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Monday September 19, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!


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12:00 AM BBT Nicole asks James what he thinks would be weird. James says he had a girl ask him to put ice cubes in her vagina and do it. Paul says no way. James says he told her to go get the ice tray and that’s when he thought it was weird. Paul says go get the ice, we’re making lemonade. Nicole says she has to go pee and she gets up. Paul asked James if he did it and he said yeah. Nicole comes back after grabbing a cookie. Paul says what’s the weirdest thing YOU ever did. Paul says she’s talking about tongues and we’re talking about ice cubes in vaginas and choking people. Nicole says she doesn’t do crazy things and Paul says homie I believe it. Nicole says Corey gave her the most tongue she’s ever gotten, she doesn’t kiss with tongue. Paul laughs. Nicole says I’m not boring. Paul says not boring, you just enjoy the simple things.


12:05 AM BBT James says you know what Michelle told me? She says she worked at Victoria’s secret and wore lingerie for her boyfriend. Paul says none of her boyfriends ever made her orgasm. James says when she gets her first one she’s going to die.


12:10 AM BBT All HG are quiet and in the UKBR.

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9:00am BBT: Paul, James and Nicole all still asleep in a dark house.

 9:40am BBT: Hg are up. James in the BY eating cereal while Paul is playing with bubbles. Nicole in the WA doing make up.

9:44am BBT: Paul still blowing bubbles standing by the pool table. James still eating his cereal as he smacks. Nicole still in the WA doing make up.

9:52am BBT: BB tells the Hg to please put the awnings down and Paul cusses at BB.James and Paul start putting the awnings down talking about girls on twitter and how  people like them.

 9:55am BBT: James and Paul go inside and talk about doing dishes tomorrow and not today so they will have something to do tomorrow. Nicole now doing her hair in the WA.

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10:01am BBT: James and Paul sitting out in the BY just general talk going on. Nicole in the KT washing a coffee cup.

10:08am BBT: All HG sitting outside now talking about when they leave the house in 2 days they are getting drunk. Nicole says she can not wait to drive. Paul starts talking about driving fast and cutting people off.

10:16am BBT: Paul and James talking about  evicted Hg and how Bronte was bad for pauls game. James talks about how the whole house wanted frank up o the block and gone.

10:30am BBT: Nicole and Paul now talking in the BY as James is in the DR. Just general talk going on.

10:37am BBT: James comes out of the DR and Paul goes in. James goes to the BY and  ask whats up Nicole and she says same ole same ole.Nicole ask James  who's votes he thinks he has in jury and he says Natalie and Bridgette and Nicole ask is that all not DA? James says no she did not like me.

10:42am BBT: Paul comes back out to the BY and they talk about production and we get FOTH.

10:47am BBT: Paul and Nicole talking about evicted HG and Pandora box and Nicole says i would be mad if someone followed  me around the house.

10:49am BBT: Nicole gets up and goes inside to the WC. Paul and James talk about spinning around in circles and how Paul would puke. Paul asking James about his comp in his season when he had to go around in circles and getting hot by the wall and he ask if it hurt and James says no.

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3:00PM BBT Nicole and James sleeping. Paul walks in and says "I don't think they" and we get FOTH.


3:10PM BBT Paul has gone to take  a nap and Nicole is brushing her teeth in the WA. She heads to the DR. Cams on sleeping HG.


3:15PM BBT Nicole is out of the DR. She heads outside. She turns back around and heads inside to the WC. She washes her hands. She shouts out that she misses her family and can't wait to see them. She is so close. She heads back outside and starts to practice her speech for the jury.


3:33PM BBT Nicole heads inside. She sits in one of the two nominee chairs and just looks over the LR. She heads to the Safari Lounge and says she can not wait to see her family. She begins to practice her speech again.


3:50PM BBT Nicole heads out to the KT. She looks at the memory wall for a moment and heads to the UK BR and crawls in bed. James and Paul already snoozing.



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4:00PM BBT 3 sleeping HG.


4:15PM BBT HG are taking a nap.


 4:18PM BBT Nicole is called to the DR. She comes out and wakes up Paul and James and says they have a surprise. They head to the LR for her to read it. She reads: HG - your BB summer may be coming to a.. and we get FOTH.


