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Tuesday August 30, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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10:03AM BBT Lights are on but HG are still in bed.


10:30AM BBT Natalie is vertical. She heads to the WA. She digs some socks out of her shoes and puts them on along with the shoes and heads to the WC. We get FOTH.


10:40AM BBT Natalie wakes up James to see if he is going to take a shower today or can she wash his towel. He says he isn't going to so she collects his towel. Natalie collects clothes and James hands her his socks.


10:51AM BBT Natalie and Nicole up doing ADLs. Natalie is telling Nicole that people have been finding her underwear all over the house. She says she hates that comp.

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11:01AM BBT Natalie is up and running laps in the BY. Nicole called into the DR.


11:06AM BBT Nata has run a few laps and now rapidly lifting weights. She stops to lift her shirt and check her stomach. She rapidly lifts a few more weights. She heads back into the house to water Bridgette's plant.


11:18AM BBT Natalie has her roller. She is doing various exercises rolling with her legs on the roller. All other HG sleeping.

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11:26AM BBT Natalie back in the WA. Tried various hair styles. She goes from the Princess Leia look to pig tails to a top knot. She heads to the shower to change into a bathing suit. She checks herself in the mirrors and takes her hair back out of the top bun. We get FOTH.


11:40AM BBT Natalie sunning in the BY and James sleeping in the house.


11:52PM BBT Same exact HG on cams.. Natalie sunning and James sleeping.

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11:58AM BBT Nicole has gotten the HOH camera. She calls out to Natalie to see if she wants it. Natalie says she will wait. Nicole says she needs to put make up on first.


12:04PM BBT Natalie in the pool. Nicole getting into a bathing suit. Corey can be heard talking to her about brushing his teeth.


12:12PM BBT Vic attempted to wake up Michelle and Paul for camera time. Neither has gotten up. Vic brushing his teeth and tells Corey to take a bunch of selfies.



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12:21PM BBT In the BY Corey, Vic, Natalie and Nicole take HOH pictures. She says that she tried to get the others up but they wouldn't. BB calls an IDLD. Natalie says her life is getting ruined.


12:30PM BBT Camera time continues. In the BR - nap time continues for James, Paul and Michelle.



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12:36PM BBT Corey is in the UKBR taking selfies with a sleeping James.


 12:41PM BBT Natalie tells Corey and Nicole if they can married can she be invited. Corey says yes and the bun is invited too as he plays with Nicole's hair.


12:52PM BBT Nicole and Corey looking at the pictures.



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1:01PM BBT Vic and Corey in the BY going to do a "talk show" - today's topic "Nicole".


1:12PM BBT Vic and Corey continue talking about their types of women, etc.


1:23PM BBT Corey, Vic and Nicole talking in the BY. They are discussing the sun in CA and tanning. All other Hg sleeping.

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3:37PM BBT James talking to Natalie. He is telling her that Nicole's smartest move would be to get rid of Paul. Victor would need to be loyal to them then. Natalie says that her HOH screwed everything up. She said Vic will come after them.


3:43PM BBT Natalie telling James that Vic's social game is not all that good. He lacks some common sense. James says if he was Nic/Corey they should be worried that Vic would put them up. Natalie says that the three of them are best friends.


 3:44PM BBT James and Natalie talk about if James wins HOH. He says he will tell them what they want to hear and then their faces will appear on the memory wall. James is pacing in the BY. Natalie picking at her feet. They discuss that Michelle is good at mental comps. Michelle will not put them up.


 3:48PM BBT Natalie continues to tell James that Vic is wrapped around Nicole's finger. James thinks he can talk Corey into dropping from the comp. Natalie says best case scenario for them is to have Michelle win and best case for Nicole/Corey would be for Vic to win.


3:55PM BBT Corey, Vic and Paul talking in the KT. College talk and tail gating. In the BY James and Natalie decides its in fate's hand. Natalie says that for not knowing anything about the game, she outlasted a lot of great players.

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4:00PM BBT Corey comes into the BY. He asks James how it's going. James says he isn't in the doghouse. Corey says "yet". James says yep Natalie laughs. Corey says give it a few more hours. Corey says he has managed to stay out of the doghouse for the most part. James says he has been in it over half of the days. They all laugh. Corey says when he is married he wants to build a small room in the BY and call it the dog house so his wife never wants him to go there.


4:10PM BBT All 4 cams on Vic in the LR. Just sitting.

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4:15PM BBT Vic in the pay phone outside of the HOH BR. He is looking at the departure signs again. He is looking around. The departure says Waikiki 4:22PM. He is now in the UK BR payphone area.


 4:27PM BBT Paul, Corey, James and Natalie in the BY total silence. Vic in the LR in total silence. Michelle asleep.


