her sister safe Alex has not been as committed to that plan as her sister.  I said it before the season began and I have seen nothing in 4 weeks that has changed my mind Alex is not 100% committed to getting to the end with her sister in return.  She says I need to keep Morgan when it suits her but then as soon as the need for Morgan isn’t life or death she plots and plans without Morgan being a role in what she’s trying to do to propel her game. Morgan has however toyed with the idea of creating something in the future capitalizing on her social game and the basic connection she’s forged with Neely and as we see this week when Morgan’s BB life is endangered she steps us and puts her survival in front of any other plan. 

Scott however thinks he’s Dr.Will and that he’s got J/J in his pocket 100% along with Alex and although he knows he’s likely a target he thinks he can outplay this week using reverse psychology.  We will see how that works out for him. LOL

The LNC as of Saturday night would like to get rid of Scott has first choice and will accept Shelby going home as a back up is somehow Scott ends up safe because of veto.  J/J would actually prefer Shelby to go over Scott but they can't push too hard since their group is already watching their every indication of what their goal is this week.  Again when striking the potential for a future deal with A/S this was discussed that they can't over play hands in either of the current alliances the pairs are in but will do as much as they can to protect the core four A/S/J/J and attempt to steer their sides of the house to eliminate the weaker links agreed upon at the end of week 3 when this convo happened in the wee hour of the morning in the BY. 

By next week (week 5) many of these things being thrown around will be irrelevant.  What I am watching for is if Jason/Justin appear to be in danger next week, there is a high probability they will have some ammunition to pull out to help themselves.  They both have now at least thrown he Scott alliance thing out for the LNC to know about so if that gets presented by Scott or Alex it may be a lot less likely anyone except maybe Dani will buy into easily.  


There you have it.  These are all things if you are n to watching the feeds a lot that you should be aware of.  The two sides have numbers decreasing at equal paces and its at a point in the game where all the players should be exploring ideas on how to gain some protection outside their own numbers.  Whitney and Kryssie are the only ones that whether fake or real haven’t on some level made any actual moves to lay some bricks in this direction.  Whitney has more so than Kryssie in that she has some stronger bonds with Justin and Kryssie on the other side and hasn’t burned any bridges. Whitney is being looked at as a stronger ally than Kryssie on the LNC side of the house while the Plastics are seeing her as the weakest link and most expendable. 

Kryssie has used her HOH to send up smoke signals that she can see a potential for working with Alex in the future to both Morgan and Whitney as an offensive move which was smart. It was done in a passive way that she was confident those two girls would leak back to Alex for two reason: 1. Alex would her that Kryssie isn’t really as much of a threat as some of the others because she’s no targeting Alex right now. 2. It makes herself appear malleable to the other side in general.

Tonight’s safety ceremony will secure who the HOH nominees are.  It should be Shelby and one of Morgan/Whitney.  Kryssie and LNC see Morgan as a stronger potential competitor in the veto increasing the likelihood if Scott is America’s nominee she would have a better shot at keeping Scott from winning and taking himself down.  It’s not certain that Scott wont go up, but based on all of Kryssie’s ideas on how the HN’s washed out she is more likely to believe Scott will be America’s nom.  Any way you cut it last check it would be 1 pawn not two for fear is America’s nom happens to win veto she doesn’t want Whitney and Morgan left on the block together are the situation where one of those two has to be sent home this week.  IMO that’s a smart way to be thinking based on everything whether Kryssie knows what we know or not.  If that works that way and Whitney is not on the block she would not be the replacement nominee unless Scott is America’s nom and stays on the block.  In that case if  either Shelby or Morgan were to win or someone else take them down it could end up that way but she would likely beg Morgan if she won not to take herself down. 

This is the best case for LNC because of the two girls Whitney is the one most likely to stick to the deal and vote how Kryssie wants. Anything can happen but you always want to try and position things statistically to have the best chance at accomplishing plan A or Plan B and not being forced into a low level plan that you would prefer not to be forced into.  Regardless it’s shaping up to be a much more exciting horse race now that we head into Sunday than it looked like on Thursday for the LNC.

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So safety is over and Morgan/Scott are on the block. 

Twitters is exodexploding with LNC/Misfits fans voting for Shelby. 


It appears the majority of Plastics fans are still voting Neely as of less than an hour ago. 


I polled LNC fans and since the two with the highest percentages are both nominated, Shelby was the third highest in my poll with a whopping 5%! LOL

Morgan had the most followed by Scott but combined they acquired 92% of the votes in my poll of LNC fans of which HG they would like to nominate this week! Since the top two are out there shouldn't be a vote split for the first time. 


Vote for whoever you would like America's nominee to be, but there's the consensus from both sides of the house's fandoms. 


My my first thought was do I want Shelby OTB? If she's up and Scott or Morgan come down then Whitney goes up. I personally think the odds of Whitney keeping her word to Kryssie and voting how Kryssie wants this week is far more likely than Morgan doing it! Alex would love to lose Whitney if she has to lose a Plastic and quite frankly Whitney is the only one of those girls I like! I think she has some mad game in her and we are just beginning to see her shed her Plastics skin to begin to play her own game. No worries though, it's BB. Will be fun to watch this week! There's so many if's! 


As as soon as Kryssie was in SR (cam 1/2) 7:10 pm with Morgan and Shelby following nominees, as they talked about anyone can win veto this week except Scott I had a vision of how wonderful it would be if Alex won the veto! Now what does she do? Save her sister and put her bestie OTB? Save Scott because he's 

more valuable to her game which would likely send her sister home? Save her sister and have Scott and Shelby wondering why? LOL


Sorry, it was a random thought that made me LOL. Would she pull a Paulie if she's drawn for veto and win when she shouldn't? Imagine Morgan if Alex won and didn't use it at all? That would be glorious feeds! 


Remember voting is now open! Doesn't matter who you vote for just vote! Your vote counts. 

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i think your insight to the show is really thought provoking. Although I do not always agree with some of your perceptions and generally think you are giving some of the house guests far more credit, it has been a guilty pleasure to follow your blog.


The biggest thing I think is that you are giving Kryssie far more credit than she deserves. In my opinion she has stated that she has only ever seen two seasons, no live feeds, and has probably never seen any website or blog related to BB. Her blow up with Neeley and everyone trying to give their opinion was the single biggest mistake she has made and it will likely not only cost her one of her own alliance, alienate her from the plastics, (who, I don't think either Morgan or Whitney will honor their deal- Whitney has proven through small comments and quiet assertions that she is there to play, and will have no problem going back on her word (she lied right to Justin about the Monte vote) and Morgan is likely to capitalize on the opportunity to keep numbers), and possibly push Justin and Jason out if they are faced with a decision to keep Scott over Neeley. Justin is smart, but he also is very naive, and Jason doesn't want to fully assert his will on Justin (smartly), Justin has made it clear that he will vote out Neeley over Scott, regardless if the timing is right.


A good leader, and smart person knows their limitations and knows when to ask for help. Sure, Dani is annoying, but she is sharp, Neeley has more exposure to BB, and Jason has not only been a LF, has a fan base, understands what America is likely to do, but also has been in that house before, Kryssie sealed her fate with her "I am the HoH and I rule the world!" attitude.


I think had Jason been able to get in Kryssie's ear that she had to trust America to put up Scott and to put up two plastics, it would not have opened the door so wide to let America put Neeley. I had hoped to see more momentum in putting up Jason which I think could have split the Plastics vote, but they seem to be far more organized as a fan base than the Misfit fans.


I am pretty positive that today will see Neeley on the block, she is on slop, not feeling well and may not perform well in Veto, but who knows what the competition will be, so no speculations there. Once Neeley is on the block though, the Plastics will huddle, come up with 83616384 plans, and not be able to execute any of them because the Veto competition will ultimately determine what the field looks like in their playbook. But, right now, America appears to be pro-Plastic, and they are relatively untouchable.


I would love to see the scenario you detail where Alex would be forced to save Morgan or Scott, and how that plays out. I think it is interesting that she says she can cut her sister, but the first sign of that being in practice, she basically starts behaving like there is no way Morgan can leave. Blood is thicker than water. Regardless of what they say, they are not estranged, actually appear to like each other and riding out the last phases of typical sibling rivalry.


At at the end of the week I predict Kryssie and Danielle will be on islands, and they may be able to work together, but they will be the biggest targets just for piece (peace) of mind.


I look forward to your next blog... thank you for your time and insight!

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Ok joker's only one who is posting any updates, as i am at work, unable to watch any feeds.  He is really going off saying all types of nasty stuff about Shelby.  Anyone out there watching feeds seeing anything different?  If not, he's true colors are showing and they are not nice and he needs to go.  This is a game, say derogatory game stuff, but if someone said the things joker's is saying he is, it's beyond game play.  Just my opinion.  

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It's All About the Veto!


Happy Monday LF’s!  It’s raining here in S.California so this could be a cold and wet veto this afternoon.  I should also point out it may be a little happier Monday for Plastic’s fans than Misfit’s fan, but I am choosing to not have any real feelings about the America Nominee at this point.  Veto will help guide the various ways and chance this could actually pan out so I won’t get too deep into that discussion for now.  


A lot has happened in the last 36 hours so we are going to start with some things transpiring in the BBOTT house yesterday (Sunday) move into the safety ceremony last night and wind this blog entry up with the immediate after math of the announcement of America’s Nominee.  Then, later tonight or tomorrow morning I can hash out where things appear to stand on either side of the fence once veto is determined.  



12:50 pm TKB cam 1/2



Alex-Clearly Alex doesn’t like not being in control.

I just want to know what’s going on.



She just told me I’m not the target.  I offered to be a pawn if I’m not the target.



I was almost positive you were not the target.



It lines up with what we were thinking.  See you at Halloween Shelby.



Hopefully, something could go wrong.



True pawns go home in this game but I feel pretty confident that…



Potentially with 3 people on the block there’s less chance of a pawn going home.


Alex yeah



She didn’t tell me who her real target was but…



Did she really have to? I would be surprised if it’s not me.


All believe Scott is going to be America’s nom.  Alex wants to know if they get put up and they get to choose who they would to play veto are they going to pick Whitney to play by default?



I guess I would have to pick Whitney. I’m not gonna lie it’s tempting to pick Alex.



I’m no going to think about that until I know. She may pick Justin to just piss him off and make him play. 



I think later we should just go over scenarios. 

Shelby leaves to go to the BA, Morgan comes in at the same time.





Morgan decides to go make lunch.


Alex immediately jumps up and moves over to Scott so they can finish talking.


Scott and Alex have been told by Kryssie that Neely and Danielle are the two misfits who want to come after Alex and Scott. 


-While I am team misfits at this stage in the game, I would not like to be aligned with Kryssie.  Her mouth is like 7/11 opens 24/7 365 days of the year.  Girl, be quiet! 


They are discussing Alex’s reasoning for wanting to keep Morgan she is trying to convince Scott that they might come after Morgan before them.  Alex says

“Whitney has strong ties with Kryssie, Justin and Neely. I don’t have ties with them like she does, they are going to save her.” 


-Well, yeah Alex that’s true you don’t have strong ties with anyone else because you have had zero social game! I heard a Plastics’ fan say that Morgan and Whitney are Alex’s social game which made me laugh out loud.  No, Morgan and Whitney don’t bring Alex into the groups through their interactions. Alex has to actually be present to ride not he coat tails of someone else’s social game.  They may be here spies, but they are not her social game. Paul was Victor’s social game but Victor actually hung out with people across the house, he had a presence alongside Paul and reaped the benefits of Paul’s social game. Morgan especially talks with Neely more than anyone but the last two weeks she really only goes to her when she needs her she’s been very lax unjust being a real presence in that sense.


Morgan is trying to seem like she’s warming up to Justin, but Justin is no sucker.  As much as he adores Whitney he knows she’s also using that to try and get things from him and he only gives her small samples on occasions but never shares anything he doesn’t want her to know.  Yes, Morgan occasionally hangs in the vicinity of the misfits but there’s a difference between sitting with them and really interacting with them and she’s so annoyed by their presence she misses some basic intel she could be acquiring intel she paid attention.   This week Alex has slowly been a bit more interactive but it’s not something she will benefit from right now and would require she continues to do it, and she won’t.  


Conversely, Whitney does just hang out with that side of the house, interacts, makes herself a part of the group so she does have much stronger connections.  Whitney also went to Kryssie and had a conversation that suggests she may be willing to work alongside Kryssie moving forward at least in the sense they could agree not to target each other the rest of the game.  We will have to watch and see how genuine that was, but it happened.  Much of the time when I see Whitney telling the Plastics things she realized from hanging out with them she’s dismissed more than not.  Whitney realizes that dynamic as much as I do watching from the outside.   That’s showing Witney is seriously in the best position to know when its time to jump ship and has created the best opportunity for herself to do so.  The bottom line is you can in fact be weak in the social game area and benefit from a someone you are aligned with’s social game but that doesn’t work if you never have a presence at all.  You still have to show up.  You still have to be active and know when its time to say this or do that. 


Alex may benefit from getting some information but its minimal and even less useful because she has to have direct connections in some sense to be benefitting from people wanting to save you like she is describing with Whitney in this conversation. This week’s voting has not encouraged her to change much and if she ends up with her side in power next week, I think the chances of her lasting more beyond another 2 weeks declines significantly.  


Its week 4 and Alex is just realizing now that the heat is on the Plastics that Whitney is in the best position with the other group and they would come after Alex before Whitney. She has thrown Whitney’s name around within her own group that she is the best one to leave if one of them has to this week.  When/If that gets back to Whitney, its going to force Whitney over to the other side like a gail force wind. 


-Welcome to the game Alex! 


Alex does believe she still has Justin and Jason working for her and Scott but Scott wants to let Morgan go.  Alex would rather lose Whitney over Morgan but Scott doesn’t really know why that is.  He tells her he’s good with whatever Alex wants to do but he just wanted to share what he was thinking about which Plastic is the best to lose if they have to lose someone. Scott is right in this situation but he has no idea why….they’re SISTERS!  


Alex isn’t really trying to save Morgan because she’s her sister and wasn't to play with her.  Don’t be confused.  Alex knows that between Whitney and Morgan, Morgan being her sister makes Morgan easier for Alex to use. Morgan is more inclined to protect Alex. In that sense Alex is 100% correct.  Whether Morgan was Alex’s sister or not, for Alex’s game the way things are right now losing Whitney, who has the ability to be scooped up by the other side and has a mind of her own, Morgan is the better person for her to try and keep. Morgan is playing this game with the intent of keeping her sister safe and going as far together in this game as possible.  Alex, however is not.  She sees Morgan in the moment as being a benefit right now knowing she will be more loyal. Alex’s target has grown by leaps and bounds in the last week or so.  Alex’s goal is not to keep Morgan safe so she gets to the end with her sister though, It’s only valuable as a means to an end and if Morgan were to somehow be in a better position than her, or drift away and be in another alliance Morgan is expendable in Alex’s world.


