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Saturday August 6, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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8:14 PM BBT In the Tokyo BR, Paulie tells Nicole & Corey that when he doesn't use the Veto on Zakiyah she is going to 100% hate him. He says he really wants Zakiyah out, but for everyone else's game he thinks that Michelle should go. Natalie leaves the UKBR. BB tells Nicole to please put her microphone on. Paulie tells Nicole that she really needs to get close to Zakiyah, because when he doesn't use the Veto on her she's going to flip her sh*t. Nicole says that she wil do it. Paul has Paulie tast something he made. Nicole asks Corey if he will make her tuna with avocado? He says he will. She asks him if it's hard to make it, but not be able to eat it? He says no. Paul says that Nicole found two in a row. 

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8:17 PM BBT In the KT, Michelle & Natalie are sitting at the table. Bridgette is washing dishes. She wants to stop to boil some slop on the stove. Paul goes by the sink when she leaves. He says they are crazy for making coffee. Victor is in the KT making the coffee. Michelle says that she wishes they could have watched everything. Paul says that they probably wanted to see reactions. Bridgette goes in the SR to grab a bag of the slop. She also grabs some soy milk. Nicole says that she wanted to take a nap, but she's hungry. She says, the bedroom lights must stay on during the day. Bridgette laughs at her saying that. Bridgette says she's made so many slop recipes, she feels like she's memorized the card. She says that her mom always wanted to try slop. She says that her mom that it would be a good diet. Bridgette says no. Nicole says it is a good diet. Michelle says she was hoping it wasn't this comp. She says she hates watching it because it's so boring. Paul gets called to the DR. Paulie gets called to the DR. Paul says he's not doing anything now. BB says, "Paulie." Nicole asks what Paulie is doing wrong? He says he's not going to the DR right away because he hasn't eaten in 5 hours. He says he will go in a minute. He just doesn't want to burn his mouth. He grabs a plate & heads towards the DR. Michelle says that she hates Little Ceasar's pizza.

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8:26 PM BBT Victor sees a really nice plate & says that it shouldn't be out unless they have the President there. He says that he had a room in his house that he wasn't able to even be in. Michelle says she had a room that she could only eat at for Thanksgiving & Christmas. Nicole asks if it was her big dining room table? She says they go & come as they want, & they eat at an island. Corey says that he legitimately doesn't feel good. Michelle talks about Nestle Pure Life being the worst water. Bridgette says that Nestle chocolate comes from slave work. Natalie says there is fake chocolate now. Victor says that there isn't pure chocolate anymore. Paulie asks if the HOHR shower is working at all? Victor says, "No. That's one of the privileges you get as an HOH is the shower, but it's up to the producers discretion."

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8:30 PM BBT Michelle talks about throwing up green on St. Patrick's Day. She also says that she made out with an Australian, & got with her ex-boyfriend the same night. She says they were messaging on Facebook at first. James gets called to the DR. Victor says that Paulie never went to the DR. Paulie says he went in to ask if he could eat first. We see FOTH. Michelle says she hopes production isn't pissed off. Nicole says, "No." We see FOTH briefly again.

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8:34 PM BBT The HG's say that James' card was inside a bed sheet. Nicole says that UKBR was destroyed quickly. Nicole says that she really wanted to find the last one. Paulie says that he checked the popcorn for like an hour. They talk about the comp taking a while. Paulie says that jury members got to go in on Cody's season. He says one of the people won $5,000. Michelle asks who won that? Paulie says that Hayden did. He says that Nicole was good at that comp & found a lot of them. Nicole tells Corey that she is going to go lay down. He follows her to the Tokyo BR.

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8:40 PM BBT Corey tells Nicole that is was very relaxing in the BY. He says he had such a great nap in the BY. Nicole says that she was told that someone should wake him up. Nicole asks if she can turn the lights off yet? He tells her it's to early. She tells him that she wants to go to bed soon. She asks him if he can give her back some attention. She tells him that she had to listen to music for 6 hours. Corey says that was his favorite comp so far. He says that he got to eat chips & salsa & drink. He says he got to go in the pool. Nicole tells him that he loved his company. He says that they were trying to figure out the names of the girls. He tells her that he was liking his lips at the girls. Nicole says that wasn't nice. He says it was a joke. Nicole says she's kidding. He tells her that she's jealous. She says she's not, it's cute. Nicole tells Corey that he's so cute the girls were probably distracted.

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836p Z in the shower.  Nicole is asking if they are out of toothpaste again and Z says yes.  Nicole says "uggghhhh".  Them WBRB.


839p z and Nicole in the main bathroom.


