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Monday August 8, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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9:57 AM BBT: BB reminds Z again to put on her microphone, so she finally does it. Victor is called to the DR. Michelle is out and Natalie asks about the flower and tells her she likes her outfit. Michelle talking about how her nipples were showing in the DR and the guy commented on it. Michelle saying she thinks Veto Ceremony should start after Z and Paulie go to the DR. 

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10:11 AM BBT: Michelle saying it is the ultimate betrayal of Paulie not to use the veto on Z and just shows he is afraid of Victor. Z doesn't seem too concerned. BB calling Z to the diary and she seems annoyed. Michelle saying she wearing heels bc this will be her last veto ceremony so she wants to go out looking good. Saying everyone always looks like crap except for Natalie. Natalie saying she does look like crap. Michelle telling Natalie that she trusts her and James but not Nicole and Corey. Saying that Paulie not using the veto proves that she can't trust any of them. Nicole now up using restroom. Nicole saying she finally started her period and Michelle and Natalie cheering. 


10:16 AM BBT: Natalie and Michelle talking about how they can prank James tonight. Whenever Nicole walks out of bathroom, they whisper about getting the votes for her and go back to talking about pranks when she comes back in. Michelle saying this is the first veto ceremony where she doesn't really know what's going to happen and Natalie saying that she never knows anything. 


10:22 AM BBT: James called to the DR. Girls talking about how Nicole could be Taylor Swift's sister bc they look alike. Now Natalie is talking about how much she loves Taylor Swift because she's spunky and likes girl power. 

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10:28 AM BBT: Girls saying the song they woke up to was weird. (Wheetus Teenage Dirtbag) They start singing and get asked to stop by BB. Natalie talking about getting a boob job and how she was so flat before. Saying it was such a great decision, but sometimes she misses having nothing at all. The girls are talking about what outfits they are going to wear. Natalie talking about how earlier in the season she was denying having fake boobs bc she didn't want people to know but she couldn't lie anymore. Nicole being called to the DR. Z saying that her stomach has been hurting since last night. Michelle saying she pranked Paul last night and scared him so bad. 

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12:00 AM BBT- All the HGs are in the kitchen talking about chicken and Z's sauce apart from Michelle and James. Corey is giving Vic a shoulder massage from behind. Vic says is it weird that I am getting aroused right now. They all giggle. Paul, who is still wearing the duck around his waist, makes jokes about getting massages. Michelle is showering. Vic asked Paul if he was sleeping up in the HOH room. Paul says he wanted to give him some space to enjoy the room. Vic says he never cared. Paul says he might have to sleep in the London Room again if no one else is sleeping there. The HGs disperse. Z makes Paulie some food and Paulie and Paul ogle over it. Paul helps himself to some of Paulie's food. 