Scott has come to the conclusion that America doesn’t like him and we think he’s boring.  The behaviors you are about to begin to see are Scott attempting to gain some cool points with us.  I have noticed since Paul hosted the HOH Scott has suddenly begun to be more OTT than he was before.  He has always been quirky and you can tell his actions literally are nothing more than to gain him a lot of face time on the show.  Paul’s presence was like a light bulb going off in Scott’s head remembering Paul made final 3, LF’s liked is antics for their entertainment value and Scott feeling like America hates him has now given him the idea to play to the audience even more. However, LF’s are smart enough to see that. We watch he feeds all day. LOL.  As the day progresses you will see what I am talking about. It may work for a minute because there are fans who just like to see random ridiculous drama and characters but 15 minutes of fame fade quickly in the BB house and fans change on a dime more often than not in this game. 


Alex made a comment today (Sunday) about Vanessa. Tiffany has been team Alex most of the season so far and Tiffany has 39k followers.  After the comments Tiffany tweeted “I get it now Alex can go.” LOL. Now many may not think this is a big deal and Tiffany was being emotional like her sister and shouldn’t take it so personally but this happens all the time in BB. It’s the only reason I bring it up.   A player makes one seemingly innocuous comment that is taken in a way that either players or fans don’t like and it does have a snowball effect.  Not saying all the Alex fans that follow Tiffany are now going to turn on Alex but some will.  Many Tiffany fans came to her defense quitting ‘sisterly love’ and if those same Tiffany fans were Vanessa fans they will now not be so apt to be team Alex and that’s good for misfits!  SM undeniably plays a huge role in this season and every little thing can make a difference.  While I don’t see this as a big deal (the comments) although saying something to the effect of ‘Vanessa is lucky she didn’t have to play against Alex’ is as arrogant as Danielle saying when she plays in All Stars…People pounced on Dani for that but think it’s absurd some fans are pouncing on Alex for her comment?  That is funny to me.  Fans are as hypocritical as HG sometimes.  


I guess Shelby made a comment about Rachel Reily and BB fans tweeted the comment to Rachel as well.  You have to be careful what you say at all times because the smallest thing can impact your game.  Rachel has nearly 300K followers on Twitter and she threw her support out to nominate Shelby!  LOL.  It’s all relative.  Rachel has called Shelby a floater and while she has tweets from Plastics fans arguing against her the majority of fans she has like what Rachel has to say and her voice in the BB game does hold weight with them.  Over time things have a domino effect and tides can change quickly so HG should always be leery of saying anything that may bring attention from outsider who have the ability to effect the game. 


There has been a lot of drama among fans.  Plastics fans have been accused of doing some shady things with votes.  I’m not going to get to deep into it, I haven't seen the comments on Joker’s myself, just that it is something being tossed around.  What I will comment on if a Twitter push last night by Plastics fans to attempt o confuse Misfits fans.  One being that Misfits fans have changed their mind and want to vote Whitney instead of Shelby.  One person actually tweeted we need to confuse misfits fans and tell them this….then less than an hour later tried to say this account has been hacked and direct misfits fans to vote for Whitney.  Others were trying to make it appear that Plastics fans are now voting Shelby.  Seriously?  DO these people have anything else to do in their lives?  So here’s my best advice…  If you follow social media, you should have a good idea based on history which accounts are pro-Plastics or Pro-Misfits.  I’m not talking about general everyday  accounts but the BB related accounts.  When things like this happen go to those accounts and read back on the timeline.  Check out a couple sources and you should be able to verify who they really are behind in this game and know whether to subscribe to anything they are saying.  You all have a forum, blog, podcast, whatever that you prefer and that usually coincides with who you like in the house.  Use those more reliable sources to fact check.  Don’t get sucked in to the ridiculous antics of some trolls that dedicate their lives to their keyboards and love to see if they can manipulate people.  


N ow, that we’ve cleared that up back to the game. I can see valid points on both sides of the coin regrading whether Scott leaving this week is best for Alex, or the misfits. The issue I think Scott is facing is he has this big idea of just tell people exactly what you’re thinking.  Whatever the motivation as far as strategy goes isn’t the main point this week.  Scott’s actions have backed himself into a corner and you have to remember the HG don’t see everything we do.  Scott has spent 4 weeks saying how much he hates Kryssie, he wants her gone if he got HOH he would nominate her.  While he didn’t target Kryssie on his HOH, she do go up and all of that plays into what he’s been selling for weeks.  I said week 2 I don’t think Scott really wants Kryssie out, I think he is trying to paint it that way for some reason.  Now its week 4, he’s been treating her like crap for two weeks, saying he wants her out for 4 weeks of course Kryssie sees him as her biggest threat he’s been the only one saying he’s targeting her!  Yet people are saying she’s stupid to target him?  No, based not the intel she has it’s not.  


Scott is a strong connection to Alex who is also seen as the biggest threat on that side along with Scott. Scott has said he wants Kryssie out.  Alex is safe.  Scott by his own design made himself Kryssie’s only threat. Leaving Scott in the game at this point doesn’t appear to be good for Jason/Justin either.  Again appearances in the house not what we see.  


Justin wants to keep Scott, there’s only 3 guys, Justin sees potential working with Scott. I think Jason would not mind Scott leaving in that in his mind that makes Alex need Justin/Jason more but he’s underestimating the pace in which Jason/Justin’s target has grown this week.  If Misfits are in power Alex will play she wants to work with them and how that comes out in the house we would have to wait and see, things change from day to day and week to week.  The rest of misfits’ side sees that Scott has this obsession with Alex and they perceive his loyalty as unwavering and if you remove him that is a major hit in their minds that weakens Alex.  I know many people inside and outside the house think it’s dumb of Kryssie to take out Scott over actually chipping away at the group of four girls but Scott is actually more loyal to Alex than let’s say Whitney.  Alex has said numerous times this week she wants to be able to try and work with Jason/Justin and I am going to give this some weight since she wasn’t talking to J/J.  Not too much weight because she's fancy fencerton, as some people like to call it but she never really commits to anyone.  


Scott is a vote, that based on what they know, does benefit Alex and whatever she does when she’s in power.  I believe as much as Alex would like to keep Scott, she’s aware the chances are their side is going to take loss this week and for her keeping the four girls tight she’d prefer to lose Whitney but Scott would be the next acceptable loss.  That shows me that as much as people like to believe that not taking out one of the four girls is a strategic mistake you are not seeing the hierarchy of that group as it really is and possibly blinded to it by your unwavering love of Alex.  Of the four other people in her group Scott is her most valuable member at the moment:

  1. He’s a shield 
  2. The two together make a very strong power house as players
  3. Scott’s as much of a vote as any other Plastic 
  4. He has more to offer than anyone at this stage in the game.                              


Long term game Morgan is more loyal.  What Morgan contributes in day to day game is nothing compared to what Scott brings to the party. As much as Scott’s approach is annoying and seems idiotic at times, the core of what he knows and how he sees the pieces needing to be moved to get him to the end is in fact very well developed. He’s messy and annoying to the other side of the house and draws more attention to himself and all of those things help Alex. Scott needs to be the primary target this week if you’re a misfit playing for the group. If you’re Kryssie Scott is your biggest threat, the only one saying your name and he’s got to go since Alex has safety.  That is basic BB. Based on what Kryssie knows and in all honesty based on where everyone is right now on that side of the house, Scott should be the target and if not Shelby is the next in line since she’s Alex’s bestie and annoys basically everyone (which is her strategy. 


Scott is smart, he doesn’t always play that way but strategically he has a pretty good grasp on what needs to be done and doesn’t let anyone sway him from what he has his in his mind. The misfits do see Scott as someone Jason/Justin not only may in the future jump ship and work with but probably are already trying to work with and so getting rid of him eliminates a chance for the J/J to do so.  The misfits (Kryssie) also see that Alex is stronger with Scott on her side.  That’s a fact, whether you are watching from inside or outside the house.  While Alex doesn’t feel like she needs Scott as much as the girls in reality she does.  Scott is another big target on her side (shield).  If he goes out this week she is back to being the biggest target. Scott actually grounds Alex’s game play and the two together are VERY dangerous on this game. 


Alex having a sister (still no one knows about) who is 100% loyal to her right now and has said she (Morgan) is playing for two people (she and her sister) and Scott (who is just  about as loyal at this stage) as Morgan is a huge advantage for Alex’s position right now.  Would Scott want to go to the end with Alex?  I don’t think so.  Would Morgan, if it worked out that way?  Yes, I think she probably would love to be sitting with her sister at the end.  However,  Morgan also realizes there may come a time where it’s Alex or Morgan and Morgan would fight for her own life and not throw it away just for Alex to be the one to stay. Scott following Alex around like a puppy only makes Misfits side believe even more that for Scott, Alex is his ride or die.  So, how is targeting Scott to weaken Alex any different than breaking up the showmance?  Based on what the HG know?  It isn’t. From where I am looking, Alex has two players in her camp that are just as unwavering as any showmance in week 4.  A sister and a puppy although with varying degrees of loyalty as the game progresses but the Misfits aren’t as concerned about whether Scott cuts Alex at the end they don’t want Scott at the end!  


To Alex’s credit although I am not convinced Alex really believes this as much as she’s using it as strategy to save Morgan, she says cam 2 12:59 pm “Whitney is a way bigger threat.”  As far as ability to gain support on the misfits side of the house she is 100% correct.  Alex is really just trying to throw out viable reason why she believes keeping Morgan safe is better than keeping Whitney safe.  Scott has said he thinks Morgan is more expendable.  Alex also tells Scott in this convo that she really needs she and Scott to be in good with Jason/Justin next week. Strategically if Misfits get HOH again week 5 she’s right. This is really no difference than Jason/Justin being willing to lose Danielle or Shane last week.  


While that convo was happening we find Morgan/Shelby/Whitney in the BA on cam 3/4 12:57 pm


Morgan is sharing with Shelby that Kryssie wants to get Scott out. Kryssie told Shelby earlier this morning that Morgan and Whitney agreed to vote however Kryssie wanted this week.  Shelby also tells Morgan that Kryssie told her that all the Plastics have come up and thrown Scott UTB.  Shelby told Kryssie if you want someone up that will throw veto don’t put me up there I am not throwing veto.  


Shelby makes my point about Scott following after Alex in this convo as well. She’s painting it at Scott following her around all the time after he said he doesn’t want to be seen with her a lot this week, but actually he’s following Alex around.  LOL. Shelby says he doesn’t want to believe Kryssie that Scott is the target but it makes sense since he’s the only one targeting her.  Shelby accurately predicts that Kryssie will want to put the strongest comp player as the pawn to help prevent Scott from a having as good a shot of winning veto so he stays up.  She also explains that Kryssie wants to nominate Scott because she's not going to rely on America nominating Scott.  This is absolutely correct!  While Scott being a HN based on how the last couple weeks has gone might suggest Scott has a good chance of being nominee Kryssie is not relying on it. 


This is actually smart in the big picture for what Kryssie’s strategy is.  Kryssie doesn’t wan to nominate two pawns (Morgan and Whitney) regardless of who AN is, risking AN comes down and they are left with only Morgan/Whitney as choices to evict.  By putting Scott up she guarantees he’s OTB not counting on America to do it.  Then if AN wins veto Scott stays.  If Scott wins and comes down she can now nominate Shelby has her back up target and assures at least one target she wants is on the block come eviction day.  People may be annoyed by Kryssie but this was the best way to manage these nom’s for her end game here this week.  You don’t know what America is going to do.  She doesn’t want to accidentally set things up in a way that leaves Whitney/Morgan OTB.  Now, that being said with only 4 people to choose from it may end up that way, but this approach statically was the best way to reduce the chances that would happen.  Kryssie also knows, like I do, that keeping Whitney down gives her the best chance at having the votes regardless of how things wash out because Whitney is more likely to keep her word than Morgan.  Whether she does or not, if the scenario arises we will see.  But based on what Kryssie knows and how things are shaped this week this was her smartest move.  


1:15 pm Alex has joined the chat in the BA


Alex says of Kryssie

“Stop playing the game personal.”  

-Right because week 1 your hate for Danielle wasn’t personal?  LOL.  Whether the threat of Dani manifested itself over time or not the target they had on Danielle from the beginning was very personal.  Whitney leaves to get her water bottle and interrupt her convo.  


Alex is concerned someone is giving Scott information and don’t know if Kryssie is being lied to or if Kryssie is lying to them after they just spent several minutes bashing Kryssie and listing reasons they think she’s lying.  Whitney returns as asked Justin if Scott was the target and Justin said he didn’t know.


-Alex has worked on Shelby the last day or so and eventually persuaded her to volunteer as a pawn.  Shelby did go to Kryssie just before this 12:13 pm cam 3/4 and in fact volunteers to be the pawn.  Again, Alex is working more to protect Morgan and Scott and this was a way to try and prevent Morgan form being a pawn.  Kryssie made her target clear.  If Scott “goes up he can’t come down.” It doesn’t work in the end but it was a smart move on Alex’s part to try and keep Morgan off the block.  In the end I think all the things Alex is doing will begin to make her own people wonder why?  Don’t back yourself into a corner putting out to much energy in a way that burns your own trails in this game.  People are always watching and have nothing better to do than think all day long. 




Sunday Safety Ceremony 7:00 pm 

Kryssie makes her first selection of the evening

Everyone on LR couches.   Scott on nomination chair, towel on his hair, cucumbers on his eyes, lying down.  


-This boy is ridiculous.  Funny how he wants to now be all entertaining since Paul came and hosted the comp.  He’s gone from Ronny, to Andy, to Will and now Paul.  He’s impersonated a difference BB character every week.  


Good Couch

Dani, Alex, Shelby Justin


Kryssie makes her first selection:

“You know I gotta save my boo.”

  1. Jason is safe


K-next selection

“Whitney I know you Miss Winston but you’re gonna have to wait another week”

2. Whitney is safe.


——Earlier this evening Whitney and Kryssie were in HOH and Whitney told Kryssie her deal with her was probably good for the rest of the game. 


Justin is finishing his quesadilla. Return to LR


K-last selection

“All right Shelby, you better hope Scott doesn’t come.”

3. Shelby is safe 


There is a much more jovial vibe for these safety ceremonies than any of the others.

Morgan has some Dora like outfit on, white short, yellow T, blue vest


Shelby has Harry Potter get up on.


I’m guessing because I’ve been gone this afternoon that the Plastics decided to all dress up since Alex is in her costume?  I know they played some game earlier and Shelby had to fly on her broom and pretend to be Harry Potter so don’t know if this was a group decision or just runner from their game.  


7:03 pm cam 1


Kryssie as she’s walking from Kit to LR she begins with her speech

I have nominated Scott and Morgan.  Scott, we’ve had our ups and downs buddy in this game.  Morgan you’re dressed like Scott.”


-That was funny the entire LR erupted in LOL and I even laughed a little.

