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Monday August 8, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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12:30PM BBT Zak comes into the UKBR to take a nap (on Paulie it appears). She says that Bridgette and Vic are talking in the KT and annoying her. Paul says Vic is Bridgette's new Frank. They discuss Michelle's speech. Paulie says that Michelle says she is going to make a big move. Zak says that it wouldn't be on any of their targets.


12:40PM BBT Bridgette has joined Zak and Paul in the UKBR. They discuss that Michelle knew it was the hide and go veto. Zak says Michelle is a superfan.


12:53PM BBT Bridgette goes into the HN rom and talks to the feeds. She is wondering why Paulie would want to keep Zak except that she won't come after him. She says Paulie has Nicole and Corey in his pocket. She says that she really needs Vic, James and Nat to join with her but she knows James would never do anything drastic and Nat can't win anything.

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12:53 pm  HN room bridg goes in alone and talks to herself

says she doesnt know whats going on or who wants who out of the house. 

paulie and zak for next week, unless he wins hoh.

thinking of the game, she knows that nicole and corey are in paulies back pocket and she says that she herself is stupid and made herself an easy target.

says vic will take a swing but james wont do anything drastic and then she says she cant win anything

she lies down in her bumper car for a nap.

12:56 pm bb announces it is a lock down and they all must go outside.

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1:06PM BBT Michelle talking to Nicole and Paul about HG on other season of BB and Nat is doing cheerleading routines which gives us FOTH.


1:16PM BBT We continue to get FOTH on and off.


1:20PM BBT Paulie and Vic talking about models and girls in general. They are being a bit disgusting and laughing about it.


1:24PM BBT The HG are on ODLD. General goofing around and sun bathing.

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1:38PM BBT Vic and James talking. James does not have his mic so hard to hear but just general things. Paulie is working out and Nat is sunbathing.


1:41PM BT Bridgette and Corey talking on a lounger. Bridgette thinks it is sweet that other HG are eating slop with them. They worry that if America gets to vote in worst items for them.



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 1:59PM BBT Bridgette and Corey talking about games they like. They like Scrabble and Words with friends.


2:03PM BBT Bridgette asks Corey who he wants to vote out. He says he isn't sure. They both know that Paulie wants to keep Zak. Corey says he feels that he is good right now and doesn't want to win HOH this week.


2:05PM BBT Bridgette says she is 50/50. She is worried about Michelle winning HOH and putting her up. They discuss that Zak has only been in 2 comps this season and lost them both. (I think they are referring to Veto)


2:08PM BBT Corey asks Bridgette who she trusts. She says she trusts Paulie and Corey. She says it is hard to trust.


2:15PM BBT We come back from FOTH and Nicole is telling Zak that she has three votes for her safety. Zak says that is good and she will chill.


2:22PM BBT Zak and Nicole discussing what Zak will wear on Thursday night. She is going to wear one of Nat's skirts and heels. Bridgette and Corey talk about if they win HOH, they will protect each other this week.

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2:36PM BBT A beetle flew at Corey and he smacked it down. Natalie runs over and says he is pretty. Michelle decides to get a jar and keep him as a pet.


2:38PM BBT The beetle is dead but Michelle picked up and went inside and threw it at James. James picks it up and gets rid of it.


2:48PM BBT HG in the KT prepping food but we get FOTH because Vic keeps singing.


2:51PM BBT Paulie is in the KT cooking in his underwear. Vic cooking as well and Michelle is enjoying a bowl of Froot Loops.



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4:20 PM BBT- Michelle, Natalie, and Paulie are laying out on the chairs by the pool. Natalie tells Michelle she wants to visit her in Michigan. They continue to talk about travelling to different countries. 


4:24 PM BBT- Vic and Bridgette are sitting on the couches outside. Vic is talking about playing high school football. Bridgette says that she didn't enjoy high school athletics. 


4:25 PM BBT- The WBRB message plays



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4:26 PM BBT- Feeds are back. Nicole is talking to James in the Tokyo room. Corey walks by and says he has a headache and goes to look for medicine. James and Nicole are talking about her glasses. Nicole says that both her hearing and sight suck so that maybe her tasting and feeling is better. She says that she can smell really well. James says that there are five senses- smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing. James says that all of his senses are good except for maybe his hearing. Nicole says man, maybe i did get robbed. She says she has the worst sight in her family. Nicole asked where James slept last night. He said he had to get a little bit of cuddle time in. Nicole says me too. She said she got up in the middile of the night to have some peanuts. 