Cam 4 in the kitchen, Paul, Michelle, Natalie, Paulie, Vic in the kitchen talking around the island. 


Cam 3 on Corey and Nicole snuggling in bed.  Corey says this was his favorite comp so far.  He got to eat chips and salsa and hang out in the pool.  He says he was a good boy.  Nicole asks if she can play with his hair.    He says yes. 




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8:44 PM BBT Nicole asks Corey if he would rub her back under her shirt? He does. She asks him to wake her up if she needs to get up, because she's about to fall asleep. Nicole tells Corey that she almost won on accident. She says that she didn't want Michelle to win. Corey asks why she started finding stuff then? She said it wasn't moving at all. Corey says that Paulie isn't going to use the Veto, & Zakiyah is going to be pissed. Nicole says that if Corey was up she would always pull him off. Nicole says if she won on accident she was going to say she wasn't going to use it because Victor told her he would put Corey up. Corey says she could have won & then said she wanted to do what the HOH wanted & not use it on either one of them.

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8:47 PM BBT Nicole tells Corey that her arms are still hurting from the other comp. Victor says that he should put Nicole up, jokingly. Nicole tells Corey that she should just take her bra off to sleep when he's not in the bed. Corey says she doesn't have to wear it just for him. She says that she wears it because she's on T.V., & she doesn't want to wake up with her shirt all messed up & possibly showing her boobs. Corey says that he thinks it's funny that Michelle asked him a couple weeks ago what to do for her game, & he told her not to talk a lot. He says but all she has done is make things worse by opening her mouth. Nicole says that Bridgette is getting super close to Victor. Nicole asks Corey if he's going to bed at regular time since he slept outside. He says he'll probably go at 11 PM BBT or 12 AM BBT. Their microphones are muffled.

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849p Paul and Paulie in bed in the HOH whispering about what the plan is for now.  Paul says Michelle was crying and she is soooo over James.  Vic is soooo over James.  Paulie says  he's fine with Z or Michelle leaving cuz the 2 of them can reel whoever is leftover in.   They are trying to figure out what James would do with his care package of nullifying 2 votes.


Paul is saying they if they clip Michelle out now, that's one less person for Bridgette and for James.


Paulie says if Z stays the only persons that will go after her are Vic and Bridgette.





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8:52 PM BBT In the HOHR, Paulie tells Paul that he doesn't care if Michelle or Zakiyah leave this week. Paul says that James wants Zakiyah gone for his game. Paulie says that he wonders what James will do with the two votes, because he thinks he will take away their two votes. Paulie thinks he will try to get the person out that is targeting him. Paulie says that at the end of the day they are getting other people's targets out for them. Paulie says that if Zakiyah stays only Victor & Bridgette will go after her. Paul says if Michelle stays she will go after people. Paulie says that Zakiyah ran to him & kissed him. Paul says that she was so happy in the WA. Paulie says that Zakiyah went to bed with him last night & asked if they were just trying to keep her awake? He says she fake punched him. He says that she asked if she was o.k.? Paulie says that he told her she needed to focus on the Veto comp & not be crying. 

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8:57 PM BBT Paulie says that he might tell Zakiyah tomorrow that he's not using the Veto to see what she does. Paul tells Paulie that she is pulling on the heart strings to get people to feel bad for her. Paulie says it could be an act. He tells Paul that he's not using the Veto no matter what. He says that she is going to f'n pissed at him when he doesn't use it. He says if he has Michelle roped in, she can take shots at Bridgette & Natalie. Paulie says they screwed over Da'Vonne & now they can screw over Zakiyah. Paul says he can blame it on Victor. He says that he may not say anything. He says he was thinking of a way to soften the blow. He says that he can't just say he's leaving her up there for strategy. Paul says she will freak the f out. Paulie says she will freak the f out. He says he wants to sleep in the HOHR, because he doesn't want to sleep next to Zakiyah to have to talk to her.

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9:01 PM BBT Paul tells Paulie that Victor went in the UKBR & none of James' stuff was touched, so he messed it all up. Paul says that James is starting to piss people off. Paul says that he wants to use Victor to get rid of James & then get rid of himself. Paulie says they could get rid of Nicole. Paulie says they need to separate Corey & Nicole, because he tells her everything. He says that he doesn't give her all the details, but he talks to her. Paulie says it's going to be as clear as day what they are doing when one of the girls goes this week, & Bridgette goes next week. Paul says that they need to get a boy out, or they will figure it out.

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Everything is updated to 9:03 PM BBT. Hopefully someone can take over soon!