BTW anyone else finding themselves craving quesadillas now?  I’ve made two for lunch this week because they are always making them or talking about making them  At least it’s not always Pizza anymore but I’m more inclined to eat the quesadillas over the pizza though.  I’ve never had this game make me want what they’re eating, never craved a cookies BB18 or a muffin! Quite frankly Paulie ruined apple pie more.  Sorry,  just a random thought if anyone else has experienced this or if I am just watching way too much feeds.  LOL


7:05 SR cam 1/2

Morgan, Shelby, Kryssie


Kryssie says she’s so glad Morgan was dressed like that.  They all laughed.  Kryssie admits that the HOH is supposed to make a speech and she thought Scott was just being douchey.  



Oh you are?



Well, that’s part of the show. 



It is but like you have to say hey you and you are nominated but the whole brief speech thing is real. 



It worked out perfectly too.  


K whispers

We just gotta make sure he doesn’t take himself off. 



Right, yeah.



Sorry, not sorry, it’s a game. 



Literally. Depending on Veto, we just need somebody to make sure he stays up there. 



My feeling is everybody that would be playing in veto except Scott wants Scott to stay up there. 




So you wanted somebody that can beat him?


More or less.  No offense to you and Whitney but like if this ends up being a physical I want Scott to completely crash and burn.


-OMG I just had a vision of Alex winning veto and being put in the position saving her sister or Scott!  That would be so glorious if she pulled a Paulie, win when she shouldn’t and now she’s got to make a commitment to something!  Doesn’t end up being a possibility as you will soon see but it would have been some great feeds!


Morgan cracking up and clapping

“Touche, touche!”


Scott is still lying on the nomination love seat with the cucumbers on his eyes.  



That’s all. 

As all the HG make their way out of the LR, Scott stops and hugs Kryssie and says “It’s all good.



Monday-HG were woken  little after 9 am this morning to prepare for ceremonial events


10:02 am Times for America’s Nominee and Veto Draw


Kryssie has to remind Morgan she needs to sit on nomination love seat (LOL)


Neely is America’s Nominee

BB interrupts the Veto draw and instructs Alex to sing Happy Birthday to Kryssie since she missed the HOH’s Bday


Justin is first drawn for Veto.


Scott chooses Shelby.  (Very smart!  If Shelby wins she can save Scott and herself and Kryssie would be forced to put Whitney OTB.)


Jason checks the Veto box and pulls the chips out to verify his name is actually in there.  There was a  discussion about this last week, but Jason didn’t think about it until the box had been returned. I mean Alex had been pulled every veto until this one.  Some may thing this is silly, however, it is not as though this conspiracy theory hasn’t made its way through the LF grapevine in other seasons, Jason's a LF it is not that crazy he would think of it and not really terrible that he does verify everyone’s names are in there.  Everyone including him can now move on from that. Thank you Jason. 


Alex in the KIT with Whitney, Scott, Morgan 10:07 am says to Scott we need to convince Justin not to use the veto on Neely.


Soon after Alex and Whitney head to the SR and dance and celebrate like crazy.  Morgan comes in 10:08 am



Neely cannot win!  As long as Neely doesn’t win we have hope. We can turn this around 






I am very surprised that it was Neely


W (whispers)

America doesn’t want to get bulldozed


A (already getting cocky)

I’m not!  America doesn’t want us to get picked off one by one by this delusional half of the house. 



That was so unexpected


Alex dancing and jumping around saying thank you, very OTT.

Whitney exits and the sisters are alone.


Alex to Morgan

Please win.  For the love of God.  I feel kinda bad, I told Scott not to pick me but I was like I cannot win another competition,



Right and then thats a target



An um, if Shelby wins, then Whitney will go up and SHE WILL NOT get voted out. That’s why I didn’t want to tell her but that was the rationale behind it.



Right, right.  We need Neely not to get, and honestly Scott not to get it. Cause if Scott gets it, that’s him coming down and it’s still me going home. Maybe I’ll just win, that would be nice. 





I still feel so guilty for not playing in it, then maybe I could save you, but I just can’t for my game. I’m sorry.


yeah, well that’s ok but tif I go home this week (she says in a condescending tone).



Just go out there and fight


Morgan exits SR


Alex blows kisses jumps up and down and says thank you

-Well she should since she’s not really having to do anything to stay in the house


Morgan is very nervous and Shelby decided to fuel up for the big comp.


All four Plastics+Scott now in the KIT





Jason/Justin head into UKB 10:07 pm cam 1

Jason is pissed!  

“What is America watching?  What is America watching?  All Shelby does is talk about she wants rich people and only attractive people and she’s a terrible person.  All she wants to do is sleep with every guy that owns a business at the Bungalo!  And how the F*CK?  Neely is annoying but Shelby is the most terrible person in here and…”



I already know, but she could be doing some slick sh*t here dawg.



What’s her slick sh*t?  (His face is beet red and he is LIT) Being terrible?



IDK no, I’m talking about Neely.  You never know dawg.  



Oh Neely, could be doing everything, but how the F, how the F, does America like Shelby?

-It’s ok Jason when you are home you will see that many of us don’t and we didn’t want Neely up there.  But use that fire right now!  Channel that fire!  lol



Idk bro, maybe they like her because she’s the underdog?



She’s not an underdog SHE”S A GOLD DIGGER! 


-Jason came in so hot I didn’t even notice Dani was in the room so when she chimes in it surprised me!  



Well maybe they just put Neely there cause they want to leave Shelby down so we can use her as a replacement? 


-Ok just to pause for a second.  When Kryssie did her noms last night I said in one of the forums although Misfits fans have all been discussing targeting one Plastic and not splitting the vote, strategically for the misfits Shelby going up for ‘AN’ may not be int heir best interest for that very reason.  If Shelby had been ‘AN’  that only left Whitney as a replacement nom.  If one of Kryssie’s nominees wins veto, and Shelby were OTB the whole BD back up target option wouldn’t be possibel Strategically it may be better odds for misfits to have Neely up so that Shelby could go up as a replacement if that scenario presents itself. I’ve pointed out there are a lot of ‘if’s’ but the first thing that came to my mind when Kryssie’s safety ceremony was over was that perhaps Neely going up, if it happens, isn’t the worst thing that could happen.  


If Whitney does keep her word and vote how Kryssie wants with Neely OTB Whitney could replace the vote on that side leaving (3) 2 Plastics (Alex +1)votes + potentially America on that side of the eviction vote.  Will Whitney keep her word?  Time will tell.  I think it’s far more likely she would over Morgan but it’s also far more likely that Whitney not keeping her word would be much more detrimental to her personal game.  She has good ties on that side of the fence.  Kryssie, Neely, and Justin are very ‘loyal’ based players so to speak.  Whitney gave her word to Kryssie, if she ends up breaking her word it will make that side of the house who was very team Whitney now look at her sideways at least to some degree. This is a pickle she has herself in that she may not realize how damaging it could be to her long term game.  If she does vote with Kryssie, she may be able to cry ‘honestly and loyalty’ that her word means something to her own side in an attempt to do damage control but they will then lose more trust in her.  Definitely something to pay attention to.  How it comes out in the wash and how she handles will tell us a lot about her longevity in this game.


 With at least a chance based on this promise a vote falling on the misfits side (Jason, Justin, Dani, +Whitney) would make 4.  There are 7 total votes this week with Americ’as vote. Whitney voting for Kryssie would result in the America vote not being the tie breaker, assuming again that 2 Plastics stay OTB.  It’s a long shot but at least there’s a shot.  I realize that Neely may be tempting to Justin, but also know that Jason at least has a chance to lay it out in a way that makes sense to Justin that he wouldn’t vote Neely.  This adds a mother layer of insanity to this week because Justin appears to want Scott to stay, he doesn’t like or trust Neely.  The first thing Alex says after the America nom is announced (1:07 pm KIT) “We have to get Justin not to use the veto on Neely.” 

At this point, there are so many different scenarios until Veto is played we just have to sit back and let the cards land where they may.  Until veto is determined, there is no point and the ability to  better analyze the chances of who and where people will land is really reliant on veto so don’t get too excited if you’re a Plastics fan and don’t get too defeated if you’re a misfits fan. Expect the unexpected.



I don’t think America is that calculated when they’re not in here.

-I am Jason, I am.  LOL. Not that my thought process helps you much just sayin’.  


Jason continues on his Shelby bash. 



You got a point. 


Jason is on a roll at the moment!  Telling Dani/Justin how Shelby really is a hooker!  He replays a convo yesterday where Alex was actually opening up and talking about herself and her boyfriend and Shelby interrupted Alex asking how tall is he?  That Shelby says all men are a*ssholes and how since she knows that she only dates the rich and the pretty ones.  


Jason says he “gets why America may not like Neely but Shelby is way worse.” Says he “gets why they aren’t touching Whitney and Morgan, they are really nice girls.  Alex is a nicer girl than Shelby is!” Jason is taking all his frustrations out on his protein shaker bottle at the moment. 



I just cannot believe it.  Like how many people in America did this girl blow? She was handing out handies to the whole state of Oregon before we got here. To make sure she had a big voting mass or something? She’s a prostitute parading around as a waitress. 


-Ok, I may not like everything Jason is saying at the moment but his rant and fire behind it is giving me life on the feeds right now.  Considering how unlikeable Shelby is, the fact she’s done nothing at all (until finally talking some real game and showing her chops the last two days), if you’re in that house and Shelby didn’t get nominated and she’s not on your side of things this would be mind blowing.  


Justin (trying to lighten the moment) shouts out the “Bungalo" and starts cracking up.


Jason says that they “aren’t even filming us right now so America doesn’t even hear me talking sh*it about them right now.”   



Neely, I mean I’m not even worried about the Neely thing, they can put Neely up that’s fine with me, but not putting Shelby up ever? What are they watching that we’re not seeing? 


-And there it is folks.  The voting has now made Jason stop and think about why Shelby is being handled with kid gloves and this is what he needs to think about.  I knew he would get there eventually but didn’t expect it until he calmed down a little.




Shelby makes me look like a well balanced soulful person.


Justin busts out laughing at that. 



She does!  She makes me seem like a religious deity. (Justin again falls out laughing) She does, that’s why I just don't get it.   


Kryssie enters UKB 10:11 am



Sorry, I am over here yelling.  What do you think they are showing America?  Because I look like a religious deity next to Shelby and they refuse to nominate her.  






Like we just said, yeah Neely could be doing some slick sh*t.  Neely could probably get up there for plenty of reasons, but Shelby deserves plenty of reasons to get up there for weeks now and they’re not touching her!  Like what is America see in this girl?



I don’t think they see anything in her.  I think America is not touching her because she’s boring. And because (Neely now enters UKB) of like whatever, she’s someone we can get out later.




She’s TRASH! She’s a prostitute parading around like a waitress. 



I agree with you, but all of us hate her which makes it fun for them. (Kryssie is smarter than people give her credit for.) 



I’m not trippin’



I know you’re not tripping I am tripping for you.  Yesterday when Alex was talking she turns it back around to her and how she’s such a vapid piece of trash and only wants attractive men with lots of money.  Its like what does America see in this b*tch?  


-I don’t know Jason.  Trust me there are plenty of us that may not dislike her for the reasons you are clinging to but we have a laundry list of other reasons she shouldn’t be in this game the most obvious being that she’s played virtually no game in four weeks!  She may be attached to an alliance but she is not playing the game.  She has said her entire strategy is to make people in the house and America hate her so she can get to the end.  Smh-and she’s getting praise and fandom support for actually not playing an active game. They may love her now but I have to believe if she somehow manages to coast to the end having done nothing the entire first half of the game it would be hard pressed to convince fans who loved her ‘character’ or not to award her $250k for that. Stranger things have happened so you better make it your (Jason) mission to get rid of her as soon as you can.  Now, admittedly Jason and the others think she’s a waitress and she just finished law school.  She is not really playing dumb that well because most realize she is very smart and wants people to think she isn’t.  This safety for Shelby is only confirming this more to the misfits quite frankly and all this voting going their way (Alex/Shelby) is increasing the size of their targets by the second.  Alex got safety this week so no more ACP’s for her anytime soon.  Misfits can thank Plastics fans for doing that at least.  



It’s entertainment. Now it’s suspenseful, its two sides going against each other.  They want to keep it going.



I get that too, but last week they sent one of us home so now if that’s the motive behind it why us again?  


Kryssie and Neely point out that the back and forth is appealing entertainment wise.  Now it’s a number thing, last week it was us, it had been them because of a numbers thing, now we still have the numbers.  That’s all that is. 


-What some people fail to realize is the voting really put Alex in the position she was in heading into this week.  Now the voting has appeared so Plastic’s heavy it’s seriously putting even more attention on them than before.  I blogged about this voting thing early on emphasizing people need to be aware how voting appears to HG.  Voting, while not purely for the purpose of the Misfits, the first two weeks made Danielle especially assume America loved her and she got cocky.  We had a huge hand in giving her that impression.  Now, the pendulum has swung the other way and notably will Alex get it in her head that she’s loved by fans but so have the misfits.  There is a cause and effect to everything.  As annoying as it is that some LF’s have taken this voting influence to a ridiculous level, karma doesn’t forget.  There will be consequences and ones that they had not anticipated so don't get too frustrated in the short term because in the long term those efforts will show up in the house and not in a way that they had even considered.  You can take that to the bank.




I think if anybody wins except Shelby, you are coming down and Scott is going home so just know…


Jason circles back around to Shelby giving out hand jobs for voters and Justin can’t contain his laughter every time this comes up.  



Look I may make a lot of jokes about doing things for $5K and say things but anyone that knows me knows thats all comedy, she’s legitly a whore. 



To each his own boo



NOOOO, I’m not accepting that.


Kryssie referring to the HN card she read:

I have to go and read the card and see if you were next in line on the card.  



Oh I was.  It was me, (HN card) it was Scott, me, then Jason. So, I was very prepared for this as a possibility.  I knew it was going to be me or Shelby.  I knew it wasn’t going to be Jason.  


-Kryssie is now going to have it in her mind that it’s her fault Neely went up and had she not nominated Scott, America would have and Neely would not be the nominee, which is not true, but based on how they are reading into the order of HN’s being announced and the way this week played out it feeds into the logic they are applying.  




It could be a bazillion things



I don’t think America…they’re more petty than we are.  I’ve been on this fandom for a long time and they are way more petty than we are.  

I want to chuck Krackles at these b*thches.  Now I got to wait another week to win HOH cause Alex needs to go next week.  


-Neely suggested that maybe LF’s are waiting for Jason to send Shelby home on his own HOH .

10:52 am UKB

Kryssie/Jason/Justin/Dani (sleeping?)



Why? Why did you pull my name? (says jokingly to Kryssie)



I didn’t mean to.  I purposefully dug to the bottom hoping I would find his (Jason)



So what I’m thinking is when I could be OTB it’s like yeah go in and kick a*s, but like now I’m not going to be there’s no chance of that so there’ s no reason for me to go crazy but f*ck I guess I don’t want Neely going home this week 

-THIS IS HUGE!  If Justin is telling Kryssie and Jason he doesn’t want to send Kryssie home this week it means he really does get the bigger picture, this is him, his words, with the people he is truly loyal to.  