4:33-4:44 PM BBT- Corey joins the conversation and is laying next to James while Nicole is on her own bed. James says that he is nervous because he feels like that if anyone tries to take a shot it will be at him. Nicole disagrees. Corey says he talked to Bridgette earlier and she said that she like James. She said that she would probably go after Z. She said she would probably ask someone to be a pawn. Corey says that he reassured Bridgette that Nicole would never put her up. She said that yall could use me however yall want but she would nominate Z and someone else as a pawn. Nicole says she doesn't believe that for some reason. Corey says I do. Corey says that he asked Bridgette who she thought was coming after her. She said Z. Corey continued for her and said Paul. Bridgette said yea and Paul and then trailed off. Corey says because he would want Bridgette to put up Paul. Corey told Bridgette that he offered to be a pawn to get Dae out. Bridgette said she didn't know that. Corey says that Bridgette is going to go after Paul and Z. Corey said that Bridgette said that she loves James and that she understands why James did what he did. Corey says that he told Bridgette that the only reason that Paul wants to keep Michelle is that Michelle would be coming after Bridgette. Corey says that Bridgette was really surprised by that. James says Paul is playing dirty bro. Corey says he has them covered with Bridgette. Corey says Paul is going to be pissed when they send Michelle home. Michelle comes in soon after and they all disperse to take naps. James and Corey go to the Have not Room and Nicole is going to take a nap in her bed. 


4:45 PM BBT- James tells Corey that maybe he (James) should tell Bridgette that he and Paul had a talk where Paul asked when are you going to show us some friendship and send Bridgette home. Corey says do it. Corey says that Paul thinks they have to return favors but that's not how it works in the BB house. Corey says that Paul and Vic are trying to build a squad and they need to cut that off and get Bridgette on their side. Corey says that Bridgette is smart but she won't win a true false comp. Corey says that even if she does win a comp, they will be able to send her home the next week. 

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4:50 PM BBT- Paulie, Natalie, and Bridgette are talking about Paulie waxing his crotch. Natalie says that she would never let her boyfriend do that. Natalie says why would you ever do that to yourself. Paulie says his girlfriend did it for him and that part of his undercarriage, the perineum, skin was taken off. They change the subject to a plant that Bridgette had that Natalie noticed prior to the show starting. Then we are shown the WBRB message. 

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4:54 PM BBT- the feeds are back. Natalie talks about how she came to BB super single. Bridgette says that she was accidentally shown a picture of Paulie prior to coming to the house but that she didn't put it together who he was. Bridgette goes on to compliment Natalie while Paulie agrees. 


4:55-5:08  PM BBT- Paul and Vic are up in the HOH room. Paulie is eating and Vic just got out of the shower and is eating candy. Vic tells Paul that it is looking like it is going to be Michelle that goes home. Paul says Fuck why what happened. Vic goes on to explain what had happened earlier when Nicole, Corey, James, and later Paulie and himself were out on the couch outside talking about how they don't really care who goes home but eventually land on Michelle. Paul says that it is bullshit because he had to bite the bullet with Bridgette who is clearly coming after him. Vic says yea, that it really hurts Paul and Vics game. Vic says that it is good for everybody except for Paul and Vic. Vic and Paul agree that their hands are tied now. Paul says that it would be funny if Michelle has the round trip ticket. Vic says that he will give Michelle a heads up about going home. Paul says that there is nothing they can do now. Vic says that they were saying that Michelle is a stronger player, but goes on to say that she only won her competition by luck. Paul agrees. Vic says that he feels safe if Paul or Paulie win but if anyone else wins they are both nervous. 


Vic says that everybody has a pair and that he Paul and Bridgette are the only ones that don't have a pair. He says they have to cut some ties so that they are more safe because if it is them and the other pairs that they are in trouble. Paul wants the TV switched to the hallway so they can see who is coming. Vic lements that they just need to get through the rest of the week. Paul agrees. Vic says he is 99% sure that Bridgette is the next one to go unless they do a big move to try to get one of us out. Paul says we will be a couple bro. Vic says we are! Paul says since day 1. Vic says we are sitting ducks bro. Paul says fuck that. Vic says how cool would it be for them to put him up on the block and Paul to win the veto and they would both be safe when Paul pulls him off the block. Vic says he doesn't understand how the pairs could get so far. Vic says the double eviction will be very telling because it will tell them whether people are on to the executives. 


Paul says well I'll talk to Paulie to see what is going on. Paul goes down stairs. 


5:11- 5:14 PM BBT- Paulie and Paul are standing in the Safari room when the camera is turned from Victor in his HOH room. Paulie is explaining to Paul that Michelle needs to go because of the comment that was made during the POV ceremony that counted Paulie's wins. They are talking about who should win HOH for the double evictions. Paul says that Vic is sketched out that there are only pairs left and that Vic is freaked that there are only pairs left. Paulie tells Paul to tell Vic lets get the board together and make some decisions. They leave the Safari Room. 




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6:34pm backyard  zak and paulie on the couches, paulie says there is nothing to be stressed out about to zak, then "fucking michelle making her damn comment"  

zak says meech said in the bathroom that she needs people to know about paulie. 

paulie says michelle shouldnt have attacked her own alliance, (paulie and zak)  she should have had some honor and integrity and not take a shot at one of your own alliance members, just go home quiet. 