4:23PM BBT Nicole: Your BB summer may be coming to an end but there is a whole other group coming in - Big Brother Over The Top - it's an ad for the next group. They are watching the screen but nothing is happening. The HG think it is a joke. They don't believe it. They see an ad for the Fall Edition. Their jaws drop. Next envelope - Since the are the F3 - they get to leave behind a picture, a message or what they like for the next group of HG. Everything is in the SR.


4:26PM BBT Paul says this is BS - he wants nothing to do with it. They are laughing. They found a chalk board in the SR. They carry it to the KT. Paul says it's in a week. James says they don't even get to enjoy their BB experience and that there will be another right behind them. Nicole thought they were getting a puppy. Paul isn't sure what to do. They decide to divide the board in 3.


4:41PM BBT The HG are leaving logos and such on the chalk board. They are coloring in things with markers. Paul is leaving friendship tips.


4:51PM BBT Paul comes out of the WC. He doesn't wash his hands. He calls out that he bets Jozea is in the next season.

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 5:01PM BBT James and Nicole still working on the board. Paul eating.


 5:08PM BBT Arts and crafts on the board continues. The cams show the board and they have practically nothing on it. They are going to start filling in tips.


5:28PM BBT Paul has put -Play your own game - you are not Derrick or Dan.


5:46PM BBT Tips for the new HG continue. Paul still thinks Jozea is on this coming season.


 5:54PM BBT Paul's advice includes - Be Yourself - unless you suck and F**k showmance.


5:59PM BBT Nicole and Paul head to the BY. They are laughing about James' tips. Nicole says he just laid out his game. James included about throwing comps.

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7:00 PM BBT Nicole is resting in the Tokyo BR. She just finished reading her HOH Letter. She can't believe there is only 48 hours left in the house. Cam 4 was focused on a girl that is on one of the walls in the Tokyo BR for a little bit. Paul & James are playing pool in the BY.

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7:03 PM BBT Paul & James goes back & forth playing their pool game. Paul scratches trying to sink his last ball solid on the table. James sinks the 8 ball on his next turn & wins. Paul says it's time for a mini break. They go in the house. He asks Nicole where she is? He asks if she's sewing or tweezing? Paul says she's definitely not slicing & dicing. Paul & James go to the Tokyo BR. She tells them she's crying by herself right now because she's getting excited to see her family. She says she might be called to the SR when the sewing kit is in there. We see FOTH. Cams 1 & 2 are on the SR. Nicole tells Paul she will tweeze his eyebrows for him. Paul & James go the BY. Paul tells James he has to rack this time. He says the basketball players don't always play the same game. We see FOTH twice briefly. James tells Paul where the birds nest is in the BY. Paul wants to know if there are eggs in there. James says if they touch the nest & there are eggs in there the mom won't have anything to do with the baby birds anymore. He tells Paul that's the way it is with wild animals. He asks Paul if he wants him to rack? Paul says, no & racks the balls. James breaks hard to start another game & he makes a solid.

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7:13 PM BBT Nicole is lying on Corey's pillow in the bed they slept in together in the Tokyo BR. James says he wonders what the BBOTT house will look like. He says Paul has him doing an obstacle course on the pool table. He says he didn't know this was a BB comp. Paul says James is acting like Victor. He says Victor would do checks all the time. The bottom of James' feet are extremely dirty from him walking around with no shoes on. An airplane flies overhead.

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7:20 PM BBT James wins the second game. Paul tells James to rack the balls again, but he tells Paul to rack them since he won. He tells Paul to stop being a sore loser. He tells Paul that's 5-0. Paul says it's a new series. Paul tells James to stop coming up with all of these numbers. Paul does rack the balls again & James breaks them. Paul tells him he left a perfect triangle in the middle. He tells James he made a solid & he must like the solids. James says he does.

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7:22 PM BBT James starts to call Paul names & tells him to enjoy it now. James tells Paul he's doing some geometry & doing some Victor sh*t over there. Paul says he pulled a Victor & he won. They start another game of pool.