You really just don’t want Shelby to win. If Shelby wins she takes plan A and B off, and thats plan and B gone and have two off your GF’s against Neely and we lose Neely. With Neely OTB the votes make it so we are really gonna have to fight to save Neely the s week anyways.  If we lose Neely they now are back to having the most votes.


We need Scott or Shelby to be OTB.  If Neely stays up there Scott and Shelby OTB is best because you are going to have convince your GF’s one of them needs to go. 



Yeah they would get rid of Scott



If Scott comes off then we’re f*cked



SO next week we just need to win HOH



Welcome to the world Justin! We always gotta win HOH every week! 



I know you’re right, I don’t even know what the challenge is at this point so we just gotta wait and see



I don’t want you to win.



I don’t wanna win



I’m just making sure you don’t quit it while that b*tch is still up there



I’m not gonna do that.  I would lose my mind if she beat me!


So this is a fine place to leave this since Veto is about to begin.  HG have been divided into rooms, this will be an individual comp it appears they have been sequestered and the order the players will go appears to have been drawn as follows: (I’m no positive about the first two being correct but the rest are)









Danielle, Jason, Alex, Whitney have been locked up together in the HOH room while the HG playing in the comp have been put in different rooms throughout the house.  Scott was last seen in the IWR on his knees praying to himself. 


Justin doesn’t want to win but doesn’t want Shelby to win so he’s going to have to play his best at this point they wont know each others’ times.


Shelby needs to win to keep herself off the block and could potentially take Scott down if she wanted to. (Which Alex would convince her to do)


Morgan wins thats ok then Shelby goes up next to Scott.


Neely wins is really best case scenario for misfits while a Shelby win would be best case scenario for the Plastics!  I love this GAME!  Good luck HG’s may be the best player win!


Here are just a few images from the this morning's activities! 




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Veto results are in!  


5:29 PMHG Line up in the BY for the Veto results

I enjoy hearing production tell them simple directives and getting th behind the scenes aspect.  It’s really nothing we count be allowed to see during regular seasons I hope they think about some of these changes rolling over to BB19.


Back to the Yard



Are you ready to find out who won the Golden Power of Veto?


HG all clap

Whitney says

Justin you are first

(Whitney goes to reveal Justin’s time and can barely reach the top of the board to slide the cover off his time. LOL)



Justin you have been disqualified from winning the power of veto.

(laughs and giggles among everyone)

Justin looks at Jason and says I didn’t know, I had no idea about the questions





HG clap





Jason says “Not bad Shelby”



You have been disqualified from winning the golden power of Veto


Neely you completed the task in

20:15 but had two time penalties finishing with a total time of





There are lots of OMG, Morgan says she thinks she’s gonna throw up

(No surprise since she’s been sequestered in the SR stuffing her face for nearly 4 hours!)


Morgan You have won the Golden Power of Veto with a time of 8:35 



I WON something!  She’s very excited and should be she killed this comp!  Not only was she the fastest but she had the answer about how many votes CB had because she forgot that Alex threw that kinky vote and had it wrong, had to go back and fix it and she still beat Scott (Who killed this as well btw it was impressive to watch) by 16 seconds!  


There you are!  Morgan wins veto she will go down and it’s highly likely Shelby will take a seat next to Scott unless by some miracle Morgan is dumb enough to save someone else. 


Check ck out some images from today's competition! 



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The Tangled Webs we Weave



Monday-Post Veto results


It’s 7:43 pm over two hours since the veto results were announced and the Plastics are still talking about Neely’s performance. While on the other end of the house Kryssie has been talking about her own as well.  Re: Neely it’s all ‘Why it took her so long?’  Come on, you now want to be focused on the vote and quit harping on this.  This is exactly where I left them right after the veto comp ended yesterday.  (Just a side note production has been feeling a bit concerned at how hard that comp was on all the HG hands.  That had not anticipated that when they designed the comp.  A very simple fix would have been to provide gloves as an option or put chalk dust out during the comp.) I left BBOTT last night and took a break knowing I had hours to catch up and forward through nonuse over my coffee this morning. I knew it was going to be hours of each team talking and whining before any real game talk came to fruition.  The Plastics especially are notorious for brainstorming hours of insane ideas before they finally land on something and begin to try and make it work out in their favor.  


7:42 pm

Jason was in the BA talking to Shelby about the fact this season so far all far weeks the two sides cannot agree on single vote and the Plastics have lied about who they’re voting every week.  Pretty sure they did that week 2 trying get Alex to put Scott up and then still vote Monte out.  Last week Scott knew they were voting for Danielle, but the plastics still keep harping on why would they do that?  Jason flat out tells Shelby they did it so Scott could have his tie breaker and get his TV time.  


So both sides are actively working to convince someone on the opposing side to vote along with them.  The Plastics still banking on Justin being the weak link on that side and using their superior manipulation to trick him into voting with them. While Kryssie threw out an insane hail Mary suggesting  Morgan use the Veto on Neely.  I get Kryssie at least saying it, but Alex really trying to persuade Morgan to save Scott over herself was an all time new low for this chick. Doesn’t surprise me in the last, I am sad to say. 


Plastics active plan is to try and flip Justin, to ensure they have the votes.  I appreciate the fact they aren’t relying on the America’s vote, although Alex is pretty confident if Neely is OTB America will vote Neely out.  


7:39pm cam 2 you also hear the Misfits are very aware that the best strategy is to try and remove Neely from the block because if she’s there they are also very aware there’s a good chance of Neely being there will drastically reduce the odds that Scott, or Shelby will go home. They can’t afford to lose a number on their side is the theme of each side of the house all week long.  Jason/Justin are not doing it out of loyalty to Neely but more the fact she is a number.  Dani and Kryssie it’s more personal to them but also the main reasoning goes back to not losing a number and Kryssie does not want her friend to go home on her HOH when she has Scott up there ready for the kill shot!  If they lose Neely, the Plastics again have numbers over them which would be disastrous in week 5 in the event their own side doesn’t maintain the power.  


As for Misfits fans.  There’s a silver lining coming before we get into America’s vote for eviction. 


To each side’s credit they are very cognizant that Neely remaining up is the best/worst case scenario depending on which side of the house they are on.  


7:45 cam 3/4

Shelby grabs Alex they head into SR so she can rundown her convo with Jason, Shelby calls Jason the “little basement creature, he loves this game so much because he has nothing to go home to.”   


Shelby tells Alex Jason said he’s sick of you guys lying about who you’re going to vote for.



Welcome to Big Brother


Shelby explains

I told his we’re all going to lie to each other, he’s like yeah I know



Was he trying to get you to vote with them?



Oh yeah



It’s not they don’t try to be sneaky and when we try to be sneaky, it’s so one sided in this house. This is my issue, they rag on Scott, yeah Scott probably had bad sportsmanship but they’re hands are not clean by any means but they act like they are just…like they can do whatever they want but the second on elf us tries to do something it is like…OMG



I know that’s why I call them the hypocrite-idiots



If we can still get Neely out this week. Jason walked in and he basically was like here’s what you are going to do.  I don’t do that, its like you cannot play that game with me.  We’re gonna play our own game, we’re not gonna play Jason’s game.  



I tried to tell Morgan the target is already on your back, Neely will always choose someone in her own alliance, so you might as well try to get her out. 


-Again so now Alex and Shelby have made it clear to Morgan she is a target but use the veto to save Scott so we can try to get Neely out.  Why is it not occurring to Alex/Morgan that while the house doesn’t know that there are sisters in this game America does? 


 I’m over all the oh we’re the victims in this game BS.  Shut up all of you. None of you are innocent.  All of you are guilty of the exact same things  on varying degrees although I do see the Misfits owning their trash talk (meaning they don’t deny doing it when they talk about the other side doing it).



Not like they told us who their target was this week.  


-Yeah they did!  Kryssie made it perfectly clear before nominations to Morgan, Whitney, and Shelby that Scott is her target.  After nominations and after veto told them again Scott was the target.  Alex the last two days has been harping on the other side and what they do, lie, hypocrites, bullies, sh*t talkers, pretty much describing the Plastics game as much as the Misfits game.   The misfits admit they do this while Alex tries to sell it to herself (or us).   I’m not sure which. Alex has this belief in her head that they don’t do the exact same things while they are actually doing the exact same thing.   When it does get brought to her attention by someone like Shelby, or Whitney her reasoning is always says in response ‘that’s the game’.  LOL.  That’s most certainly the BBOTT game, but in general it is the BB game this season everything just seems to be BB x 100. 


Alex goes another rant how THEY rag on Scott for doing things, (so do you Alex), they act like they can do whatever they want (so do YOU Alex) but the second we do it they are like (she makes a gesture of basically pointing fingers).



I told her she doesn’t need to use the veto on Scott, but you’re never going to win if you make it finale if you don’t at least make some move. Shelby in her attempts to persuade Morgan it is dumb but a big game move, actually gives Morgan all the reasons not to do it.  So does Alex, but then follows the pitch with but you should.


-That’s rich Shelby!  Morgan has played while you have done what? Given us a ‘nature channel’ version of the day in the life of a sloth every day?  I have credited Shelby with showing her chops more this week in understanding the core of what needs to happen, where her group’s position is in this game, and some very astute assertions this week.  However, this is BBOTT, not the traditional format of Big Brother. Fans can all sit back and watch what’s going n, observing things in the house and judge everyone playing the game but we aren’t in the house.  Shelby is in the house and spectating like she’s at home watching the feeds.  

Both sides of fandom should be very realistic in the fact that Neely ended up a casualty since neither Dani or Kryssie were available to be nominated by America which is 100% true.  It’s not really Neely’s behaviors in the house that have her in the position of being removed from the game this early.  Who were the other choices?  Jason or Justin?  No, for the most part the majority of LF’s like those two very much and see them playing good games and so by default Neely hit the block. This is why it frustrates me that we (in our America’s voting) are basically just as bad an HOH who wastes their week on a weak player that has no real value to the game where it stands at the moment.  


Remember the whole voting Bridgette out during double eviction?  Targeting Neely this week America is just as asinine move strategically as the Executives sending Bridgette home that week.  That’s not to imply we (LF’s) should kick a strong player like Scott out collectively although for Misfits that is a better move, and purely numbers wise Plastics fans are doing nothing more than removing a number from this misfits side.  I get all that but I am always looking at this game globally in week 4.   Don’t we want players in the house that are actively, whether strategically or socially PLAYING the game?  Neely is no Alex or Jason but she is playing, she is looking at her options, she is exploring working with Morgan, she has made some connections, she’s proven she can be competitive in the week 2 HOH, she is funny and gets the other HG’s to turn up giving us some feeds entertainment regardless of who you like. So yes makes perfect sense we evil nominate her.  Whatever, it’s done, but I hope people begin to think about the long game and how they're voting is helping or hurting the players they want to see play the game or want to see get to the end of the game on their own merits.  


So let’s analyze the other players OTB.  Scott is a huge target.  He is a key player on the Plastics side so I wouldn’t begin to rationalize why their fans should target him that only benefits (big picture) the Misfits.  


Morgan has veto so despite the rally by Alex to persuade her to use the veto on Scott, (if she does we should all vote her out that is a Marcellus move and no BB fan should reward such an idiotic game move ever). I am going into this analysis assuming she doesn’t and she saves herself and comes down.  That means Shelby is most likely to go up.  Just for arguments sake whether Shelby or Whitney goes up a replacement nominee we can break each of them down.  


Shelby’s entire strategy is to be a goat, make everyone hate her and coast to the end without any indication based on how she’s been playing she will make any moves at all!  She herself tells Morgan last night that if you want any chance to win this game at the end you have to make some moves this game and saving Scott could get you that check box marked off on your BB resume should you make it to the end.  So, this tells me that Shelby knows a player should be doing this but has told us she has zero plans to do any of this?  She’s done absolutely nothing in her social game because she has none.  She’s distracting to Alex in so many ways.  She is a number for Plastics but as a player WTH is she bringing to the Plastics? That’s my read on Shelby, hopefully it at least gets your own mind spinning to analyze how you see her game and the others as I break down what I’ve seen. 


Whitney has actively played the game at least although we have’t seen her do as much as Alex, or say Justin, she’s got the best social game on the Plastics side of the house.  She does share very valuable intel with the group even if they are dismissive of her.  She’s slowing begun to emerge as a player, she also did very well in the week 2 HOH comp.  She has some merits and shows potential.  


The main things I have said over and over for weeks, and no one has argued otherwise is Shelby has zero game!  Nothing!  It’s 4 weeks and we haven’t seen one thing other than acting like an insufferable b*tch to intentionally annoy people.  Evil Dick had that approach but he did also PLAY the game.  In Shelby’s most recent DR she basically told all of us is her plan is to do nothing other than irritate people and coast to the end.  In doing so, she draws way more attention to Alex than Alex already has on her own.  There are plenty of smart people in the house still who are actually playing the game at varying degrees but they are playing.  When we look at who is playing whether badly, middle of the road, or the best games (although for some that only washes out that way because so many others are playing so badly it makes them look amazing-Alex). Shelby doesn’t not fall into any of those categories.  


Let’s say Morgan stays OTB


-Morgan has a sister in the game no one knows about.  That is no different from a showmance in the game in the sense that Morgan will always vote and do what Alex wants the same way Shane was Danielle’s b*tch.  Morgan’s blood ties to Alex are far more of an advantage than a couple.  However it’s not reciprocal. 

-Morgan has now proven physically she is a competitor

-She doesn’t have the best social game but she does have social game and if you remove Neely she’s back to not having any social game commodity at all after all the work she’s invested into Neely.

-She’s middle of the hierarchy on the Plastics side which is actually, in this game, heading into the halfway mark a great position to be in.  Not the biggest target not the weakest link.




-He does have a very strategic mindset and is always looking at the game and how things are shifting and moving even if some of his plays are ridiculous, even bordering on self destructive, he and Alex together make a very strong power duo without being in a showmance or related it’s actually a result of effort and commitment to a common goal

-Scott is 100% loyal to Alex for the long haul. 

-Scott as annoying as I find him and his antics he is actively trying to provide some entertainment value to he’s more a shield for Alex than anything else



-Neely is already making plans to cut her ties with Misfits and move into a new alliance which includes Morgan 

-Neely has a social game and is generally liked and respected on both sides of the fence overall

-Neely is one of the primary instigators of some wildly entertaining partying that happens int he house and is really the one player who can blend to the sides even briefly to make things fun when they take their game hats off for a brief break form constant gaming.

-Neely knows when to talk and when to be quiet most of the time.

-Neely has shown us she thinks about the game, the pieces, what’s actually going on regardless of which side of the house she’s talking about most of the time. Neely is every self aware. 



-Whitney has the most effective social game on the Plastics side of the house.  