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6:36pm backyard  paulie says to zak that the words she used "she sealed her fate" 

zak said she looks content and paulie said of course she is she tried to blow someones game up. 

zak asks about vic and her being his target, paulie responds that vic just wants to break up the couples. zak says "oh"


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6:47 pm backyard  zak asks paul if he is gonna vote to save her and he responds promptly "no"  and then laughs and says of course who else is gonna make me banging fried chicken?

paul says obviously he will vote to save her 

zak asks how you function on the block and paul says it doesnt bother him any more.  

zak says its why she has been feeling sick lately. 

paul is comforting her and telling her he thinks she is fine. 

zak says she is concerned about her in some ways but paul says that its part of the game everyone goes home eventually. 

zak says michelle thinks that her family is gonna be taking a lot of negative comments about michelle. paul and zak say what did she do to think that? and zak says she is just sensitive. 

paul says she is gonna hurt herself by looking at all the stuff online. 

paul says he has tough skin, and if you say something to his face he will shake your hand out of respect, he says on the other hand michelle isnt that tough.

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6:52 pm backyard  zak says she is a cry baby, and paul says  that michelle shouldnt have come on this show.

paul says that the house can bring different things out of people. 

they go on to say that everyone/anyone of the hgs could be an act.


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7:02 PM BBT Natalie & Bridgette are in the KT discussing that this week might be a double eviction. Natalie says she doesn't know what to do. Bridgette says she has a new strategy. She says she's only talking game on Thursday, Friday & Monday. Natalie says she's not talking game. Bridgette tells her that she's so cute she can't stand it. Bridgette goes by the stove to check on the slop she is making. She says it's so thick. She says it really absorbs & blows up. Bridgette wonders if slop would be a good facial. Natalie says that it's oatmeal & has vitamins. They both want to try it. Bridgette sits at the KT table with Natalie. Natalie tells her that she takes in everything. Natalie says that Michelle is so comfortable now that Paulie didn't use the Veto. We see FOTH.

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7:06pm kitchen  nataly and bridge talking quietly about the game, nat says that james will absolutely not put her up, bridg says shes not sure because he lied to her face 

nat says that it wasnt james idea to put bridg up, after some prodding nat says it was paulie and a few others. 

bridg is still apprehensive to trusting james. 

bridg says that its not like she is going for james, and nat says she knows.

paulie walks in and their convo changes from game to chit chat about the slop 

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7:06 PM BBT Natalie tells Bridgette that she wants blood on her hands & she says she's not afraid to win. Paulie goes in the house from the BY. He tells Bridgette not to touch anything because he's going to clean it. In the BY, Paul & Zakiyah are sitting in the couch area. Zakiyah says that she deactivated her Instagram account. She says she wants to cut her hair off to a short pixie cut. Zakiyah says that when a girl cuts her hair off she's changing her life. She says that she could always sew hair back into it but she wouldn't. Paulie talks about how good his tattoo artist it. Zakiyah wants her hair darker with a grey streak in it. She says when you have brown skin you can't pull off certain things, because you will look ratchet. Zakiyah tells Paul that a coon hound tracks down racoons. Paul can't believe that's the type of dog it is. Paul says that when he was in New Orleans he stayed in a house that was made by slaves. Paulie goes back out to the couch area & is eating. Paul asks Paulie what he's eating? He says he's eating hash browns that Bridgette made.

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7:16 PM BBT Back in the KT, Natalie tells Bridgette to make sure she stays nice to Victor. She says she will. Paulie goes inside for more hash browns. Bridgette is still eating at the KT table. Bridgette asks Natalie what else she has observed? Natalie tells her that she finally has it all figured out. She says not as much as the Vets though. She tells Bridgette that no one is going to win comps. Natalie says they have it all figured out of who they want out & when. Natalie tells Bridgette how she stuck up for Bridgette telling Paulie that she doesn't have any targets. Natalie wants this to stay between them. Natalie & Bridgette both think that Paulie is going to win. Bridgette says if no one speaks up he's going to win. Natalie tells her to be careful. Natalie says this is a good thing that Michelle & Zakiyah are up & she didn't put them up. Bridgette says she knows. Natalie says that she's not leaving the house without at least winning one HOH & getting the full experience. We see FOTH briefly.

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7:28 PM BBT Paul tells Paulie & Zakiyah that he's been making back-handed comments about Natalie's fake tits the whole times he's been in there. He says he's such a D hay (meaning d*ck head). Paul has the rubber ducky floaty around his waste. Paulie tells Nicole that he may work out with her. He starts to sing & we see FOTH.

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7:34 PM BBT In the KT, James is sitting at the KT table. Corey is cooking on the stove. Bridgette is cleaning up some dishes. Bridgette leaves the KT. Natalie goes in the KT. Paul goes inside with the rubber ducky floaty on. He puts a jean jacket on also, while he's eating out of an orange bowl. Natalie tells him to stand there until Bridgette gets out of the WA. She tells him he looks like such a loser. Paul asks Natalie if she thinks she will notice? Natalie doesn't answer. James comes back to the KT & tells everyone that everything has been requested.

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