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9:06 pm bbt - Vic, Nat, Corey and Meech are in the KT. They are talking about James being in the DR still. Nat says maybe James is getting in trouble. Nat is still upset about her bag of underwear being ripped open and the underwear went everywhere. Nat says she can't wear new underwear until she gets to wash them bc she doesn't want to get an infection. 


9:07 pm bbt - Paul and Paulie are still talking in the HOHR. Paul says that Vic will always be a bigger target than both of them, esp if they keep pushing Vic on the James stuff. Paulie is talking about the order of sending the girls home. Paulie says either way PP is fucking chillin. Paul says we still need to be strategic next week. Paulie says the only ppl z will go after are vic, bridge and nat. 


9:10 pm bbt - Vic comes into the HOHR where PP is. Paulie says the shower is still broken. Paulie also says that he is definitely not using the POV. Vic says Corey might come up there soon. Vic goes to use the HOH WC. Paulie leaves to go downstairs. Paul covers his face with his shirt to sleep. 


9:12 pm bbt - Paulie goes down to the KT where Meech and Corey are. Paulie says he needs to cook himself a bowl of slop bc everytime he's tried to go there's been nothing. Corey asks if he wants corn beef hash. Paulie asks if it goes through him. Paulie says he's excited to get the backyard back. Corey says he wants to workout. Paulie leaves. 


9:14 pm bbt - Z and Nat are in the WA. Z is doing her hair and Nat is taking her makeup off. Bridge is in the shower. Nat gets reminded to put on her mic. Nat is talking about her underwear again. She doesn't understand bc it was in a zip lock bag. Z says she didn't see the point of all the things of the girls being thrown around. Bridge is talking to them from the shower. Vic comes downstairs from the HOHR. Nat is still mad. Z sad it was James trying to be funny. Vic comes to the WA. Vic tells them that BB washed his clothes. He has Nat and Z smell his underwear. Nat says it smells amazing. Nat says it's cool that they do that. Vic says he doesn't understand why none of the other HOH's had them do their laundry. Vic leaves for the KT.


9:18 pm bbt - Nat and Z are talking about the POV comp. Nat asks Z if she was so stoked. Z says she is. Z says it felt like Christmas. Z says thank you houseguest choice. Z and Nat are washing their faces. Nat says she loves that she has to use paper towel on her face since the towels are dirty. Z and Nat put face masks on. Bridge gets out of the shower. 


9:21 pm bbt - Vic, Corey and Meech are talking in the KT. They are talking about the BB production ppl who helped with the POV comp. VIc and Corey say that they probably think we're all idiots. Meech says Paul made the one guy laugh a lot. BB tells them they are not allowed to talk about production. Corey says there was a blow up ball outside during the POV comp and it was partially empty and he tried to blow it up. 


9:23 pm bbt - The BY is opened up again. Meech says she's going to see about the hot tub  temp. Nat says she's going to do laundry. Vic and Corey go to the pool table. Vic says he's going to play a game and then shower. Corey says he's glad they have a pool table, he says it keeps him sane. Vic thanks BB for leveling the table. Meech gets in the hot tub. Vic and Corey play pool in silence. Z is still in the WA doing her hair. 




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9:25 pm bbt - Bridge, Nat, Nic and Paulie are in the Tokyo room. Nic is sleeping. Bridge leaves for the HNR to get her jean jacket. Bridge walks to see the BY. Nat is gathering up her clothes for laundry. Z, James and Bridge are in the WA. James gets in the shower. James says dang they fixed the yard up fast. James is asked to put on his mic. Nat is putting her clothes in the washer. Nat goes to sit by Meech who is in the hot tub. Meech says the water feels good. Nat puts her feet in the hot tub. 


9:28 pm bbt - Paulie is called to the DR. Meech asks Nat if she took a nap during the comp. Nat said she tried to take a nap, but she got woken up. Meech thanks NAt for cheering for her. Meech talks about the comp. Meech says that once yours was found it stunk to keep going bc you didn't know who's was found. The names weren't visible on the vetos that were hidden. Nat says she's really tired. Meech wants the hot tub hotter. Meech says she really likes the high wasted swim suit. Meech says she really likes how it makes her waste looks. Nat talks about the weight she's gained. Meech and Nat are talking about going on a diet tomorrow. They figure out that the date is Aug 6th. Nat says they've been in here awhile. Meech says it will be over a month until they get contact. but Meech says they get a phone call at jury. Nat didn't know that. They talk about the pros and cons of getting to call home. 