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7:28 PM BBT James says he might just go to bed early tonight at 9 PM BBT on the dot. Paul asks why? James says because they are so close to the end & he wants to get the night over with. James says he can wake up in the morning & say, "Tomorrow is it." Paul says, yeah. They continue to play their pool game.

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7:30 PM BBT Paul tells James he gets a double kiss & he's boujie. James says once he gets the cue ball down to him he's going to clean house. James tries to sink the 8 ball but misses. Paul says he almost had him. James says almost only counts in hand grenades & horseshoes. (It's supposed to be horseshoes & hand grenades.) Paul says he's going to do some geometry. He misses again. Nicole opens the sliding door & she tells Paul she will do his eyebrows wheneve. He says, o.k. he will be there. She goes to the WA. Paul watches an airplane fly overhead. Paul wins after he sinks the 8 ball. James drops his pool stick on the ground. He tells Paul to go get his eyebrows plucked. They go inside. He asks Nicole if she's ready for girl time & if she's ready to make him look fleek? She laughs. James goes to the hot tub & uses the step to clean his dirty feet off.

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7:36 PM BBT Paul lays down on the bench on a pillow for Nicole to tweeze his eyebrows. She asks him to take his hat off & tells him there are a lot of brows to get. Paul tells her they are both going to cry. He tells her it's a live show so she has to make him look good. They both start laughing. He says that she might take all of his brows off. She says it's kind of relieving to her that the competition is so up in the air & there is nothing you can do about it. Nicole says that James had said something about taking Vanessa out on a date in a joking manner. Nicole tells Paul it's going to hurt a little bit & he has him turn his head a little bit. They discuss what the jury members might say to them. Nicole says things for Zakiyah depend if her & Paulie are close in jury. She says they may try to trick her. She turns on an angle to be able to tweeze Paul's eyebrows. She says she wants to see her family so bad. She says she wants to stay up or sleep until then, whichever will go faster. James says they still have a lot of time if they think about it. Nicole says new HG's are moving in a couple days after they leave. She says, "Good luck with that." She says they aren't going to be in the house for 99 days. Paul says maybe half the HG's & half the time. Nicole says she doesn't think their challenges will be as hard. She says she's curious about it. James brushes his teeth. Paul is wincing a little as Nicole tweezes his brows. He says it's going to hurt way more later. She asks if he thinks they are going to get a snack tonight? She asks what time they usually come? Paul says maybe around 10 PM BBT. Nicole says she thinks it's around 10 or 10:30 PM BBT.

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7:44 PM BBT Nicole says that she plucked Corey's eyebrows & he couldn't believe how bad it hurt because he never had them plucked before. She says Victor wanted his done & didn't have anything to pluck. She says she is going to pack up all of her crap tomorrow. James goes to the KT & says it's not even 9 PM BBT yet. Nicole asks what time it is? He says, 7:41 PM BBT. Nicole says it's not even 8 PM BBT yet. James says if it was 8:50 PM BBT he would just go to bed. James says he's not sure who will be in the audience for him. Nicole says there are some randos there. James says he guesses. Nicole says she was talking about Paul's eyebrows. Nicole tells James he will be happy with whoever comes. James says they will be happy & it's a free trip.

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7:47 PM BBT Nicole checks Paul's eyebrows to make sure she is making them even. She says she is making them look tip top shape. Paul thanks her. James whistles as he goes to the dining room table & looks at the board they wrote their messages on for the next set of HG's. Nicole asks Paul why his eyebrows are lighter at the top? She tells him she didn't mess them up. She says she feels that Bridgette plucked them more. Paul says they look fine. Paul says they are cleaned up. He says they are fine & they look good. He says he will get threaded literally in 2 days. Paul thanks her. She tells him he's welcome. She plucks some of her eyebrows now using a mirror in the WA. Paul decorates his portion of the board a little more with the paint marker.