-She is in the best position to form another alliance moving forward as the sides numbers begin to dwindle but has shown the last 24 hours for now her loyalties (perhaps to her own games detriment) to the Plastics where we are today in the game.

-Whitney understands the games, assesses things relatively accurately but is the low hanging fruit on her side of the house.

-Whitney has been breaking free of the sweet innocent little Kentucky girl and is also one who can, when hanging out with everyone at the same time, make things fun to watch. 

-She is a more passive player at the moment but has shown signs when given the opportunity she is more likely than let’s say Morgan or Shelby to make some bold moves in the game to establish some longevity in the game. 



-By her own admission plans to do nothing but make America and other HG hate her so she can coast to the end. (In traditional BB this is a strategy that could be more effective but this is BBOTT)

-Shelby spends 90% of her time talking sh*t all day every day and distracts Alex whether you want to admit it or not that is not good for Alex’s long term game.

-Shelby has zero social game

-Shelby has landed middle of the road in nearly every comp and I don’t believe for one minute that is intentional it’s just who she is.  Unless it’s a mental comp alone she will never fair well in competitions. That means of her group she has the least chance to win anything that helps her team. She’s the definition of dead weight. 

-Shelby has some very skewed ideas she has willingly adopted (like Justin allegedly whipping his thingy out) that she will not overcome and will target Justin because of it

-Shelby has no grasp really on what America thinks of her at all but even if she did I don’t think she cares and in a season like this where America is being given so much power over the game this is a huge deficit. 

-Shelby’s strategy was to play dumb and while people don’t suspect she just finished law school most of the house doesn’t buy her cover and already know she’s smarter than she believes people realize because she’s not self aware at all. 

-Shelby has zero ties to the other side of the house that can benefit the Plastics and I don’t see that changing based on everything I’ve seen of her heading into week 5. 


If you break down these players, not based on which team you like (quite frankly teams aren’t going to last much longer and the division of the house being on two sides is going to end by week 6 at the latest she has no where else to go and if Alex goes somewhere she will have to drag Shelby along for the ride).  


Alex already has Morgan who she’s always having to consider and now add Shelby to that equation and that’s two other players that are going to have an impact on Alex’s game whether she’s truly loyal to one person (she isn’t) or not.  According to Alex, if you are really watching how things are playing out, she is spending valuable time and energy on Morgan and Shelby that’s taking away form the time she should be spending on focusing h=on her own game as we approach the halfway mark.  Alex was 100% safe this week spent a lot of her time playing cards she had no reason to really be playing saving Morgan/Shelby before she really needed to.  


Why in the world did she potentially reveal where her efforts would be invested to everyone in the house before she knew who the noms were and veto had been determined.  Because she’s all over the place at any given moment and acts impulsively rather than strategically in the big picture. This is not in a good way.  For having safety Alex was the one on the Plastics side doing the most work trying to sway people which in any other situation may be commendable but in her specific situation in all sincerity was not in her best interest.  One she knew Neely was the America’s nominee she should not have spent so much equity before that was revealed.  You may not see the side effects now but the chances are very good this could hurt her will likely come up next week based on the things she did this week.  Remember in the moment when teams are focused on the ‘here and now’ aren’t always the moments when people start to question things and put pieces together.  It’s when the dust settles that people look back and go hmmmmm?  


While we are on the Alex subject.  It’s no secret I am not a fan.  It’s also no secret I have tried for weeks to see what it is in her game that appeals to people so I can actively look for those things in an attempt to find the value others place on her popularity.  


Alex is a rolling ball of contradictions.  That’s the only consistent part of her game is that she is inconsistent. In everything she does all day.  This afternoon in the HOH the non-players in veto had a conversation about the bedding/beds in the house.  Jason and Whitney talked about the difference quality sheets make.  Whitney says it has to be at least 800 thread count.  Jason says he’s a bedding snob because he worked in retail in that department and knows the difference.  They joke about how cheap the quality is in beds and bedding the BB house.  Alex chimes in and says none of that matters to her.  She doesn’t know the difference between 200 thread count and anything else, she’s easy to please and as long as she has a place to sleep she’s happy.  FF to 9:27 pm cam 4, she’s messing with her mattress, complaining how cheap it ease, there are broken springs in there, flips the mattress up, they discuss stains (not saying that isn’t gross it is BB clean the mattresses) and  “there’s like springs just loose in this mattress Big Brother come on.  This is why I am abandoning this mattress for tonight because it’s horrible.” LF’s this is what I listen to from her all day every day!  She does this all the time.  When she talks about game, she talks about America, she talks about people, she talks about alliances, loyalty, sportsmanship, every topic she doe this.  Says one thing in one room and within a couple hours says the exact opposite.  This is how she plays her game as well.


The Plastics do it as well tonight.  After weeks of being in power and basically spending most of there waking hours huddled up in the HOH room they begin to discuss how no one thinks they’r important and wants to be around them. (9:33 pm cam 27)  LOL. Scott asserts we are the little fish of course not.  Ironically, Kryssie said this exact thing to Morgan in here HOH one on one chat with her, that none of the misfits every felt welcome upstairs when they were in power.  Kryssie has told every single one of them they are welcome to come up and hang out.  Allowed them to go in and out of her room, feeling comfortable enough to ask to use the bathroom, star some snacks, but none have really gone up to hang out, they’ve only gone up or asked to go up with Kryssie to talk about game.  This leads into a confrontation between Danielle and Scot being discussed by the Plastics where Dani said to Scott he isn’t smart enough to even be a puppet master that Alex is the puppet master.  Alex replies, “Can I just stay out of it.  I don’t want my name always being thrown around it gets tossed around enough.”  


-Well, yeah Alex so stop doing things that make everyone talk about you all the time!  Yet another example where she contradicts herself in her game.  Two week sin a row she got in a position where she was safe and says she just wants to blend into the wall and not be in front of everything drawing more attention to herself and then she spends the entire week doing things that draw attention to herself.  Mama Mia! 


Scott tosses around should I torment Dani for the next two days and hope America keeps me because they like watching me go in on her or sit back and keep quiet for 2 more days and if I stay I can just go ham on her.  He considers to very different options.  The difference is once Scott makes a decision he sticks to it like Jason does.  Good or bad results in the end he makes a plan and follows through and then doesn’t just sit back if it backfires he takes a minute to reset, figure out the errors in his approach, makes a new plan and moves on it again.  Look where he was in the middle of week 2 and where he is now?  Like him or not, that ability to play the game in a way you are bale to not only revere but become one of the best players in the game deserves some recognition.  



I’ve talked to tons of Alex fans and asked them, tell me what you see her doing actively that makes her one of the best player sin the house in your eyes?  I never get an actual game related answer. What I do get very often is well, I haven't had a lot of time to watch feeds lately but….Then I get America’s Favorite HG kind of responses which only frustrates me more.  We are LF’s not causals and what I kept getting was the casuals fans type answers which made me frustrated that people are being so shallow in their loyalties when there are people playing better!  This isn’t the normal BB format.  This is BBOTT with all LF’s being the primary fan base.  Despite that, I suffer through twitter pages who are clearly Alex/Plastics fans, forums (like Jokers), chat rooms, and podcasts where the heaviest weight of opinions fall on that side of the house.  Finally, I heard an explanation that makes sense.  Still not the best reason, but I laughed when I heard it because these are people who are very well versed in this game and not just day to day fans. I have said before that I think a lot of it is she is the only one really playing the game even if I can detail why it’s a game riddled with mistakes I’ve acknowledged she is playing.  The answer was, ‘it’s not that she’s playing this amazing game or this amazing player, its that there are so many bad players in the house that it makes her one of the best players based on who she is competing with.’  Now that is the most honest statement from someone I’ve heard talking heavily about her game all season. It also feeds into what I’ve said, which is she’s not playing the best game but she is playing harder than many people in the house. By those standards it makes more sense to me.  I get that!


However, it doesn’t shade my opinion that while I see a lot of potential in her ability to think strategically.  She’s messy, disorganized, and for me plays in a way that seems very bi-polar in her approach much of the time.  She contradicts herself constantly and the person I see hurting Alex’s game the most is Alex.  Maybe I am harder on her because it is like the athlete who has a very natural ability towards a sport.  You know that basketball or football player who was just born to play the game?  Alex is that player, but not in the Michael Jordan sense where he devotes hours and hours everyday to making himself even better and competes at a level that requires those coming against him to play harder and push themselves even more.  She’s the recreational league player who while is arguable the best on the team, her dad is the coach and allows her to dribble the ball while he talks, talks in the lines while running drills, acts as the assistant coach telling everyone else what they should be doing while she does not do of it herself.  


Alex came into BBOTT as a player who doesn’t run the drills at 100% during practice because of the 10 other people on the team they feel they are already above them so she stands around talking, goofing off, doing things at 50%.  That is the player on teams that irritates me the most!  Or the NFL player who is really talented but throws away this amazing opportunity so many college players would have sold a family member to be able to have a shot to play at that level. I perceive that as wasting opportunities and failing to improve and devote time to becoming the best player you can be. The Terrell Owens on the BBOTT season. 


America is feeding into Alex’s complacency and her weakness in that area and voting in a way that you are.  America’s vote essentially has been the ‘dad coaching’ his daughter’s team where she knows she’s going to start every time so can stay up all night before a championship game and roll onto the court with only 3 hours sleep, play terribly blowing the game for all the other girls who are working hard and doing what needs to be done only to then on the drive home tell your dad how the  other girls sucking is why you can never win the championship games. 


My daughter is an amazingly naturally talented athlete and I tell her all the time don’t measure yourself against the girl you are standing next to (whether she’s a better player or a worse player) always compete with your own game!  Always set goals to excel beyond the point you are at.  That is the commitment and dedication that thrust you beyond the natural abilities and  allows you to become one of the best who is playing.  Staying humble and working hard makes you a coaches dream and truly the most valuable asset to any team.  Show up every day ready to sweat, set your own bar.  Be the player that leads by example. My kid is the one who is the first to show up, the last to leave, takes x number of shots every day, has a personal trainer she works out with 3 days a week on top of the actual team practices and takes two period of PE every year!  That is in fact exactly how I have approached every goal in my life!  Education, career, jobs, relationships, I am the type of person that will give 110% of myself to what I do and generally excel at it in the end even if it’s an uphill battle for a long time. I have not only told my child how to do it, I model it.  Now as a teenager she doesn’t do it because I maker her.  She does it because it’s something she loves and is passionate about and doesn’t ever have the mentality of she’s ‘good enough’.  That makes her always striving to be good enough to move onto the next level of play.  It’s not enough for her to be the big fish in a small pond, she wants to swim with the big fishes!  


I want Alex to swim with the BIG FISHES!  I want all the players in BBOTT to swim with the BIG FISHES!  This format was designed for that!  NO coming in with a strategy of laying in bed for 6 weeks that’s why there are waking hours!  No floating along and being able to throw comps every week and coast to the end then come out swinging that is likely why they gave us so much voting power we are the loudest ones to complain during regular BB seasons.  Those lazy strategies that have been woven into the BB regular season format over the years and while there are many ways to win, those are usually the players we HATE to watch and complain about when they are going to make it to final 4!  Jason may not be the greatest BB player ever, but he is playing the game all day every day.  He’s come in working way more aware and constantly watching, evaluating, strategizing and making plans whether good or bad he sticks to it, and puts in the work!  Even when he first two weeks things were voting in a way that benefited his team he told them don’t get cocky that will change.  Don’t rely on America always siding with us they are some finicky people and can flip on a dime.  Don’t jump around saying I’m America’s fav like Danielle because they don’t like that.  He’s stayed loyal to Justin but he’s also taken some risks and admitted he may need to slide over here in order to ensure I have some long term plans to help me later in the game.  Jason/Justin were always considering, before Scott even won that HOH, things have been good but they are bound to change and we are getting to a point where its more and more likely we are going to lose a misfit which misfit are we willing to lose and what can we do to make sure it’s one of them and not us!  They planned for it when they force the alliance (Jason/Justin/Kryssie) and decided for numbers we need to work with Shane/Danielle but they will be most expendable and then stuck to that!  Week 3 came and they met again and he gave the same speech I just outlined and again all 3 agreed if we have to lose someone its best its Dani but Shane is an acceptable loss.  


When has Alex made that plan?  She makes that plan with everyone!  Scott it’s you and I and forget these other people.  Shelby I would keep you over Scott right after she told Scot the same thing.  Morgan I am going to do whatever I can to protect you this week, you can’t go out.  Then, after veto her bi-polar tendencies come out and hey Morgan you should really use it on Scott even though Neely will probably get voted out.  I have a question.  Alex would you leave yourself OTB not knowing for sure what America would do? Would you ever leave yourself OTB? So, Alex’s idea now is  hey Morgan, let’s risk your BB life and assume America will vote with us just to stick it to  the other side.  Now that I’ve spent all week shelling out equity I couldn’t afford at this point, let’s just cash it out, take it all to Vegas and bet it on one craps roll!   Alex is basically telling Morgan, I don’t want to cash out my 1% loss and play it safe!  I want too risk it all and gamble what is only a potential for a minimal loss. The fact is Scott was an acceptable loss for Alex but she also knows with Neely remaining up there the odds are good based on what she knows (based on lopsided voting) that Neely will likely go home anyway.  This is not a life or death week!  


Alex and the girls have agreed to try to flip Justin.  Plead to America to vote Neely. Those are things she should be doing to improve the odds Neely will go and both her other team members will stay. DO NOT try and put your sister you just spent 5 days trying to protect in danger just for kicks!  That’s terrible game play and will blow up in your face.  It may not be today, or tomorrow perhaps not in this moment but in reality that time will come and it will be because you did these types of things.  This game is a marathon, not a race.  5:09 pm cam 1/2 (Tuesday)  Alex herself says, “My gut is telling me to roll the dice.” Long before I wrote most of this I heard this while I was finishing my edits to post this for you and it literally made me crack up.


The AFH approach to voting is allowing Alex to be lazy, disorganized, playing at 50% and since she’s getting the starting position handed to her week after week.  The attitude it’s developed in her now is just as arrogant as Dani’s was.  In fact this 4 for weeks has set her up in a way that whether because her side had power for so many weeks in the start and now because ALL voting is going her way regardless of how mediocre her game play is YOU (voting) are the anchor to her game as much as Shelby is!  My consolation is, that all that rises must fall.  The voting and the arrogance as a result is making her take risks she shouldn’t be taking, spending equity she doesn’t have to spend, and widening the target she was already creating herself.  So, I will gladly sit back and patiently wait for the week when I return to the blog and report on the rise and fall of Miss I am Untouchable.  