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8:49AM BBT  Good morning!  Lights are already on in the BB house.  Michelle is up in the WA doing ADLs.  All other HGs still asleep.
9:07AM BBT Michelle headed into the UKBR to get some clothes.  Then headed back to WC to change in there.
9:12AM BBT BB announces for Michelle to put on her microphone.
9:15AM BBT Michelle heads to KT to get a bowl of cereal then heads outside to eat.
9:21AM BBT Michelle heads back inside.  She rinses her bowl & spoon with water only then puts them on the counter.  She then puts the kettle on the stove with water in it.
9:23AM BBT Michelle goes into Safari room & starts whispering to herself.  Unfortunately, you can not hear what she is saying.
#BB18 9:35AM BBT Michelle heads back to KT.  She grabs a tea bag & unwraps it.  She puts the empty wrapper back in the container.  Then pours water over the tea bag into her mug and spills water on counter.  She picks up her mug & goes back to safari room.
9:39AM BBT Zak is called to DR.  Michelle addresses the live feeders & says that it is already noon in Michigan.  She says she is awake already because she has to look good for the PoV ceremony.  She says she is 95% sure that Paulie is not going to use the veto, which hurts because last week he said that he was in an alliance with Michelle, Zak, Corey and Nic.  
9:40AM BBT Michelle says that last time she checked if your alliance members are on the block you would save at least one of them.  She says it blows her mind & she was really defeated at first.  She says she talked to James and remembered that he can veto 2 votes.  She says so technically she only needs 3 votes to win.  So if she has Nat & James then she only needs 1 more.  She is going to try her hardest to get 1 more.  She is thinking either Bridget or Paul. She is going to talk to Vic today to see what he wants.
9:41AM BBT Michelle still talking to live feeders.  She wants to find out from Vic who his true target is.  Then she is going to talk to the other 2 votes.  Then she is going to practice her speech.  She says to feeders "Paulie congrats on winning another veto.  You have played in 6 vetoes & have won 3.  So statistically you win 50% of your vetoes. I could really use that luck if you want to rub off on me.   I could really use that luck.  I wish I had those odds. Or give me some of your luck.  
9:42AM BBT Zak stops briefly outside Safari room on her trek from the DR to the WA.  She asks Michelle if she is getting ready for PoV ceremony today.  Michelle said yea that she had gotten up with the music today.
9:43AM BBT Michelle is called to DR.  She says she has to put her hair up.
9:56AM BBT Zak & Nat in WA doing ADLs.  Vic is called to DR.
9:58AM BBT Michelle walks into WA.  Nat comments on liking her outfit.  Michelle asks if she has to go to DR to.  Nat says she just couldn't sleep because her stomach was bothering her because she ate too much at 5AM.  Michelle said that she isn't wearing a bra and the guy in there [possibly DR?] said it must be cold in there.
10:00AM BBT Nat said that she wanted to play in the comp because the outfits were so cute.
10:02AM BBT Michelle said she swears that there is a demon in that room because there was a voice in there that wasn't coming from in the walls, but actually in the room.  Nat asked which room.  Then she said that when she woke up in there it smelled like sulfur.  Nat & Zak both say they get the sulfur smell in the havenot room.  Michelle tells them that the sulfur smell is the key symptom of a demon presence.
10:03AM BBT Vic heads back up to HoHR.  Nat says she is scared.  Zak says she shouldn't be since she has angels protecting her. Nat says yes she knows her aunt is but she feels bad because her aunt has little kids and she would rather her protect them.  Zak said she is an angel she can protect all of you.  
10:05AM BBT Michelle & Nat start talking about pranking James.  Michelle tells Nat about how she pranked an ex-boyfriend by acting like she was going to break up with him.  Nat said James would die if she did that.  Zak is called to the DR.
10:10AM BBT In WA, Michelle, Zak & Nat talking about if Paulie is going to use Veto today.  Michelle says that if he doesn't it just shows that he is afraid of Vic.  Zak is called again to DR.
10:12AM BBT Nic wakes up in TBR & heads to WA for ADLs.
10:13AM BBT Nat said she is happy that her pimples are starting to go away.  Michelle asks how.  Nat says she hasn't been wearing makeup, has been washing her face frequently and wearing face masks.  
10:14AM BBT Talk went right back to the veto & who they trust as soon as Nic walks out.  BB reminds Nic to put on her mic.
10:18AM BBT Nat & Michelle are now talking about how overcast the sky is.  Plus they are discussing which makeup brushes are good.  
10:20AM BBT James is called to the DR.
10:29AM BBT Michelle said that she has to wear her hair down today because she doesn't have a bra for that shirt & she doesn't want her nipples showing.  Nat says she has nipple covers she can borrow.  Michelle asked where she got them from.  Nat says she got them at Target for $15.  They say that the ones at Victoria Secrets are about $75 to $80.
10:31AM BBT They start saying how cute Nic's bra was.  Michelle asked if they had padding or were a push up.  Nic said it is slightly padded.  Nat said that she used to be flat as a board until "this".  She said she had it done about a year ago, but she has known she wanted to do it forever.  Her mom cried when she found out she was getting the surgery.
10:42AM BBT James is now in WA doing ADLs.
10:45AM BBT Paulie is called to DR.  James, Nic & Michelle all say that's it.  It is almost time for the Veto ceremony.
10:51AM BBT BB announced that the HGs needed to go outside for the lockdown.  Jeff reels then start showing.

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11:39 am  WA  michelle asks zak if she is gonna talk to "him" (paulie) and she says nooo, and meech says that if it was two weeks ago he would have pulled one of them off.  meech says if she has the RT then she will cause havoc when she comes back, zak agrees. 

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11:45 am meech in backyard with paul and paul says her speech was savage and she said that if she goes she wanted people to know that he is wins comps.

asking paul if he knows who vic wants out. 

he says he doesnt know whether vic wants her or zak out. also said he didnt know vic was gonna nominate them.  

paul asks if meech is gonna campaign for herself, she says that she wouldnt put paul up even if it was for a pawn. she said if paul wins she would go up as a pawn, and be a pawn for the rest of the game if she needs to.

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11:50 am Backyard  meech says she wants to tell "exec" (vic) to convince him paulie is a threat, paul says that vic is close to paulie and may not be a good idea, meech then says that she knows that and she knows that you(paul) is close to paulie and she hopes he doesnt say anything, paul non-chalantly says he wont tell him. 

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11:34pm BBT: Feeds are back with Zak hugging everyone and laughing. Michelle walks off to the WA and checks her hair. Victor is hugging Bridgette in the KT.

11:36am BBT: Zak, Michelle and Natalie in the WA talking about being skinny and smiling.