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7:56 PM BBT James is trying to draw a Twitter bird. Paul asks Nicole to let him draw her palm tree. Nicole says she's good at drawing things. Paul says she's not. She says she is. James is still trying to add stuff to his space. Nicole tells Paul to be careful not to mess up her letters. Nicole says she doesn't like 3's, so she asks him to make another coconut for her. She says she likes it & thanks him. She wonders if they should put some shine on the coconuts. Paul says he can make them have some fuzzies. She tells Paul they have three dots & it looks perfect. Nicole says James is advertising his social media. Paul says they can't use any of that. James says he hears people talking. He asks who's in the wall? Nicole says the HG's are going to read James' tips & they are going to literally crap themselves. She says, "I'm sorry HG's that you have to read that." She goes to the Tokyo BR & then she goes to the BY, leaving the sliding door open. She is looking for her water. Paul says he wants to go in the hot tub, but at the same time he doesn't want to shower. He goes to the BY & asks Nicole if she wants to hang on the ham? She says, yes. James is still messing with the board. James says, "Aww, whatever, I know y'all are going to vote me out anyway, assholes." He says, "I knew I should have kept Corey, I f'd up."

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8:05 PM BBT Paul tells Nicole that James has literally not said anything to him today. Nicole says James 1000% thinks he's taking him to the Final 2. Paul says he's been hanging out with him just to make him feel comfortable. He says he will tell James he's not taking him if he wants her to so she will feel better. Nicole says it's fine. Paul says there is 0% chance he's taking him to the Final 2. Paul says James is fishing for stuff with her. Paul says there is something in the contract that if you take James you get an extra $1,000. Nicole says she's not stressing about that. Paul tells Nicole to be as genuinely her as possible. Paul says if he tries to be serious everyone will ask who he is. Nicole says she couldn't be someone else if she even tried. Paul says that's good then. Nicole says she is going to have to be on defensive mode. Paul tells her she is going to like his speech. Nicole says she would rather be grilled by anyone else other than this jury. Paul says he's going to get grilled also. Nicole says she's afraid of speaking in front of 9 million people. Nicole says she wonders if the camera is on the jury or Julie. Paul tells her to imagine it's only the two of them in the room. Nicole says she wonders what will happen if she faints & has a heart attack. Paul says he might also. She says she isn't stressed about the last part of the comp. Paul asks if she knows what she will say to James if she wins? She says she doesn't know if they get a speech or not. Paul says James just walked to the UKBR. He says that maybe he's coming to terms with not going. Nicole says she thinks that James is working on a speech. Paul says he doesn't care right now & he will walk in there right now & tells him it's not in his best interest to take him to the Final 2. Paul says he doesn't want things to be weird & he wants James' vote to be as fair as possible.

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8:13 PM BBT Nicole says she will be more at ease with her family there. Paul says if Julie tells him to wrap it up he might sh*t his pants. Nicole says hers is about 1 minute. Paul says he can't cut anything out because he's telling it like a story. He says if he cuts things out it won't flow. Nicole says she is trying to figure out exactly what to say in her speech. Paul says he's literally giving her a compliment in his speech at the end. He says if she wants him to he can take it out. Nicole says she doesn't know if she should talk to Corey. Paul says she may want to talk about Corey, but not to him. Nicole says she needs a piece of paper & a pen. She says she would like a paper & a pen for 1 hour. Paul says they don't want them to do that. Nicole says they want her to look like an idiot. Nicole says she might be forgetting things to say. Paul says if she's forgetting them she may not need them. Paul says she might just want to come up with something to say on the spot then. She says she doesn't want to be under-prepared though. Paul says it's clearly freaking her out trying to come up with something to say.