Don’t waste your time measuring yourself against others when you’re the big fish in a small pond.  Compete against yourself.  Strive to increase your position don’t do things that have the potential to play $1 on a slot machine and win $50 bucks the we are four weeks into the game.  You’ve watched 3 other plays put dollar after dollar in that very same machine in the last 3 minutes and they all went home.  So are you trying to save Morgan and hope you’ve done everything you can that sends Neely home?  Or are you prepared to now risk Morgan’s BB life even after all the efforts you put into to saving it?  Quite frankly, if Morgan stays on the block and saves Scott following her sister’s advice I will vote Morgan out over Shelby any day of the week and twice on Sunday!  You will deserve to go home and your sister will deserve your wrath when she follows soon after you for making you feel like she was so powerful no one would even think to send your a*s packing!  You can take that to the bank!  You’re her SISTER!  You are an advantage to her game!  You are not playing for yourself you are playing for her!  You were safe!  You kicked a*s to win that veto and you used it to save Scott when’s sitting next to you?  #byefelicia


Alex has had several conversations with Morgan trying to ‘present every possibility’ while (9:47 pm)Scott has told Morgan, ‘Don’t use it on me.  That’s not a smart game move, while I would love it, you just can;t take that kind of risk for your own game.”


9:42 pm Shelby tells Alex and Whitney that she wishes that Scott would keep his mouth shut.  Shelby is getting really tired of Scott’s big mouth.  He always says things and now he said the girls weren’t voting Scott out which has the Misfits coming at them all trying to get them to vote Scott out and in her opinions that wouldn’t be happening if he could just keep his mouth shut.  Shelby says she played the I’m so tired of Scott following me around all the time and when Kryssie shares that Shelby said that the group agrees he does, except Justin.  Justin is very adamant that Scott does not follow Shelby around ever!  (The truth is Scott follows Alex around non-stop and Shelby is just usually with her.)  In this same BA convo Alex and Shelby continue to and ask Whitney is she’s talked to Justin alone yet. Whitney says no he’s been upstairs with them the whole night. They make more comments how Kryssie hasn’t been alone either and is she running her own HOH at all because they make sure she’s never alone. (Sounds familiar to me, Plastics have done the same thing for 3 weeks).



There’s a lot of dancing and moving and shaking.  Some good and some bad.  Both sides do the same tactics and each side calls it out on the other.  The one difference I still see in week 4 as I have all season so far is that misfits are far more self aware collectively and in the number of individual players who are more based in reality than some fantasy they build in their minds.  Neely is frequently the voice of reason when her side goes on a tangent she’s quick to say to the other misfits “we do that too”.  Jason is the most grounded and Justin and Jason are playing the best games with varying reasons why.  Jason is still on top of that pile as far as actual game play.  Alex and Shelby have been throwing J/J names around this week. J/J fans so be prepared as we head into week 5.  One minute she wants to work with them the next she wants to get them out. 


Alex and Scott are the top players right now on their side as far as actively playing the game.  Individually both their games are weaker than Jason’s or Justin’s.  Not only in actually game play but in how many people are actually actively targeting or want to target them.  Scott and Alex have a lot of enemies.  Kryssie is Kryssie.  She’s always been the weak link and while she may be playing badly most the time she shows an ability to look at things globally and make decisions she thinks is best for her game while not throwing her people to the side at every opportunity.  Dani is annoying to have to endure on the feeds but much of that comes from being treated so badly all the time by Plastics since day 3.  Not saying she doesn’t like to be center of attention by nature.  Just note that, as soon as we put her on slop and the block we did see some improvement in that area and she dialed it back a little in a week where she was safe. Unlike Alex, who didn’t do that last week when she was safe under Scott’s HOH or this week when America gifted her safety.  


Neely and Whitney are the middle of the road players.  Both give LF’s some entertainment values, both are smart and have shown ability to compete.  Shelby ranks at the bottom across the house as well as in the pecking order of her own group just based on game play and what she offers her side, which is close to nothing although I have pointed out some talking points she’s made.  


That’s the skinny on what I’ve watched this week, the positives and negatives I see in the games people are playing.  Now let’s move on to the veto ceremony!


1:02 pm  (Tuesday) 


Its time for veto ceremony. 


Scott makes his speech first.  

“Morgan as much as I would love for you to use it on me I don’t expect you to.  We both pushed ourselves to the limit yesterday and it’s because we didn't feel safe or comfortable in this house. So I have mad respect for you, you did an amazing job (two thumbs up) and I’m proud of you so take yourself off the block.  



Thank You


Neely’s up next stands up, puts her coffee cup down on the table turns to Morgan and says “Ditto.”  

Sits back down and picks up her cup.


(General giggles from most HG)



I have decided to use the POV on myself.  (Good girl Morgan! Glad you aren’t playing your sister’s game in this instance.) Nobody says or does anything and Morgan stands there, kind of awkwardly, and after a few moments Scott starts to clap and a few others follow like Neely lightly with her coffee cup in one hand.  



I think it’s in my best interest and everyone as a whole to put Whitney up in place.

(Note-Whitney went to Kryssie last night and asked her to put her up as the re-nom so she wouldn’t have to vote.)



Whitney spoke to Justin (11:09 PM IWR cam 4) last night about voting Scott, how to handle Kryssie, lying in the game.  He advised her to tell Kryssie that she’s voting Scott out and then just vote Neely out.  Whitney’s like that’s lying, I don’t want to have to lie. Justin says he doesn’t either but that’s part of this game and you’re going to have to lie sometimes to survive.  


Whitney is trying to persuade Justin to vote Scott out, just as Scott did this morning in the IWR before the veto ceremony.  They share the feeling they want to respect Kryssie’s HOH, but neither really wants Scott to go, don’t want to betray their words (Justin doesn’t want to go against Jason and knows fully numbers wise he needs Neely at this point).  


At one point Whitney says to Justin, “But what if we (Justin and Whitney) just went to her and told her how we feel?”  


Justin's response to that was, ‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”we can’t do that, that’s not an option.  What she’s more worried about is her won game.  Like she wants to make sure he’s not gonna come for her.






So how do you reason with her that like….YOU CAN”T. LOL



That was the whole reason that like why he gave her that whole speech in the room.



Right cause he was trying to say he’s not gonna come for her


-This is true when he went up and said, you’re no threat to me, you have a bum knee, you won't win things, if you wanna pay me back for BD Shane go ahead but I’m not after you. I blogged about his when it happened.  The problems Scott was telling her the truth when he said those things.  But, he spent three weeks telling everyone the only person he wanted to get was Kryssie, talking crap about how bad she is, she doesn’t belong to be here, she has to go.  Which I also blogged about week 1 in that I didn’t think he really was that serious about targeting her the things he says and does don’t make sense?  Now its week 4, you've been all over the map with your game, you say crap you shouldn’t and there’s no reason she should ever believe you!  Scott made that move impossible by  being Scott. Justin is right there is nothing anyone could say or do to make her believe he should stay in the game, in her mind Scott is her only threat, and that’s from what she sees and knows first hand.  Not something she mad cup in her head.  She’s not delusional.  BB 101, someone is targeting you and you can get them out do it!  


Whitney is trying to sell the same package Alex tried week 2.  Justin is driving home the point that he’s telling Whitney to go upstairs and tell Kryssie she is going to vote how Kryssie wants (Scott) and she can say she did but blame the other vote on America, Justin can’t do that and Whitney do that too.  That’s his point. 


Whitney knows she cannot (for her game) break her word to Kryssie and vote to keep Scott when she promised her she would vote how Kryssie wants.  Essentially, Whitney tells Kryssie to just put her up as the replacement nom, so that she cannot have a vote this week.  It will piss the girls off, she doesn’t want to break her word to Kryssie, she’s worried about her own game.  Kryssie obliges her and replaces her for Morgan.  That actually sets Morgan up to break her word.  Kryssie wants to distance between Neely and Morgan and this will give her some ammo to sell that to Neely.  We ALL know Morgan was never going to keep her word and she walked herself right into that little trap when she offered the deal to Kryssie. The only way Morgan would have kept that word is if three Plastics were OTB together, then she would have voted to evict Scott. 


See how all these little things you say and do matter.  Every player is really a vulture just waiting for someone to slip up so they can use that information against them to persuade people to get them out of the game.  That is a part of the game.  Know your enemies, timing is everything, give people enough rope and they will usually hand you the line needed to choke out their game.  


Voting opens today.  Vote for which player you want gone.  I am voting Scott.  Of the three he’s the one I see being the biggest threat to Jason/Justin’s longevity whether they work with him or not he will be a danger to their games.  Neely, is eh, but she’s playing and she could flip one side to the other.  She’s hella funny when she gets people hyped up and so I want to see what else she has for us.  Whitney is about the same as Neely.  I see way more potential for Whitney going further than Neely.  Neely is on some radars and she will go out sooner than later whether it’s this week or not.  America seems to really want Kryssie and Danielle out next at the moment.  No one really likes Dani, in the house or out.  That’s not because of her gaming skills because she has way more than Alex in that department and has actually shown us what she’s capable of.  Kryssie, is Kryssie.  She’s done it to herself.    I’m ready for this week to end and see where the week 5 HOH takes us and honestly I’ve felt that way for a couple days now so….There you have it.  


One last note, since Shelby didn’t go up there is again a better chance that Misfits fans won’t split the vote.  If the majority votes for Scott while the Plastics fans will all be voting Neely and it could be a  neck and neck race to see who goes home.  I’m not the kind of fan that says, ‘oh well they are all going to vote Neely so why bother even vote?'  I’ve made that pretty clear over the past few weeks.  Whoever you want to go, vote.  Every vote counts. We don’t have to agree on anything really except this. Take the time to log in and vote today and tomorrow by 1pm PST and 4pm EST.

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I had to sign up strictly to say thanks for giving me a reaosn to quit visiting this site.  Your rhetoric is so blatantly one sided in this hideously self righteous and BITTER sounding blog.  Were you picked on growing up by someone who looks like Alex?  Your attempt to be objective by starting out talking about both sides is so far beyond lame it's a joke.  Yeah, they BOTH talk smack about the other side.  That's pretty MUCH all they have to do while locked in that house.  The difference is Jason and his minions take enjoyment in cheap shots and abusive insults with vile language while the other side does so collaterally, and when not so, never have I seen derogatory comments from the side you love to hate come with any ounce of vile profanity Jason used incessantly.  Jason and Danielle, and even Neely and Kryssie have so much negative energy it's actually sad that you so vehemently defend them the way you do.  Your own bias is quite clearly projected with ever bitter word you churn out in this blog.

How does your glass have ANY water left??

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I have to agree. Both sides talk but the girls don't sweep the bottom of the barrell with downright nasty personal attacks the way the late night group does. Jason is the worst with Kryssie following closely behind. I also think some of this blogs attacks are equally as awful. Thanks Rex. I'm on your side too

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15 minutes ago, RexThunder said:

I had to sign up strictly to say thanks for giving me a reaosn to quit visiting this site.  Your rhetoric is so blatantly one sided in this hideously self righteous and BITTER sounding blog.  Were you picked on growing up by someone who looks like Alex?  Your attempt to be objective by starting out talking about both sides is so far beyond lame it's a joke.  Yeah, they BOTH talk smack about the other side.  That's pretty MUCH all they have to do while locked in that house.  The difference is Jason and his minions take enjoyment in cheap shots and abusive insults with vile language while the other side does so collaterally, and when not so, never have I seen derogatory comments from the side you love to hate come with any ounce of vile profanity Jason used incessantly.  Jason and Danielle, and even Neely and Kryssie have so much negative energy it's actually sad that you so vehemently defend them the way you do.  Your own bias is quite clearly projected with ever bitter word you churn out in this blog.

How does your glass have ANY water left??


Forgot to add that if I were in the house, it's very easy to see which side I would be on.  I would never group myself with people who spew such hate.  However, I really haven't heard Neely be quite as vocal as K and J.  Those two are plain awful!


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They hit my exact problem, it's not the smack talk, that's part of the game.  It's the level that Jason et al take it to.  My hope is he is not hoh after tonight and if the girls don't win, America puts him up.  He's vile.  Justin needs to move away from them, he's not at their level of disgusting.  And Scott is now getting low.  Tormenting Danielle and picking fights?  He's trying for good tv, but not succeeding, in my opinion.  

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Facts, Fiction, and Opinions 


Well, we had some entertainment to lighten the mood after a roller coaster of a week.  Jason is on slop and has literally lost his marbles today.  He did a fashion show this afternoon for the Plastics while Alex the Safety Servant was tasked to stand guard at the HOH door and her group lounged around the sky bridge loft.  


Early this evening Jason was doing an imitation of a ribbon dance and his sunglasses launched over the railing downstairs and he ran screaming. 


This all begins around 6:40 (cam 1/2)and goes just up to tonight’s recap episode.  Jason has been playing with the phones more and more!  He yells to Da’Vonne “Send me a banner!” then in a lower voice says no doubt send a banner BB don’t yell at me.  He’s trying to figure out if there is a number he can dial to make the tunnel to the Paris room open.  Jason to the camera “BB can you just give us the number, BB, BB, can you just give us the number so we can see the tunnel. “


BB finally replies



Jason is lying on the couch on the upstairs lounge area laughing at Jason’s unraveling. Let’s hope he hasn’t expelled all this pent up energy by the time DR’s come around!


BB calls out Neely for her mic and Justin and Jason start singing “Neely please put on you microphone.”


They can see the tunnel still and Whitney looks and sees there are leaves in the Paris room.  Jason is cracking me up.  He’s on the slop diet high.  He asks “BB who do I got to blow togged the number to Paris?” 


Alex has just finished the Shepard’s Pie she’s been tasked to make Kryssie for dinner. 


Jason is screaming Marco!  Marco!  Alex in the bath finally yells back Polo, and Shelby says don’t encourage him.  


The fun continues after the recap episode eon cam 3!  Hilarity!  It was nice to get the one small break form all the drama and game play.  Seems like once week this has happened one way ro another and honestly the best reset button not only for HG to turn of the game for a little while but for us as well.  The fun continued into the TKB with most everyone right before the DR’s begin.


Normally I don’t transcribe DR’s because I feel like most people watch these.  This week so much has happened and so much has been thrown around if you’re not watching a lot of feeds and then watch DR’s it can be very misleading.  That’s why I decided to not only transcribe the DR’s but share my own observations of things I’ve seen that support or argue whether things being said are true of actual things shown on feeds.  While in traditional format BB the DR’s are usually the one place we get the truth from players, I’ve noticed this season with America having so much influence and player’s playing being aware of that there has been a huge shift for some DR’s.  There are times ‘America” is being told something that based on what we see on the feeds all day long aren’t even close to the truth.  I’m of the belief believe half of what you see and none of what you here in this matter is very applicable. 

Don’t get me wrong some players are telling you the truth.  Many are or at the very least sharing honestly how they are perceiving things even if we know differently having seen things they don’t.  This blog includes those other details and my impressions since I watch a ton of feeds. I confirm things said that I have seen and tend to believe the way they are presenting is pretty accurate.  However there are a few that are way off base or completely lying to you as a part of strategy.  Maybe this will at least help you know what to watch for, or help you make a determination if the strategy of selling you beach front property in Kansas is worthy of accolades or fury.  You don’t have to share my opinion, I never expect any to.  It's my opinion, but there are some facts that are not my opinion purely based on real feeds and real happenings you should be aware of if you have not seen these events for yourself.  