9:33 pm bbt - Nat and Meech are talking about Paulie winning the POV. Nat says he's going to pull Z down. Meech says maybe he won't. Meech is saying he might just want to get rid of her. Nat and Meech talk about being on the block. Meech says who knows maybe I'll have the round trip ticket. Nat tells her not to stress it. Meech says she has number 5. Nat says her lucky number is 3. Meech says Z has number 3. Nat asks about Tiff having a ticket. Meech reminds her that Frank was the first. Nat has number 11 ticket. Bridge and Z are still in the WA. James is still showering. 

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9:46 pm bbt - Meech and Nat are still talking about the veto comp and if Paulie will use it. Nat says she would be hurt if James didn't use a veto on her. Nat tells Meech she'd like to do that comp. Nat says she's been thinking about this comp since James talked to her about it. Nat says she was thinking about the same spot Paulie put his. James is playing pool with Corey. Meech asks Nat who she thinks James is closer to, her or Z. Meech is wondering how it will go. Nat says she honestly doesn't know. Nat reminds Meech that James has the care package thing. 


9:50 pm bbt - Meech and Nat are talking about the number of votes. Nat says wow it's already down to just 7 votes. Meech says the care package could actually make a difference. Nat asks when does he choose who doesn't get to vote. Meech says the live show. Bridge tells Nat the washer is done. 

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9:52 pm bbt - Nat asks when the veto ceremony will be. Meech tells her monday. Meech says she's just going to tan tomorrow and chill. Nat says she's going to tan, eat healthy and work out. They talk about using the treadmill. They talk about not liking to stay on the treadmill. Nat says she can run outside better. Nat says at home she eats whatever she wants, but she's a lot busier and will go for long runs. Meech asks Nat if she tracks her run. Nat says she won't track that stuff. Meech asks her if she had an eating disorder. Nat says ya she went through both bulimia and anorexia. Nat says her sister won't let her have a scale. The camera goes off of the them. All cameras on James and Corey playing pool with Bridge watching. 


9:54 pm bbt - Corey messes up a shot and says fudge, frick, mother fricker. James does the same thing. They are just playing pool. Bridge is watching quietly. 

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9:57 pm bbt - Corey loses at pool bc he scratched on an 8 ball shot. Cam 3 goes back to Meech and Nat. Nat says that as soon as Meech goes home the weight will melt off. Meech says that she used to have a thigh gap, and it's closing up. Nat says that when she goes to the jury house all she'll do is run. Meech says don't say that. Nat tells her it will be fun in the jury house. Meech and Nat are saying they're going to look hot on finale night. Meech says she thinks Nat will go far and she's putting money on her. Meech says she thinks Nat will be either 3rd or 2nd. Nat says that would be life changing. Meech is telling Nat that Paulie and Derrick were really good friends.

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10:01 pm bbt - Meech and Nat are talking about Da. Meech says she wants to look back and see if what Da said is true. Nat asks what Da said. Meech says Da said that Paulie was running the house and the couples. Nat says the couples aren't running the house. Meech says really??? But then says not you and James. Nat tells Meech that she won't be targeted because of Da. Meech is asking Nat what James thinks about things. Nat says James won't talk to her about game. He will give her some logically advice, but she does her own game. Nat and Meech say that James is very fair and observant. 


10:03 pm bbt - Cam 1 goes to the HOHR. Vic is doing ADL. NAt and Meech are talking about their weight still. In HOH room Vic is being super quiet bc Paul is sleeping. Vic drinks some water, turns the lights off and lays down next to Paul. Paul takes the t shirt off of his eyes. Vic puts the head phones on. Paul whispers some things to Vic and Vic whispers back, but we can't hear them. Paul rolls over to sleep. 

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10:06 pm bbt - Corey and James are still playing pool. Bridge is watching. Corey almost scratches and they're all screaming.


10:10 pm bbt - Nat and Meech are still talking in the hot tub. They are talking in really low voices so it's hard to hear them. Meech asks Nat if they thought Meech was going to use the veto on Frank. Nat says Meech. Meech says she kind of wish she would've. Meech says Frank wasn't bad for her game. Meech says Frank was after Da, Nicole and Paulie. Nat asks why. Meech says Da and Frank were playing the same kind of game. Meech says she doesn't know if anyone was telling the truth. Nat tells M that ppl wouldve been pissed at her if she had used the veto on Frank. 

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10:11 pm bbt - Meech and Nat talking about what could've happened. Nat says she's never watched the show but she tried to crunch in a bunch of seasons before she came here. Nat says she noticed that a lot of it's about luck. Meech says ya, it's about being in the right place at the right time. Meech says if she'd never had said that comment to Vic about having a big mouth, she wouldn't be on the block. Nat says she needs to not worry about and say fuck everyone else. Nat tells Meech to just have fun and that you are a good person with a good heart. Meech is asked to put on her mic so she slides back into the hot tub. 