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8:17 PM BBT Paul tells Nicole that he would help her with her speech if she wants help. He doesn't want her to tell him her speech though. She says she wishes she had more flow with her speech. She says her outfit really can't get pit stains. Paul says she will do great. Nicole says she doesn't know what people going to the Final 2 did to prepare for this, because it's hard. Paul says probably not like this. Nicole says she doesn't know what they are not liking about her either. Paul says he's not going to say he's been an underdog because they've known that. Nicole says she doesn't want to say this is her second time, but they are going to say something to her about it. Paul says it will be talked about her being a Vet, & it won't be by a Vet, 1 million percent. Paul says they will take all day tomorrow to let everything soak in & breath. He says as excited as they are they need to let things settle in. He says then when they wake up it will fly by. He says he can't believe they are having a new season of Big Brother. Nicole says that is also boggling her mind. Paul says he's not really found of the way James' tips. Nicole says she's not either. Nicole says she should have written Rule #8 Don't listen to James' tips. She says if she came in & read that she wouldn't be happy. She says his tips are good, but they are going to blow up people's games Day 1. Paul says he put not to trust the really loud or quiet guy/girl. Nicole says he did not write that. Nicole says Paul is the really loud guy & she is the really quiet girl. Nicole says that's not nice & it's mean. Paul says he's putting a target on someone's back Day 1. Nicole says James is putting his Facebook & Twitter on there. Paul says James is very cocky, walking around acting like he's the king of Big Brother. He says he called Rob & them...We see FOTH briefly. Nicole asks if he's heard her once saying anything about it? We see FOTH briefly again. Paul says he is giving his goodbye message to James about James always saying it's not his first rodeo & how this boujie LA guy made it longer on this one. Paul says he wants to cook for his family when he goes home. He says he's going to make mashed potatoes, chicken & pasta. HE says he really wants to cook for them. He says they will be shocked. Nicole says it bugs him that he thinks he's so good & that's why they aren't taking him. She says, no, it's because he's cocky. Paul says he's never once been intimidated by James. He says when he told Nicole one of them was winning the first comp he knew they would. Nicole thinks that James threw the second part because he was confident he was going to go. She says he's going to say in his DR's he did throw it. Paul says he was never planning on taking him. He says there was no point in his mind that he ever wanted to take James. He says the plan was just to convince him of that. She says she was trying to say she wasn't going to take Paul either to convince James.

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8:26 BBT: James in the safari room giving shout outs.  He comments that he's really bummed that he might have come in third place; he was so close. He's really bummed guys. No regrets, though. That's what happens. He could have gone out first week.  Definitely a tough season. Tougher than season 17 mentally and physically. Making it to final three you stress out all the way; very stressful. He feels like he's talked to you guys more this summer; he feels like he didn't do that last summer. He feels like he's talking to himself; going crazy. Can't wait to see you all America. One more day! Jason, I hope you're holding down my social media account. I'll be out one more day! I'll be free! I feel like we can all talk about big brother and go from there.  *sigh* Waiting for 9:00 so I can go to bed. 


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8:27 PM BBT Nicole says James freaked out on the mental comp & by then it was to late. Paul says he should have really tried on the second part. Paul says he still lost & that is the outcome. He says if you aren't going to throw comps, you definitely don't throw the ones in the Final 3. Paul says they both busted their balls off. He says she finished that comp in 7 minutes, so she had to be going crazy. Paul says his pinky still feels weird & he was sore for the next several days & he was feeling great. He says that Nicole's knees are still messed up. Nicole says James told her to her face that he was pretending to shake. Paul says he told him it was strategy. Nicole says they will never know. Paul says it looked like he was going to die when he was getting sprayed with that house. Paul says he was so cocky about the wall comp & endurance. Nicole says his one comp win was thrown to him also & she won't forget that. Paul says if it wasn't for him James would be gone.

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8:30 BBT: James' monologue continues: It's definitely rough in the house when you have two people plotting against you; you feel like you're on the outs. I can handle it, but it doesn't feel good. I wish Paul would just tell me, but he probably doesn't want to be weird about it. Nicole is pretty straight up.  But hey- have at em. Good game move. Good game move.  All right America, I'm out of here (still James talking.)  He heads to Kitchen.  Nicole comes into Kitchen. James says what's up Nicole?  Thirty more minutes, then I go to bed. Paul comes in, invites him to another game of pool. 

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8:31 PM BBT Nicole decides to go inside the house. Paul asks if she wants him to go so James doesn't corner her? He says he will go anyway so he can wash his cup out so he can store it & keep it. James tells them he finally got his Twitter bird down right & it was hard. Paul wants to play another game of pool. James says they should make a good breakfast tomorrow. Nicole is warning up food in the microwave. Nicole puts an empty container in the sink. James says they need to play country tomorrow on the last day. (The last day is actually Wednesday). Nicole tells him he's been getting hooked up with the music in the morning.

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