Danielle”s DR


She wanted to take a step back and people watch while Kryssie was HOH and her first week not being OTB. 


After last week she felt like America didn’t like her, wasn’t sure why but she decided to lay back, not be in the forefront so much.  Said she tried to not show how much she’s really missing Shane.  She’s really here to play the game.  100% loyal the LNC.  She calls them the Late Night Jamboree. 


She hopes to win HOH and knows her biggest challenge is she talks a lot, has a lot of stories but struggling with how to get those girls to give her a chance.  Feels like winning HOH will force them to at least try to talk to her about the game and maybe get to know her on a different level.


She knows she is eligible to be America’s nom and HN again next week so HOH is very important to her.  


Alex DR 7:42 pm

She’s complaining she can’t sit out in the chair and read the questions.

Tries to shout out her BF we get Fish.


Yelling and tells us she is going to go off on a rant.  Says she’s a dead man walking, half the house wants her out and please, please, please help her.  She wants to get Neely out and can we please help her.


It’s ridiculous, they all want me out.  Now she says she’s, “Tired of this we take one out, they take one out, she wants to make big moves take out a big target.”


-Last DR she was talking about if we want to keep the game interesting they want to keep going back and forth, give us a show, every week we take one out, they take one, out, now once again bi-polar Alex when it benefits her says how boring that is and we should vote Neely out to keep that from happening.  In fact she has been talking about J/J all week along with Shelby so don’t think for a second she isn’t planning on coming for them, she is.  Not saying whether that’s a good game move or not just demonstrating how she says different things to try and hustle votes and manipulate voters as much as Scott and it works. If you’r not watching much feeds this is important to be aware of.  


Says her sister was nom and that sucks.  I wasn’t really that worried once Neely was on the block, sorry Mom.  Every day she wakes up and wonders where she is not he Joker’s list.  Says she doesn’t walk around cocky and arrogant.


I was so happy my sister won, don’t get me wrong, but if Scott had won, he would be safe and then Neely would 100% be going home. 


-Nope your sister could have been going home and the fact you never even considered that LF’s know you have a sister and may not like the advantage that gives you is sloppy and reckless and shows you don’t think about Morgan’s game at all. 


Big challenge is shifting target from herself to others.  Seems perplexed by she’s the biggest target on misfits’ side.  Wants someone else to win and do some dirty work so the bullseye on her own back gets smaller. 


I know Shane said I’m no longer part of his BB family, but I don’t really care. Shane, your speech was childish and embarrassing for you.  


This is a game of strategy not personal.  Will get to know her HG once they are out of game and then maybe learn their last names. 


-Right, she makes no effort to bond with anyone in the house that she can’t manipulate so of course she doesn’t know anyone’s last name. Still week four no social game at all and this is a calculated error in this game.  





Justin 7:52 pm


Nothing has changed in my strategy this week. I’m staying the same.  I’m probably seeing it pretty consistent. 


Nominations kinda surprised me, Neely being up there.  But hey, it is what it is.  Ya’ll see a lot of stuff we can’t always see so I’m not really tripping on nothing. 


I feel like I am in pretty good standings with America. The people in the house love me.  I could be totally different, totally wrong, I have no idea but hopefully I am keeping ya’ll thoroughly entertained in just being myself and that’s all I can ask for. 


I did my thing on the veto.  I did the best I could on the veto comp, I only knew one of the questions time in this house goes by and it’s hard to keep track of those things.  Climbing the wall was the easy part it was the mental aspect that kinda stumped me.  It is what it is. It really doesn’t effect my game this week because I wasn’t OTB, Neely was America’s nom so I’m really not tripping on anything everything gravy. 


-Justin promised Jason if he won veto that he would save Neely.  Made it clear he wants Neely out but understands they need the numbers.  Made it clear he would rather keep Scott.  Be mindful of things you see and hear him saying to other people in the game.  He says a lot, but he has yet to break one thing he has said to Jason and is very good at making himself appear malleable to everyone.  Until I see him go against something he and Jason talk about don’t be willing to adopt any idea you see anywhere else he’s playing the game, does put his game first but has remained true to his word with Jason. 


Biggest challenge is being homesick.  I’ve never been away from home this long.  New Orleans what’s up. Just staying focused, staying Blessed and thankful for this opportunity.  That’s where my head is right now. 


I feel like I met some really genuine people up in here. People I would never come into contact with in real life.  Its crazy this opportunity has been quite a blessing. This is a game and you have to try and not get caught up in the emotional aspect of it. 


America, trying to remain the same, keep a positive attitude.  Escape the pessimism, stay positive.  Hope my Saints won this week.  Love to my people.  


-Justin needs to start considering paying attention to the details for question comps in the future.  This veto didn’t hurt him in the sense he knows keeping Neely for the numbers is an advantage but he has been eating her out, doesn’t really trust her.  He’s been showing he is willing to play his own game by seeing willing to make decisions to help whichever side he sees each week being advantageous for his own game.  He is loyal to Jason first and foremost, that hasn’t changed.  Also feels loyal to Kryssie more than most others.  At week 4 this is ok, but as we approach middle of the game comps are going to become even more important than they already are in a season like this. For his own game I would like to see him talking to Jason and studying things more, he has said he’s very visual so the one answer he knew was because he had seen the card and knew that answer but he has to really zero in on the value of studying is he wants to have a shot at winning some of these things.  If a veto comes along where his neck is on the line and it’s a mental comp…Now that he knows these can come up it’s on him to arm himself for them moving forward.  


-I know many people (fandom)on both sides of the house like Justin.  He celebrates like a madman every time he’s not put on slop and always shows appreciation to us.  However, all the over celebrating has only drawn more attention to himself.   The fact it is week 4 and he isn’t being voted for anything by America, is being talked about.  It’s not helping him in the big picture and if you want to take some the attention off Justin it may be a good idea to make him a HN sooner than later.  As much as you may not want to, the fact America isn’t doing it is indicating to HG how much he’s liked both inside and outside and that has been talked about a lot more this week.  Just something to consider baed on what I’ve seen this week. 



Kryssie 7:59 pm

Gets off a Mike, I miss you and I love you and no fish.


Apologizes for coming off like a cry baby about veto comp.  Shows us her battle wounds several times. Feels bad about being a quitter.  


-I was so annoyed watching and listening to her be such a whiny baby during this comp.  I get she was struggling, it was hard for her, your hands do hut in an event like that.  I don’t think anyone should ever quit or give up.  Take a break get back on that wall and proves to yourself you can do it!  For me, even if she did quit and had just sat down, said sorry my hands are done I can’t” and left it that it would have been disappointing but not as infuriating as her going on and on and poo me, and my hands bleeding is the only reason I can’t finish, how do you people not even care.  Kryssie that’s no different than what you say about Scott and Shelby all the time, you weren’t someone I was ever really trying too save other than you help J/J and I have defended you do make some good points and try to play the game even if it’s badly while so many people just bash you non-stop.  I cannot in any way defend or rationalize this mess. 


Sad Neely is OTB, hopes to get Scott out this week and America will vote with them to get that done.  Hopes America isn’t seeing somethings Neely when she’s to around.  Trusts us, and the process.  Feels like we (LF’s) are playing just as hard if not harder than they are. 


She’s admitted she will fall apart if Neely goes this week.  Not mentally prepared to lose her.  Says Scott deserves to go home since he is not really playing to win.  She would be furious as a LF watching someone waste a chance to play this game. 



Morgan 8:10 pm 

-Awaiting the fake perky Morgan we never see except diary rooms. Has anyone else noticed this perky, smiley Morgan we are sold in DR’s never is seen at any other time on feeds?


Shouts out family and BF? Doesn't get fished.


Knew she was going up as a pawn.  People beginning to see her and Whitney are playing under the radar, being the sweet likable girls. 


-Morgan’s veto win was fabulous this week!  She murdered that comp, earned it all on her own and was a very impressive performance.  Shows us she can win! Great job Morgan.


Plan for next week, where things get a little interesting.  Trying to sway Justin to vote Neely.  Saving Scott will be a big move on their part.  Then begs America, “Wouldn't mind you helping us out this week.”  (Wouldn’t be you saving Scott it would be us)


If Neely goes completely switches things up in this house. 


-How so?  All it does is give you guys back the numbers which you’ve had every week until this week all it does really is hand it right back to you and nothing you did but what America did once again. Last week you got a misfit out.  Passed not he chance to get Dani out.  Even though they handed you her head on a silver platter and everyone in the house wanted her out. You settled for Shane. This week you want a misfit out, every week you want a misfit out, I don’t see anything different or changing at all.


Wish we wouldn’t have made that deal with Kryssie.  She doesn’t like that Whitney is OTB, doesn’t have to vote, she’s ok with going back on her word.  Don’t want to lie if I don’t have to but part of the game.  Banking on Scott going home this week, blames us for shaking things up and putting her in this position.  


Wants to start being seen as a threat.  Depends a lot on what Justin says.  If he doesn’t we have to depend on you again.  She says, “Keeping Scott will be a big move on our part.” 


-No, it will be a big advantage on your part.  If you flipped Justin, that would be a big move on your part, getting America to vote  Scott to stay isn’t your doing regardless of how the votes go, that’s all about fandom and nothing about efforts the Plastics have made or misfits if they happen to get Scott out by some miracle.


Hopes we aren’t like “God she’s so boring,”  re: Morgan herself. 


Throwing Neely UTB, talks about her biggest challenge in the game right now is deciding whether or not to vote Neely out.  She’s someone she did trust on the other side of the house. We’ve talked to each other and said we will watch out for each other. SHe’s never shown me anything with an action to prove that she’ll keep me safe.  Admits she hasn’t done anything to help Neely either.  Biggest challenge, do I keep my word with Kryssie, vote Scott out. Or shake things up and break her word and vote out Neely. SHe’s a big social threat. She’s good at competitions.


-I can see benefits to her voting either way.  At this point in the game, although she made the deal with Kryssie it’s probably in her best interest base don what she knows to vote Neely out.  Keeping her word does buy her some favor with Neely and with Kryssie but if Neely goes home even if she voted for Neely that would be a huge a risk to take against her group right now.  What she should do though is go to Kryssie and Neely at some point before eviction and try to soften he blow by just saying hey I really don’t want to go back on my word, but for my game I have to try and keep the numbers on my side.  This is damage control and may or may not mean a lot tonight but could in the future since she has no way of knowing for sure how tonight’s vote will land.  She’s put in a lot of time and effort as far as social game goes to lay that foundation and recklessly blowing that up isn’t in her best interest.  Kryssie especially wont like it, but what she knows about Kryssie is she doesn’t like being blind sided and this is at least a chance to navigate the tough spot she put herself in by making that deal before veto.  


Bring on the fireworks, if I vote Scott out, and America votes with me and votes Scott out, bring on the fireworks I’m ready!  I’ve sat back and been quiet and that’s not me. 


-She told us something along these lines her last DR and proved it by killing that Veto comp.  She was ready to come into the game and show she’s a strong player and great to see her show up and prove she can back up what she says. 


Plastics will stay friends.  I really connect with these girls and love them and we will all be friends. 

-My guess is they don’t talk after 3 months outside of the house if not less once all the BB events and novelty wears off and everyone is back to reality.  


America if you don’t vote Neely, she will target me.  I’m a threat and I am good at competitions, I hope I am good at competitions.  I want you to see me play the game.


Justin is a big threat. 


The Plastics begged America to help them keep this game interesting and that every week it going back and forth is way more interesting for America (when they were in trouble) and now that its between Scott and Neely they’ve changed their tune and decided going back and forth from team to team sending someone home every week is boring.  LOL


Neely 8:15 pm 

(Just a note: when I was watching DR’s live Neely came on at 8:15 but I had to pause and come back to DR’s.  When I scrolled back to  start her again it was showing 8:21 pm. just fyi if my times are screwed that’s why)



Strategy to make as many deals as possible working on the relationships she’s been building since she’s been here.  Next week, keep as many deals as possible and looking forward she knows she needs to start looking outside her alliance and make decisions on which direction to move ahead outside of her alliance. 


Scott had to be done.  Doesn’t think that Whitney was really the best choice, other people deserved to be up more but Kryssie’s HOH. Doesn’t know what she did to make America nominate her. 



Jason 8:32 pm


He confirms again he is staying loyal to LNC first and foremost.  Needs to try and keep the numbers this week, save Neely to be in a better position so he can win and do some things he’s been waiting for the right time to come out and do.  Craving some HOH power.  Doesn’t know that the girls on the other side have begun to talk about targeting he and Justin. Thinks they will still target girls on his side before him.


Kryssie was very vocal she wanted to make her own decisions but did listen to the varied ideas of what their group thought.  Don’t understand why America nominated Neely.  Maybe we see something he doesn’t so it’s ok.  Justin wanted to vote Neely out early this week, maybe that was the better way to go, but explained why keeping Neely seems more important to him. Doesn’t get how Shelby wasn’t a more appealing target than Neely, but is what it is. Mentions Shelby only ever talking about things like getting guys to buy her drinks at the bungalow.


Morgan being safe is fine.  Better with Morgan than most the girls on that squad.  Feels like maybe America isn’t liking him since he’s on slop.


Almost out of smokes, quoting smoking will be his biggest challenge.  When to troll with your crew, or when its time to make decisions for you group and when its key to make decisions to your own game first.  


Jason says he knows that Justin, Kryssie and him will be good friends outside the house.  Hopes he and Neely and maybe Danielle will stay in touch.  Points out in the game it’s different once you’re out of the house it washes away all that stuff and you have a different take on people.  Mentions in BB17 he and Steve were enemies but now he talks to Steve more than a lot of other people so you just never really know. 


Said coming in that he didn’t need any more friends, made plenty of friends his first season.  If he leaves here with the check and no friends thats ok, the check is so much more important.


Super important to win next HOH.  Craving some triumph.  First veto feels like a long time ago.  Whether he decides to betray his side or not remains to be seen.  Doesn’t want to go after Alex, sees that they would benefit each others games staying on opposite side of the fence.  


Not eating slop, doesn’t mind bed or cold showers but not eating is giving him slop brain.  Knows America wants to see what we want to see.  Scott always trying to be entertaining he’s no Zach, Zach was naturally entertaining where Scott is just over doing it.  Please vote Scott out this week.  Hop you are still behind me and want me to do well, if so, Scott has to go, he’s all over the place, unpredictable, turns Jason off wanting to work with him.


Have a lovely night America. 

-Jason didn’t day anything I haven’t seen in real time and was pretty short and to the point.  He hasn’t complained much about being on slop but that started to lose his marbles a little the longer he’s relying on protein shakes and boycotting slop all together which you can go back and watch for yourself.