11:45am BBT: Michelle in the BY talking to Paul and she ask him who Victor wants out and he tells her he does not know what Victor wants. She says she will not be mean to Zak in her speech.

11:49am BBT: Michelle in the BY tanning while Natalie runs. Most HG in the KT making food and talking about  doing laundry and playing chess and sleeping.

11:51am BBT: Corey now in the BY tanning with Michelle. Natalie still running.

11:54am BBT: BB keeps telling the HG to please stop singing. Victor and Paul in the KT talking and laughing as Bridgette listens and Nicole cooks. James is walking around the KT not talking.

11:57am BBT: Paul and paulie in the BR talking and paulie tells Paul that Zak told me that Michelle is going to call me out on all my competition wins. Paul says that is not going to happen.

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11:59 am - 12:07pm  London room  paul and paulie talk about the veto ceremony.  says michelle wasnt malicious with her speech, just gave stats on his wins in comps. 

paul tells paulie what michelle said to him by the pool, says to paulie that she is gonna put up who most people in the house want... paul says he doesnt think its paulie that he thinks its james and vic.

paulie suggests that zak goes for DE and then they win hoh and vote out bridge then. 

paulie says paul should "fuck it out of her" who meech wants to put on the block... 

paul says they shouldnt get out who everyone wants out because that will be doing the work for the house,  paulie says that zak will put up whoever paulie tells her to. 

they say they should take a shot at "j" for DE     they say they are the only one to take that shot besides bridge.    

paul says he thinks meech is talking about james and nataly. 

paulie says that they should get one more girl out before they target the guys 

they say that nicole will go for james and others before she targets PP 

talk about possibly putting up nic for DE



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12:08pm  London Room  

PP are set on targeting girls, they throw each of their names out. they arent sure what they are gonna do yet. 

paul says that a few of them will be thinking/ talking about the amount of comps paulie has won and that will make him a target, paul says that vic wont care about the wins but everyone else will. then we get fish

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12:10 pm  London room paul and paulie say one of them should win, to protect vic for another week. paulie says  james and nat and nic all will target vic.  

they say nat wont win the DE becase she isnt smart enough.  paul asks when they clip nat, after they get bridg and meech that they will put up nat and james next to each other. 

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12:03PM BBT Paulie and Paul talk. Paulie asks if they win in DE, who would they want out. Paul says "J". Paulie says it would be a big move but one that people want.


12:05PM BBT Paul says that they need another girl out before they get James out so it doesn't tie up the teams. They suggest Bridgette or Nicole.


12:09PM BBT Paulie and Paul talk about who they want to win the DE this week. Paulie says they need to protect Vic for another week. They discuss if Natalie wins it would be one of them nominated.


12:12PM BBT Paulie and Paul talk about how involved Michelle was in the fatal 5 alliance. Paul tells Paulie that Michelle says she already has 2 votes. Paulie says they will see this week. Paulie says that James, Nicole and Corey are voting Michelle out. Paul says that Michelle said that all she needs is him or Bridgette's vote to stay.


12:20PM BBT Paulie says that he, Paul and Vic make up the majority of the wins in the house. But some of the others wins, they threw to them.

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12:15 pm london room   paul asks when they should put up nicole, paulie says if given the chance at DE to put up nicole and james. 

paul entertains the idea of putting james up as a "pawn"  saying neither one of nicole or james has been on the block yet

paul says thats a bad idea because it pits others against them if they target nicole and james so soon.

Paulie says a good idea of bridg and nataly for DE,  because even if james wins he will pull nataly down and put nicole up then. and save nicole to have bridg go out. 

paulie says zak will vote the way he wants her to.

12:20pm paulie states again that PP needs to get the DE HOH

paul and paulie talk about how nicole has one win, and corey has one win, and that PP and vic make up 10 wins. 

12:22pm who would turn on paulie,  bridg would first and nicole wouldnt be far behind. 

they say that keeping vic is the best thing for them right now, and talk about using him to get nicole or james out. 


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12:25 pm london room only girl paulie wants to take to f4 is natatly. 

PP corey and nataly f4. 

they say that if nataly was that far that jury may vote for her because they want a girl to win. 

paulie says they need to have all guys for f4. 

PP speculate that corey and nicole arent trying to win comps yet


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12;30 PM london room 

Paulie says he will find out what zak wants to do. paulie says she wants vic and then bridg.

zak walks into london room to take a nap stopping PP's convo

they all agree that vic and bridg are getting close and laugh at vic being the new frank. 


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12:30pm london room

PP and zak talk about michelles speech and why is she going for paulie when he didnt put her on the block.  meech told zak that she just wants everyone to know about paulie 

paulie asks zak if she knows who is voting for meech.  zak says its none of their targets...

paulie says again to paul to get it out of her what she wants to do (meech)



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