10:15 pm bbt - Meech says this is her fricken dream - being on BB. Meech says she wants to see Zingbot. Nat tells M that she knows what she needs to go to stay. Meech says Zingbot comes in 2 weeks and says I'm going to be so jealous. Nat says don't say that, you could still be here. Meech asks what Bridge thinks about Meech. Nat tells M to go talk to Bridge. Meech says she will campaign for herself, but she's not going to throw Z under the bus. Nat says she's playing the same way, she will never throw someone under the bus. Nat says if that's how ppl want to play, that's there game. Meech counts ppl she could get to vote for her. Meech says Nat, James, Bridge and maybe Paul. Meech says she doesn't know about Corey and Nicole. Meech wonders when she'll get called to the DR. Nat asks her if she wants to get out. Meech and Nat leave the pool area. Nat goes to her laundry. Meech goes inside with Nat. They are in the KT. 


10:21 pm bbt - Bridge is in the KT killing a bunch of ants. Nat says that gives her the heebie jeebies. Bridge is trying to kill them all. Nat and Meech go to the WA where Z is. Z is doing her makeup. Nat and Meech ask if Z has done a pageant. Z says she did one once for a scholarship, but didn't win. Nat tells Z that she could win a Miss America pageant. Z says Nat Nat is her motivational speaker. Nat says I'm 4'11" and she placed top 15 in New York because she put her mind to it. Nat tells Z all she has to do is put her mind to it. Nat says she can't go any further bc of her height. Nat says that seeing herself on the stage with the taller girls, her body isn't as ascetically pleasing. Z says that's ridiculous. Nat said ppl doubted her going into that pageant. Z says ppl are assholes and you go girl. 

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10:24 pm bbt - Corey and James are in the KT with Bridge. They are putting away the clean dishes. James leaves and Nic walks into the KT. Bridge is telling Corey how to cook something. Corey says oh hey Nicole. He calls her a sleepy head. Nic asks what they've been doing, he says playing pool. Nic is surprised the outside is open. Nat comes into the KT. James comes into the KT. Nat leaves. Nic says she doesn't know why she's up, but then she says she wants ice cream. 

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10:28 pm bbt - BB says you're not allowed to talk about production. James says that comp was so long, Corey says dude, I wouldn't know, but I slept for a long time. Nic went to get ice cream. Corey and James tease Nic about eating ice cream in front of them bc they're HN. James tells Nic that Corey owes him 2800 dollars. James says so basically you have to pay. Meech and Z are in the WA. Meech is getting ready for the shower. Z asks about her makeup. Meech goes to get something from her room and walks through the KT. Nic asks her if she wants ice cream. Meech says she already has had some. James is asking about cooking corn beef hash. Bridge is telling him about the fat content. Meech comes back still in her towel. James is reading the can of the corn beef hash, he is shocked.  


10:32 pm bbt - Z and Meech are talking about the type of soap the have. Z says she wants so plain ass dove bc the irish spring doesn't agree with her skin and she wants to wash her ass. Meech talks about wishing to redo the veto comp. Meech starts to shower. James and Corey are still ready about the corn beef hash nutrients. 


10:35 pm bbt - Bridge, Nic, Corey and James are talking about sleeping during the comp. Corey says it was easy to sleep bc of his 3 beers. Nic says BEERS?! they were Mike's Hard, not beers. They talk about the flavors of Mike's Hard. James checks on the cooking hash. BB says please stop singing. Corey asks Nic whats the drunkest she's ever been. Bridge says oooh I want to hear that. Bridge asks her if she has ever blacked out. Nic says she thinks she did the Halloween after BB16. She's telling them about going out with her parents and friends in Ubley and drinking 2 sex on the beach drinks. She says it's super lame, and her mom was there so that was comforting. 



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10:38 pm bbt - Nic asks Corey what's the drunkest he's ever been. Corey says there are a couple of instances. Corey is thinking outloud. Corey tells them about Gigham Week at college, the first week at school. He says it's one big shit show the first week. Corey says he didn't drink in high school, so one of the first nights he decides to get drunk. Corey decided to get slammed and they drank a bottle of cherry Bacardi that they bought from someone. They had to put the liquor into water bottles to smuggle it. Corey says they get into the car with their friends. Corey says he remembers looking out the back window and already feeling drunk. Then he and his friend decided to chug the water bottles of rum while in the car. Corey says he remembers stumbling and trying to focus on one thing. They went to Martini street; Corey calls Martini street ratchet. The camera goes off of the them and we don't hear the rest of the story. 

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