-Jason has said he would like to Keep Alex and his actions so far this week have supported that.   He Justin and Kryssie had a long chat after the America Nom was announced and his fury calmed a bit 10:40 am (Tuesday UKB).  He prefers not to lose a number this week.  His mind blown America hasn’t gone after Shelby, but made it clear to Justin although they really don’t want to stay with Neely to the end like they do with each other, she’s an important number and if she goes the choices of who the Plastics can target continues to dwindle and puts them at risk.  He’s no trying to save Neely as much as he’s trying to keep himself and Justin in the best position possible and is very aware how things will fall if they lose another misfit. Jason is the one person who checks his people the most with not relying on America’s votes heavily in the game because as he says “They are more petty than us.”  “Things can change on a dine at any moment you never know when they hear or see something they don’t like.”  He has also said for two weeks he “expects to be on slop, appreciates the weeks he wasn’t but never believes for a minute his time wouldn’t come and he’s ready for it”



Whitney 8:44 pm


Strategy-win HOH next week.  Plans this week, very different from all of the other weeks, since first week her side is not in power.  This week wanted to stand by Kryssie, what was best for her game but good relationship with Kryssie.  


Sucks being OTB.  Best move for her to tell Kryssie to use her as a pawn.  If her alliance decides to vote out Neely, didn’t want to lie to Kryssie when she promised to vote how Kryssie wanted, keep trust from Kryssie.  Wanted to be OTB so she can’t vote and have to break her word to her own alliance or Kryssie moving forward wants to keep trust with Kryssie.


Hopes America likes her, must be doing something right, she’s not been voted for anything by America.  


Morgan winning veto:  She’s so happy for her.  Wanted Scott to win, just to help improve odds of getting Neely out this week. Trying to stay positive.


Biggest challenge-the house division.  I am type of person that gets along with pretty much everyone in the house and to be classified on side over the other.


Knows she will stay friends with Alex/Morgan.  Hopes to be friends with everyone outside of the house. 


Plan to stay positive as nominee.   Scott and Neely with her as well. Shocked it was Neely!  Scott is one of the closest guys in their group and why would she want him to go when he’s going to help keep them safe.  If Neely were to win HOH she will come for us. Hopes everything works out in their favor.  Did not come in here to agree with what everyone else wants to do, hates watching seasons where the whole house votes together every week.  Didn’t want to be that kind of player (but that’s exactly what she’s done with her group.  This was the week she could have voted how she wanted and wimped out.)


So important for her or one of her group to win HOH.  

Shouts out family and no fish. 


Shelby 8:54 pm (ugh I will suck it up and do this for you guys)


Love being here don’t vote me out.


Strategy this week stay off the block.  Once Scott was nom wanted Scott off the block.  Worried since Scott has been on slop twice.  She is a little worried we will vote him out but hopes we don’t.  Says she’s been pretending she hates Scott and secretly send Neely home.  


-Misfits are very aware this is all BS on her part.  Kryssie hopes she would vote Scott out but the rest of them have said don’t believe nothing Shelby says. 


Scott probably talked to much smack about Kryssie to her face and behind her back.  Felt great Morgan won but was worried she would be replacement.  Thrilled it was Whitney because she thinks most people in the house would have voted her out.  


Assumes America hates her, says a lot of people do, a lot of people in this house do. They were really expecting me to be the America nominee this week, and they were shocked that I wasn’t.  Thank you for not giving them that satisfaction.  If you guys love me, you probably don’t but can you keep making me a HN. I hope you like me, give Neely that slap on the wrist she’s been asking for. 


Don’t you dare vote Whitney.


Biggest challenge-being around these people.  Danielle talks non-stop and eats everything in the house.  Has been sick today because she at a raw cookie dough pack int he course of 24 hours. Justin’s always singing-eh Justin’s not that bad. (Right but you’ve been talking all week about wanting to get him out and still talking about his whipping his thingy out don’t buy that people.) 


Jason is always giving me sh*t and annoying me, that’s ok I am going to send him back to the basement soon.  Don’t nominate me. Dealing with these big personalities when I am used to being the biggest fish in a small pond (LMAO sound familiar?  Exactly what I said in the blog about these girls yesterday.)


I’m not part of the BB fan on that side of the house and that’s really hard to deal with but I am dealing with. I’ve been calling them ‘hypocrit-iots’ because they are hypocrites and idiots.


My girls are Alex, Whitney, and Morgan will stay friends with them.  Probably hit up Scott and maybe Monte.  Monte wasn’t buying what I was selling.  Alex is my girl!  Probably going out with Morgan once we’re out of this house.


HOH-Yes wants to win.  Love to win HOH.  No one in this game is taking me seriously.  Look on their faces if I did would be priceless.  Will be super entertaining during HOH.  Brings up Kryssie having Justin hiding in bath tub.  She will have all her girls hiding about to listen on her HOH.  Some people in this house who think they are untouchable their names start with J/J, and Alex and I seem to be the only people in this house who seem to be brave enough to want to put them up.  


Shows us her battle wounds, hands from veto, bruises on knees.  I will kill myself to play in these competitions.  This seriously the same thing she walked in to the HOH and did with Kryssie the first one on one meeting with her this week.  


Would love to send Kryssie home, says she sin’t like Kryssie wont just give up in comps.  Total rant about Kryssie and wanting to send her home but didn’t she just say she wants to target J/J?  She did say she wants to nominate the guys but doesn’t think she can get them out. 


Says she cant wait to send Kryssie home so she can look up Shelby and find out she’s really a lawyer and not this wimpy little clown fish she keeps calling her.  If you like b*tchy Shelby keep her here you will see more of it.  


Scott 9:05 pm

Strategy this week never say die, never say quit.  Kryssie HOH worst case scenario. Just need to make sure Alex stays safe.  I genuinely want Alex to win this game.  (Then why are you here?) I owe her my BB life.


Noms-feels amazing.  Gives strong chance for me stay and us five to stay together.  Know Neely wants to get out Scott, Alex, and Shelby.  


Happy to be HN twice, lets people in here think I’m no liked on the outside.  Hopefully you like me enough to keep me more than Neely.  I think there’s a decent chance I idon’thave what it takes to win this game, but I can help push Alex one or two weeks further because then she can take home the money. 


Alex has four people coming after her next week.  Four people are Danielle, Kryssie, Neely, and Jason (wrong Jason wants Alex to hang around and potentially work with her later).



If you keep me it’s gonna be me and Alex against those four trying to take her out of this game. (Uh what about the other girls in the Plastics?)


Outlines that week 4 HOH he couldn’t play, Alex had goggles it was 3 against 5 in that HOH and the two best competitors weren’t able to play for our side. 


-LOL. granted Alex is but Scott you’re delusional to say you are at Alex level and better than both Morgan and Whitney like they are a couple of weaklings like Shelby. 


Says veto didn’t really effect his game.  As long as Neely/Kryssie didn’t win he was fine. (That is a terrible mindset.  Yes, Morgan won but leaves Scott OTB and not a good place to be. That outcome should never be one any player is happy with.)  Does say he’s just glad Neely came off the block then he’d be screwed. 


Says Justin has done him so many favors and really come through for them the last two veto comps.   Wants Justin to last in this game a really long time.  Feels like he is a great character for the series, playing his own game and deserves to be here. 


Biggest challenge is keeping Alex safe, even if he does go home this week.  Trying to lay ground work with Jason and Justin so  they know Neely is gonna come after them.  (He had a one on one convo today before veto and asked Justin to protect Alex if he goes home.)


Tries to lay out his assumptions about Neely’s strategy.  Wants the strongest competitors to team up so they can have a really good solid ride to the end. Goes on and on about Alex deserves to be here, deserves a long ride in this house. Again begs to be kept and says instead of 1(Alex) against 4 it will be 2(he and Alex) against 3.  


-Why does he keep selling it as if no one else not heir side will try to keep Alex safe?   Those girls are all going to try and keep their group together as long as possible.  If Scot stays and misfits get power they will nominate those 2 together if they are targeting Alex so how much can he protect her? Jason has made it clear he doesn’t want to target Alex.  Justin doesn’t want to target Scott.  I get Scott doesn’t know Morgan is her sister but in all honesty that’s two people completely devoted to keeping Alex safe which gives her a huge advantage over everyone else from jump.


Scott shows us his battle wounds.  Look at these hands.  I lost by 16 seconds.  I am here to compete. 


-He showed us that!  He really killed that comp and it was so close to him being safe this week. Problem with all this is he isn’t playing his own game.  The misfits see it, we see it, Alex knows it.  Scott is really the self sacrificing idiot at this point.  I thought perhaps it was maybe a strategy of his and he has said it is when he’s telling misfits he doesn’t care about winning but this long exhaustive DR rambling on and on about her the entire time is clearly where his head is actually at.  No cocky, hey I am here, I can help Alex and I get far in this game, keep me around I will take her with me.  No, it’s all about she deserves to win, I don’t car about me and base don what we are seeing he’s just really this sad and pathetic.  


Scott tells is he is all about winning HOH.  This season is all about the competitions.  This house is so divided right now.  They want to take out me and Alex because we are huge threats and they should be!  


Alex is his BF in the house.  Has been his BF since day 4.  Week 2 it felt like she is my only friend. 


-Well, her plans to make you feel that way clearly worked, but you poor slouch that was all strategy and you should have some idea that she did it to keep you as a vote the fact you aren’t even considering that and making your entire game about her seriously make you an even bigger chump than Clay throwing away your game.  At least Shelly actually liked Clay.  LOL. She wasn’t using him as a little minion like she’s using you.


He wants to be friends with most the people after the game.  Definitely thinks he will be life long friends with the 4 girls he’s working with.  Hopes to be life long friends with Jason and Justin and Neely and even Kryssie for that matter. Honestly everyone in the house I like, even Shane I liked personally. Danielle I could probably handle her in 120 characters or less in like uh Twitter post or something other than that Danielle is probably the only person I don’t want to be friends with outside of here. 


-It was refreshing to see someone from that side actually say this is a game, we will all be cool outside the house, like them all.  Except maybe Danielle.  He, Whitney, Justin and to some knows form experience, once you are out the game you get know people on a different level. 


His plan to survive the block.  I have 3 of the girls.  I need your vote America. If I come home this week half the house is going to target Alex and send her home. 


Keep me safe so I can keep Alex safe.  I promise you Danielle will go home next week if you keep me here.  (Yeah, well you had a shot at her last week and blew it with one of many of your delusions buddy.)


The one thing I will say, is this is the only begging and pleading with America where he actually makes a deal offer to America.  Keep me safe, a life for a life in this game.  Save my life and I will send Danielle home next week I PROMISE. That’s all I have to offer you. Plugs his four hour begging and pleading to LF at 3:05 am this morning in the BY.  


-Yes he really did sit out there and ramble on for 4 hours.  

Just a technical tally for you guys.  He says Alex’s name (yes I counted when he started the first three minutes saying her name like 15x’s!  He mentions Alex by name 35 times!  That’s not counting the ‘she’s or her’s’ just the actual Alex name drop.  At one point he says her name 5 times in less than 50 seconds.  Other times he says her name 10-15 times in less than 3 minute periods.  UGH Seriously?  If you aren’t here to play for yourself go home!  Is Alex ever even really going to have to play for herself?  Morgan is playing for her, Scott is playing for her, America’s votes (Plastics fans) are playing for her.  Now as a fan I can get helping the player you like (even though I don’t agree with the reasons she is liked not being based on the best game overall) but you have to be able to step back and look at the big picture here.  If she doesn’t start having to play this game and stop being coddled there is no way, I don’t care who she is up against at the end, many of us would be inclined to vote of her to win knowing that she didn’t earn it on her own merits.  That’s no different in my mind than handing Victoria 500k in BB16 because she got Derrick to drag her to the end!  Did it get Victoria to final 3?  Yes.  If she had made final two could I have justified her game play worthy of $500k?  Hell no!  Not implying Alex isn’t doing any work, she doing some and I see so much potential for her to be playing better but there have been 8 comps, she won two.  One was a total crap shoot.  Whoopty doc!  


The thing I can credit Alex most with right now is playing Scott like a fiddle!  She would have gladly sacrificed him this week over those other girls and he’s oblivious to where he is in that hierarchy!  He’s so far up Alex’s a*s he can’t see the light of day and that’s on him!  Her plan to make him align with them over the misfits works and that has been her biggest game move so far.  I blame terrible game play on Scott’s part for that not her but she knew him well enough to know after that use fall week 2 he was going to need someone and positioned herself to be that someone.  Let’s make that clear. 


However, 2/3 weeks in power where she got to ride on others HOH’s, America voting everything in her favor, Scott and Morgan undying loyalties (one because it’s her sister and she’s actually the more decent of the siblings and the other a nerdy little guy who clearly has never been paid attention to by a female of Alex’s status which has completely blinded him to the faults in his own game).  If she were as loyal to them as they are to her I may feel slightly differently, but she’s not.  She will chew them both up and spit them out and if you don’t see that after she spent the entire week 4(she was safe) trying to save Morgan then as soon as Morgan won veto tried to convince Morgan to save Scott instead, she’s shown us that she is playing by the seat of her pants. Not once did she even consider for a second how LF’s view two sisters playing in the game together secretly knowing how LF’s typically would react to this.  


I was listening to a podcast and  Brent Wolgamott (@oneluckygay) you were 100% correct when you said the only reason Alex gets so much attention is because of player like this are so BAD in comparison!  Even more annoying is that based on Scott’s DR I now have to agree with Kryssie’s statement in her DR tonight! UGH!  I am watching this and I am furious at his game play and I would like to send him home!!!!!












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17 minutes ago, BigBrotherHBIC said:

Not implying Alex isn’t doing any work, she doing some and I see so much potential for her to be playing better but there have been 8 comps, she won two.  One was a total crap shoot.  Whoopty doc!

16 minutes ago, BigBrotherHBIC said:

I changed my mind.  Don't have the patience to read an hour of your angry rhetoric, but didn't need more than a minute to spot the blatant hypocrisy and lack of context in your assessment.  It'd be hilarious if I didn't think you actually consider yourself a judge of good character and game play, not to mention RATIONAL.

Question. Which comp was fluky? The one where she stood on a log holding a sign up with a sword longer than anyone else, or the veto comp where she was the ONLY person to be challenged more than once and never lost?  Seriously what drugs are you on?

And once again in your unholy attempt to devalue her success, you state there have been 8 comps.  If you can count the first HOH process a comp, sure, there have been 8- but EVEN THEN, and considering Alex a "competitor" in that first HOH, she's only competed in 5 comps.  Take away that 1st hoh and the last one, where she had to wear goggles and couldnt even attempt a shot, she's won 2 out of the 3 comps she's competed in; ONE PHYSICAL, ONE MENTAL.  You sure don't mince words with your false shade. Your lack of objectivity borders on lunacy.  Clearly there isn't anyone else with enough time on their hands to keep this blog going.  Sad...


16 minutes ago, BigBrotherHBIC said:


hcihw ,em lleT










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