4:29PM BBT Michelle is up and heads to the KT. In the BY BB calls out the HG for napping.

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4:34PM BBT James washing his hands. He looks up at the walkway and whispers "Vic, I am going to F'ing kill you". Vic is resting on the couch on the walkway.


4:45PM BBT All 4 cams on Paul. Just resting in the BY.



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4:51PM BBT James is reading a book in the KT. It looks like it may be the rule book. Vic and Corey sitting quietly on the landing.


4:56PM BBT Paul prepares to clean his nose and tells James they can play pool when the sun goes down.

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5:01PM BBT Natalie tells James that she is over it. She wants to be with her family. She has had a summer of being tortured and talked crap about. James tells her its only 20 something days. She says that James keeps doing things she doesn't like. James says it seems like he does a lot of things lately. She says that she is already feeling bad in the house and it is just agitating her.


5:04PMBBT Natalie says she knows she isn't going to win so why should she do anything. James tells her they are lucky and to enjoy it. He says they are getting paid to lay out and talk to people. Natalie says that he didn't have everyone talk crap about him and no one has ignored her for an entire month. She could have been at home around people who love her all summer long. It is exhausting.


5:06PM BBT Nat says she feels fat and has major anxiety in this house. James says he won't scare her anymore. He says if he does she doesn't have to talk to him again. She says not to do it again while she is fighting to stay in the house. James asks her if anything would make her happy in the house. She says "yea". She says she has been happy the entire game but now is struggling.


5:09PM BBT Natalie tells James that she has had 16..no 15 people talk about her all summer long. James says 85% of them are gone. She has him and Natalie says that he keeps scaring her and upsets her. James says she shouldn't hide these problems..she can talk to him or Michelle. Natalie says she doesn't want to talk to anyone.



5:14PM BBT Natalie says was it worth it having her feelings hurt all summer. She says what if she was portrayed as a villain and outside this house there will be a problem. James says CBS wouldn't do that if she was connected to him. James tries to tell her he has been picked on in his life and she cuts him off to explain how she is worried.

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5:17PM BBT Natalie tells James that after so long in the house of everyone calling her fake, she can't be herself anymore. James tells her to not worry about them.


5:19PM BBT James trying to give her a pep talk and she tells him he is talking too loud and they will hear him. Corey and Vic playing pool.


5:21PM BBT Natalie complaining to James that he scared her when her neck hurt and it made it hurt worse. He says he also massaged her neck. He says he won't scare her anymore. And now it's rinse and repeat...


5:24PM BBT Natalie says that it sucks that someone who said mean things about her and hurt her feelings is going to win half a million dollars. She says she was so nice to everyone. She is a giver and does not do sh*t talking. She was so nice to everyone and they talked crap about her.


5:28PM BBT James tells Natalie that whatever he did for her this summer was on him and he had a crush on her. They agree to be best friends. Natalie says she feels better.

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5:25 PM BBT Natalie's pity party continues at the hot tub. James keeps trying to cheer her up [but she doesn't seem to want to be cheered up] In the back ground Paul, Corey & Victor playing pool -- hear occasional expletives. Natalie says she feels a little better [halleluiah!] James tells Nat he misses cuddling with her.

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6:59 PM BBT Victor thinks it will be great if he & Paul get asked to go on the Bold and The Beautiful. Paul says they are loud & eccentric. Victor says after the wrap party they will go to the hotel & be on their phones until like 6 AM BBT. Paul asks James when the wrap party is over? He tells him 11 PM or 12 PM PT. Paul says they can go get his car. Victor says he may go to the hotel first & then go with Paul. Paul says they can go to the hotel at any time. He says he's going to get his parents to drive him home to get his car. Victor says in 23 days they will have a sh*t show coming their way. Paul asks Victor how many followers he thinks he has? Victor says around 10,000. Paul tells him he may have 100,000 followers. Victor says he only had 400 hundred when he left. He says it was at 5,000 when he left the house. Paul can't believe that's it after the first time he left. Victor tries to play it off & says he's not going to talk about leaving the house the first time.

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7:05 PM BBT Victor says when people are truly fans they are more inclined to follow you. Paul starts talking about the night after & we see FOTH.

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7:06 PM BBT Paul asks Victor if he was evicted on Day 23? Victor says yes. Paul tries to figure out how many episodes have aired already. Victor thinks the season started on a Wednesday. He tells Paul that they didn't air everything from the first week. Paul thinks they did a week of shows without a live eviction show. Paul thinks 8 episodes is a lot. Victor says, compared to 30, come on now. They are laying in the hammock in the BY. Paul says that he thinks that James has like 80,000 followers from his season. Paul says they have Nicole there, & Cody's brother (Paulie). Victor says he's not worried about it. Paul says he's just curious. He says he doesn't give an f about it, it's just curiosity. Victor says there were cool comments. Paul asked if there were any bad ones? Victor says, like one, but it wasn't mean. (How did he get to see his followers if they aren't allowed to see anything on the outside of the house even when they were sequestered?) Victor says the people that are in the house the most probably have the most followers. Paul says Zach got a lot & he wasn't in the house as long as others. Paul thinks he has over 100,000 because he started with over 50,000. Victor says he never tried to get his social media followers up there. Paul says he got that many more in just 2 weeks. Victor says it was thousands of % increase.

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7:13 PM BBT Victor wants to be a model. He says it would be dope. Paul tells him it would be hard & it's tough to get into also. Paul thinks that Paulie may have about 20,000 followers. Victor says that James played with some of the best players in Big Brother history. Paul doesn't think it's all the best players. Victor says there will be a list that comes out. Victor wants America to throw him 25 bones & give him America's Favorite Player. Victor says how nice Donny was & didn't get it. Paul says there is no one that nice this season. Victor seems to think that Michelle has a chance at getting AFP. Paul says he's just ready to go back to real life.

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7:17 PM BBT Natalie & James are lying on the double lounger in the BY. Natalie says she might get a tattoo on her butt so no one can see it. She says it will be a hidden tattoo. James asks why she doesn't get it on the front? She says she doesn't want to see it every day. James says they can get tattoos together. Natalie says she's not really into tattoos & probably won't do it anyway. James wants to pop a pimple that Natalie has. She tells him to leave her alone. Natalie complains about the gnats bothering her. James tells her she is a stink bug that's while they want to be around her. She says she has sweet blood. Natalie says she has to go inside because the gnats are really attacking her. She wants to go in the hot tub, but it's not on. James says Natalie needs to eat dove, it's really good meat. Natalie says she's not eating a lot of meat. They walk into the house. James says they are going to do Survivor, she needs to eat meat. She says she will never do Survivor. James says her doing Survivor would be a joke. They walk to the UKBR. Natalie puts black stretchy shorts on & a yellow tank top over her bikini. She looks at herself in the mirror. They get into bed. James tells Natalie that she smells like a little Gremlin. He talks his Zingbot hat off & puts it on the pillow behind Natalie's head. James tells Natalie that he thinks Paul is trying to get information out of Victor, because he knows he's close to Nicole & Corey. He says he's going to ask Nicole Wednesday if they are still voting Paul out & they better say yes. James says he put both hands outside the blanket so America doesn't think they are doing anything. He thanks Natalie for letting him stay the night. He says he really missed her. He asks Natalie if she is taking a nap? She says she wants to run later. James tells her to stay awake or they may not wake up. She says she will run later & go to sleep late. He tells her to have sweet dreams & he rubs her back briefly. He tells her she is his best friend. She says they same thing back to him. James is messing with Natalie's leg under the covers. She tells him to stop & let her sleep. He says, o.k. Corey & Nicole go the BY. Corey says she's finally up.

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7:25 PM BBT James says that Michelle is wrapped up like a little cocoon. He tells Natalie to relax her eyeballs because they are bouncing all over the place. Paul goes to the UKBR trying to be quiet with the red door. James asks him what's up? He says he's going to the hot tub. He takes his ball cap & leaves the UKBR. He holds the red door so it shuts quietly. In the KT, Nicole & Corey are goofing around by the KT table. Paul walks to the KT & Victor starts to goof around about Paul's walk & butt. Nicole & Corey think that's so funny. Paul goes to the WA. Victor thinks him & Corey are withering away. Nicole says they are. Victor says he's more defined than ever in his life. He tells Corey that he's going to eat pickles. Nicole says there should be another jar back there. Victor says they only got the one jar. Paul goes to the KT. Nicole asks him what he's eaten today? Paul says he's only eaten one bowl of cereal. Victor says there are sweet pickles. Nicole says she doesn't like sweet pickles. Victor says there are juices in the refrigerator that no one has been drinking recently. Nicole is drinking a small can of v8 juice. Victor talks about baby's learning to walk. Nicole says she always used to go & hide in the cupboard to poop her diaper. They joke about it. Paul says that they didn't let him in the SR. Nicole tells him that he just walked into Victor's fart. He goes in the SR & talks to production. He asks what was so important that he couldn't go in there? He finds Neosporin & says he likes it. Corey starts to sing. He puts some sea salt in his slop. He mixes salsa & puts some of it in his slop. He says it has corn & beans in it. Noah says she used to pick out the corn & beans & eat it separately because technically you aren't supposed to eat them. Nicole tries his slop & likes it.

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